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Chemosphere ; 306: 135591, 2022 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35798155


Despite the widespread use of membrane separation processes for water treatment, operation costs and fouling still restrict their application. Costs can be overcome by recycled membranes whereas fouling can be mitigated by membrane modification. In this work, the performance of recycled reverse osmosis membranes modified by greener titanium dioxide (TiO2) and graphene oxide (GO) in different modification routes were investigated and compared. The use of recycled membranes as a support acted more than a strategy for costs reduction, but also as an alternative for solid waste reduction. Low adhesion of nanoparticulate materials to the membrane surfaces were verified in depositions by self-assembly, whereas filtration and modification with dopamine generated membranes with well adhered and homogeneous layers. Considering the stability, permeability, and rejection efficiency of dyes as model substrates, the membranes modified with the aid of dopamine-TiO2-GO were the most promising. The nanomaterials increased the membrane hydrophilicity and formed a hydrated layer that repels the organic contaminants and reduces fouling. Besides membrane rejection, adsorption (contribution: ∼10%) and photocatalysis (contribution: ∼20%) were additional mechanisms for pollutants removal by the modified membranes. The photocatalytic membrane modified with dopamine-TiO2-GO was furthermore evaluated for the removal of six different pharmaceutical active compounds (PhACs), noticing gains in terms of removal efficiency (up to 95.7%) and fouling mitigation for the modified membrane compared to the original membranes. The photocatalytic activity still contributed to a simultaneous degradation of PhACs avoiding the generation of a concentrated stream for further disposal.

Membranas Artificiais , Nanoestruturas , Dopamina , Grafite , Titânio/química
Rev. méd. Minas Gerais ; 20(2)abr.-maio 2010. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-553644


Introdução: a fototerapia é atualmente a modalidade terapêutica mais utilizada para o tratamento da hiperbilirrubinemia ou icterícia neonatal. Apesar de bastante simples e eficiente, essa terapia demanda alguns cuidados e acompanhamentos criteriosos para garantir sua segurança e eficácia. Dentre os fatores que interferem na eficiência do tratamento, destacam-se, sobretudo, a radiância e o comprimento de onda da fonte de luz utilizada e a superfície corpórea do neonato exposto à radiação. Nesse sentido, a necessidade de controle e monitoramento da dose de radiação incidente em neonatos ictéricos sob tratamento fototerápico é um tema atual e bastante oportuno. Objetivo: este trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver e avaliar o desempenho de sensores de acúmulo de dose de radiação de baixo custo (< R$ 0,10), de fácil manuseio e leitura para monitoramento da radiação azul proveniente de equipamento composto por LEDs, administrada em fototerapia neonatal. Método: filmes poliméricos foram fabricados com materiais orgânicos luminescentes e expostos a diferentes doses de radiação. Resultados: os filmes poliméricos preparados mostraram variação de fluorescência do vermelho ao verde, passando pelo laranja e pelo amarelo, à medida que eram expostos à radiação. Esses resultados possibilitaram a confecção de sensores de acúmulo de dose de radiação do tipo "semáforo inteligente" cuja alteração de cores do vermelho ao verde é facilmente controlada com a manipulação química dos materiais orgânicos utilizados. Conclusão: o desenvolvimento e a utilização de selos inteligentes constituem, sem dúvida, proposta inovadora para garantir o controle e a eficiência dos tratamentos fototerápicos

Introduction: phototherapy is currently the most widely used therapy for treatment of neonatal hyperbilirrubinemy or jaundice. Although simple and effective, this therapy requires caution and careful follow up to ensure the safety and effectiveness . Among the factors that influence the treatment effectiveness stands out above all the radiance and the wavelenght of the light source and the infantïs body surface exposed to radiation. Therefore, the need for control and monitoring of the incident radiation in jaundiced newborns under phototherapy treatment is current and timely. Objective: this study aimed to develop and evaluate the low cost (<$ 0.10) accumulated radiation dose sensors performance, of easy handling and reading, for radiation monitoring equipment composed of blue LEDs, administered in neonatal phototherapy. Method: polymer films made of luminescent organic materials and exposed to radiation. Results: the prepared polymer films showed fluorescence variation from red to green, passing by orange and yellow, while being exposed to the radiation. These results made possible to make sensors of accumulate doses of radiation of the kind "smart semaphore" whose color alteration from red to green is easily controlled with chemical manipulation of the organic materials used. Conclusion: the development and use of smart labels are certainly innovative proposal to ensure the control and effectiveness of phototherapy treatments

Humanos , Recém-Nascido , Dosímetros de Radiação , Fototerapia , Icterícia Neonatal/terapia