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Nature ; 443(7110): 409-14, 2006 Sep 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17006506


Phase transitions to quantum condensed phases--such as Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC), superfluidity, and superconductivity--have long fascinated scientists, as they bring pure quantum effects to a macroscopic scale. BEC has, for example, famously been demonstrated in dilute atom gas of rubidium atoms at temperatures below 200 nanokelvin. Much effort has been devoted to finding a solid-state system in which BEC can take place. Promising candidate systems are semiconductor microcavities, in which photons are confined and strongly coupled to electronic excitations, leading to the creation of exciton polaritons. These bosonic quasi-particles are 10(9) times lighter than rubidium atoms, thus theoretically permitting BEC to occur at standard cryogenic temperatures. Here we detail a comprehensive set of experiments giving compelling evidence for BEC of polaritons. Above a critical density, we observe massive occupation of the ground state developing from a polariton gas at thermal equilibrium at 19 K, an increase of temporal coherence, and the build-up of long-range spatial coherence and linear polarization, all of which indicate the spontaneous onset of a macroscopic quantum phase.

Phys Rev Lett ; 95(17): 177404, 2005 Oct 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16383868


We study exciton and biexciton spectra in disordered semiconductor quantum wires by means of nanophotoluminescence spectroscopy. We demonstrate a close link between the exciton localization length along the wire and the occurrence of a biexciton spectral line. The biexciton signature appears only if the corresponding exciton state extends over more than a few tens of nanometers. We also measure a nonmonotonous variation of the biexciton binding energy with decreasing exciton localization length. This behavior is quantitatively well reproduced by the solution of the single-band Schrödinger equation of the four-particle problem in a one-dimensional confining potential.

Phys Rev Lett ; 91(10): 107402, 2003 Sep 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-14525503


In a pump-probe experiment, we have been able to control, with phase-locked probe pulses, the ultrafast nonlinear optical emission of a semiconductor microcavity, arising from polariton parametric amplification. This evidences the coherence of the polariton population near k=0, even for delays much longer than the pulse width. The control of a large population at k=0 is possible although the probe pulses are much weaker than the large polarization they control. With rising pump power the dynamics of the scattering get faster. Just above threshold the parametric scattering process shows unexpected long coherence times, whereas when pump power is risen the contrast decays due to a significant pump reservoir depletion. The weak pulses at normal incidence control the whole angular emission pattern of the microcavity.

Nature ; 414(6865): 731-5, 2001 Dec 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11742394


Cavity polaritons, the elementary optical excitations of semiconductor microcavities, may be understood as a superposition of excitons and cavity photons. Owing to their composite nature, these bosonic particles have a distinct optical response, at the same time very fast and highly nonlinear. Very efficient light amplification due to polariton-polariton parametric scattering has recently been reported in semiconductor microcavities at liquid-helium temperatures. Here we demonstrate polariton parametric amplification up to 120 K in GaAlAs-based microcavities and up to 220 K in CdTe-based microcavities. We show that the cut-off temperature for the amplification is ultimately determined by the binding energy of the exciton. A 5-micrometer-thick planar microcavity can amplify a weak light pulse more than 5,000 times. The effective gain coefficient of an equivalent homogeneous medium would be 107 cm-1. The subpicosecond duration and high efficiency of the amplification could be exploited for high-repetition all-optical microscopic switches and amplifiers. 105 polaritons occupy the same quantum state during the amplification, realizing a dynamical condensate of strongly interacting bosons which can be studied at high temperature.

Ultramicroscopy ; 90(2-3): 97-101, 2001 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11942642


We report on a distance control system for low-temperature scanning near-field optical microscopy, based on quartz tuning fork as shear force sensor. By means of a particular tuning fork-optical fiber configuration, the sensor is electrically dithered by an applied alternate voltage, without any supplementary driving piezo, as done so far. The sensitivity in the approach direction is 0.2nm, and quality factors up to 2850 have been reached. No electronic components are needed close to the sensor, allowing to employ it in a liquid He environment. The system is extremely compact and allows for several hours of stability at 5 K.