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Microorganisms ; 10(3)2022 Mar 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35336197


Antarctic sea-ice is exposed to a wide range of environmental conditions during its annual existence; however, there is very little information describing the change in sea-ice-associated microbial communities (SIMCOs) during the changing seasons. It is well known that during the solar seasons, SIMCOs play an important role in the polar carbon-cycle, by increasing the total photosynthetic primary production of the South Ocean and participating in the remineralization of phosphates and nitrogen. What remains poorly understood is the dynamic of SIMCO populations and their ecological contribution to carbon and nutrient cycling throughout the entire annual life of Antarctic sea-ice, especially in winter. Sea ice at this time of the year is an extreme environment, characterized by complete darkness (which stops photosynthesis), extremely low temperatures in its upper horizons (down to -45 °C) and high salinity (up to 150-250 psu) in its brine inclusions, where SIMCOs thrive. Without a permanent station, wintering expeditions in Antarctica are technically difficult; therefore, in this study, the process of autumn freezing was modelled under laboratory conditions, and the resulting 'young ice' was further incubated in cold and darkness for one month. The ice formation experiment was primarily designed to reproduce two critical conditions: (i) total darkness, causing the photosynthesis to cease, and (ii) the presence of a large amount of algae-derived organic matter. As expected, in the absence of photosynthesis, the activity of aerobic heterotrophs quickly created micro-oxic conditions, which caused the emergence of new players, namely facultative anaerobic and anaerobic microorganisms. Following this finding, we can state that Antarctic pack-ice and its surrounding ambient (under-ice seawater and platelet ice) are likely to be very dynamic and can quickly respond to environmental changes caused by the seasonal fluctuations. Given the size of Antarctic pack-ice, even in complete darkness and cessation of photosynthesis, its ecosystem appears to remain active, continuing to participate in global carbon-and-sulfur cycling under harsh conditions.

Microorganisms ; 3(3): 500-17, 2015 Sep 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27682102


Microbial communities inhabiting the deep-sea salt-saturated anoxic lakes of the Eastern Mediterranean operate under harsh physical-chemical conditions that are incompatible with the lifestyle of common marine microorganisms. Here, we investigated a stable three-component microbial consortium obtained from the brine of the recently discovered deep-sea salt-saturated Lake Thetis. The trophic network of this consortium, established at salinities up to 240, relies on fermentative decomposition of common osmoprotectant glycine betaine (GB). Similarly to known extreme halophilic anaerobic GB-degrading enrichments, the initial step of GB degradation starts with its reductive cleavage to trimethylamine and acetate, carried out by the fermenting member of the Thetis enrichment, Halobacteroides lacunaris TB21. In contrast to acetate, which cannot be easily oxidized in salt-saturated anoxic environments, trimethylamine represents an advantageous C1-substrate for methylotrophic methanogenic member of the Thetis enrichment, Methanohalophilus sp. TA21. This second member of the consortium likely produces hydrogen via methylotrophic modification of reductive acetyl-CoA pathway because the initial anaerobic GB cleavage reaction requires the consumption of reducing equivalents. Ecophysiological role of the third member of the Thetis consortium, Halanaerobium sp. TB24, which lacks the capability of either GB or trimethylamine degradation, remains yet to be elucidated. As it is true for cultivated members of family Halanaerobiaceae, the isolate TB24 can obtain energy primarily by fermenting simple sugars and producing hydrogen as one of the end products. Hence, by consuming of TB21 and TA21 metabolites, Halanaerobium sp. TB24 can be an additional provider of reducing equivalents required for reductive degradation of GB. Description of the Thetis GB-degrading consortium indicated that anaerobic degradation of osmoregulatory molecules may play important role in the overall turnover of organic carbon in anoxic hypersaline biotopes.