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Plant Dis ; 2024 Aug 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39146004


Cultivation of yellow dragon fruit (Selenicereus megalanthus) in Peru has recently expanded (Verona-Ruiz et al. 2020). In August 2021, approximately 170 of 1,110 dragon fruit cuttings (15.3%) in the university's nursery (6°26'10'' S; 77°31'25'' W) showed basal rot symptoms. Initial symptoms included small brown spots on the base of stems, expanding towards the top that became soft and watery. All symptomatic plants eventually died, i.e., a severity of 100%. The disease was more prevalent on cuttings during the rooting phase than on well-established cuttings. We collected five symptomatic cuttings from throughout the nursery. Four sections of 1 × 1 cm2 of tissue adjacent to the diseased area were excised from each cutting, immersed for 1 min in 2% NaClO, rinsed twice with sterile distilled water, placed on potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium (four sections per Petri plate, five plates), and incubated at 25°C for 7 days. Morphologically similar mycelia grew from all sections, and five monosporic isolates were obtained, one per plate. Colonies grew fast, reaching 60 to 64 mm in 7 days, and produced violet-white cottony aerial mycelia with orange sporodochia on PDA, and abundant macro- and microconidia on synthetic nutrient-poor agar. Macroconidia were straight to slightly curved, typically with 2 to 3 septa, 16.6 to 23.3 × 1.7 to 3.7 µm (n = 30); microconidia were oval or kidney-shaped, and commonly hyaline, 6.7 to 16.4 × 2.5 to 4.7 µm (n = 40). Genomic DNA was extracted from isolate AFHP-100, then the ITS region and the TEF1 and RPB2 partial genes were amplified and sequenced (Accession numbers PP977433, OR437358, PP537149) following Gardes and Bruns (1993) and O'Donnell et al. (1998). We conducted a BLASTn search of ITS sequence against the NCBI "nr" database and local 'megablast' searches of TEF1 and RPB2 sequences against FUSARIUM-ID v.3.0 (Torres-Cruz et al. 2022). We found 100%, 98.19 to 99.84%, and 98.81 to 99.76% identities in ITS, TEF1, and RPB2 sequences, respectively, to the ex-epitype and other reference strains of Fusarium oxysporum (CBS 144134, NRRL26406, among others). A maximum likelihood phylogenetic analysis with a TEF1-RPB2 concatenated dataset with FUSARIUM-ID sequences also showed isolate AFHP-100 was F. oxysporum. A pathogenicity test was carried out by inoculating wounded healthy roots of three cuttings with submersion in a 5 × 106 conidia/ml suspension for 25 min. Then, the inoculated plants were planted in sterile soil. One cutting with wounded roots submerged in sterile water served as a control. In parallel, sterile soil was inoculated with 20 mL of the conidial suspension, and another three healthy cuttings were planted. A cutting planted in noninoculated soil also served as a control. Basal rot symptoms developed in all inoculated plants after 25 days. After re-isolation, the same fungus, corroborated based on micromorphology and TEF1 sequence (PP335689), was recovered, fulfilling Koch's postulates. The isolate was deposited in the KUELAP Herbarium (voucher KUELAP-3214), located and administered by the National University Toribio Rodriguez de Mendoza de Amazonas, in Chachapoyas, Peru. Fusarium oxysporum has been reported to cause basal stem rot in Bangladesh and Argentina (Mahmud et al. 2021; Wright et al. 2007), and stem blight in Malaysia (Mohd Hafifi et al. 2019) on dragon fruit. This is the first report of F. oxysporum causing basal rot in S. megalanthus in Peru. This fungus is among the most destructive plant pathogens, and the rapid expansion of the crop in Peru requires a comprehensive knowledge of the biotic factors influencing production. Therefore, this report is foundational to implementing proper control strategies.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38859788


BACKGROUND: Neurotrophins are essential factors for neural growth and function; they play a crucial role in neurodegenerative diseases where their expression levels are altered. Our previous research has demonstrated changes in synaptic plasticity and neurotrophin expression levels in a pharmacological model of Huntington's disease induced by 3-nitropropionic acid (3-NP). In the 3- NP-induced HD model, corticostriatal Long Term Depression (LTD) was impaired, but neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) restored striatal LTD. This study delves into the NT-3-induced signaling pathways involved in modulating and restoring striatal synaptic plasticity in cerebral slices from 3-NPinduced striatal degeneration in mice in vivo. METHODS: Phospholipase C (PLC), phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K), and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MEK)/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathways activated by NT-3 were analyzed by means of field electrophysiological recordings in brain slices from control and 3-NP treated in the presence of specific inhibitors of the signaling pathways. RESULTS: Using specific inhibitors, PLC, PI3K, and MEK/ERK signaling pathways contribute to NT3-mediated plasticity modulation in striatal tissue slices recorded from control animals. However, in the neurodegeneration model induced by 3-NP, the recovery of striatal LTD induced by NT-3 was prevented only by the PLC inhibitor. Moreover, the PLC signaling pathway appeared to trigger downstream activation of the endocannabinoid system, evidenced by AM 251, an inhibitor of the CB1 receptor, also hindered NT-3 plasticity recovery. CONCLUSION: Our finding highlights the specific involvement of the PLC pathway in the neuroprotective effects of NT-3 in mitigating synaptic dysfunction under neurodegenerative conditions.

Plant Dis ; 2024 May 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38783582


Sorbus is a genus of trees and shrubs in the Rosaceae commonly known as rowan and mountain-ash. They are usually found in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere and cultivated as ornamental trees for parks and gardens. In September 2023, infection by a rust was observed on a single Sorbus aucuparia tree in Sólbrekkuskógur, Reykjanesbær (64.046645, -22.707276; ~13 m) in Iceland. Infected leaves were collected from this single cultivated tree at an outdoor recreation area in a natural wooded location, with a 2% disease severity. Sori were infrequent, scattered, embedded within circular yellow lesions on leaf margins. On average, one sorus was observed per leaf and only 2% of leaves were infected. Spermogonia epiphyllous, punctate and aggregated, pale yellow to black. Hypophyllous aecia roestelioid with cornute peridium rupturing at apex with peridial cells rhomboidal, aeciospores yellowish brown globoid 17.67-25.17 x 17.20-21.94 µm, walls 1.22-2.28 µm thick (n = 20). The features of this rust and dimensions of spores are consistent with descriptions of Gymnosporangium cornutum (Arthur 1909, Kern 1911). To confirm the identity (specimen MCA9732), a ~620 bp region of the 28S subunit of the ribosomal DNA repeat was sequenced using primers Rust2inv and LR6 following published protocols (Aime 2006). The sequence (GenBank PP413765) shared 100% (649/649 bp) identity with a sequence deposited as Gymnosporangium cornutum (KY764066, BPI910184; J. E. Demers, M. K. Romberg, and L. A. Castlebury, unpublished data) from S. americana and 100% (620/620 bp) identity with G. cornutum (PURN11049) on Sorbus sp. from Canada when blasted against the RustHUBB database (Kaishian et al. 2024). The specimen has been deposited in the Arthur Fungarium at Purdue University as PURN24233. Disease on Sorbus sp. caused by G. cornutum has been reported in various countries in Africa, Asia, North America, and Europe (Kern 1911). To our knowledge, this is the first report of the occurrence of this genus in Iceland from any host. Gymnosporangium cornutum alternates on Juniperus species. In Iceland, J. communis (sect. Oxycedrus) seems to be the only naturally occurring Juniperus species but it is an alternate host for G. cornutum. The presence of the primary and alternative hosts in Iceland and the ability of Gymnosporangium spp. to produce systemic infections in Juniperus spp., represents the potential for reinfection of Sorbus every year, resulting in potential impacts on both host species. With J. communis being the only Juniperus spp. in natural habitats in Iceland, the presence of this rust represents a potential ecological disruption, as repeated infections may reduce host vitality and predispose the host to winter injury and attack from opportunistic pathogens or insects.

Sensors (Basel) ; 24(7)2024 Mar 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38610236


The reliability and scalability of Linear Wireless Sensor Networks (LWSNs) are limited by the high packet loss probabilities (PLP) experienced by the packets generated at nodes far from the sink node. This is an important limitation in Smart City applications, where timely data collection is critical for decision making. Unfortunately, previous works have not addressed this problem and have only focused on improving the network's overall performance. In this work, we propose a Distance-Based Queuing (DBQ) scheme that can be incorporated into MAC protocols for LWSNs to improve reliability and scalability without requiring extra local processing or additional signaling at the nodes. The DBQ scheme prioritizes the transmission of relay packets based on their hop distance to the sink node, ensuring that all packets experience the same PLP. To evaluate the effectiveness of our proposal, we developed an analytical model and conducted extensive discrete-event simulations. Our numerical results demonstrate that the DBQ scheme significantly improves the reliability and scalability of the network by achieving the same average PLP and throughput for all nodes, regardless of traffic intensities and network sizes.

Case Rep Oncol ; 16(1): 1390-1394, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38028575


Venetoclax is a novel agent used in hematologic malignancies. Although no long-term studies have directly implicated venetoclax, few studies show possible association with electrolyte abnormalities. Severe derangements in serum electrolyte levels can cause cardiac dysrhythmias, which can be potentially fatal. We present a case of venetoclax in association with the other medications causing life-threatening arrhythmias. Hypothesized mechanisms include damage to the distal tubules causing loss of potassium and magnesium. Our patient required modification of his medications and aggressive repletion of electrolytes with good outcomes. For patients on venetoclax, especially those with polypharmacy, caution should be exercised to prevent severe electrolyte derangements, which can lead to life-threatening arrhythmias.

Fisioterapia (Madr., Ed. impr.) ; 45(4): 207-216, jul.- ago. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-222305


Introducción y objetivo El síndrome del túnel carpiano es la neuropatía del nervio mediano más frecuente. Existen múltiples tratamientos invasivos y no invasivos, incluyen férulas, ultrasonido terapéutico (UST) e infiltraciones con esteroides (IE) que han demostrado una mejora en los estudios de conducción nerviosa (ECN), sin embargo, se desconoce el efecto de los tratamientos conservadores combinados. El objetivo fue determinar la eficacia del tratamiento conservador para mejorar los ECN y las manifestaciones clínicas en pacientes con síndrome del túnel carpiano. Métodos Pacientes con diagnóstico de síndrome del túnel carpiano mediante ECN, sin enfermedades que afecten al nervio periférico. Todos firmaron consentimiento informado y fueron aleatorizados en 3 grupos de tratamiento (G1: férula+UST; G2: férula+IE; G3; férula+UST+IE). Participaron 3 médicos especialistas en rehabilitación (médico 1: realizó los ECN; médico 2: realizó evaluaciones clínicas; médico 3: realizó la IE). Tratamientos: UST (10 sesiones continuas de lunes a viernes durante dos semanas, 3MHz, 0,8W/cm2, 8min) aplicado por el mismo fisioterapeuta. Infiltración: dosis única, 1ml de metilprednisolona (40mg/ml) mezclado con 1ml de (0,5%) bupivacaína. Férula: férulas neutras volares hechas a la medida, de fibra de vidrio para uso nocturno. Resultados Se incluyeron 30 pacientes y 30 manos, con una edad de 50,5±7,5 años, todas ellas mujeres. Los grupos no tenían diferencias en las variables electrofisiológicas y clínicas al inicio del estudio. Tras la intervención (4 semanas) los grupos 2 y 3 mostraron mejoría en el ECN (p<0,05) siendo mayor en el grupo 3. En la evaluación final (8 semanas) todos los grupos mostraron una mejoría en las variables electrofisiológicas y clínicas. Conclusiones El tratamiento combinado de férula+UST+IE presenta resultados significativos en el ECN a las 4 semanas de seguimiento, en comparación a los otros dos grupos (AU)

Introduction and objective Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common median nerve mononeuropathy. There are multiple conservative treatments, invasive (corticoid injections [CI]) and non-invasive (splinting, therapeutic ultrasound [TUS], laser, exercise). However, the treatment choice is controversial. The aim was to determine the efficacy of conservative treatment to improve the clinical and electrophysiological evaluations. Methods Outpatients referred whit carpal tunnel syndrome clinical diagnosis to perform nerve conduction study (NCS) were included, without chronic or metabolic diseases that affect the peripheral nerves, without carpal tunnel syndrome treatment and with mild or moderate axonotmesis or neuropraxia in NCS baseline. Patients who signed informed consent forms were randomized in three treatment groups (Group 1: TUS+splint; Group 2: CI+splint and Group 3: TUS+CI+splint) were referred for clinical evaluations. The NCS was performed in each patient at baseline, fourth and eighth weeks by the same physiatrist and the clinical evaluations were performed at baseline and the final follow-up. Results Thirty patients were included; mean age was 50.7±7.5 years and all of them females, without differences in NCS or clinical variables in the baseline evaluations. All groups exhibited improvement in some clinical and electrophysiological variables in the final evaluation, though only group 3 showed improvement on median/ulnar nerves sensory peak latency difference (1.2±0.4 vs. 0.4±0.4; p=0.001) starting in week four. Conclusions The conservative treatment in patients with CTS improves NCS and clinical variables, including the most sensitive electrophysiological test (medial/ulnar difference), though if we combined three treatments (splint+TUS+CI), the improvement was found to be faster and remarkable (AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Síndrome do Túnel Carpal/reabilitação , Tratamento Conservador/métodos , Terapia por Ultrassom , Metilprednisolona/administração & dosagem , Glucocorticoides/administração & dosagem , Ferula , Resultado do Tratamento , Seguimentos
Obes Facts ; 16(5): 507-513, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37598666


INTRODUCTION: The benefits of exercise in patients with obesity are clear; physical performance and quality of life improve after exercise programs in patients with obesity. Our aim was to evaluate the usefulness of an easy, structured, and home-based exercise program to improve physical performance and quality-of-life in patients with obesity. METHODS: A cohort of patients with obesity (BMI ≥30 kg/m2) was recruited during 2017-2020. Patients who met the inclusion criteria were invited and those who accepted signed informed consent. Patients were evaluated by the same team of physicians who performed the 6-min walking test and collected the clinical and biochemical variables, also applied quality-of-life questionnaire at baseline and 3 months after starting the exercise program that was divided in two levels: level 1: active mobilization of four limbs (15 min) + cardiovascular exercise (15 min walking), 5 days/week; level 2: eight strengthening exercises for upper and lower limbs with an elastic band + cardiovascular exercise (15 min walking), 5 days/week. This study used means (SD), frequencies (percent), Student's t test, and Pearson correlation test. RESULTS: We included 151 patients, mostly women (81.5%), age 46.3 ± 9.8 years old, BMI 40.3 ± 8.56 kg/m2, 34.4% performed some type of exercise, and the most frequents comorbidities were dyslipidemia and diabetes. After 3 months, 86 patients (57%) remained in the study and attended the final evaluation. Evident changes in physical performance were reported (distance traveled, speed walking and VO2max); however, improvement in quality of life was remarkable. CONCLUSION: An easy, structured, and home-based exercise program improves physical performance and quality of life in patients with obesity, without losing its benefits for the health.

Exercício Físico , Qualidade de Vida , Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Masculino , Terapia por Exercício , Obesidade/terapia , Desempenho Físico Funcional
Front Big Data ; 6: 1114796, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37228787


The energy policies of the countries have become a key aspect of development. They must be formulated to guarantee economic and social development, state security and compliance with the objectives of sustainable development. In this framework, generation technologies must be considered not only in terms of available natural resources but also in terms of possible contingency scenarios. The purpose of this article is to prioritize technologies by applying a fuzzy inference model and uncertainty model and to address the principles of complex thinking to a case study. The methodology considers the integral vision of the dimensions under the systemic, feedback, autonomy/dependence, holographic and recursive principles, the assignment of weights for the dimension of sustainable development and, finally, the formulation of contingent scenarios. These scenarios consider: exhaustion of a primary source and change of technology with negative or positive impact. As a result, priority is given to the development of wind technology among renewable sources, followed by hydropower and geothermal. In the field of conventional energy, natural gas remains in the first place, since it also reinforces the security and fairness of the system. It is concluded that the process of formulating energy policies based on economic variables and the incorporation of sustainability, in terms of restrictions and linearity in the study models. This must be complemented with the adaptation of the legal and institutional framework that allows the fulfillment of the objectives that are expected to be achieved. Finally, it is necessary to keep constantly updated on changes and improvements in technology, which can modify the variables under study, in order to adapt strategies to new conditions.

Cuad. psicol. deporte ; 23(2): 240-250, abril 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-219725


La práctica habitual de actividad física (AF) en la adolescencia es elemental para gozar de buena salud a lo largo de la vida; por tanto, estudiar las variables que condicionan el comportamiento de esta es de gran importancia para reforzar o modificar oportunamente la conducta a fin de garantizar una sociedad más saludable. En ese sentido, el objetivo principal este estudio fue examinar la correlación y relación entre las actitudes y el autoconcepto físico con la práctica de AF en adolescentes peruanos. Se trata de una investigación empírica de corte asociativo en el que participaron 1264 escolares con edades entre 14 y 17 años (15.51±.94), provenientes de instituciones públicas y privadas de Lima y Callao, Perú, a quienes se les aplicó un cuestionario sociodemográfico, un cuestionario de actitudes hacia la práctica de actividad físico-deportiva, un cuestionario de autoconcepto físico y un inventario de actividad física habitual. Los resultados, en primer lugar, evidenciaron que la mayor puntuación de correlación entre las variables estudiadas se dio entre actitudes y práctica de AF (.511), que fue corroborada por un tamaño del efecto grande (.25). En segundo lugar, se encontró que el 25.1 % de la variabilidad de la práctica se debe a los cambios en las actitudes y el autoconcepto físico. Además, según el análisis de regresión múltiple el modelo planteado resultó ser válido (y = - .560 + .894x1+0.94x2). Así, por un lado, se explica que por cada punto que se aumenta en actitudes (x1), la práctica de AF aumenta .894 en promedio, manteniendo constante el autoconcepto físico (x2); por otro lado, por cada punto que se aumenta en autoconcepto físico (x2), la práctica de AF aumenta .94 en promedio, manteniendo constante las actitudes (x1). En conclusión, se demuestra que las actitudes y/o el autoconcepto físico de los adolescentes condicionan la práctica de AF. (AU)

The regular practice of physical activity (PA) in adolescence is essential for good health throughout life; therefore, studying the variables that condition PA behavior is of great importance to reinforce or modify behavior in a timely manner in order to guarantee a healthier society. In this sense, the main objective of this study was to examine the correlation and relationship between attitudes and physical self-concept with PA practice in Peruvian adolescents. This is an empirical research of an associative nature in which 1264 schoolchildren aged between 14 and 17 years (15.51±.94), from public and private institutions in Lima and Callao, Peru, participated in a sociodemographic questionnaire, a questionnaire of attitudes towards the practice of physical-sports activity, a physical self-concept questionnaire and an inventory of habitual physical activity. The results, firstly, showed that the highest correlation score between the variables studied was between attitudes and PA practice (.511), which was corroborated by a large effect size (.25). Second, 25.1 % of the variability in practice was found to be due to changes in attitudes and physical self-concept. In addition, according to the multiple regression analysis, the model proposed proved to be valid (y = -.560 + .894x1+0.94x2). Thus, on the one hand, it is explained that for eachpoint that is increased in attitudes (x1), PApractice increases .894 on average, keeping physical self-concept constant (x2); on the other hand, for each point thatis increased in physical self-concept (x2), PA practice increases .94 on average, keepingattitudes constant (x1). In conclusion, it isshown that the attitudes and/or physical self-concept of adolescents condition PA practice. (AU)

A prática regular da actividade física (AF) na adolescência é essencial para uma boa saúde ao longo da vida; por conseguinte, o estudo das variáveis que condicionam o comportamento da AF é de grande importância para reforçar ou modificar o comportamento de forma atempada, a fim de assegurar uma sociedade mais saudável. Neste sentido, o principal objectivo deste estudo era examinar a correlação e relação entre as atitudes e o autoconceito físico com a prática de AP em adolescentes peruanos. Trata-se de uma investigação empírica de natureza associativa na qual participaram 1264 alunos com idades compreendidas entre os 14 e os 17 anos (15,51±,94) de instituições públicas e privadas em Lima e Callao, Peru. Foi-lhes administrado um questionário sócio-demográfico, um questionário de atitudes relativamente à prática da actividade físico-desportiva, um questionário de auto-conceito físico e um inventário da actividade física habitual. Os resultados, em primeiro lugar, mostraram que a maior pontuação de correlação entre as variáveis estudadas foi entre as atitudes e a prática de AF (.511), o que foi corroborado por uma grande dimensão de efeito (.25). Em segundo lugar, verificou-se que 25,1% da variabilidade na prática era devida a mudanças de atitudes e autoconceito físico. Além disso, de acordo com a análise de regressão múltipla, o modelo foi considerado válido (y = -.560+ .894x1+0,94x2). Assim, por um lado, explica-se que para cada ponto que é aumentado em atitudes (x1), a prática de PA aumenta .894 em média, mantendo constante o autoconceito físico (x2); por outro lado, para cada ponto que é aumentado em autoconceito físico (x2), a prática de PA aumenta .94 em média, mantendo constantes as atitudes (x1). Em conclusão, é demonstrado que as atitudes e/ou o autoconceito físico dos adolescentes condicionam a prática de AP. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Atividade Motora , Autoimagem , Qualidade de Vida , Peru , Inquéritos e Questionários , Estilo de Vida Saudável
Sci Rep ; 13(1): 4953, 2023 Apr 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37020101


A mine waste deposit known as a tailings dam recently failed in the town of Jagersfontein, South Africa. The failure occurred amidst global concern about the safety record of these structures. Herein we use public remotely sensed data to gain insights into the construction history of the dam. The data suggest a construction sequence that is inconsistent with sound tailings management practices: asymmetric deposition, erosion gullies, large ponds and absence of beaches. These observations highlight the criticality of adhering to good construction practices and the potential of public data to monitor such adherence. Additionally, we present commercially available very high resolution satellite images to illustrate some of the immediate consequences of the failure.

Neuroscience ; 518: 83-100, 2023 05 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35007692


In Alzheimer's disease (AD), two mutually exclusive amino-terminal-dependent conformations have been reported to occur during the aggregation of Tau protein into neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs). An early conformation of full-length Tau, involving the bending of the amino terminus over the third repeated domain, is recognized by the Alz-50 antibody, followed by a second conformation recognized by Tau-66 antibody that depends on the folding of the proline-rich region over the third repeated domain in a molecule partially truncated at the amino- and carboxyl-termini. α-1-antichymotrypsin (ACT) is an acute phase serum glycoprotein that accumulates abnormally in the brain of AD patients, and since it is considered to promote the in vitro and in vivo aggregation of amyloid-ß, we here seek further evidence that ACT may also contribute to the abnormal aggregation of Tau in AD. By analyzing brain samples from a population of AD cases under immunofluorescence and high-resolution confocal microscopy, we demonstrate here the abundant expression of ACT in hippocampal neurons, visualized as a granular diffuse accumulation, frequently reaching the nuclear compartment. In a significant number of these neurons, intracellular NFTs composed of abnormally phosphorylated and truncated Tau at Asp421 were also observed to coexist in separated regions of the cytoplasm. However, we found strong colocalization between ACT and diffuse aggregates of Tau-66-positive granules, which was not observed with Alz-50 antibody. These results suggest that ACT may play a role during the development of Tau conformational changes facilitating its aggregation during the formation of the neurofibrillary pathology in AD.

Doença de Alzheimer , Humanos , Doença de Alzheimer/metabolismo , Proteínas tau/metabolismo , Emaranhados Neurofibrilares/metabolismo , Emaranhados Neurofibrilares/patologia , Neurônios/metabolismo , Encéfalo/metabolismo , Anticorpos
Sex Cult ; 27(3): 805-822, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36415482


This study examined attachment style and its relationship with sexual self-esteem during COVID-19 confinement. COVID-19 has caused changes in the way couples interact intimately and sexually around the world; some have found improvements and others an increase in difficulties. This article uses a retrospective pre post approach to evaluate 120 men and 89 women who were part of a couple at the time of confinement in Spain and completed an online survey. The sample was obtained during the de-escalation months, from May 9th until July 1st, 2020. Through an online survey we collected the data using the Spanish version of the Experiences in Close Relationships (ECR-S) to measure attachment and the Brief Sexuality Scale (SS) to measure aspects related to the participants sexuality (sexual self-esteem, sexual depression, and sexual preoccupation), as well as a scale designed post hoc on other aspects related to sexuality. Overall, the t-test results suggest that confinement had a negative effect on sexuality because sexual depression (SD) had a small increased in our sample. Multiple regression analysis showed that FSI, and ANXS attachment style were able to predict sexual depression during confinement. The results also showed a decrease in the strength of the relationship between sexual self-esteem (SSE) and attachment styles during confinement. However, sexual preoccupation (SP) and sexual self-esteem (SSE) remained relatively stable. Based on the results obtained, we conclude that there is an association between an increase in participants' sexual depression and being confined due to COVID-19.

Acta odontol. Colomb. (En linea) ; 13(1): 91-103, 20230000. tab, tab, ilus, ilus, ilus, ilus, ilus, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1425222


Introducción: un aumento marcado de la tensión arterial puede llevar a una crisis hipertensiva, que consiste en una elevación considerable de la tensión arterial (>180 mmHg en sístole y >120 mmHg en diástole). De no ser tratada, puede llevar a la pérdida progresiva de la conciencia, así como provocar daños irreversibles a algún órgano blanco, por ejemplo, el hígado, el riñón o el cerebro. Se puede clasifcar en urgencia o emergencia hipertensiva. Así, una urgencia hipertensiva se presenta cuando el paciente cuenta con cifras elevadas en la tensión arterial sin provocar daño a un órgano blanco y, en contraparte, una emergencia hipertensiva cumple con las cifras que se mencionaron, pero incluye daño a un órgano blanco. Objetivo: presentar un caso clínico, en el cual, durante la extracción quirúrgica de una aguja fracturada, en el período transoperatorio, el paciente sufre síncope vasovagal, con un aumento marcado de la tensión arterial (179/119 mmHg). Conclusión: este fue un diagnóstico intraoperatorio de crisis hipertensiva y la paciente recibió un tratamiento médico temprano por parte del servicio de urgencias médicas, lo cual resultó en una evolución trans y postoperatoria adecuada.

A marked increase in blood pressure can lead to a hypertensive crisis, it can be classifed as an urgency or hypertensive emergency, which consists of a considerable increase in blood pressure (> 180 mmHg in systole and> 120 mmHg in diastole) and that, not being treated can lead to progressive loss of consciousness, as well as cause irreversible damage to the liver, kidney or brain. The objective of this article is to present a clinical case that during the surgical extraction of a fractured needle, in the intraoperative period the patient sufers vasovagal syncope, with a marked increase in blood pressure (179/119 mmHg), intraoperative diagnosis of crisis hypertensive, receiving early medical treatment from the emergency medical service, resulting in an adequate trans and postoperative evolution.

Humanos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Cirurgia Bucal , Emergências , Hipertensão , Pressão Sanguínea , Anti-Hipertensivos
J Vis ; 22(1): 11, 2022 01 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35044435


In primates, stimulus-driven changes in visual attention can facilitate or hinder perceptual performance, depending on the location and timing of the stimulus event. Mice have emerged as a powerful model for studying visual circuits and behavior; however, it is unclear whether mice show similar interactions between stimulus events and visual attention during perceptual decisions. To investigate this, we trained head-fixed mice to detect a near-threshold change in visual orientation and tested how performance was altered by task-irrelevant stimuli that occurred at different times and locations with respect to the orientation change. We found that task-irrelevant stimuli strongly affected mouse performance. Specifically, stimulus-driven attention in mice followed a similar time course as that in other species: The decreases in reaction times fully emerged between 250 and 400 ms after the stimulus event, and detection accuracy was not affected. However, the effects of stimulus-driven attention on behavior in mice were insensitive to stimulus-event location, an aspect different from what is known in primates. In contrast, reaction times in mice were reduced at longer delays after the task-irrelevant stimulus event regardless of its spatial congruence to the target. These results highlight the strengths and limitations of using mice as a model for studying higher-order visual functions.

Visão Ocular , Percepção Visual , Animais , Camundongos , Tempo de Reação
Odontol. sanmarquina (Impr.) ; 25(1): e20820, ene.-mar. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol, Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1358545


El quiste odontogénico calcificante (QOC) es raro y representa <1% de todos los quistes odontogénicos, pertenece a las lesiones conocidas como "tumores de células fantasma", estos son una familia de lesiones que varían en presentación clínica de quiste o neoplasia sólida, en su comportamiento biológico de benigno a localmente agresivo o metastásico, esta diversidad ha generado extenso debate sobre la clasificación, terminología, manejo y pronóstico de estas patologías. Presentamos el caso clínico de un paciente masculino de 17 años de edad con diagnóstico de quiste odontogénico calcificante asociado a odontoma complejo situado en la región posterior del maxilar, en la literatura existen reportados solo 27 casos de QOC en esa zona. Fue tratado mediante enucleación quirúrgica, curetaje, rotación de almohadilla grasa bucal y colocación de malla de titanio para reconstruir la pared anterior del seno maxilar. El control postoperatorio clínico y radiográfico a 12 meses no muestra recidiva de la lesión además exhibe un excelente resultado funcional y estético, esto nos permite concluir que el tratamiento fue adecuado. Realizamos una revisión de la literatura en Science Direct, PubMed y Biblioteca Cochrane, con objeto de informar las características clínicas, histopatológicas, radiográficas y el tratamiento de estas lesiones.

The calcifying odontogenic cyst (COC) is rare and represents <1% of all odontogenic cysts, it belongs to the lesions known as "ghost cell tumors", these are a family of lesions that vary in clinical presentation of cyst or solid neoplasia, in their behavior biological from benign to locally aggressive or metastatic, this diversity has generated extensive debate on the classification, terminology, management and prognosis of these pathologies. We present the clinical case of a 17-year-old male patient with a diagnosis of calcifying odontogenic cyst associated with a complex odontoma located in the posterior region of the maxilla, in the literature there are only 27 reported cases of (COC) in that area, he was treated by surgical enucleation, curettage, rotation of the buccal fat pad and placement of titanium mesh to reconstruct the anterior wall of the maxillary sinus. The clinical and radiographic postoperative control at 12 months does not show recurrence of the lesion, in addition it exhibits an excellent functional and aesthetic result, this allows us to conclude that the treatment was adequate. We conducted a review of the literature in Science Direct, PubMed and Cochrane, in order to report the clinical, histopathological, radiographic characteristics and the treatment of these lesions.

Plant Dis ; 106(6): 1597-1609, 2022 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34907805


Accurate species-level identification of an etiological agent is crucial for disease diagnosis and management because knowing the agent's identity connects it with what is known about its host range, geographic distribution, and toxin production potential. This is particularly true in publishing peer-reviewed disease reports, where imprecise and/or incorrect identifications weaken the public knowledge base. This can be a daunting task for phytopathologists and other applied biologists that need to identify Fusarium in particular, because published and ongoing multilocus molecular systematic studies have highlighted several confounding issues. Paramount among these are: (i) this agriculturally and clinically important genus is currently estimated to comprise more than 400 phylogenetically distinct species (i.e., phylospecies), with more than 80% of these discovered within the past 25 years; (ii) approximately one-third of the phylospecies have not been formally described; (iii) morphology alone is inadequate to distinguish most of these species from one another; and (iv) the current rapid discovery of novel fusaria from pathogen surveys and accompanying impact on the taxonomic landscape is expected to continue well into the foreseeable future. To address the critical need for accurate pathogen identification, our research groups are focused on populating two web-accessible databases (FUSARIUM-ID v.3.0 and the nonredundant National Center for Biotechnology Information nucleotide collection that includes GenBank) with portions of three phylogenetically informative genes (i.e., TEF1, RPB1, and RPB2) that resolve at or near the species level in every Fusarium species. The objectives of this Special Report, and its companion in this issue (Torres-Cruz et al. 2022), are to provide a progress report on our efforts to populate these databases and to outline a set of best practices for DNA sequence-based identification of fusaria.

Fusarium , Sequência de Bases , Fusarium/genética , Filogenia
Plant Dis ; 106(6): 1610-1616, 2022 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34879732


Species within Fusarium are of global agricultural, medical, and food/feed safety concern and have been extensively characterized. However, accurate identification of species is challenging and usually requires DNA sequence data. FUSARIUM-ID ( is a publicly available database designed to support the identification of Fusarium species using sequences of multiple phylogenetically informative loci, especially the highly informative ∼680-bp 5' portion of the translation elongation factor 1-alpha (TEF1) gene that has been adopted as the primary barcoding locus in the genus. However, FUSARIUM-ID v.1.0 and 2.0 had several limitations, including inconsistent metadata annotation for the archived sequences and poor representation of some species complexes and marker loci. Here, we present FUSARIUM-ID v.3.0, which provides the following improvements: (i) additional and updated annotation of metadata for isolates associated with each sequence, (ii) expanded taxon representation in the TEF1 sequence database, (iii) availability of the sequence database as a downloadable file to enable local BLAST queries, and (iv) a tutorial file for users to perform local BLAST searches using either freely available software, such as SequenceServer, BLAST+ executable in the command line, and Galaxy, or the proprietary Geneious software. FUSARIUM-ID will be updated on a regular basis by archiving sequences of TEF1 and other loci from newly identified species and greater in-depth sampling of currently recognized species.

Fusarium , DNA Fúngico/genética , Fusarium/genética , Filogenia
J Sex Marital Ther ; : 1-13, 2021 Nov 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34749594


This study examined dyadic adjustment, which is an essential aspect for a couple's functioning, and its relationship with sexual self-esteem during COVID-19 confinement. This article presents data from before and during the confinement due to COVID-19 in Spain. 120 men and 89 women who were part of a couple at the time of confinement and completed an online survey participated in the study. The sample was obtained during the de-escalation months, from May 9th until July 1st, 2020. Three questionnaires were administered. The results that were obtained from the T-student, Pearson correlations and regression analyses show a decline in couples' adjustment during the months of confinement. Regarding the Sexuality Scale, the results showed that the sexual-depression subscale and the sexual self-esteem subscale had a statistically significant role in predicting the dyadic adjustment during confinement. Overall, our findings suggest that confinement had a negative effect on sexuality because the sexual-depression of the sample increased and couple adjustment decreased during the confinement due to COVID-19.

Horiz. enferm ; 32(2): 118-128, 20210831. "tab"
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1290746


El deterioro cognitivo es un problema de salud a nivel mundial, el cual se ha convertido en uno de las mayores demandas de atención médica en las personas mayores. Con el objetivo de determinar la prevalencia del deterioro cognitivo en las personas mayores de 60 años, se realizó un estudio descriptivo, con carácter retrospectivo de corte transversal a 323 adultos mayores en el Consultorio Médico de la Familia # 20, ubicado en la región de Altahabana, perteneciente al Policlínico Universitario "Federico Capdevila" del Municipio Boyeros (Cuba). El estudio se realizó entre enero y diciembre de 2020. Se encontró que el 31% de las personas mayores, pertenecen al grupo de edades de 65 a 69 años, con un predominio del género femenino en un 61%. El nivel de escolaridad universitario estuvo presente en un 57,5%. El deterioro cognitivo de las personas mayores prevaleció en un 14%; la hipertensión arterial, en un 64,8% fue la enfermedad crónica no transmisible que más se asoció al deterioro cognitivo.

Cognitive impairment is a global health problem, which has become one of the greatest demands for medical care in older people. In order to determine the prevalence of cognitive impairment in people over 60 years of age, a descriptive, retrospective, cross-sectional study was carried out on 323 older adults in the Family Medical Clinic # 20, located in the Altahabana region, belonging to the "Federico Capdevila" University Polyclinic of the Boyeros Municipality (Cuba). The study was carried out between January and December 2020. It was found that 31% of the elderly belong to the 65 to 69 age group, with a 61% predominance of the female gender. The level of university education was present in 57.5%. Cognitive impairment in the elderly prevailed in 14%; arterial hypertension, in 64.8%, was the chronic non-communicable disease that was most associated with cognitive deterioration.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Consultórios Médicos , Doença Crônica , Disfunção Cognitiva/diagnóstico , Dinâmica Populacional , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Cuba , Hipertensão