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Inorg Chem ; 60(21): 16652-16657, 2021 Nov 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34664949


The synthesis and characterization of the double perovskite SrLaLiOsO6 is presented. It is isostructural (P21/n) and isoelectronic (5d2) with SrLaMgReO6, which has been reported previously. The cell volumes are the same to within 1.4%: i.e., these perovskites are doppelgängers. In a previous study SrLaMgReO6 showed no sign of spin order to 2 K. New data at lower temperatures disclose a maximum in the dc susceptibility near 1.5 K. As the Curie-Weiss (C-W) temperature (Θ) for this material is -161 K, an enormous frustration index, f ≈ 100, is implied (f = |Θ|/Tord). On the other hand, SrLaLiOsO6 does not follow the C-W law over the investigated susceptibility range, 2-300 K. Fitting with an added temperature independent term (TIP) gives µeff = 1.96 µB, Θ = -102 K, and TIP = 1.01 × 10-3 emu/mol. A clear zero-field-cooled (ZFC), field-cooled (FC) divergence in the dc data occurs at ∼10 K, suggesting a much reduced frustration index, f ≈ 10, relative to SrLaMgReO6. The real part of the ac susceptibility data, χ'max, shows a frequency shift that is consistent with a spin glass ground state according to the Mydosh criterion. Heat capacity data for SrLaLiOsO6 show no sign of a λ peak at 10 K and a linear dependence on temperature below 10 K, also supporting a spin glass ground state. A spin frozen ground state for SrLaMgReO6 could not be established from χ' data due to a much weaker signal. Nonetheless, the 10-fold difference in f between these doppelgänger materials is remarkable. It is possible that the enhanced covalency with the oxide ligands for Os6+ relative to Re5+ plays a major role here. Finally, a comparison with isostructural La2LiReO6 (with a much smaller f ≈ 4) is made and a correlation between the frustration level and the sense of the local distortion of the Re(Os)-O octahedron is pointed out.

Inorg Chem ; 57(16): 9782-9785, 2018 Aug 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30067337


A magnetic solid with weak spin frustration tends to adopt a noncollinear magnetic structure such as a cycloidal structure below a certain temperature and a spin-density wave (SDW) slightly above this temperature. The causes for these observations were explored by studying the magnetic structure of BaYFeO4, which undergoes a SDW and a cycloidal phase transition below 48 and 36 K, respectively, in terms of the density functional theory calculations. We show that a SDW structure arises from a superposition of two magnetic states of opposite chirality, an SDW state precedes a chiral magnetic state because of the lattice relaxation, and whether a SDW is transversal or longitudinal is governed by the magnetic anisotropy of magnetic ions.

Dalton Trans ; 46(4): 1145-1152, 2017 Jan 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28054073


Neutron pair distribution function data are used to investigate the local structures of two oxygen deficient perovskites with simple cubic crystal structures. La0.5Ba0.5MnO2.5 is found to have alternating layers of MnO6 octahedra and MnO4 tetrahedra, making it similar to other members of the La1-xBaxMnO2.5 series with smaller x values which have brownmillerite crystal structures. Our fitting results suggest that La0.5Ba0.5MnO2.5 is not locally similar to any one brownmillerite structure type but instead has a variety of intra-layer and inter-layer relationships. We propose that this could be due to short range segregation of the much differently sized La3+ and Ba2+ cations, which creates significantly different inter-layer distances. BaY0.25Fe0.75O2.5 is found not to have a brownmillerite-type local structure but rather seems to consist of structural units which are similar to Ba3YFe2O7.5, an earlier member of the BanYFen-1O2.5n series. The PDF analysis shows that there are never neighboring Y atoms and that the O vacancies lie exclusively between Fe atoms, such that Y is always octahedrally coordinated. The PDF also suggests that there are more tetrahedral Fe than expected, which could be due to the presence of terminal O atoms in Fe centered dimeric units, similar to what is found in Ba3YFe2O7.5.

Inorg Chem ; 55(20): 10701-10713, 2016 Oct 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27700052


Double perovskites (DP) of the general formula Ba2MReO6, where M = Mg, Zn, and Y2/3, all based on Re6+ (5d1, t2g1), were synthesized and studied using magnetization, heat capacity, muon spin relaxation, and neutron-scattering techniques. All are cubic, Fm3̅m, at ambient temperature to within the resolution of the X-ray and neutron diffraction data, although the muon data suggest the possibility of a local distortion for M = Mg. The M = Mg DP is a ferromagnet, Tc = 18 K, with a saturation moment ∼0.3 bohr magnetons at 3 K. There are two anomalies in the heat capacity: a sharp feature at 18 K and a broad maximum centered near 33 K. The total entropy loss below 45 K is 9.68 e.u., which approaches R ln 4 (11.52 e.u.) supporting a j = 3/2 ground state. The unit cell constants of Ba2MgReO6 and the isostructural, isoelectronic analogue, Ba2LiOsO6, differ by only 0.1%, yet the latter is an anti-ferromagnet. The M = Zn DP also appears to be a ferromagnet, Tc = 11 K, µsat(Re) = 0.1 µB. In this case the heat capacity shows a somewhat broad peak near 10 K and a broader maximum at ∼33 K, behavior that can be traced to a smaller particle size, ∼30 nm, for this sample. For both M = Mg and Zn, the low-temperature magnetic heat capacity follows a T3/2 behavior, consistent with a ferromagnetic spin wave. An attempt to attribute the broad 33 K heat capacity anomalies to a splitting of the j = 3/2 state by a crystal distortion is not supported by inelastic neutron scattering, which shows no transition at the expected energy of ∼7 meV nor any transition up to 100 meV. However, the results for the two ferromagnets are compared to the theory of Chen, Pereira, and Balents, and the computed heat capacity predicts the two maxima observed experimentally. The M = Y2/3 DP, with a significantly larger cell constant (3%) than the ferromagnets, shows predominantly anti-ferromagnetic correlations, and the ground state is complex with a spin frozen component Tg = 16 K from both direct current and alternating current susceptibility and µSR data but with a persistent dynamic component. The low-temperature heat capacity shows a T1 power law. The unit cell constant of B = Y2/3 is less than 1% larger than that of the ferromagnetic Os7+ (5d1) DP, Ba2NaOsO6.

J Am Chem Soc ; 138(8): 2724-31, 2016 Mar 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26840063


We demonstrate that the action of physical pressure, chemical compression, or aliovalent substitution in ACo2As2 (A = Eu and Ca) has a general consequence of causing these antiferromagnetic materials to become ferromagnets. In all cases, the mixed valence triggered at the electropositive A site results in the increase of the Co 3d density of states at the Fermi level. Remarkably, the dramatic alteration of magnetic behavior results from the very minor (<0.15 electron) change in the population of the 3d orbitals. The mixed valence state of Eu observed in the high-pressure (HP) form of EuCo2As2 exhibits a remarkable stability, achieving the average oxidation state of +2.25 at 12.6 GPa. In the case of CaCo2As2, substituting even 10% of Eu or La into the Ca site causes ferromagnetic ordering of Co moments. Similar to HP-EuCo2As2, the itinerant 3d ferromagnetism emerges from electronic doping into the Co layer because of chemical compression of Eu sites in Ca0.9Eu0.1Co1.91As2 or direct electron doping in Ca0.85La0.15Co1.89As2. The results reported herein demonstrate the general possibility of amplifying minor localized electronic effects to achieve major changes in material's properties via involvement of strongly correlated electrons.

Dalton Trans ; 44(23): 10806-16, 2015 Jun 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25740594


Four new double perovskites, SrLaMReO(6) (M = Mg, Mn, Co, Ni) in which Re(5+) (5d(2)) is present, were prepared via conventional solid state reactions and characterized by X-ray and neutron powder diffraction, XANES, SQUID magnetometry, and muon spin relaxation (µSR). Synchrotron X-ray and neutron diffraction experiments confirmed that all compounds crystallize in the monoclinic P2(1)/n structure type, which consists of alternately corner-shared octahedra of MO(6) and ReO(6). Rietveld refinement results indicated anti-site mixing of less than 7% on the M/Re sites. Bond valence sum calculations (BVS) suggest all M and Re ions are 2+ and 5+, respectively, and for the Mn-containing phase this is also supported by XANES measurements. All of the materials are paramagnetic at room-temperature and their Curie-Weiss temperatures are positive (except for Mg) indicating net ferromagnetic interactions. No evidence for long-range magnetic order is evident in the dc magnetic susceptibility and µSR measurements for SrLaMgReO(6) to 2 K. The Mn-phase shows long-range order at T(C) = 190 K and neutron diffraction revealed a ferromagnetic structure with a refined net moment of ∼3.7µ(B). Both Co- and Ni-containing phases exhibit spin glass behavior at T(G) = 23 and 30 K, respectively, which is supported by neutron diffraction and a.c. susceptibility data. The structure and physical properties of these four new rhenium based ordered double perovskites are compared to the closely related "pillared perovskites", La(5)Re(3)MO(16), the isoelectronic Os(6+) (5d(2)) double perovskite Sr(2)CoOsO(6), and the Re(6+) (5d(1)) double perovskites, Sr(2)MReO(6), (M = Mg, Ca, Mn, Co, Ni).

Inorg Chem ; 53(2): 1122-7, 2014 Jan 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24405325


The novel iron-based compound, BaYFeO4, crystallizes in the Pnma space group with two distinct Fe(3+) sites, that are alternately corner-shared [FeO5](7-) square pyramids and [FeO6](9-) octahedra, forming into [Fe4O18](24-) rings, which propagate as columns along the b-axis. A recent report shows two discernible antiferromagnetic (AFM) transitions at 36 and 48 K in the susceptibility, yet heat capacity measurements reveal no magnetic phase transitions at these temperatures. An upturn in the magnetic susceptibility measurements up to 400 K suggests the presence of short-range magnetic behavior at higher temperatures. In this Article, variable-temperature neutron powder diffraction and high-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements were performed to clarify the magnetic behavior. Neutron powder diffraction confirmed that the two magnetic transitions observed at 36 and 48 K are due to long-range magnetic order. Below 48 K, the magnetic structure was determined as a spin-density wave (SDW) with a propagation vector, k = (0, 0, (1)/3), and the moments along the b-axis, whereas the structure becomes an incommensurate cycloid [k = (0, 0, ∼0.35)] below 36 K with the moments within the bc-plane. However, for both cases the ordered moments on Fe(3+) are only of the order ∼3.0 µB, smaller than the expected values near 4.5 µB, indicating that significant components of the Fe moments remain paramagnetic to the lowest temperature studied, 6 K. Moreover, new high-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements revealed a peak maximum at ∼550 K indicative of short-range spin correlations. It is postulated that most of the magnetic entropy is thus removed at high temperatures which could explain the absence of heat capacity anomalies at the long-range ordering temperatures. Published spin dimer calculations, which appear to suggest a k = (0, 0, 0) magnetic structure, and allow for neither low dimensionality nor geometric frustration, are inadequate to explain the observed complex magnetic structure.

J Am Chem Soc ; 135(25): 9553-7, 2013 Jun 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23731263


AlFe2B2 was prepared by two alternative synthetic routes, arc melting and synthesis from Ga flux. In the layered crystal structure, infinite chains of B atoms are connected by Fe atoms into two-dimensional [Fe2B2] slabs that alternate with layers of Al atoms. As expected from the theoretical analysis of electronic band structure, the compound exhibits itinerant ferromagnetism, with the ordering temperature of 307 K. The measurement of magnetocaloric effect (MCE) as a function of applied magnetic field reveals isothermal entropy changes of 4.1 J kg(-1) K(-1) at 2 T and 7.7 J kg(-1) K(-1) at 5 T. These are the largest values observed near room temperature for any metal boride and for any magnetic material of the vast 122 family of layered structures. Importantly, AlFe2B2 represents a rare case of a lightweight material prepared from earth-abundant, benign reactants which exhibits a substantial MCE while not containing any rare-earth elements.

Inorg Chem ; 50(20): 10274-83, 2011 Oct 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21919479


To explore the evolution of magnetic properties from ferromagnetic LaCo(2)P(2) to paramagnetic LaFe(2)P(2) (both of ThCr(2)Si(2) structure type) a series of mixed composition LaFe(x)Co(2-x)P(2) (x ≤ 0.5) has been comprehensively investigated by means of single-crystal and powder X-ray and neutron diffraction, magnetization and heat capacity measurements, Mössbauer spectroscopy, and electronic band structure calculations. The Curie temperature decreases from 132 K in LaCo(2)P(2) to 91 K in LaFe(0.05)Co(1.95)P(2). The ferromagnetic ordering is suppressed at higher Fe content. LaFe(0.1)Co(1.9)P(2) and LaFe(0.2)Co(1.8)P(2) demonstrate spin-glass-like behavior, which was also confirmed by the absence of characteristic features of long-range magnetic ordering, namely, a λ-type anomaly in the heat capacity, a hyperfine splitting in the Mössbauer spectrum, and magnetic reflections in the neutron diffraction pattern. Finally, both LaFe(0.3)Co(1.7)P(2) and LaFe(0.5)Co(1.5)P(2) exhibit paramagnetic behavior down to 1.8 K. The unit cell parameters of the mixed compounds do not follow the Vegard behavior as the increase in the Fe content results in the decrease of average M-M distances (M = Fe, Co). Quantum-chemical calculations and crystal orbital Hamiltonian population analysis reveal that upon aliovalent (nonisoelectronic) substitution of Fe for Co the antibonding character of M-M interactions is reduced while the Fermi level is shifted below the DOS peak in the 3d metal subband. As the result, at higher Fe content the Stoner criterion is not satisfied and no magnetic ordering is observed.

Chem Commun (Camb) ; 47(19): 5563-5, 2011 May 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21483911


LaCo(2)As(2) can be synthesized as pure crystalline material by annealing a mixture of elements in Bi flux. The reaction, however, is accompanied by the incorporation of a small quantity of Bi into the structure and the formation of vacancies in the Co sublattice, which lead to substantial changes in structural and magnetic properties of the material.