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J Chem Phys ; 148(24): 241710, 2018 Jun 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29960377


Neural network model chemistries (NNMCs) promise to facilitate the accurate exploration of chemical space and simulation of large reactive systems. One important path to improving these models is to add layers of physical detail, especially long-range forces. At short range, however, these models are data driven and data limited. Little is systematically known about how data should be sampled, and "test data" chosen randomly from some sampling techniques can provide poor information about generality. If the sampling method is narrow, "test error" can appear encouragingly tiny while the model fails catastrophically elsewhere. In this manuscript, we competitively evaluate two common sampling methods: molecular dynamics (MD), normal-mode sampling, and one uncommon alternative, Metadynamics (MetaMD), for preparing training geometries. We show that MD is an inefficient sampling method in the sense that additional samples do not improve generality. We also show that MetaMD is easily implemented in any NNMC software package with cost that scales linearly with the number of atoms in a sample molecule. MetaMD is a black-box way to ensure samples always reach out to new regions of chemical space, while remaining relevant to chemistry near kbT. It is a cheap tool to address the issue of generalization.

Chem Sci ; 9(8): 2261-2269, 2018 Feb 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29719699


Traditional force fields cannot model chemical reactivity, and suffer from low generality without re-fitting. Neural network potentials promise to address these problems, offering energies and forces with near ab initio accuracy at low cost. However a data-driven approach is naturally inefficient for long-range interatomic forces that have simple physical formulas. In this manuscript we construct a hybrid model chemistry consisting of a nearsighted neural network potential with screened long-range electrostatic and van der Waals physics. This trained potential, simply dubbed "TensorMol-0.1", is offered in an open-source Python package capable of many of the simulation types commonly used to study chemistry: geometry optimizations, harmonic spectra, open or periodic molecular dynamics, Monte Carlo, and nudged elastic band calculations. We describe the robustness and speed of the package, demonstrating its millihartree accuracy and scalability to tens-of-thousands of atoms on ordinary laptops. We demonstrate the performance of the model by reproducing vibrational spectra, and simulating the molecular dynamics of a protein. Our comparisons with electronic structure theory and experimental data demonstrate that neural network molecular dynamics is poised to become an important tool for molecular simulation, lowering the resource barrier to simulating chemistry.