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Rev. estomatol. Hered ; 32(1): 52-60, ene.-mar 2022. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389062


RESUMEN Tradicionalmente, el hidróxido de calcio (HC) era considerado el material de elección para el recubrimiento pulpar directo (RPD); pero esto ha cambiado con los años debido a las distintas desventajas que presenta. Los cementos a base de silicato de calcio (CSC) tienen propiedades ventajosas al compararlos con el HC como: bioactividad, biocompatibilidad, menor tiempo de fraguado, capacidad de sellado y resistencia, por lo que son usados en una variedad de procedimientos endodónticos, entre ellos el RPD. El presente artículo de revisión recopila información a partir de la búsqueda manual de artículos originales de investigación científica y revisiones de literatura de la base de datos de Medline/PubMed. Se describen las variedades de CSC, su mecanismo de acción, desventajas, factores relacionados y tasas de éxito clínico en su aplicación en casos de RPD.

ABSTRACT Traditionally, calcium hydroxide (HC) was considered the material of choice for direct pulp capping (RPD); but this has changed over the years due to the various disadvantages it presents. Calcium silicate-based cements (CSC) have properties that are advantageous to HC such as: bioactivity, biocompatibility, shorter setting time, sealing capacity and resistance, which they are used in a variety of endodontic procedures, including RPD.This review article compiles information from the manual search of original scientific research articles and literature reviews of the Medline / PubMed database. The varieties of CSC, their mechanism of action, disadvantages, related factors and rates of clinical success in their application in cases of RPD are described.

Rev. ecuat. pediatr ; 22(3): 1-14, 30 de diciembre del 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1352441


Introducción: El etiquetado nutricional es una herramienta gráfica para notificar al consumidor sobre las propiedades nutricionales de un alimento lo que facilita su selección. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la influencia del etiquetado nutricional y los factores socioeconómicos, culturales, demográficos, publicitarios en la selección de alimentos en un grupo de padres de niños entre 5-11 años en dos unidades educativas públicas y privadas de Quito. Métodos: Con diseño mixto, cuantitativo- transversal y cualitativa interpretativa se analizó una muestra de opiniones de 240 padres en las Unidades Educativas (UE) Nueva Aurora (Privada) y 235 padres en la UE Julio María Matovelle (Pública) de Quito. Se realizaron tres grupos focales, grabados y transcriptos de forma textual y se aplicó un cuestionario. El paquete esta-dístico usado fue SPSS v24.0. Resultados: Hubo mayor consumo de alimentos procesados en la UE Privada n=79/240 (32.9%). Selección por fácil preparación (39.2% UE Privada y 46.4% UE Pública). El 54.2 % y 57 % de los padres ven publicidad en la televisión. El conocimiento del etiquetado fue superior en la UE privada (94.9%; n=223). Asociación entre edad [OR: 2.3; IC 95%: 1.08-5.04] instrucción [OR: 3.95; IC 95%: 2.12-7.37], exposición a la publicidad [OR: 0.62; IC 95%: 0.36-1.05] y conocimientos (P<0.05). La actitud se asoció con el nivel de instrucción [OR: 2.57; IC 95%: 1.62-4.09] e ingresos (P<0.05). Análisis cualitativo: grado de conocimiento y publicidad elevados, con un impacto importante en la selección de los alimentos. Conclusiones: El conocimiento sobre el etiquetado nutricional fue elevado; pero no fue el principal factor para seleccionar alimentos. El tiempo de preparación y el sabor fueron más importantes que las especificaciones nutricionales

Introduction: Nutrition labeling is a graphic tool to notify consumers about the nutritional properties of a food, which facilitates their selection. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of nutri-tional labeling and socioeconomic, cultural, demographic, and advertising factors on food selection in a group of parents of children between 5-11 years old in two public and private educational units in Quito. Methods: With a mixed, quantitative-transversal and qualitative interpretative design, a sample of opin-ions of 240 parents in the Educational Units (EU) Nueva Aurora (Fiscal) and 235 parents in the EU Julio María Matovelle (Private) of Quito was analyzed. Three focus groups were carried out, recorded and transcribed textually, and a questionnaire was administered. The statistical package used was SPSS v24.0. Results: There was a higher consumption of processed foods in the private EU n = 79/240 (32.9%). Selection for easy preparation (39.2% Private EU and 46.4% Public EU). 54.2% and 57% of parents see advertising on television. Knowledge of labeling was higher in the private EU (94.9%; n = 223). Association between age [OR: 2.3; 95% CI: 1.08-5.04] instruction [OR: 3.95; 95% CI: 2.12-7.37], exposure to advertising [OR: 0.62; 95% CI: 0.36-1.05] and knowledge (P <0.05). Attitude was associated with educational level [OR: 2.57; 95% CI: 1.62-4.09] and admissions (P <0.05). Qualitative analysis: high degree of knowledge and publicity, with a significant impact on food selection. Conclusions: Knowledge about nutritional labeling was high, but it was not the main factor in selecting food. Prep time and flavor were more important than nutritional specifications.

Humanos , Criança , Educação Alimentar e Nutricional , Dietoterapia , Ciências da Nutrição Infantil , Publicidade de Alimentos , Ciências da Nutrição , Alimentos, Dieta e Nutrição , Valor Nutritivo
Indian J Surg ; 79(5): 458-460, 2017 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29089710


Colonic perforation associated with blunt abdominal trauma is rare. Even more so is the formation of an inflammatory adhesion preventing leakage into the peritoneum. We present a case of the above in which the patient presented 1 month later with intestinal obstruction which required surgical intervention. A 38-year-old male, victim of a road traffic accident (RTA), presented with multiple fractures in his extremities which had to be operated on and was later discharged without complications. He was readmitted 1 month following the trauma with intestinal obstruction. During the operation, a stenosing colonic adhesion due to bowel perforation following blunt abdominal trauma was discovered. Resection of the transverse colon and a termino-terminal colo-colonic anastomosis was performed.

Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc ; 49(6): 643-8, 2011.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22176827


BACKGROUND: inhospital neonatal sepsis (IHNS) is a clinical syndrome characterized by an inflammatory reaction with local or systemic signs of infection, accompanied by the causal agent in the first month of life. The objective was to know the incidence and risk factors associated with IHNS. METHODS: during 2006 and 2007 a total of 49 patients in the case group and 50 patients in the control group were included in the study. A serie of qualitative variables comparing the two groups to determine their association were analyzed. RESULTS: We found an incidence of IHNS in our hospital of 3.7 %. The most frequently observed risk factors were: birth weight between 1501-2500 g, in the hypotrophic group, the use of central vascular access, ranitidine, steroids, parenteral nutrition, endotracheal intubation, orogastric catheter, vesical catheter, and also the presence of cardiopathy or hyaline membrane disease (HDM). The mortality rate was 24.4 %. CONCLUSIONS: the incidence of IHNS was less than reported in the literature. The number of deaths associated with IHNS was low.

Infecção Hospitalar/epidemiologia , Sepse/epidemiologia , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Feminino , Humanos , Incidência , Recém-Nascido , Masculino , Estudos Retrospectivos , Fatores de Risco