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Complement Ther Med ; 41: 81-89, 2018 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30477868


PURPOSE: To evaluate if music characteristics like tempo, harmony, melody, instrumentation, volume, and pitch, as defined by musical theory, are described in randomized clinical trials (RCTs) evaluating the effects of music-listening on the quantified pain perception of adults, and if these characteristics influence music's overall therapeutic effect. METHODS: A systematic review and meta-analysis of RCTs evaluating music-listening for pain management on adults was performed according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses statement. The databases Pubmed, Scopus, SCIELO, SpringerLink, Global Health Library, Cochrane, EMBASE, and LILACS were searched. Studies published between 2004 and 2017 with quantified measurements of pain were included. Quality was evaluated using the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network methodology checklist for RCT, and effect sizes were reported with standardized mean differences. RESULTS: A total of 85 studies were included for qualitative analysis but only 56.47% described at least one music characteristic. Overall meta-analysis found a significant effect, with high heterogeneity, of music for pain management (SMD -0.59, I2 = 85%). Only instrumentation characteristics (lack of lyrics, of percussion or of nature sounds), and 60-80 bpm tempo were described sufficiently for analysis. All three instrumentation characteristics had significant effects, but only the lack of lyrics showed an acceptable heterogeneity. CONCLUSIONS: Results show that music without lyrics is effective for the management of pain. Due to insufficient data, no ideal music characteristics for the management of pain were identified suggesting that music, as an intervention, needs standardization through an objective language such as that of music theory.

Musicoterapia , Música , Manejo da Dor/psicologia , Dor/psicologia , Som , Adulto , Humanos , Música/psicologia , Limiar da Dor
Complement Ther Clin Pract ; 32: 103-114, 2018 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30057035


AIM: This study aims to analyze and describe the effects of music listening in the management of pain in adult patients, as reported in systematic reviews and meta-analysis. METHODS: A search of articles published between 2004 and 2017 was conducted on Pubmed, ScienceDirect, Scopus, SCIELO, SpringerLink, Global Health Library, Cochrane, EMBASE and LILACS. Search, quality assessment, and data extraction was done independently by two researchers. RESULTS: Most of reviews found a significant effect of music on pain. All analyses had a high heterogeneity, and only acute pain and music delivered under general anesthesia had moderate heterogeneity. No differences were found when music was chosen by the patient. Music type and its characteristics are scantly described and in terms that lack validity. CONCLUSIONS: More focused trials and reviews, objective language for music, and trials with music chosen by its characteristics are required.

Dor Aguda/terapia , Musicoterapia , Manejo da Dor , Adulto , Humanos
J Genet ; 97(1): 337-340, 2018 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29666354


We describe a case of a six-year-old girl who presents multiple dysmorphic features characteristic of Down's syndrome. She has a significant general developmental delay, with a score that correspond to 32 months of developmental age. This delay is especially in language, with a very scant vocabulary. She communicates with some hand sign words or pointing, although her auditory responses in hearing test were normal. Two previous karyotype studies showed 47, XXX, +21 anomalies. This double trisomy is a rare condition described in isolated cases in the literature and none of these refers to the developmental aspects of these children (Balwan et al. 2008; Li et al. 2004; Park et al. 1995; Day et al. 1963).

Síndrome de Down/genética , Cariotipagem , Trissomia/genética , Criança , Síndrome de Down/sangue , Fácies , Feminino , Testes Auditivos , Humanos , Fenótipo
Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 46(2): 110-115, Apr.-June 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-960123


Abstract The personal and private lives of great men and women in history, like writers, painters and musicians, have been the subject of great interest for many years. A clear example of this is the vast scrutiny is cast over the famous composer, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. What may have started as curiosity, rapidly evolved into extensive research, as the answers about the musician's legendary talent may lie in the details of his life (his childhood, his relationships, his quirks and his mannerisms). It is usually up to historians, anthropologists or philosophers to delve into the pages of old books, trying to grasp answers and clues. However, for some time, physicians have sought their own part in solving the puzzle. The long told hypothesis regarding Mozart's diagnosis of Gilles de la Tourette syndrome will be examined. Could all of the peculiarities and oddities of the genius be caused by a neurological disorder? Or was this musical genius just an eccentric brilliant man?

Resumen Por años, la vida privada de los grandes hombres y mujeres de la historia, escritores, pintores y músicos, ha sido objeto de gran interés. Un claro ejemplo de esto es el gran escrutinio que se ha hecho sobre el aclamado compositor Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Lo que posiblemente comenzó como simple curiosidad rápidamente se convirtió en una investigación exhaustiva, pues en los detalles de su vida (su infancia, relaciones, mañas y manierimos) podría estar la evidencia de su legendario talento. Usualmente, son los historiadores, antropólogos y filósofos los que se sumergen en las páginas de viejos y ajados libros tratando de encontrar respuestas y pistas; sin embargo, desde algún tiempo, los médicos han reclamado su propio papel en la resolución de estos interrogantes. Este artículo explora la hipótesis sobre el posible diagnóstico de síndrome de Gilles de la Tourette para Mozart. ¿Todas las peculiaridades y rarezas del genio podrían estar causadas por un trastorno neurológico o se trataba solamente de un hombre brillante y excéntrico?

Humanos , Masculino , Criança , Adolescente , Adulto , Síndrome de Tourette , Comportamento Exploratório , Médicos , Privacidade , História Antiga , Diagnóstico , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso
Rev Colomb Psiquiatr ; 46(2): 110-115, 2017.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28483170


The personal and private lives of great men and women in history, like writers, painters and musicians, have been the subject of great interest for many years. A clear example of this is the vast scrutiny is cast over the famous composer, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. What may have started as curiosity, rapidly evolved into extensive research, as the answers about the musician's legendary talent may lie in the details of his life (his childhood, his relationships, his quirks and his mannerisms). It is usually up to historians, anthropologists or philosophers to delve into the pages of old books, trying to grasp answers and clues. However, for some time, Physicians have sought their own part in solving the puzzle. The long told hypothesis regarding Mozart's diagnosis of Gilles de la Tourette syndrome will be examined. Could all of the peculiarities and oddities of the genius be caused by a neurological disorder? Or was this musical genius just an eccentric brilliant man?.

Pessoas Famosas , Música/história , Síndrome de Tourette/história , História do Século XVIII , Humanos , Síndrome de Tourette/diagnóstico
Acta neurol. colomb ; 32(1): 80-81, ene.-mar. 2016. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-779513


Georges Albert Brutus Edouard Gilles de la Tourette nació y se crio dentro de una época esplendorosa de Francia. Se destacó por sus méritos como estudiante y fue educado para que tuviera una brillante carrera como médico. Su paso por el hospital Pitie-Salpêtrière fue algo fundamental en su vida, ya que allí conoció al profesor Jean-Martin Charcot quien le brindó la oportunidad y las herramientas para estudiar su pasión, la Neurología, de una manera amplia la y dedicarse a otros casos interesantes dedicados a la mente humana. Gracias a esto pudo describir la patología que hoy nos compete como el síndrome de La Tourette. Su estudio y su incansable curiosidad permitieron además involucrarse no sólo con este síndrome sino que ayudó a hacer múltiples descripciones de otras patologías e incursionó en el nuevo campo del hipnotismo. Sin embargo, su muerte prematura, debido a una enfermedad hoy en día curable, hizo que se truncara la maravillosa mente de este neurólogo que, muy seguramente, hubiese aportado más conocimiento de la época a nuestro saber actual.

Georges Albert Edouard Brutus Gilles de la Tourette was born and raised in an era of French splendor; he was an outstanding student, educated to have a brilliant career as a doctor. Passing through the Pitie-Salpetriere hospital was critical in his life, there were the place where he had the opportunity to meet Professor Jean-Martin Charcot, who would be his colleague and friend throughout his life. Charcot gave him the opportunity and the tools to study his passion, neurology, in a comprehensive manner, and to pursue interesting cases dedicated to the study of the human mind. It was thanks to this that he could so aptly describe the disease that concerns us today as Tourette’s syndrome. His study and tireless curiosity also allowed him to get involved not only with this syndrome but helped him make multiple descriptions of other diseases and to enter the new field of hypnotism. But his premature death, due to an illness which would have been curable today, cut short this brilliant career; otherwise, he would, most certainly, have contributed a lot more to our current knowledge of neurology.

Acta neurol. colomb ; 31(4): 454-461, oct. 2015. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-776259


La vida de este extraordinario científico y pintor ha sido motivo de estudio por generaciones, pues fascinó la manera de poder unir armoniosamente sus pasiones. Santiago Felipe Ramón y Cajal, más conocido como don Santiago Ramón y Cajal (el "don" por un título de importancia de la época e "y" como una forma de darle renombre a sus apellidos), o referido por muchos simplemente como Cajal (por la sonoridad del apellido y la costumbre en España de utilizar el apellido materno). Nació en la provincia de Cataluña, primer hijo de la unión de Justo Ramón Casasús y Antonia Cajal Puentes. Su padre, médico del pueblo, vio en él un sucesor de la profesión, razón por la cual desde muy pequeño le exigió académicamente y le reprochó su fascinación por el arte. Su infancia fue marcada por múltiples sucesos que lo llevarían a tener un encanto por la naturaleza y querer plasmarla en sus dibujos. La influencia de su padre fue exitosa, ya que se convirtió en un prestigioso médico. Ansioso de conocer otros lugares y su sed de aventurero lo llevaron a viajar a Cuba para dar apoyo médico a las tropas españolas. A su regreso se encontró con múltiples oportunidades que forjaron su carrera como científico y le dieron solidez como persona. Se casó a la edad de 27 años con Silveria Fañanás, el motor de su vida y la madre de sus seis hijos. Su incansable curiosidad y su espíritu de pintor le permitieron describir y dibujar las células nerviosas de manera detallada, incluyendo su estructura magnífica y las relaciones de estas, comparándolas de manera muy acertada con la naturaleza, referidas por él mismo como "El jardín de la neurología". Siempre fue un paisajista romántico, que se intrigó tanto de lo macro (con sus dibujos sobre la naturaleza y la anatomía), como de lo micro (la histología) (Figura 1).

The life of this extraordinary scientist and painter has been studied by multiple generations, fascinated by the way he harmoniously mixes his passions. Santiago Felipe Ramón y Cajal, better known as Don Santiago Ramón y Cajal (the "Don" as a title of the importance of the age and the "Y" as a way to give renown to their surnames) or referred by many simply as "Cajal" - by the sound of the surname). He was born in the province of Catalonia, first child of the union of Justo Ramón Casasús and Antonia Cajal. His father, a physician, saw in him a successor of the profession, which is why at very young age, he demanded of him the best academic performance and reproached him for his fascination with art. His childhood was marked by many events that would lead him to be charmed with nature and want to translate this into his drawings. The influence of his father was successful because he became a physician. Eager to know other places and with the thirst of an adventurer, he travelled to Cuba, but it was not the experience he had imagined. On his return he found many opportunities that forged his career as a scientist and gave him strength as a person. He married at the age of 27 years with Silveria Fañanás, who became the mother of his six children, and was the engine of his life. With his insatiable curiosity, his painter´s spirit and with some help, he described in detail the nerve cells and portrayed in his drawings the magnificent structure and relationships thereof, successfully comparing them with nature, referring to "The Garden of Neurology". He was always a romantic landscape painter, intrigued as much by the macro (with his drawings of nature and anatomy) as the micro (histology); the latter was his greatest passion. All his work bore many fruits, which still amaze us today. Through his hard work and his refusal to placate his inner painter, he managed to mix his passions to their maximum potential, leaving behind a priceless legacy.