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Astron J ; 156(5)2018 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33510541


The search for exoplanets in the radio bands has been focused on detecting radio emissions produced by the interaction between magnetized planets and the stellar wind (auroral emission). Here we introduce a new tool, which is part of our MHD stellar corona model, to predict the ambient coronal radio emission and its modulations induced by a close planet. For simplicity, the present work assumes that the exoplanet is stationary in the frame rotating with the stellar rotation. We explore the radio flux modulations using a limited parameter space of idealized cases by changing the magnitude of the planetary field, its polarity, the planetary orbital separation, and the strength of the stellar field. We find that the modulations induced by the planet could be significant and observable in the case of hot Jupiter planets - above 100% modulation with respect to the ambient flux in the 10 - 100 MHz range in some cases, and 2-10% in the frequency bands above 250 MHz for some cases. Thus, our work indicates that radio signature of exoplanets might not be limited to low-frequency radio range. We find that the intensity modulations are sensitive to the planetary magnetic field polarity for short-orbit planets, and to the stellar magnetic field strength for all cases. The new radio tool, when applied to real systems, could provide predictions for the frequency range at which the modulations can be observed by current facilities.

Living Rev Sol Phys ; 15(1): 4, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30872981


The history and present state of large-scale magnetohydrodynamic modeling of the solar corona and the solar wind with steady or quasi-steady coronal physics is reviewed. We put the evolution of ideas leading to the recognition of the existence of an expanding solar atmosphere into historical context. The development and main features of the first generation of global corona and solar wind models are described in detail. This historical perspective is also applied to the present suite of global corona and solar wind models. We discuss the evolution of new ideas and their implementation into numerical simulation codes. We point out the scientific and computational challenges facing these models and discuss the ways various groups tried to overcome these challenges. Next, we discuss the latest, state-of-the art models and point to the expected next steps in modeling the corona and the interplanetary medium.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 81(3 Pt 2): 036412, 2010 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20365887


The emission from an electron in the field of a relativistically strong laser pulse is analyzed. At pulse intensities of J>or=2x10(22) W/cm(2) the emission from counterpropagating electrons is modified by the effects of quantum electrodynamics (QED), as long as the electron energy is sufficiently high: E>or=1 GeV . The radiation force experienced by an electron is for the first time derived from the QED principles and its applicability range is extended toward the QED-strong fields.

Phys Rev Lett ; 105(19): 195005, 2010 Nov 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21231176


QED effects are known to occur in a strong laser pulse interaction with a counterpropagating electron beam, among these effects being electron-positron pair creation. We discuss the range of laser pulse intensities of J≥5×10(22) W/cm2 combined with electron beam energies of tens of GeV. In this regime multiple pairs may be generated from a single beam electron, some of the newborn particles being capable of further pair production. Radiation backreaction prevents avalanche development and limits pair creation. The system of integro-differential kinetic equations for electrons, positrons and γ photons is derived and solved numerically.

Opt Lett ; 29(7): 778-80, 2004 Apr 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15072389


Lasers that provide an energy encompassed in a focal volume of a few cubic wavelengths (lambda3) can create relativistic intensity with maximal gradients using minimal energy. With particle-in-cell simulations we found that single 200-as pulses could be produced efficiently in a lambda3 laser pulse reflection by means of deflection and phase compression caused by the coherent motion of the plasma electrons that emit these pulses. This novel technique is efficient (approximately 10%) and can produce single attosecond pulses from the millijoule to the joule level.