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Sci Total Environ ; 869: 161697, 2023 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36690116


Nitrogen (N) deposition, a key process of atmospheric self-cleaning, represents an important pathway for nutrients and pollutants to ecosystems. Enhanced N deposition flux contributes to acidification, eutrophication and loss of biodiversity. N-NO3- concentrations in rime and snow were measured at 10 Czech plots situated in borderline mountains in 2009-2011 winters. The results were put in context with data-driven geostatistical modelling results of annual wet vertical and horizontal deposition. Our hypotheses were that: (i) rime and snow would be more polluted in the highly industrialized north than in the south, (ii) the N-NO3- concentrations would differ in the three winters studied, and (iii), that N-NO3- rime deposition is not negligible in Central European mountain ranges. Our results indicated that winter N-NO3- concentrations were significantly higher in rime than in snow and that there were much larger between-site differences in N-NO3- concentrations for rime than for snow. Relatively large differences were found between individual years. Atmospheric input of N-NO3- in winter was dominated by vertical deposition, i.e., snow. Modelled results showed that mean winter rime deposition corresponded to about 6-25 %, and mean winter snow deposition made up 25-72.5 % of mean annual N-NO3- wet-only deposition. Model N-NO3-occult deposition estimated from throughfall and total (wet and dry) deposition is highly uncertain, however: N throughfall is not a relevant proxy for estimation of realistic total N deposition due to N exchange between the tree canopy and atmosphere.

Sci Total Environ ; 664: 1107-1116, 2019 May 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30901784


From 2nd April 2008 to 28th March 2009, a total 248 daily samples of the PM2.5 and PM10 were collected every sixth day parallel at two suburban sites (Libus and Suchdol) located at the two opposite sides (south and north, respectively) of Prague, Czech Republic. The PM2.5 samples were analyzed for ions by ion chromatography (IC), organic and elemental carbon (OC and EC) by OC/EC analyzer and PM10 samples also for 56 elements by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The average annual PM2.5 and PM10 was 24.4 ±â€¯13.0 µg m-3 and 26.7 ±â€¯15.1 µg m-3, respectively, in Prague-Libus, and 25.1 ±â€¯22.1 µg m-3 and 27.1 ±â€¯23.2 µg m-3, respectively, in Prague-Suchdol. Since the species forming large part of the aerosol mass were strongly correlated (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient rs > 0.80), the variability of PM2.5 and PM10 concentration was mainly driven by the local meteorology or regional and/or long range transport. PM10 mass closure was calculated based on analytical results with the average percentage of recalculated mass of 77 ±â€¯19% in Prague-Libus and 86 ±â€¯16% in Prague-Suchdol. The most abundant groups in PM10 at both sites during the four seasons were OM (Prague-Libus 34% and Prague-Suchdol 37%) and SIA (Prague-Libus 30% and Prague-Suchdol 34%). The Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) was applied to the chemical composition of PM10 from both sites (124 samples) together to determine its sources. The nine factors were assigned as: mixed factor secondary sulphate and biomass burning, secondary sulphate, traffic, secondary nitrate, road dust, residential heating, aged sea salt, industry and mixed factor road salt along with aged sea salt. According to the polar plots and ventilation index (VI) east/west classification analysis the sources were separated based on origin to four categories local, urban agglomeration, regional and long range transport (LRT). The mixed source secondary sulphate and biomass burning, residential heating and industry were common sources of local origin at both sites. Prague-Suchdol was influenced by traffic related pollution from the urban agglomeration more than Prague-Libus where the traffic and road dust/salt were of local origin. The regional pollution by secondary sulphates and nitrate was also relevant at both sites along with long range transport of sea salt from North Atlantic Ocean, Norwegian Sea and North Sea. The contribution of the local sources to PM10 was significant mainly at Prague-Libus site. However, the sources of regional origin were also important and influence of urban agglomeration pollution to PM10 is not negligible as well.