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J Voice ; 2024 Aug 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39142924


AIM: To develop and validate a self-administered population-specific survey, available in Spanish, Portuguese, and English, which investigates the prevalence of voice symptoms and perceptions of risk factors associated with training among prospective teachers. METHODS: The present study had three stages: the first stage included a literature review and content validation by experts that supported the survey development. From this phase, we defined five aspects of the Prospective Teacher's Voice Questionnaire (PTVQ): (1) target population, (2) research objectives, (3) questions to be included, (4) scales for the answers, and (5) relevance, comprehensiveness, clarityclarity, and understandability of the questions. This process was performed in parallel for the three languages (Spanish, Portuguese, and English). The second stage included pilot testing. This involved administering the first draft of the survey to a group of 120 students to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of the survey instrument, identify any potential problems with the survey, and refine the instrument based on feedback from the pilot participants. The third stage includes the restructuring of the questionnaire's voice quality section to eliminate redundant questions. Through Principal Component Analysis, multicollinear variables were condensed, facilitating the removal of redundant items, and ensuring that the final questionnaire comprised only the most relevant and discriminative questions. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The final version of the survey, available in Spanish, Portuguese, and English, consists of four sections with a total of 57 questions. The development of the PTVQ represents a significant step toward better understanding and addressing voice disorders among prospective teachers. Future research could further refine the questionnaire and explore its predictive validity in identifying individuals at risk of voice disorders early in their teaching careers. Additionally, interventions based on the findings from the PTVQ could be developed to support the voice health and well-being of prospective teachers, ultimately improving teaching quality and job satisfaction in educational settings.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535335


Introduction: The conditions of teachers' work during the COVID-19 pandemic affected teachers' lives regarding voice disorder and stress, even in emergency remote classroom situation. Objective: To analyze the relationship between the presence of voice disorder, job stress, and COVID-19 in teachers when in emergency remote classroom teaching situation at the time of the pandemic. Method: This is a primary, exploratory, observational cross-sectional study with the use of survey forwarded online during the period of emergency classes after the arrival of COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil. The teachers answered the sociodemographic questions about the presence of COVID-19 and the following instruments: Condition of Vocal Production-Teacher [Condição de Produção Vocal - Professor (CPV-P)], Screening Index for Voice Disorder (SIVD), and Job Stress Scale (JSS). Results: Of the 118 teachers analyzed, 94.1% were female; the average age was 44 years. The SIVD recorded the presence of voice disorder in 66.9% of the participants. Regarding the JSS, which are the findings related to stress at work in the demand domain, the teachers showed high levels, a fact which presupposes the existence of pressure of psychological nature to perform their work. Conclusion: The teachers self-reported the presence of voice disorder even in remote class situation, on the occasion of COVID-19, which were more common in older teachers. When comparing the presence of voice disorders, coronavirus symptoms, and stress domains in relation to demand, control, and social support, there was no significance. It is hoped that this study will help to reflect on the need to improve teachers' working conditions, strengthening work-related voice disorder actions and guiding actions for vocal care and well-being.

Introducción: Las condiciones de trabajo de los profesores durante la pandemia de COVID-19 afectaron sus vidas en lo que respecta al trastorno de la voz y el estrés, incluso en situaciones de emergencia en aulas remotas. Objetivo: Analizar la relación entre la presencia de trastorno de la voz, estrés laboral y COVID-19 en profesores cuando se encontraban en situación de emergencia de enseñanza en aulas remotas en la época de la pandemia. Método: Se trata de un estudio primario, exploratorio, observacional de tipo transversal, con el uso de encuesta remitida online durante el periodo de clases de emergencia tras la llegada de la pandemia de COVID-19 en Brasil. Los profesores respondieron a las preguntas sociodemográficas sobre la presencia de COVID-19 y a los siguientes instrumentos: Condición de Producción Vocal-Profesor (CPV-P), Índice de Detección de los Trastornos de la Voz (SIVD) y Escala de Estrés Laboral (JSS). Resultados: De los 118 profesores analizados, el 94,1% eran mujeres; la mediana de edad era de 44 años. El (SIVD) registró la presencia de trastorno de la voz en el 66,9% de los participantes. En cuanto a la JSS, que son los hallazgos relacionados con el estrés laboral en el dominio de la demanda, los profesores mostraron niveles elevados, hecho que presupone la existencia de presiones de naturaleza psicológica para realizar su trabajo. Conclusión: Los profesores autoinformaron de la presencia de trastornos de la voz incluso en situación de clase a distancia, con ocasión del COVID-19, que fueron más frecuentes en los profesores de más edad. Al comparar la presencia de trastornos de la voz, los síntomas del coronavirus y los dominios de estrés en relación con la demanda, el control y el apoyo social, no hubo resultados significativos. Se espera que este estudio ayude a reflexionar sobre la necesidad de mejorar las condiciones de trabajo de los docentes, fortaleciendo las acciones de Trastorno de la voz relacionado con el trabajo (WRVD) y orientando acciones para el cuidado y bienestar vocal.

Distúrb. comun ; 34(1): e54202, mar. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1396608


Introdução: a voz é essencial para preservação e manutenção da cultura de grupos sociais. O povo Pankararu, vincula sua língua-mãe aos rituais religiosos. A principal forma de transmitir a tradição oral é através dos cantos nos rituais dos Praiás. Objetivo: resgatar o uso de voz pelos cantadores Pankararu no ritual dos Praiás, à luz do saber tradicional e científico. Método: estudo qualitativo, do tipo história de vida, autobiográfica, no qual foram acessadas memórias individuais e coletivas da comunidade Pankararu, considerando a caracterização do povo, do ambiente e o uso de voz nos rituais. Resultados: os cantadores utilizam a voz de maneira intensa e contínua, sem hidratação, e fumam cachimbo durante o ritual. O local onde cantam é um terreiro, espaço aberto, exposto às intempéries da natureza, com presença de poeira. Para cuidar da voz, baseiam-se no saber tradicional, apresentando uma visão distinta do conhecimento científico, no qual a voz representa sua cultura e identidade. Nesta perspectiva, hábitos descritos pela literatura como deletérios, são considerados saudáveis, demonstrando uma concepção singular de saúde. Conclusão: o conhecimento científico, paralelamente ao tradicional, poderá contribuir para estabelecimento de cuidados que visem à saúde vocal dos Pankararus.  Poderei oferecer ao meu povo, o qual apresenta demandas de saúde, conhecimentos científicos proporcionando uma melhor qualidade de voz e vida.

Introduction: The voice is essential for the preservation and maintenance of the culture of social groups. The Pankararu people link their mother language to religious rituals. The main way of transmitting the oral tradition is through singing in the rituals of Praiás. Objective: To rescue the use of voice by Pankararu singers in the Praiás ritual, considering the traditional and scientific knowledges. Method: Qualitative study, history life, autobiography design, which individual and collective memories of the Pankararu community were accessed, considering the characterization of the people, environment, and voice use in the rituals. Results: The singers use their voices intensely and continuously, without hydration, and smoking pipes during the ritual. The "terreiro" is the place where they sing, an open space, exposed to wuthering and dust. They are based on traditional knowledge for taking care of their voices, in a different view of scientific knowledge, in which voice represents their culture and identity. In this perspective, habits described in the literature as harmful are considered healthy, demonstrating a unique conception of health. Conclusion: Scientific knowledge, in parallel with the traditional one, can contribute to establish care aimed at the vocal health of the Pankararus. I will be able to offer to my people, who have health demands, scientific knowledge providing a better quality of voice and life.

Introducción: la voz es fundamental para la preservación y mantenimiento de la cultura de los grupos sociales. La gente de Pankararu, vincula su lengua materna a los rituales religiosos. La principal forma de transmitir la tradición oral es a través del canto en los rituales de Praiás. Objetivo: rescatar el uso de la voz de los cantantes de Pankararu en el ritual Praiás, a la luz de los conocimientos tradicionales y científicos. Método: estudio cualitativo, del tipo de historia de vida; Se accedió a las memorias individuales y colectivas de la comunidad Pankararu, considerando la caracterización de las personas, el entorno y el uso de la voz en los rituales. Resultados: los cantantes utilizan sus voces de forma intensa y continua, sin hidratarse, pipas de humo durante el ritual. El lugar donde canta el terreiro, un espacio abierto, expuesto a la intemperie de la naturaleza, con presencia de polvo. Para cuidar la voz, se basan en los conocimientos tradicionales, presentan una visión diferente del conocimiento científico, donde la voz representa la cultura y la identidad. En esta perspectiva, los hábitos descritos en la literatura como nocivos, se consideran saludables, demostrando una concepción única de la salud. Conclusión: El conocimiento científico, además del conocimiento tradicional, puede contribuir al establecimiento de cuidados dirigidos a la salud vocal de los Pankararus. Podré ofrecer a mi gente, que tiene demandas de salud, conocimientos científicos que brinden una mejor calidad de vida.

Voz , Cultura Indígena , Medicina Tradicional , Autobiografias como Assunto , Qualidade da Voz/fisiologia , Saúde , Canto/fisiologia
J Speech Lang Hear Res ; 63(5): 1326-1339, 2020 05 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32348195


Purpose Smoothed cepstral peak prominence (CPPS) and harmonics-to-noise ratio (HNR) are acoustic measures related to the periodicity, harmonicity, and noise components of an acoustic signal. To date, there is little evidence about the advantages of CPPS over HNR in voice diagnostics. Recent studies indicate that voice fundamental frequency (F0) and intensity (sound pressure level [SPL]), sample duration (DUR), vowel context (speech vs. sustained phonation), and syllable stress (SS) may influence CPPS and HNR results. The scope of this work was to investigate the effects of voice F0 and SPL, DUR, SS, and token on CPPS and HNR in dysphonic voices. Method In this retrospective study, 27 Brazilian Portuguese speakers with voice disorders were investigated. Recordings of sustained vowels (SVs) /a:/ and manually extracted vowels (EVs) /a/ from Consensus Auditory-Perceptual Evaluation of Voice sentences were acoustically analyzed with the Praat program. Results There was a highly significant effect of F0, SPL, and DUR on both CPPS and HNR (p < .001), whereas SS and vowel context significantly affected CPPS only (p < .05). Higher SPL, F0, and lower DUR were related to higher CPPS and HNR. SVs moderately-to-highly correlated with EVs for CPPS, whereas HNR had few and moderate correlations. In addition, CPPS and HNR highly correlated in SVs and seven EVs (p < .05). Conclusion Speaking prosodic variations of F0, SPL, and DUR influenced both CPPS and HNR measures and led to acoustic differences between sustained and excised vowels, especially in CPPS. Vowel context, prosodic factors, and token type should be controlled for in clinical acoustic voice assessment.

Acústica da Fala , Qualidade da Voz , Brasil , Humanos , Fonação , Estudos Retrospectivos , Medida da Produção da Fala