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Ecol Evol ; 11(14): 9217-9226, 2021 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34306618


Determining herbage intake is pivotal for studies on grazing ecology. Direct observation of animals allows describing the interactions of animals with the pastoral environment along the complex grazing process. The objectives of the study were to evaluate the reliability of the continuous bite monitoring (CBM) method in determining herbage intake in grazing sheep compared to the standard double-weighing technique method during 45-min feeding bouts; evaluate the degree of agreement between the two techniques; and to test the effect of different potential sources of variation on the reliability of the CBM. The CBM method has been used to describe the intake behavior of grazing herbivores. In this study, we evaluated a new approach to this method, that is, whether it is a good proxy for determining the intake of grazing animals. Three experiments with grazing sheep were carried out in which we tested for different sources of variations, such as the number of observers, level of detail of bite coding grid, forage species, forage allowance, sward surface height heterogeneity, experiment site, and animal weight, to determine the short-term intake rate (45 min). Observer (Pexp1  = 0.018, Pexp2  = 0.078, and Pexp3  = 0.006), sward surface height (Pexp2  < 0.001), total number of bites observed per grazing session (Pexp2  < 0.001 and Pexp3  < 0.001), and sward depletion (Pexp3  < 0.001) were found to affect the absolute error of intake estimation. The results showed a high correlation and agreement between the two methods in the three experiments, although intake was overestimation by CBM on experiments 2 and 3 (181.38 and 214.24 units, respectively). This outcome indicates the potential of CBM to determining forage intake with the benefit of a greater level of detail on foraging patterns and components of the diet. Furthermore, direct observation is not invasive nor disrupts natural animal behavior.

Front Microbiol ; 12: 660567, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33927709


This study aimed to assess the effects of a heterofermentative microbial inoculant and storage length on fermentation profile, aerobic stability, and nutrient composition in whole-plant sorghum silage (WPSS) from different varieties. Experiment 1, a completely randomized design with a 2 × 3 factorial treatment arrangement, evaluated microbial inoculation [CON (50 mL distilled water) or LBLD (Lactobacillus plantarum DSM 21762, L. buchneri DSM 12856, and L. diolivorans DSM 32074; 300,000 CFU/g of fresh forage)] and storage length (14, 28, or 56 d) in forage WPSS. The LBLD silage had lower pH compared to CON, and greater concentrations of succinic acid, ethanol, 1,2-propanediol (1,2-PD), 1-propanol, 2,3-butanediol and total acids. After 56 d, lactic acid concentration was greater for CON, while acetic acid and aerobic stability were greater in LBLD silage. Experiment 2, a completely randomized design with a 2 × 3 factorial treatment arrangement, evaluated effects of microbial inoculation (same as experiment 1) and storage length (14, 28, or 56 d) in WPSS of three varieties [forage sorghum (Mojo Seed, OPAL, Hereford, TX), sorghum-sudangrass (Dyna-gro Seed, Fullgraze II, Loveland, CO, United States), or sweet sorghum (MAFES Foundation Seed Stocks, Dale, MS State, MS)]. The LBLD forage sorghum had greater acetic acid and 1,2-PD concentrations at 56 d and 28 d, respectively, but lower concentrations of propionic acid at 56 d and butyric acid at 14 and 28 d. Additionally, WSC concentration was greater for CON than LBLD at 28 d. Furthermore, CON sweet sorghum had greater lactic acid, propionic acid, and butyric acid concentrations. However, greater acetic acid and 1,2-PD were observed for LBLD sweet sorghum. The CON sweet sorghum had greater concentration of WSC and yeast counts. The CON sorghum sudangrass had greater lactic and butyric acid concentrations than LBLD at 14 d, but lower acetic acid and 1,2-PD concentrations at 56 d. Yeast counts were greater for CON than LBLD sorghum sudangrass silage. Overall, results indicate inoculation of WPSS with Lactobacillus plantarum DSM 21762, L. buchneri DSM 12856, and L. diolivorans DSM 32074 improves heterofermentative co-fermentation allowing the accumulation of acetic acid concentration and increasing antifungal capacities and aerobic stability of WPSS.