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Sol Phys ; 292(1): 7, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28035169


For almost 20 years the physical nature of globally propagating waves in the solar corona (commonly called "EIT waves") has been controversial and subject to debate. Additional theories have been proposed over the years to explain observations that did not agree with the originally proposed fast-mode wave interpretation. However, the incompatibility of observations made using the Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) onboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory with the fast-mode wave interpretation was challenged by differing viewpoints from the twin Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory spacecraft and data with higher spatial and temporal resolution from the Solar Dynamics Observatory. In this article, we reexamine the theories proposed to explain EIT waves to identify measurable properties and behaviours that can be compared to current and future observations. Most of us conclude that the so-called EIT waves are best described as fast-mode large-amplitude waves or shocks that are initially driven by the impulsive expansion of an erupting coronal mass ejection in the low corona.

R Soc Open Sci ; 3(10): 150637, 2016 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27853530


This paper investigates the effect of contact geometry, temperature and displacement amplitude on the fretting behaviour of an aero-turbo oil lubricated cylinder-on-flat contact. To be effective, the lubricant needed both to penetrate the contact and then offer protection. Lubricant penetration into the fretting contact is found to be controlled by two physical parameters, namely (i) the width of the contact that remains covered throughout the fretting test and (ii) the lubricant viscosity. The protection offered by the lubricant (assuming that it has successfully penetrated the contact) is influenced by four physical parameters, namely (i) lubricant viscosity, (ii) traverse velocity, (iii) nominal contact pressure, and (iv) chemical effects. The relationship between the three experimental parameters which were varied in the programme of work (temperature, fretting displacement and cylinder radius) and physical parameters which influence the protection offered by the lubricant film can be competing, and therefore complex wear behaviour is observed. The roles of the various parameters in controlling the wear behaviour are presented in a coherent physical framework.

Schizophr Res Treatment ; 2015: 725136, 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26199758


Explanatory models ascribe to arousability a central role for the development of psychotic symptoms. Thus, a disposition to hyperarousal (i.e., increased arousal predisposition (AP)) may serve as an underlying vulnerability indicator for psychosis by interacting with stressors to cause symptoms. In this case, AP, stress-response, and psychotic symptoms should be linked before the development of a diagnosable psychotic disorder. We conducted a cross-sectional online study in a population sample (N = 104; M age = 27.7 years, SD = 11.2, range 18-70). Participants rated their AP and subclinical psychotic symptoms. Participants reported their stress-levels before and after two stress inductions including an arithmetic and a social stressor. The participants with an increased AP generally felt more stressed. However, AP was not associated with the specific stress-response. As expected, positive psychotic symptoms were significantly associated with AP, but this was not mediated by general stress-levels. Its association to subtle, nonclinical psychotic symptoms supports our assumption that AP could be a vulnerability indicator for psychosis. The trait is easily accessible via a short self-report and could facilitate the identification of people at risk and be a promising target for early stress-management. Further research is needed to clarify its predictive value for stress-responses.