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J Pharm Bioallied Sci ; 13(Suppl 1): S88-S91, 2021 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34447050


AIM OF THE STUDY: Need for our study was to evaluate a comparison between canal preparation ability of nickel-titanium (NiTi) hand files with step-back manual technique, of NiTi files installed on a reciprocating hand piece and of Wave-One files utilizing noninvasive cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) technique. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty extracted intact single-rooted human mandibular premolars were used in the study, segregated in three sets of 10 specimens each, where canal instrumentation was done by different methods using NiTi in step-back technique, using reciprocating hand piece with NiTi files and using primary file with the use of Wave-One reciprocating system. Later, evaluation of centering ability was conducted using the references through CBCT images. RESULTS: Hand NiTi files showed even less canal centering ability as compared to other two sets. Mesiodistal diameter at 9 mm length of the prepared canal was 1.06 and later was 0.98, which shows excessive preparation in case of Set I versus Set II. In case of comparison between Set III and Set I, mesiodistal diameter at 9 mm length of the prepared canal was 0.99, and later was 1.06, depicting better canal shaping ability with Wave-One file. CONCLUSION: The use of hand NiTi files installed on a reciprocating hand piece would be economically beneficial producing the similar results as that of wave one without any deviation from the original canal anatomy.