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J Chem Phys ; 159(5)2023 Aug 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37530106


Ryabinkin-Kohut-Staroverov (RKS) theory builds a bridge between wave function theory and density functional theory by using quantities from the former to produce accurate exchange-correlation potentials needed by the latter. In this work, the RKS method is developed and tested alongside Slater atomic orbital basis functions for the first time. To evaluate this approach, full configuration interaction computations in the Slater orbital basis are employed to give quality input to RKS, allowing full correlation to be present along with correct nuclei cusps and asymptotic decay of the wavefunction. SlaterRKS is shown to be an efficient algorithm to arrive at exchange-correlation potentials without unphysical artifacts in moderately-sized basis sets. Furthermore, enforcement of the nuclear cusp conditions will be shown to be vital for the success of the Slater-basis RKS method. Examples of weakly and strongly correlated molecular systems will demonstrate the main features of SlaterRKS.

J Chem Phys ; 156(24): 244117, 2022 Jun 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35778082


Fragmentation-based methods enable electronic structure calculations for large chemical systems through partitioning them into smaller fragments. Here, we have developed and benchmarked a dual exponential operator-based coupled cluster theory to account for high-rank electronic correlation of large chemical systems within the fragment molecular orbital (FMO) framework. Upon partitioning the molecular system into several fragments, the zeroth order reference determinants for each fragment and fragment pair are constructed in a self-consistent manner with two-body FMO expansion. The dynamical correlation is induced through a dual exponential ansatz with a set of fragment-specific rank-one and rank-two operators that act on the individual reference determinants. While the single and double excitations for each fragment are included through the conventional rank-one and rank-two cluster operators, the triple excitation space is spanned via the contraction between the cluster operators and a set of rank-two scattering operators over a few optimized fragment-specific occupied and virtual orbitals. Thus, the high-rank dynamical correlation effects within the FMO framework are computed with rank-one and rank-two parametrization of the wave operator, leading to significant reduction in the number of variables and associated computational scaling over the conventional methods. Through a series of pilot numerical applications on various covalent and non-covalently bonded systems, we have shown the quantitative accuracy of the proposed methodology compared to canonical, as well as FMO-based coupled-cluster single double triple. The accuracy of the proposed method is shown to be systematically improvable upon increasing the number of contractible occupied and virtual molecular orbitals employed to simulate triple excitations.

Chem Sci ; 13(5): 1323-1334, 2022 Feb 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35222916


In the most general practice of asymmetric catalysis, a chiral catalyst, typically bearing a center or an axis of chirality, is employed as the chiral source for imparting enantiocontrol over the developing product. Given the current interest toward optically pure compounds, various forms of chiral induction enabled by diverse chiral sources as well as the use of multiple catalysts under one-pot conditions have been in focus. In one such promising development, an achiral N-sulfonamide protected 1,6-amino allyl alcohol (NaphSO2NHCH2C(Ph)2CH2CH[double bond, length as m-dash]CHCH2OH) was subjected to Tsuji-Trost activation and an intramolecular amination to form important chiral pyrrolidine frameworks. A dual catalytic system comprising Pd(PPh3)4 and DAPCy (ß-cyclohexyl substituted double axially chiral phosphoric acid derived from two homocoupled BINOL backbones with a dynamic central chiral axis) under mild conditions was reported to offer quantitative conversion with an ee of 95%. Here, we provide molecular insights into the origin of chiral induction by DAPCy, as obtained through a comprehensive density functional theory (SMD(toluene)/B3LYP-D3/6-31G**,Pd(SDD)) investigation. Two key steps in the mechanism are identified to involve a cooperative mode of activation of the Pd-bound allyl alcohol in the form of a Pd-π-allyl moiety at one end of the substrate, followed by an intramolecular nucleophilic addition of N-sulfonamide from the other end to yield a pyrrolidine derivative bearing an α-vinyl stereogenic center. (S,R,S)-DAPCy is found to steer the dehydroxylation to yield a Pd-π-allyl intermediate with a suitably poised si prochiral face for the nucleophilic addition. In the enantiocontrolled (as well as the turn-over determining step) nucleophilic addition, the chiral catalyst is identified to serve as a chiral phosphate counterion. The chiral induction is facilitated by a series of N-H⋯O, C-H⋯O, C-H⋯π, lone pair (lp)⋯π, O-H⋯O, O-H⋯π, and π⋯π noncovalent interactions, which is noted as more effective in the lower energy C-N bond formation transition state through the si prochiral face of the Pd-π-allyl moiety. These insights into the novel dynamic axially double chiral catalyst could be valuable toward exploiting such modes of stereoinduction.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 23(34): 18936-18950, 2021 Sep 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34612433


The origin of enantioselectivity in asymmetric catalysis is often built around the differential steric interaction in the enantiocontrolling transition states (TSs). A closer perusal of enantiocontrolling TSs in an increasingly diverse range of reactions has revealed that the cumulative effect of weak noncovalent interactions could even outweigh the steric effects. While enunciating this balance is conspicuously important, quantification of such intramolecular forces within a TS continues to remain scarce and challenging. Herein, we demonstrate the utility of the fragment molecular orbital method in establishing the relative contributions of various attractive and repulsive contributions in the total interaction energy between the suitably chosen fragments in enantiocontrolling TSs. Three types of reactions of high contemporary importance, namely, axially chiral phosphoric acid (CPA) catalyzed kinetic resolution of rac-α-methyl-γ-hydroxy ester (reaction I), asymmetric dearomative amination of ß-naphthols by dimethyl azodicarboxylate (IIa and IIb), and intramolecular desymmetrization of ß,ß-disubstituted methyl oxetanes (IIIa) and hydroxyl oxetane (IIIb), bearing a tethered alcohol (-OCH2CH2OH or -(CH2)2CH2OH), are considered. In all the five reactions, the differences in the stabilizing contributions arising due to electrostatic, charge-transfer, and dispersion interactions between the catalyst and the reacting partners in the enantiocontrolling transition states are weighed against the destabilizing exchange interaction. The balancing interactions are found to be between dispersion and exchange repulsion in reaction I, a combination of charge transfer and dispersion energies offsets the repulsive energy in reaction IIb involving the electron rich anthryl groups in the catalyst, whereas the -(CF3)2C6H4 3,3'-substituent in the catalyst (reaction IIa) leads to a trade-off between dispersion and exchange energies. In reactions IIIa and IIIb, however, electrostatic and dispersion energies help compensate the repulsive interactions. These quantitative insights on the intramolecular interactions in the stereocontrolling TSs could help in the rational design of asymmetric catalysis.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 16(10): 6317-6328, 2020 Oct 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32794747


In this paper, we present a coupled-cluster theory based on a double-exponential wave operator ansatz, which is capable of mimicking the effects of connected triple excitations in an iterative manner. The triply excited manifold is spanned via the action of a set of scattering operators on doubly excited determinants, whereas their action annihilates the Hartree-Fock reference determinant. The effect of triple excitations is included at a computational scaling slightly higher than that of conventional coupled-cluster singles and doubles. Furthermore, we demonstrate two approximate schemes, which arise naturally, and argue that both these schemes come equipped with certain renormalization terms capable of handling nonbonding interactions due to robust inclusion of the screened Coulomb interaction. We justify our claims from both a theoretical perspective and a number of numerical applications to prototypical water clusters, in a number of basis functions. Our methods show overall comparable performance to the canonical coupled-cluster theory with singles, doubles, and perturbative triples (CCSD(T)) and allied methods, however, at a lower computational scaling.

Chem Sci ; 9(28): 6126-6133, 2018 Jul 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30090300


Asymmetric catalysis using two chiral catalysts in combination using one-pot reaction conditions is in its initial stages of development and understanding. We employ density functional theory (SMD(toluene)/M06/6-31G**,SDD(Ir)) computations to shed light on the action of chiral phosphoric acid and a chiral Cp*Ir(diamine) in stereoinduction in an asymmetric amination reaction of an alcohol. First, the protonation of the Ir-diamine complex by the phosphoric acid forms an ion-pair of the active catalytic dyad. Both chiral catalysts are involved throughout the catalytic cycle, thus constituting an important example of true cooperative catalysis. A borrowing hydrogen mechanism operates, wherein the phosphate abstracts the hydroxyl proton of the alcohol while the electrophilic Ir(iii) simultaneously extracts the α-hydrogen to form a [Ir]-H species. The ketone thus derived from the alcohol through dehydrogenation condenses with aniline to form an imine. In the diastereocontrolling transition state, the hydride adds to the activated iminium, held in position in the chiral pocket of the catalytic dyad through a network of noncovalent interactions (C-H···π, N-H···O and C-H···O). The enantioselectivity in this DYKAT process is identified as taking place at an earlier stage of the catalytic cycle prior to the diastereo-determining transition state.