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Sci Rep ; 9(1): 14703, 2019 Oct 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31604993


Transport properties of a quantum dot coupled to a photon cavity are investigated using a quantum master equation in the steady-state regime. In the off-resonance regime, when the photon energy is smaller than the energy spacing between the lowest electron states of the quantum dot, we calculate the current that is generated by photon replica states as the electronic system is pumped with photons. Tuning the electron-photon coupling strength, the photocurrent can be enhanced by the influences of the photon polarization, and the cavity-photon coupling strength of the environment. We show that the current generated through the photon replicas is very sensitive to the photon polarization, but it is not strongly dependent on the average number of photons in the environment.

Nanomaterials (Basel) ; 9(7)2019 Jul 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31319544


We study the transport properties of a wire-dot system coupled to a cavity and a photon reservoir. The system is considered to be microstructured from a two-dimensional electron gas in a GaAs heterostructure. The 3D photon cavity is active in the far-infrared or the terahertz regime. Tuning the photon energy, Rabi-resonant states emerge and in turn resonant current peaks are observed. We demonstrate the effects of the cavity-photon reservoir coupling, the mean photon number in the reservoir, the electron-photon coupling and the photon polarization on the intraband transitions occurring between the Rabi-resonant states, and on the corresponding resonant current peaks. The Rabi-splitting can be controlled by the photon polarization and the electron-photon coupling strength. In the selected range of the parameters, the electron-photon coupling and the cavity-environment coupling strengths, we observe the results of the Purcell effect enhancing the current peaks through the cavity by increasing the cavity-reservoir coupling, while they decrease with increasing electron-photon coupling. In addition, the resonant current peaks are also sensitive to the mean number of photons in the reservoir.

Nanomaterials (Basel) ; 9(5)2019 May 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31091757


We theoretically investigate thermoelectric effects in a quantum dot system under the influence of a linearly polarized photon field confined to a 3D cavity. A temperature gradient is applied to the system via two electron reservoirs that are connected to each end of the quantum dot system. The thermoelectric current in the steady state is explored using a quantum master equation. In the presence of the quantized photons, extra channels, the photon replica states, are formed generating a photon-induced thermoelectric current. We observe that the photon replica states contribute to the transport irrespective of the direction of the thermal gradient. In the off-resonance regime, when the energy difference between the lowest states of the quantum dot system is smaller than the photon energy, the thermoelectric current is almost blocked and a plateau is seen in the thermoelectric current for strong electron-photon coupling strength. In the resonant regime, an inversion of thermoelectric current emerges due to the Rabi-splitting. Therefore, the photon field can change both the magnitude and the sign of the thermoelectric current induced by the temperature gradient in the absence of a voltage bias between the leads.

Beilstein J Nanotechnol ; 10: 606-616, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30873332


In this work, we theoretically model the time-dependent transport through an asymmetric double quantum dot etched in a two-dimensional wire embedded in a far-infrared (FIR) photon cavity. For the transient and the intermediate time regimes, the current and the average photon number are calculated by solving a Markovian master equation in the dressed-states picture, with the Coulomb interaction also taken into account. We predict that in the presence of a transverse magnetic field the interdot Rabi oscillations appearing in the intermediate and transient regime coexist with slower non-equilibrium fluctuations in the occupation of states for opposite spin orientation. The interdot Rabi oscillation induces charge oscillations across the system and a phase difference between the transient source and drain currents. We point out a difference between the steady-state correlation functions in the Coulomb blocking and the photon-assisted transport regimes.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 30(14): 145303, 2018 Apr 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29542443


The goal of this work is to show how the thermospin polarization current in a quantum ring changes in the presence of Rashba spin-orbit coupling and a quantized single photon mode of a cavity the ring is placed in. Employing the reduced density operator and a general master equation formalism, we find that both the Rashba interaction and the photon field can significantly modulate the spin polarization and the thermospin polarization current. Tuning the Rashba coupling constant, degenerate energy levels are formed corresponding to the Aharonov-Casher destructive phase interference in the quantum ring system. Our analysis indicates that the maximum spin polarization can be observed at the points of degenerate energy levels due to spin accumulation in the system without the photon field. The thermospin current is thus suppressed. In the presence of the cavity, the photon field leads to an additional kinetic momentum of the electron. As a result the spin polarization can be enhanced by the photon field.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 28(37): 375301, 2016 09 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27420809


We investigate theoretically the balance of the static magnetic and the dynamical photon forces in the electron transport through a quantum dot in a photon cavity with a single photon mode. The quantum dot system is connected to external leads and the total system is exposed to a static perpendicular magnetic field. We explore the transport characteristics through the system by tuning the ratio, [Formula: see text], between the photon energy, [Formula: see text], and the cyclotron energy, [Formula: see text]. Enhancement in the electron transport with increasing electron-photon coupling is observed when [Formula: see text]. In this case the photon field dominates and stretches the electron charge distribution in the quantum dot, extending it towards the contact area for the leads. Suppression in the electron transport is found when [Formula: see text], as the external magnetic field causes circular confinement of the charge density around the dot.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 27(20): 205302, 2015 May 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25950153


We investigate the quantum transport properties of multichannel nanoribbons made of materials described by the Dirac equation, under an in-plane magnetic field. In the low energy regime, positive and negative finger-gate potentials allow the electrons to make intra-subband transitions via hole-like or electron-like quasibound states (QBS), respectively, resulting in dips in the conductance. In the high energy regime, double dip structures in the conductance are found, attributed to spin-flip or spin-nonflip inter-subband transitions through the QBSs. Inverting the finger-gate polarity offers the possibility to manipulate the spin polarized electronic transport to achieve a controlled spin-switch.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 27(8): 085801, 2015 Mar 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25654308


We investigate double finger gate (DFG) controlled spin-resolved resonant transport properties in an n-type quantum channel with a Rashba-Zeeman (RZ) subband energy gap. By appropriately tuning the DFG in the strong Rashba coupling regime, resonant state structures in conductance can be found that are sensitive to the length of the DFG system. Furthermore, a hole-like bound state feature below the RZ gap and an electron-like quasi-bound state feature at the threshold of the upper spin branch can be found that is insensitive to the length of the DFG system.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 27(1): 015301, 2015 Jan 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25425564


We investigate coherent electron-switching transport in a double quantum waveguide system in a perpendicular static or vanishing magnetic field. The finite symmetric double waveguide is connected to two semi-infinite leads from both ends. The double waveguide can be defined as two parallel finite quantum wires or waveguides coupled via a window to facilitate coherent electron inter-wire transport. By tuning the length of the coupling window, we observe oscillations in the net charge current and a maximum electron conductance for the energy levels of the two waveguides in resonance. The importance of the mutual Coulomb interaction between the electrons and the influence of two-electron states is clarified by comparing results with and without the interaction. Even though the Coulomb interaction can lift two-electron states out of the group of active transport states the length of the coupling window can be tuned to locate two very distinct transport modes in the system in the late transient regime before the onset of a steady state. A static external magnetic field and quantum-dots formed by side gates (side quantum dots) can be used to enhance the inter-waveguide transport which can serve to implement a quantum logic device. The fact that the device can be operated in the transient regime can be used to enhance its speed.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 25(46): 465302, 2013 Nov 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24132041


We investigate transient transport of electrons through a single quantum dot controlled by a plunger gate. The dot is embedded in a finite wire with length Lx assumed to lie along the x-direction with a parabolic confinement in the y-direction. The quantum wire, originally with hard-wall confinement at its ends, ±Lx/2, is weakly coupled at t = 0 to left and right leads acting as external electron reservoirs. The central system, the dot and the finite wire, is strongly coupled to a single cavity photon mode. A non-Markovian density-matrix formalism is employed to take into account the full electron-photon interaction in the transient regime. In the absence of a photon cavity, a resonant current peak can be found by tuning the plunger-gate voltage to lift a many-body state of the system into the source-drain bias window. In the presence of an x-polarized photon field, additional side peaks can be found due to photon-assisted transport. By appropriately tuning the plunger-gate voltage, the electrons in the left lead are allowed to undergo coherent inelastic scattering to a two-photon state above the bias window if initially one photon was present in the cavity. However, this photon-assisted feature is suppressed in the case of a y-polarized photon field due to the anisotropy of our system caused by its geometry.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 86(4 Pt 2): 046701, 2012 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23214704


We outline a rigorous method which can be used to solve the many-body Schrödinger equation for a Coulomb interacting electronic system in an external classical magnetic field as well as a quantized electromagnetic field. Effects of the geometry of the electronic system as well as the polarization of the quantized electromagnetic field are explicitly taken into account. We accomplish this by performing repeated truncations of many-body spaces in order to keep the size of the many particle basis on a manageable level. The electron-electron and electron-photon interactions are treated in a nonperturbative manner using "exact numerical diagonalization." Our results demonstrate that including the diamagnetic term in the photon-electron interaction Hamiltonian drastically improves numerical convergence. Additionally, convergence with respect to the number of photon states in the joint photon-electron Fock space basis is fast. However, the convergence with respect to the number of electronic states is slow and is the main bottleneck in calculations.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 19(17): 176224, 2007 Apr 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21690969


We consider a charged particle driven by a time-dependent flux threading a quantum ring. The dynamics of the charged particle is investigated using a classical treatment, a Fourier expansion technique, a time-evolution method, and the Lewis-Riesenfeld approach. We have shown that, by properly managing the boundary conditions, a time-dependent wavefunction can be obtained using a general non-Hermitian time-dependent invariant, which is a specific linear combination of initial angular-momentum and azimuthal-angle operators. It is shown that the linear invariant eigenfunction can be realized as a Gaussian-type wavepacket with a peak moving along the classical angular trajectory, while the distribution of the wavepacket is determined by the ratio of the coefficient of the initial angle to that of the initial canonical angular momentum. From the topologically nontrivial nature as well as the classical trajectory and angular momentum, one can determine the dynamical motion of the wavepacket. It should be noted that the peak position is no longer an expectation value of the angle operator, and hence the Ehrenfest theorem is not directly applicable in such a topologically nontrivial system.