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Phys Rev E ; 109(3-1): 034803, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38632733


Island nucleation and growth play an important role in thin-film growth. One quantity of particular interest is the exponent χ, which describes the dependence of the saturation island density N_{sat}∼(D_{h}/F)^{-χ} on the ratio D_{h}/F of the monomer hopping rate D_{h} to the deposition rate F. While standard rate equation (RE) theory predicts that χ=i/(i+2) (where i is the critical island size), more recently it has been predicted that in the presence of a strong barrier to the attachment of monomers to islands, a significantly larger value χ=2i/(i+3) may be observed. While this prediction has recently been tested using kinetic Monte Carlo simulations for the case of irreversible growth corresponding to i=1, it has not been tested for the case of reversible island growth corresponding to i>1. Here we present a mean-field self-consistent RE method which we have used to study the dependence of the effective value of χ on D_{h}/F and barrier-strength for i=1,2,3, and 6. Both the no-nucleation-barrier case in which there exists a barrier for monomers to attach to islands larger than the critical island size (but not to smaller islands) and the nucleation-barrier case in which there is a barrier for monomers to attach to islands of all sizes are studied. In all cases, we find that the existence of attachment barriers significantly increases the effective value of χ for a given barrier strength. In addition, for i=1 we find good agreement between our extrapolated asymptotic value of χ and the theoretical strong-barrier prediction both with and without a nucleation barrier. In contrast, for i>1 the value of χ is significantly larger in the presence of a nucleation barrier than in its absence. In particular, while an asymptotic analysis of our results for i>1 also leads to excellent agreement with the strong barrier prediction in the presence of a nucleation barrier, in the absence of a nucleation barrier the asymptotic values are significantly lower.