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Sci Rep ; 11(1): 14447, 2021 07 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34262093


Current trends in biomedical research indicate data integration as a fundamental step towards precision medicine. In this context, network models allow representing and analysing complex biological processes. However, although effective in unveiling network properties, these models fail in considering the individual, biochemical variations occurring at molecular level. As a consequence, the analysis of these models partially loses its predictive power. To overcome these limitations, Weighted Nodes Networks (WNNets) were developed. WNNets allow to easily and effectively weigh nodes using experimental information from multiple conditions. In this study, the characteristics of WNNets were described and a proteomics data set was modelled and analysed. Results suggested that degree, an established centrality index, may offer a novel perspective about the functional role of nodes in WNNets. Indeed, degree allowed retrieving significant differences between experimental conditions, highlighting relevant proteins, and provided a novel interpretation for degree itself, opening new perspectives in experimental data modelling and analysis. Overall, WNNets may be used to model any high-throughput experimental data set requiring weighted nodes. Finally, improving the power of the analysis by using centralities such as betweenness may provide further biological insights and unveil novel, interesting characteristics of WNNets.

F1000Res ; 5: 2524, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29188012


Biological networks are becoming a fundamental tool for the investigation of high-throughput data in several fields of biology and biotechnology. With the increasing amount of information, network-based models are gaining more and more interest and new techniques are required in order to mine the information and to validate the results. We have developed an app for the Cytoscape platform which allows the creation of randomized networks and the randomization of existing, real networks. Since there is a lack of tools for generating and randomizing networks, our app helps researchers to exploit different, well known random network models which could be used as a benchmark for validating real datasets. We also propose a novel methodology for creating random weighted networks starting from experimental data. Finally the app provides a statistical tool which compares real versus random attributes, in order to validate all the numerical findings. In summary, our app aims at creating a standardised methodology for the validation of the results in the context of the Cytoscape platform.

F1000Res ; 4: 484, 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27781081


Network analysis is of growing interest in several fields ranging from economics to biology. Several methods have been developed to investigate different properties of physical networks abstracted as graphs, including quantification of specific topological properties, contextual data enrichment, simulation of pathway dynamics and visual representation. In this context, the PesCa app for the Cytoscape network analysis environment is specifically designed to help researchers infer and manipulate networks based on the shortest path principle. PesCa offers different algorithms allowing network reconstruction and analysis starting from a list of genes, proteins and in general a set of interconnected nodes. The app is useful in the early stage of network analysis, i.e. to create networks or generate clusters based on shortest path computation, but can also help further investigations and, in general, it is suitable for every situation requiring the connection of a set of nodes that apparently do not share links, such as isolated nodes in sub-networks. Overall, the plugin enhances the ability of discovering interesting and not obvious relations between high dimensional sets of interacting objects.

F1000Res ; 3: 139, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26594322


The growing dimension and complexity of the available experimental data generating biological networks have increased the need for tools that help in categorizing nodes by their topological relevance. Here we present CentiScaPe, a Cytoscape app specifically designed to calculate centrality indexes used for the identification of the most important nodes in a network. CentiScaPe is a comprehensive suite of algorithms dedicated to network nodes centrality analysis, computing several centralities for undirected, directed and weighted networks. The results of the topological analysis can be integrated with data set from lab experiments, like expression or phosphorylation levels for each protein represented in the network. Our app opens new perspectives in the analysis of biological networks, since the integration of topological analysis with lab experimental data enhance the predictive power of the bioinformatics analysis.