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Eur J Transl Myol ; 34(3)2024 Aug 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39221597


The article summarizes the results of our own scientific and practical research on biopuncture (or pharmacopuncture) - local stimulation of acupuncture points with small doses of drugs or other agents. The "object" of the work was dorsopathies at the lumbosacral level, the choice of which was explained by the widest coverage of the population, the protracted course and the severity of the consequences. In the course of the research, the addition and even potentiation of the reflex and drug links of the method under consideration was noted. In particular, favorable changes in the status of patients observed against the background of biopuncture by complex agents were accompanied by a significant improvement in the results of psychological and electrophysiological examination. In a series of studies on biopuncture with Alflutop, a significant superiority of this approach over the compared methods was manifested, in addition to clinical effects, in structurally-modifying changes in the intervertebral discs. Using the same drug, an original scheme of therapeutic action was proposed, combining the techniques of drug blockade and pharmacopuncture. Special attention should be paid to the fact that the effectiveness of biopuncture is enhanced due to the combined use of modern hardware techniques. In a series of separate studies, the efficacy of biopuncture with essential oils in dorsopathies was confirmed, largely explained by the cumulative effects.

Eur J Transl Myol ; 33(3)2023 Aug 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37565256


Overweight and obesity is a multifactorial, multisystem disease declared a global epidemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) as early as in 1997. At least 30% of the working-age population in Russia is overweight. Only the use of physical activity as an integral (basic) part of obesity treatment and maintenance of the body weight achieved in the course of treatment can achieve durable and long-lasting treatment results as well as significant changes in the body structure (fat/non-fat body weight ratio). Terrainkur (therapeutic walking) is a method of spa treatment that combines climatotherapy and physical therapy. One of the problems in physical activity in obese people is the difficulty they experience in exercising due to the impaired walking pattern caused by imbalances in the muscle chains, including pelvic region, cervical region, which reduces endurance and commitment to physical activity. The study found that the exposure group (Terrainkur) showed lower values of "total fat", "metabolic age", "basic caloric value" compared to initial results and the control group; the exposure group (Terrainkur) showed a decrease in the deviation of the centre of body axis projection from the proper axis, the percentage of non-compliance with the proper fluctuations of the foot underextension. These changes contributed to the elimination of terrainkur restrictions and, as a result, improved the patient compliance during the terrainkur exercises.

Eur J Transl Myol ; 32(3)2022 Jul 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35801635


The characteristic resistance of dorsopathies to conventional therapy explains the attention to new technologies that combine several therapeutic links and, in particular, ozone therapy. The study involved 90 patients under the age of 55 in the exacerbation phase of lumbar and sacrum dorsopathy with the leading vascular component. The patients were divided into three groups, in which basic medical and physical treatment was given. At the same time, ozone therapy was used the first two groups: the 1st group received standard ozone therapy, with a predominant selection of algic zones, the 2nd - according to the rules of biopuncture, affecting the complex of segmental, distant and "vascular" points. In the 3rd control group, the correction was limited to a standard therapeutic complex. The verification of the observed changes was carried out through clinical, psychological and electrophysiological analysis. As a result, both ozone therapy schemes (effective in 69% and 73% of observations respectively) were found to have a reliable advantage over the base complex, where 49% of patients demonstrated improvement. Differences within the ozone therapy groups themselves related to the achievement of a stable effect (in the 2nd group 2.6 days earlier) and the degree of reduction of vaso-reflex reactions (observed in 50% and 75% of observations respectively). Thus, by bringing in additional control methods, it has been proven that the implementation of ozone therapy in compliance with the rules of biopuncture ensures faster and more sustainable effects.

Eur J Transl Myol ; 32(3)2022 Jul 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35838578


The article presents the results of neuropsychological remote and face-to-face testing of 25 children aged 12 to 17 years in the nearest (during and 1-2 weeks after the treatment) and later period (2-12 months) after COVID-19 infection with predominant respiratory tract infection, organized in Ekaterinburg in the State Autonomous Institution "Children's Hospital № 8". Indication of family contact with patients with a new coronavirus infection was found in all patients, a positive nasopharyngeal swab for SARS-CoV-2 RNA by PCR was found in 58%, non-focal neurological complaints were found in 54% of children. The control group consisted of 25 pupils of Moscow comprehensive schools (14 girls and 11 boys) aged between 12 and 16 years who were examined before the pandemic. The methods included: investigation of the kinesthetic, spatial, dynamic, graphic praxis; auditory-motor coordination; visual, object-constructive gnosis; auditory-speech, visual memory; voluntary attention; thinking. Significant differences with the results of neuropsychological tests performed in children in the control group were found, allowing us to assert impairment of memory, attention, visual gnosis, visual-spatial function, kinesthetic and dynamic praxis, verbal and non-verbal component of thinking. According to A.R. Luria's theory, the topic of the disorders involves the temporo-parieto-occipital, mediobasal, frontotemporal parts of the brain, the reticular formation and limbic structures. This necessitates the development of corrective educational programs and an in-depth diagnostic algorithm that determines the morphological substrate of cognitive disorders in children, who have undergone COVID-19.

Eur J Transl Myol ; 31(4)2021 Dec 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34911289


Arterial hypertension (AH) is a burning problem in the world. Antihypertensive pharmacological therapy combined by physical exercises is well-studied in patients with mild and moderate AH. However, studies that have investigated relaxation in patients with severe AH in addition to drug therapy are lacking. Optimization of a comprehensive treatment for patients with severe AH, by using a multicomponent rational antihypertensive pharmacotherapy (PT) with subsequent application of relaxation exercise therapy (RET). The study involved 32 male patients with severe AH. Initially, clinical-instrumental and laboratory examination, blood pressure registration and daily arterial blood pressure monitoring were carried out. Suitable PT was selected for all the patients. 3 months after starting PT the patients were divided in 2 groups. The patients of the 1st group were prescribed RET in addition to PT. The 2nd group of patients continued receiving PT alone. 3 months later, average daily blood pressure (ADBP)-syst and ADBP-diast were compared in both groups. Three months after PT both groups demonstrated a significant decrease in ADBP-syst and ADBP diast, but these indicators remained higher than normal and did not reach the target level. Three months after the inclusion of RET in the comprehensive treatment, the 1st group demonstrated a significant decrease in ADBP (systolic and diastolic), not only in comparison with the initial data, but also with the data observed three months after PT. After 6 months, ADBP-syst and ADBP-diast in the 1st group were significantly lower compared with those of patients in the 2nd group. The inclusion of RET in addition to a multicomponent antihypertensive PT is a promising treatment option for severe AH.

Eur J Transl Myol ; 31(2)2021 May 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33985320


The world's practice has shown the importance of medical rehabilitation, which allows increasing the effectiveness of treatment of patients with COVID-19, and also significantly reduce the risks of developing complications after COVID-19. Moreover, timely medical rehabilitation reduces the frequency of disability retirement. We developed and investigated the effectiveness of the telemedicine platform "COVIDREHAB" in order to enhance the effectiveness of the recovery period during self-isolation, as well as to provide access to rehabilitation for patients residing in remote areas or unable to undergo in-person medical rehabilitation. This pilot open clinical study includes 178 patients (108 women and 70 men) aged 32 to 82 years [mean age 50 (33-56) years] who had a moderate disease of COVID-19. We used the specialised platform COVIDREHAB for remote monitoring of the rehabilitation efficiency of patients who suffered from COVID-19. During the study, the supervising doctor assigned the patient a set of specialised questionnaires, which were filled in online. The questionnaires distributed to the patient included questions specifically designed for the COVIDREHAB remote platform as well as the mMRC (Modified Medical Research Council) questionnaire. Patients who completed the remote rehabilitation programme were found to have positive dynamics of indicators of the respiratory system functional state, and complaints.Pulmonary rehabilitation is an important part of case management for patients with respiratory diseases and plays an active role in improving lung function and general well-being of patients. Patients who completed the comprehensive medical rehabilitation program using the information and analytical system COVIDREHAB, were found to have positive dynamics of indicators of the respiratory system functional state, and complaints. Hence, at the end of the course the shortness of breath severity decreased (from 34.8% to 12.4%, as well as the feeling of lack of oxygen from 32% to 17.4%, p <0.05). We anticipate the online approach to rehabilitation will improve the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, restore physical function, reduce anxiety and depression, and restore quality of life. An essential benefit of this program is the prevention of secondary complications and reduction of serious adverse effects of COVID-19 treatment."