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Life (Basel) ; 13(12)2023 Nov 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38137845


Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors have heralded a paradigm shift in the management of immune-mediated diseases. While their efficacy is well-established, the safety concerns associated with these agents, particularly regarding thromboembolic events (TE), remain a focus of extensive research and clinical scrutiny. This comprehensive literature review embarks on an exploration of the multifaceted landscape of JAK inhibitors, providing insights into their safety profiles across diverse immune-mediated diseases. The introduction highlights the transformative influence of JAK inhibitors in the treatment of immune-mediated diseases. Historically, the therapeutic arsenal for these conditions included corticosteroids, disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), and biologics. The advent of JAK inhibitors has revolutionized this landscape, although concerns about their safety persist. This review strives to comprehensively evaluate their safety, amalgamating knowledge from multiple studies and trials. The subsequent sections delve into the safety of specific JAK inhibitors in the context of rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel diseases, and dermatologic conditions and their associations with venous thromboembolism. The evolving understanding of TE risk, particularly the intricate relationship between these agents and immune-mediated diseases, is meticulously unravelled. The concluding remarks underscore the dynamic nature of TE risk assessment with regard to immune-mediated diseases involving JAK inhibitors. It underscores that risk assessment is multifactorial, influenced not only by the choice of JAK inhibitor but also by the nuances of the underlying immune-mediated disease and the unique patient characteristics. This review offers a holistic perspective on TE risks associated with JAK inhibitors and contributes to the ongoing dialogue regarding their safety in the realm of immune-mediated diseases.

Life (Basel) ; 13(11)2023 Nov 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38004339


Febuxostat, initially developed as a xanthine oxidase inhibitor to address hyperuricemia in gout patients, has evolved into a versatile therapeutic agent with multifaceted applications. This review provides a comprehensive overview of febuxostat's mechanism of action, its effectiveness in gout management, its cardiovascular safety profile, renal and hepatic effects, musculoskeletal applications, safety considerations, and emerging research prospects. Febuxostat's primary mechanism involves selective inhibition of xanthine oxidase, resulting in reduced uric acid production. Its pharmacokinetics require personalized dosing strategies based on individual characteristics. In gout management, febuxostat offers a compelling alternative, effectively lowering uric acid levels, relieving symptoms, and supporting long-term control, especially for patients intolerant to allopurinol. Recent studies have demonstrated its cardiovascular safety, and it exhibits minimal hepatotoxicity, making it suitable for those with liver comorbidities. Febuxostat's potential nephroprotective effects and kidney stone prevention properties are noteworthy, particularly for gout patients with renal concerns. Beyond gout, its anti-inflammatory properties hint at applications in musculoskeletal conditions and a broader spectrum of clinical contexts, including metabolic syndrome. Emerging research explores febuxostat's roles in cardiovascular health, neurological disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, and cancer therapy, driven by its anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties. Future directions include personalized medicine, combination therapies, mechanistic insights, and ongoing long-term safety monitoring, collectively illuminating the promising landscape of febuxostat's multifaceted therapeutic potential.