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Asian J Neurosurg ; 16(1): 159-163, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34211886


Melanocytomas of the central nervous system are rare benign or intermediate grade localized melanocytic tumors. Despite its benign nature, it can follow a locally aggressive course with propensity to recur. We present the case of a 29 years old female who presented with a recurrent lesion in cervical spine and rapidly progressing quadriparesis. On examination, there was loss of power in right-sided extremities and reduction in sensations in left-sided extremities. Magnetic resonance imaging spine revealed a homogeneously enhancing intradural extramedullary dumbbell-shaped mass lesion at C4/5 level with extension through right C4 neural foramina to the extraforamina space, causing severe spinal cord compression. Intraoperatively, bluish-colored tumor was identified along with underlying hematoma. Gross total excision of the tumor was done. Tumor was received in the histopathology department in multiple black-colored fragments. Microscopically, a heavily pigmented tumor was seen with the sheets and nodules of polygonal cells with large nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Differentials considered were meningeal melanocytoma and malignant melanoma. On immunohistochemistry, the tumor cells showed diffuse positivity for HMB 45 and S100. Ki 67 index was around 1%. On radiological review, the tumor was fairly well circumscribed and did not infiltrate the adjacent tissues. There was no evidence of any lesions elsewhere in the body. Considering these features, the tumor was diagnosed with meningeal melanocytoma. Postoperatively, there was significant immediate improvement in quadriparesis and patient could walk with minimal support.

Asian J Neurosurg ; 14(2): 568-570, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31143285


Formation of rosettes is very rarely encountered in meningiomas. The 2016 WHO classification of central nervous system tumors mentions it as a rare pattern secondarily encountered in different variants. We report three cases of meningiomas forming collagenous rosettes. Case 1 was a 60-year-old male with a right frontoparietal mass lesion. Excisional biopsy showed features of atypical meningioma (WHO Grade II) with diffusely scattered collagenous rosettes. Case 2 was a 48-year-old male with right frontoparietal space-occupying lesion. Microscopy revealed a papillary variant of meningioma (WHO Grade III) with prominent diffusely scattered collagenous rosettes. Case 3 was a 75-year-old female with left parietal convexity tumor. Microscopy revealed a clear-cell meningioma (WHO Grade II) with cerebral invasion. Focal collagenous rosettes and fibrosclerotic whorls were noted. In all three cases, Masson's trichrome was used to confirm collagenous nature of the rosettes. All three tumors were positive for epithelial membrane antigen and vimentin.

Asian J Neurosurg ; 14(4): 1291-1294, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31903381


Primary pineal rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is extremely rare, and only three cases have been reported so far. Here, we report a case of 12-year-old male who presented with complaints of diplopia and diminution of vision since 15 days. He also had left-sided facial paresis. Magnetic resonance imaging brain revealed a space-occupying lesion in the region of pineal gland. The patient underwent midline suboccipital craniectomy with excision of tumor. Microscopic examination revealed a highly cellular tumor with areas showing small round cells admixed with cells having abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm resembling rhabdomyoblasts and multinucleated giant cells. Differential diagnoses of pineal anlage tumor and primary RMS were considered. The tumor cells were positive for desmin while being negative for synaptophysin and glial fibrillary acidic protein. Myogenin was used to confirm the diagnosis of RMS, which showed focal nuclear positivity. INI1 was retained. All the markers for germ cell tumors were negative.

J Craniovertebr Junction Spine ; 10(4): 250-253, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32089620


Chondrosarcomas of the spine are rare tumors and represent <10% of all chondrosarcomas. In the spine, they may arise from vertebral bodies or posterior elements. They may occur in patients ranging from 13 to 78 years of age. Here, we present a case of a 25-year-old female who presented with complaints of lower backache, stiffness in both lower limbs, and tingling sensation in the right lower limb. On examination, both power and sensations were decreased below waist. Magnetic resonance imaging spine revealed an extradural lesion at D5 vertebral body level with severe cord compression. We received the mass in multiple fragments which were grayish-white and firm to hard in consistency. Microscopically, a chondroid tumor was seen with cells arranged in lobules in abundant myxoid matrix. The neoplastic chondrocytes were large in size and had bizarre hyperchromatic nuclei. Few binucleate and multinucleate forms were also seen along with occasional atypical mitoses. There was permeation and destruction of the host bone, and the tumor was seen invading the marrow spaces. Few foci showed high cellularity. No osteoid formation was seen by the tumor. The tumor was diagnosed as Chondrosarcoma - Grade II.