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Plant Dis ; 2021 Jan 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33441009


Plum and peach are important crops in the southernmost regions of Brazil and in the majority, fresh fruit producers are small producers, which guarantee their family income. Tranzschelia discolor and T. pruni-spinosae are the etiological agents of rust on Prunus domestica (plum) and P. persica (peach) in Brazil (Mendes and Urben, 2020). The molecular characterization of Tranzschelia specimens revealed different clades that are not attributed to known species, showing the need for taxonomic evaluation of Tranzschelia species in the tropics (Scholler et al. 2014; 2019). As Tranzschelia species reported in Brazil were identified only by morphological characteristics, this study aimed to carry out a survey to verify the etiology of rust on plum and peach based on molecular data. In 2018, rust symptoms in peach and plum trees were observed with maximum severity of 30% and 35%, respectively, in three Brazilian states. Symptoms of plum and peach rust are yellowish-green spots visible on the adaxial side of the leaves and uredia/uredinial sori releasing the brown urediniospores on the abaxial side (Supplementary figure 1). Symptomatic leaves of plum and peach were collected at Curitiba in the states of Paraná (lat. 25°25'47" S and long. 49°16'19" W, altitude of 935 meters) in a research station, Videira in Santa Catarina (lat. 27°00'30" S and long. 51°09'06" W, altitude of 750 meters) in a research station and Paranapanema in São Paulo (lat. 23º23'19" S and long. 48º43'22" W, altitude of 610 meters) in a farmer field, and deposited in the herbarium of the Municipal Botanical Museum of Curitiba (MBM 429790 to 429795). Urediniospores collected on plum and peach leaves were all echinulate, obovoid, orange-brown, and measured 18.0 - 33.5 µm × 10.5 - 20.5 µm (n=150) and 22.5 - 40.0 µm × 11.5 - 20.5 µm (n=150), respectively. The genomic DNA of the urediniospores was extracted for amplification and sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) using primers ITS5-u and ITS4-u (Pfunder et al. 2001). The sequences were deposited (Accession Nos. MT786213 to MT786218) and compared to sequences in the GenBank repository using the BLASTn algorithm. The sequences of ITS showed a high percentage of identity (>99%) with sequences from T. discolor (Accession Nos. AB097449, EU014071, KU712078, KY764179, MH599069, MN545867, DQ995341, DQ354542, and KX985768). Additionally, our isolates clustered with others T. discolor in a Bayesian phylogenetic tree based on ITS sequences (study S26663 deposited in TreeBASE) (Supplementary figure 2). A pathogenicity test was carried out on plants by inoculation of a 1.5 × 105 urediniospores mL-1 suspension on the abaxial side of the leaves. Leaves sprayed with sterile water were used as controls. The plants were incubated in a growth chamber (GC) in the dark for 48 h at 23 °C and maintained with 100% RH to establish infections. The inoculated plants were afterwards kept in the GC at a photoperiod of 12 h under same conditions until 14 days when the symptoms and pathogen structures were observed to all six isolates. Control leaves remained symptomless. Tranzschelia discolor infect plants in the genus Prunus, including almond, apricot, nectarine, cherry, peach, and plum (Farr and Rossman 2021). As T. pruni-spinosae was not found, T. discolor is probably the prevalent species in the main regions of Brazil. This information reveals T. discolor as the causal agent of plum and peach rust in Brazil and helps to understand the distribution of this disease in tropics or worldwide.