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Curr Oncol ; 29(11): 8556-8564, 2022 11 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36354734


Exposure to situations of domestic violence during the treatment for breast cancer may compromise the treatment and quality of life of women patients, so it is essential that health professionals act in tracking this phenomenon in the approach to and care of women with breast cancer. The purpose of this study was to examine experiences of violence against women by their intimate partners after mastectomy. This is an exploratory descriptive study, with a qualitative approach, carried out in the Rehabilitation Program for Mastectomized Women in a Brazilian reference hospital for oncological treatment. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 16 mastectomized women. For data analysis, a content analysis technique was performed. The women interviewed were predominantly brown, with a minimum age of 44 years and maximum of 72 years. They presented with low education, were married, and had a mean period of five years of breast cancer diagnosis. The participants reported that after mastectomy, they experienced episodes of violence at a time when they were extremely vulnerable due to the various cancer treatments. Three major thematic categories emerged from interview data across the data collection: (1) experiences of psychological violence, (2) experiences of physical violence, and (3) experiences of sexual violence. Psychological violence took the form of humiliation and contempt for their condition. Physical violence involved assault and sexual violence in the form of forced sex by coercion. Violence was a phenomenon present after mastectomy, practiced in the domestic environment by the intimate partner. We emphasize the importance of health professionals in screening for this issue by listening to and welcoming women, recording cases, exposing this situation, and contributing to prevention.

Neoplasias da Mama , Violência Doméstica , Violência por Parceiro Íntimo , Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Neoplasias da Mama/cirurgia , Qualidade de Vida , Mastectomia , Violência por Parceiro Íntimo/psicologia
Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 2016. 89 p. tab, ilus.
Tese em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-983434


Ao se falar em violência contra a mulher temos como recurso jurídico a Lei Maria da Penha. Arevisão de literatura enfatizou a necessidade da denúncia como proposta de solução ao problema.Esta, muitas vezes colocada como um fim em si mesmo e não como parte de um processo deresolução do problema da violência, tendo em vista que depois de efetivada a representaçãocriminal e se valendo de medidas protetivas de urgência, a mulher ainda pode estar vulnerável asituações à sua integridade física e psicológica. Este estudo buscou conhecer e analisar osdesdobramentos da denúncia realizada por mulheres vítimas de violência na cidade de Vitória noestado do Espírito Santo. A pesquisa realizada foi do tipo qualitativa, tendo tido por base oreferencial das ciências sociais para apreensão dos desdobramentos da denúncia, contemplandotambém seus sentidos subjetivos a partir das narrativas das mulheres e representantes institucionaisque compuseram as instituições escolhidas da Rede de Atendimento às Mulheres em Situação deViolência. A investigação contou a observação participante da dinâmica das instituições da rede deatendimento e finalmente as entrevistas individuais com os representantes da rede de atendimento ecom as mulheres que denunciaram seus agressores. A partir das análises das narrativas concluiu-seque denunciar foi considerado positivo tanto para os representantes como para as mulheres;confirmou-se a predominância da violência contra a mulher no ambiente doméstico, seja violênciafísica, psicológica ou sexual, percebeu-se quase nunca elas denunciam após uma primeira violênciamesmo porque até acontecer uma agressão física o processo já foi desencadeado por inúmerasviolências psicológicas como humilhações,...

When talking about violence against women we have legal recourse as the Maria da PenhaLaw. The literature review emphasizes the need for the complaint like a proposed solution to theproblem. It is often placed as an end in itself and not as part of a process of resolving the problem ofviolence, considering that after effective criminal representation and worth of urgent protectivemeasures, the woman may still be vulnerable to hazards to their physical and psychologicalintegrity. This study aimed to know and analyze the developments of the complaint carried out bywomen victims of violence in the city of Vitoria in Espirito Santo state. The research was thequalitative type, having been based on the framework of the social sciences to seizure ofdenunciation of developments also contemplating their subjective senses from the narratives ofwomen and institutional representatives who composed the chosen institutions of the WomenSupport Network Violence situation. The research was the qualitative type, having been based onthe framework of the social sciences to seizure of denunciation of developments also contemplatingtheir subjective senses from the narratives of women and institutional representatives whocomposed the chosen institutions of the Women Support Network against Violence situation. Theresearch included participant observation of the dynamics of the institutions of the service networkand individual interviews with representatives of the service network and the women who reportedtheir attackers. From the analysis of the narratives it was concluded that report was consideredpositive for both the representatives and for women; It confirmed the prevalence of violence againstwomen in the home, whether physical, psychological or sexual violence, realized almost never theydenounce after a first violence even because even happen a physical attack the process has beentriggered by numerous psychological violence as humiliations,...

Feminino , Humanos , Identidade de Gênero , Legislação , Serviço Social , Violência contra a Mulher , Violência Doméstica , Jurisprudência , Fatores de Proteção