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Proteomes ; 12(3)2024 Jul 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39051238


Although seasonal water temperatures typically fluctuate by less than 4 °C across most tropical reefs, sustained heat stress with an increase of even 1 °C can alter and destabilize metabolic and physiological coral functions, leading to losses of coral reefs worldwide. The Caribbean region provides a natural experimental design to study how corals respond physiologically throughout the year. While characterized by warm temperatures and precipitation, there is a significant seasonal component with relative cooler and drier conditions during the months of January to February and warmer and wetter conditions during September and October. We conducted a comparative abundance of differentially expressed proteins with two contrasting temperatures during the cold and warm seasons of 2014 and 2015 in Orbicella faveolata, one of the most important and affected reef-building corals of the Caribbean. All presented proteoforms (42) were found to be significant in our proteomics differential expression analysis and classified based on their gene ontology. The results were accomplished by a combination of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) to separate and visualize proteins and mass spectrometry (MS) for protein identification. To validate the differentially expressed proteins of Orbicella faveolata at the transcription level, qRT-PCR was performed. Our data indicated that a 3.1 °C increase in temperature in O. faveolata between the cold and warm seasons in San Cristobal and Enrique reefs of southwestern Puerto Rico was enough to affect the expression of a significant number of proteins associated with oxidative and heat stress responses, metabolism, immunity, and apoptosis. This research extends our knowledge into the mechanistic response of O. faveolata to mitigate thermal seasonal temperature variations in coral reefs.

bioRxiv ; 2024 May 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38766101


In October 2023, several colonies of an alien soft coral species were reported on shallow reefs in southwest Puerto Rico. The soft coral was identified as a xeniid octocoral (species undetermined), resembling the octocoral Unomia stolonifera, which has invaded and overgrown reefs in Venezuela in recent years. To conclusively characterize the species of the invading xeniid, we employed multilocus barcoding targeting four genes (ND2, mtMutS, COI, and 28S) of three separate colonies across three locations in southwest Puerto Rico. Sequence comparisons with xeniid sequences from GenBank, including those from the genera Xenia and Unomia, indicated a 100% sequence identity (>3,000 bp combined) with the species Xenia umbellata (Octocorallia : Malacalcyonacea : Xeniidae). Xenia umbellata is native to the Red Sea and to our knowledge, this represents the first confirmed case of this species as an invader on Caribbean reefs. Similar to U. stolonifera, X. umbellata is well known for its ability to rapidly overgrow substrate as well as tolerate environmental extremes. In addition, X. umbellata has recently been proposed as a model system for tissue regeneration having the ability to regenerate completely from a single tentacle. These characteristics greatly amplify X. umbellata's potential to adversely affect any reef it invades. Our findings necessitate continued collaborative action between local management agencies and stakeholders in Puerto Rico, as well as neighboring islands, to monitor and control this invasion prior to significant ecological perturbation.

Ecol Indic ; 135: 1-13, 2022 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35516524


The Biological Condition Gradient (BCG) is a conceptual model used to describe incremental changes in biological condition along a gradient of increasing anthropogenic stress. As coral reefs collapse globally, scientists and managers are focused on how to sustain the crucial structure and functions, and the benefits that healthy coral reef ecosystems provide for many economies and societies. We developed a numeric (quantitative) BGC model for the coral reefs of Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands to transparently facilitate ecologically meaningful management decisions regarding these fragile resources. Here, reef conditions range from natural, undisturbed conditions to severely altered or degraded conditions. Numeric decision rules were developed by an expert panel for scleractinian corals and other benthic assemblages using multiple attributes to apply in shallow-water tropical fore reefs with depths <30 m. The numeric model employed decision rules based on metrics (e.g., % live coral cover, coral species richness, pollution-sensitive coral species, unproductive and sediment substrates, % cover by Orbicella spp.) used to assess coral reef condition. Model confirmation showed the numeric BCG model predicted the panel's median site ratings for 84% of the sites used to calibrate the model and 89% of independent validation sites. The numeric BCG model is suitable for adaptive management applications and supports bioassessment and criteria development. It is a robust assessment tool that could be used to establish ecosystem condition that would aid resource managers in evaluating and communicating current or changing conditions, protect water and habitat quality in areas of high biological integrity, or develop restoration goals with stakeholders and other public beneficiaries.

Ecol Indic ; 138: 1-13, 2022 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36761828


As coral reef condition and sustainability continue to decline worldwide, losses of critical habitat and their ecosystem services have generated an urgency to understand and communicate reef response to management actions, environmental contamination, and natural disasters. Increasingly, coral reef protection and restoration programs emphasize the need for robust assessment tools for protecting high-quality waters and establishing conservation goals. Of equal importance is the need to communicate assessment results to stakeholders, beneficiaries, and the public so that environmental consequences of decisions are understood. The Biological Condition (BCG) model provides a structure to evaluate the condition of a coral reef in increments of change along a gradient of human disturbance. Communication of incremental change, regardless of direction, is important for decision makers and the public to better understand what is gained or lost depending on what actions are taken. We developed a narrative (qualitative) Biological Condition Gradient (BCG) from the consensus of a diverse expert panel to provide a framework for coral reefs in US Caribbean Territories. The model uses narrative descriptions of biological attributes for benthic organisms to evaluate reefs relative to undisturbed or minimally disturbed conditions. Using expert elicitation, narrative decision rules were proposed and deliberated to discriminate among six levels of change along a gradient of increasing anthropogenic stress. Narrative rules for each of the BCG levels are presented to facilitate the evaluation of benthic communities in coral reefs and provide specific narrative features to detect changes in coral reef condition and biological integrity. The BCG model can be used in the absence of numeric, or quantitative metrics, to evaluate actions that may encroach on coral reef ecosystems, manage endangered species habitat, and develop and implement management plans for marine protected areas, watersheds, and coastal zones. The narrative BCG model is a defensible model and communication tool that translates scientific results so the nontechnical person can understand and support both regulatory and non-regulatory water quality and natural resource programs.

PeerJ ; 8: e8428, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32095327


Caribbean populations of the long-spined black sea urchin Diadema antillarum Philippi were decimated by a disease-induced mass mortality in the early 1980's. The present study provides an updated status of the D. antillarum recovery and population characteristics in La Parguera Natural Reserve, Puerto Rico. The last detailed study to assess population recovery in 2001, indicated a slow, and modest recovery, albeit densities remained far below pre-mass mortality levels. Population densities were assessed along three depth intervals in six reef localities and one depth in three lagoonal sea-grass mounds using ten 20 m2 (10 × 2 m) belt-transects at each depth interval. Most of these were previously surveyed in 2001. All individuals encountered along the belt transects were sized in situ with calipers and rulers to characterize the size (age) structure of each population and get insight into the urchin's population dynamics and differences across localities in the area. Habitat complexity (rugosity) was assessed in all depth intervals. No significant differences in population densities between reef zones (inner shelf and mid-shelf) were observed, but significantly higher densities were found on shallow habitats (<5 m depth; 2.56 ± 1.6 ind/m2) compared to intermediate (7-12 m; 0.47 ± 0.8 ind/m2) and deep (>12 m; 0.04 ± 0.08 ind/m2) reef habitats in almost all sites surveyed. Habitat complexity had the greatest effect on population densities at all levels (site, zone and depth) with more rugose environments containing significantly higher densities and wider size structures. Comparison between survey years revealed that D. antillarum populations have not increased since 2001, and urchins seem to prefer shallower, more complex and productive areas of the reef. Populations were dominated by medium to large (5-9 cm in test diameter) individuals and size-frequency distributions indicated that smaller juveniles were virtually absent compared to 2001, which could reflect a recruitment-limited population and explain in part, the lack of increase in population densities. The limited temporal scale of this study, high horizontal movement of individuals along the complex, shallower reef and inshore habitats could also explain the general decline in mean densities. Other extrinsic factors affecting reproductive output and/or succesful recruitment and survival of juveniles likely contribute to the high variablility in population densities observed over time.

PeerJ ; 8: e8435, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32095328


Natural population recovery of Acropora palmata, A. cervicornis and their hybrid, Acropora prolifera, have fluctuated significantly after their Caribbean-wide, disease-induced mass mortality in the early 1980s. Even though significant recovery has been observed in a few localities, recurrent disease outbreaks, bleaching, storm damage, local environmental deterioration, algae smothering, predation, low sexual recruitment and low survivorship have affected the expected, quick recovery of these weedy species. In this study, the status of three recovering populations of A. cervicornis and two of A. prolifera were assessed over one year using coral growth and mortality metrics, and changes in their associated algae and fish/invertebrate communities in three localities in the La Parguera Natural Reserve (LPNR), southwest coast of Puerto Rico. Five branches were tagged in each of 29, medium size (1-2 m in diameter) A. cervicornis and 18 A. prolifera colonies in the Media Luna, Mario and San Cristobal reefs off LPNR. Branches were measured monthly, together with observations to evaluate associated disease(s), algae accumulation and predation. A. cervicornis grew faster [3.1 ± 0.44 cm/month (= 37.2 cm/y)] compared to A. prolifera [2.6 ± 0.41 cm/month (= 31.2 cm/y)], and growth was significantly higher during Winter-Spring compared to Summer-Fall for both taxa (3.5 ± 0.58 vs. 0.53 ± 0.15 cm/month in A. cervicornis, and 2.43 ± 0.71 vs. 0.27 ± 0.20 cm/month in A. prolifera, respectively). Algal accumulation was only observed in A. cervicornis, and was higher during Spring-Summer compared to Fall-Winter (6.1 ± 0.91 cm/month and 3.8 ± 0.29 cm/month, respectively, (PERMANOVA, df = 2, MS = 10.2, p = 0.37)). Mortality associated with white band disease, algae smothering and fish/invertebrate predation was also higher in A. cervicornis and varied among colonies within sites, across sites and across season. The balance between tissue grow and mortality determines if colonies survive. This balance seems to be pushed to the high mortality side often by increasing frequency of high thermal anomalies, inducing bleaching and disease outbreaks and other factors, which have historically impacted the natural recovery of these taxa in the La Parguera Natural Reserve in Puerto Rico and possibly other areas in the region. Overall, results indicate variability in both growth and mortality rates in both taxa across localities and seasons, with A. cervicornis showing overall higher mortalities compared to A. prolifera.

Ecol Appl ; 30(2): e02024, 2020 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31628889


Warming environments can alter the outcome of host-parasite relationships with important consequences for biodiversity. Warming often increases disease risk, and interactions with other environmental factors can intensify impacts by modifying the underlying mechanisms, such as host immunity. In coastal ecosystems, metal pollution is a pervasive stressor that influences disease and immunity in many organisms. Despite the crisis facing coral reefs, which stems in part from warming-associated disease outbreaks, the impacts of metal pollutants on scleractinian and octocoral disease are largely unknown. We investigated how warming oceans and copper pollution affect host immunity and disease risk for two diseases of the abundant Caribbean octocoral, the sea fan Gorgonia ventalina. Field surveys across a sediment copper concentration gradient in Puerto Rico, USA revealed that cellular immunity of sea fans increased by 12.6% at higher sediment copper concentrations, while recovery from multifocal purple spots disease (MFPS) tended to decrease. MFPS severity in the field increased at warmer sites. In a controlled laboratory experiment, sea fans were inoculated with live cultures of a labyrinthulid parasite to test the interactive effects of temperature and copper on immune activation. As in the field, higher copper induced greater immunity, but the factorial design of the experiment revealed that copper and temperature interacted to modulate the immune response to the parasite: immune cell densities increased with elevated temperature at lower copper concentrations, but not with high copper concentrations. Tissue damage was also greater in treatments with higher copper and warmer temperatures. Field and lab evidence confirm that elevated copper hinders sea fan immune defenses against damaging parasites. Temperature and copper influenced host-pathogen interactions in octocorals by modulating immunity, disease severity, and disease recovery. This is the first evidence that metal pollution affects processes influencing disease in octocorals and highlights the importance of immune mechanisms in environmentally mediated disease outbreaks. Although coral conservation efforts must include a focus on global factors, such as rapid warming, reducing copper and other pollutants that compromise coral health on a local scale may help corals fight disease in a warming ocean.

Antozoários , Poluentes Ambientais , Animais , Recifes de Corais , Ecossistema , Oceanos e Mares , Porto Rico
Front Immunol ; 11: 608066, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33505396


The interplay among environment, demography, and host-parasite interactions is a challenging frontier. In the ocean, fundamental changes are occurring due to anthropogenic pressures, including increased disease outbreaks on coral reefs. These outbreaks include multiple parasites, calling into question how host immunity functions in this complex milieu. Our work investigates the interplay of factors influencing co-infection in the Caribbean sea fan octocoral, Gorgonia ventalina, using metrics of the innate immune response: cellular immunity and expression of candidate immune genes. We used existing copepod infections and live pathogen inoculation with the Aspergillus sydowii fungus, detecting increased expression of the immune recognition gene Tachylectin 5A (T5A) in response to both parasites. Cellular immunity increased by 8.16% in copepod infections compared to controls and single Aspergillus infections. We also detected activation of cellular immunity in reef populations, with a 13.6% increase during copepod infections. Cellular immunity was similar in the field and in the lab, increasing with copepod infections and not the fungus. Amoebocyte density and the expression of T5A and a matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) gene were also positively correlated across all treatments and colonies, irrespective of parasitic infection. We then assessed the scaling of immune metrics to population-level disease patterns and found random co-occurrence of copepods and fungus across 15 reefs in Puerto Rico. The results suggest immune activation by parasites may not alter parasite co-occurrence if factors other than immunity prevail in structuring parasite infection. We assessed non-immune factors in the field and found that sea fan colony size predicted infection by the copepod parasite. Moreover, the effect of infection on immunity was small relative to that of site differences and live coral cover, and similar to the effect of reproductive status. While additional immune data would shed light on the extent of this pattern, ecological factors may play a larger role than immunity in controlling parasite patterns in the wild. Parsing the effects of immunity and ecological factors in octocoral co-infection shows how disease depends on more than one host and one parasite and explores the application of co-infection research to a colonial marine organism.

Antozoários/microbiologia , Antozoários/parasitologia , Aspergillus/patogenicidade , Coinfecção , Copépodes/patogenicidade , Imunidade Celular , Imunidade Inata , Animais , Antozoários/genética , Antozoários/imunologia , Aspergillus/imunologia , Proteínas Sanguíneas/genética , Proteínas Sanguíneas/metabolismo , Copépodes/imunologia , Ecossistema , Regulação da Expressão Gênica , Interações Hospedeiro-Parasita , Lectinas/genética , Lectinas/metabolismo , Metaloproteinases da Matriz/genética , Metaloproteinases da Matriz/metabolismo , Transcriptoma
Oecologia ; 186(3): 743-753, 2018 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29280003


Co-infection is the reality in natural populations, but few studies incorporate the players that matter in the wild. We integrate the environment, host demography, two parasites, and host immunity in a study of co-infection to determine the drivers of parasite interactions. Here, we use an ecologically important Caribbean sea fan octocoral, Gorgonia ventalina, that is co-infected by a copepod and a labyrinthulid protist. We first expanded upon laboratory studies by showing that immune suppression is associated with the labyrinthulid in a natural setting. Histological analyses revealed that immune cells (amoebocytes) were significantly suppressed in both labyrinthulid infections and co-infections relative to healthy sea fans, but remained unchanged in copepod infections. However, surveys of natural coral populations demonstrated a critical role for the environment and host demography in this co-infection: the prevalence of copepod infections increased with sea fan size while labyrinthulid prevalence increased with water depth. Although we predicted that immune suppression by the labyrinthulid would facilitate copepod infection, the two parasites did not co-occur in the sea fans more often than expected by chance. These results suggest that the distinct ecological drivers for each parasite overwhelm the role of host immune suppression in determining the distribution of parasites among hosts. This interplay of the environment and parasite-mediated immune suppression in sea fan co-infection provides insights into the factors underlying co-occurrence patterns in wild co-infections. Moving forward, simultaneous consideration of co-occurring parasites, host traits, and the environmental context will improve the understanding of host - parasite interactions and their consequences.

Antozoários , Coinfecção , Animais , Região do Caribe , Ecologia , Interações Hospedeiro-Parasita , Imunidade
PLoS One ; 12(12): e0188564, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29261694


Coastal ecosystems and the livelihoods they support are threatened by stressors acting at global and local scales. Here we used the data produced by the Caribbean Coastal Marine Productivity program (CARICOMP), the longest, largest monitoring program in the wider Caribbean, to evidence local-scale (decreases in water quality) and global-scale (increases in temperature) stressors across the basin. Trend analyses showed that visibility decreased at 42% of the stations, indicating that local-scale chronic stressors are widespread. On the other hand, only 18% of the stations showed increases in water temperature that would be expected from global warming, partially reflecting the limits in detecting trends due to inherent natural variability of temperature data. Decreases in visibility were associated with increased human density. However, this link can be decoupled by environmental factors, with conditions that increase the flush of water, dampening the effects of human influence. Besides documenting environmental stressors throughout the basin, our results can be used to inform future monitoring programs, if the desire is to identify stations that provide early warning signals of anthropogenic impacts. All CARICOMP environmental data are now available, providing an invaluable baseline that can be used to strengthen research, conservation, and management of coastal ecosystems in the Caribbean basin.

Ecossistema , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , Estresse Fisiológico , Região do Caribe , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Conjuntos de Dados como Assunto , Humanos , Salinidade , Água do Mar , Temperatura
Proc Biol Sci ; 284(1856)2017 Jun 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28592676


Global climate change has increased the number and severity of stressors affecting species, yet not all species respond equally to these stressors. Organisms may employ cellular mechanisms such as apoptosis and autophagy in responding to stressful events. These two pathways are often mutually exclusive, dictating whether a cell adapts or dies. In order to examine differences in cellular response to stress, we compared the immune response of four coral species with a range of disease susceptibility. Using RNA-seq and novel pathway analysis, we were able to identify differences in response to immune stimulation between these species. Disease-susceptible species Orbicella faveolata activated pathways associated with apoptosis. By contrast, disease-tolerant species Porites porites and Porites astreoides activated autophagic pathways. Moderately susceptible species Pseudodiploria strigosa activated a mixture of these pathways. These findings were corroborated by apoptotic caspase protein assays, which indicated increased caspase activity following immune stimulation in susceptible species. Our results indicate that in response to immune stress, disease-tolerant species activate cellular adaptive mechanisms such as autophagy, while susceptible species turn on cell death pathways. Differences in these cellular maintenance pathways may therefore influence the organismal stress response. Further study of these pathways will increase understanding of differential stress response and species survival in the face of changing environments.

Antozoários/imunologia , Autofagia , Resistência à Doença/imunologia , Animais , Apoptose , Mudança Climática
PeerJ ; 4: e2665, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27867763


The sexual pattern, reproductive mode, and timing of reproduction of Isophyllia sinuosa and Isophyllia rigida, two Caribbean Mussids, were assessed by histological analysis of specimens collected monthly during 2000-2001. Both species are simultaneous hermaphroditic brooders characterized by a single annual gametogenetic cycle. Spermatocytes and oocytes of different stages were found to develop within the same mesentery indicating sequential maturation for extended planulation. Oogenesis took place during May through April in I. sinuosa and from August through June in I. rigida. Oocytes began development 7-8 months prior to spermaries but both sexes matured simultaneously. Zooxanthellate planulae were observed in I. sinuosa during April and in I. rigida from June through September. Higher polyp and mesenterial fecundity were found in I. rigida compared to I. sinuosa. Larger oocyte sizes were found in I. sinuosa than in I. rigida, however larger planula sizes were found in I. rigida. Hermaphroditism is the exclusive sexual pattern within the Mussidae while brooding has been documented within the related genera Mussa, Scolymia and Mycetophyllia. This study represents the first description of the sexual characteristics of I. rigida and provides an updated description of I. sinuosa.

Dev Comp Immunol ; 62: 17-28, 2016 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27109903


Disease outbreaks in marine ecosystems have driven worldwide declines of numerous taxa, including corals. Some corals, such as Orbicella faveolata, are particularly susceptible to disease. To explore the mechanisms contributing to susceptibility, colonies of O. faveolata were exposed to immune challenge with lipopolysaccharides. RNA sequencing and protein activity assays were used to characterize the response of corals to immune challenge. Differential expression analyses identified 17 immune-related transcripts that varied in expression post-immune challenge. Network analyses revealed several groups of transcripts correlated to immune protein activity. Several transcripts, which were annotated as positive regulators of immunity were included in these groups, and some were downregulated following immune challenge. Correlations between expression of these transcripts and protein activity results further supported the role of these transcripts in positive regulation of immunity. The observed pattern of gene expression and protein activity may elucidate the processes contributing to the disease susceptibility of species like O. faveolata.

Antozoários/imunologia , Sistema Imunitário , Imunidade Inata , Animais , Células Cultivadas , Regulação da Expressão Gênica , Imunidade Inata/genética , Imunização , Fatores Imunológicos/genética , Lipopolissacarídeos/imunologia , Fenótipo , Análise de Sequência de RNA , Ativação Transcricional
PeerJ ; 4: e1616, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26925311


Climate change-driven coral disease outbreaks have led to widespread declines in coral populations. Early work on coral genomics established that corals have a complex innate immune system, and whole-transcriptome gene expression studies have revealed mechanisms by which the coral immune system responds to stress and disease. The present investigation expands bioinformatic data available to study coral molecular physiology through the assembly and annotation of a reference transcriptome of the Caribbean reef-building coral, Orbicella faveolata. Samples were collected during a warm water thermal anomaly, coral bleaching event and Caribbean yellow band disease outbreak in 2010 in Puerto Rico. Multiplex sequencing of RNA on the Illumina GAIIx platform and de novo transcriptome assembly by Trinity produced 70,745,177 raw short-sequence reads and 32,463 O. faveolata transcripts, respectively. The reference transcriptome was annotated with gene ontologies, mapped to KEGG pathways, and a predicted proteome of 20,488 sequences was generated. Protein families and signaling pathways that are essential in the regulation of innate immunity across Phyla were investigated in-depth. Results were used to develop models of evolutionarily conserved Wnt, Notch, Rig-like receptor, Nod-like receptor, and Dicer signaling. O. faveolata is a coral species that has been studied widely under climate-driven stress and disease, and the present investigation provides new data on the genes that putatively regulate its immune system.

Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci ; 371(1689)2016 Mar 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26880835


Infectious marine diseases can decimate populations and are increasing among some taxa due to global change and our increasing reliance on marine environments. Marine diseases become emergencies when significant ecological, economic or social impacts occur. We can prepare for and manage these emergencies through improved surveillance, and the development and iterative refinement of approaches to mitigate disease and its impacts. Improving surveillance requires fast, accurate diagnoses, forecasting disease risk and real-time monitoring of disease-promoting environmental conditions. Diversifying impact mitigation involves increasing host resilience to disease, reducing pathogen abundance and managing environmental factors that facilitate disease. Disease surveillance and mitigation can be adaptive if informed by research advances and catalysed by communication among observers, researchers and decision-makers using information-sharing platforms. Recent increases in the awareness of the threats posed by marine diseases may lead to policy frameworks that facilitate the responses and management that marine disease emergencies require.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Emergências , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , Moluscos/microbiologia , Animais , Interações Hospedeiro-Patógeno
PeerJ ; 3: e1371, 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26557440


Molecular stress responses associated with coral diseases represent an under-studied area of cnidarian transcriptome investigations. Caribbean Yellow Band Disease (CYBD) is considered a disease of Symbiodinium within the tissues of the coral host Orbicella faveolata. There is a paucity of diagnostic tools to assist in the early detection and characterization of coral diseases. The validity of a diagnostic test is determined by its ability to distinguish host organisms that have the disease from those that do not. The ability to detect and identify disease-affected tissue before visible signs of the disease are evident would then be a useful diagnostic tool for monitoring and managing disease outbreaks. Representational Difference Analysis (RDA) was utilized to isolate differentially expressed genes in O. faveolata exhibiting CYBD. Preliminary screening of RDA products identified a small number of genes of interest (GOI) which included an early growth response factor and ubiquitin ligase from the coral host as well as cytochrome oxidase from the algal symbiont. To further characterize the specificity of response, quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) was utilized to compare the expression profiles of these GOIs within diseased tissues (visible lesions), tissues that precede visible lesions by 2-4 cm (transition area), and tissues from healthy-looking colonies with no signs of disease. Results show there are distinctive differences in the expression profiles of these three GOIs within each tissue examined. Collectively, this small suite of GOIs can provide a molecular "finger print" which is capable of differentiating between infected and uninfected colonies on reefs where CYBD is known to occur.

R Soc Open Sci ; 2(4): 140214, 2015 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26064625


Climate change is negatively affecting the stability of natural ecosystems, especially coral reefs. The dissociation of the symbiosis between reef-building corals and their algal symbiont, or coral bleaching, has been linked to increased sea surface temperatures. Coral bleaching has significant impacts on corals, including an increase in disease outbreaks that can permanently change the entire reef ecosystem. Yet, little is known about the impacts of coral bleaching on the coral immune system. In this study, whole transcriptome analysis of the coral holobiont and each of the associate components (i.e. coral host, algal symbiont and other associated microorganisms) was used to determine changes in gene expression in corals affected by a natural bleaching event as well as during the recovery phase. The main findings include evidence that the coral holobiont and the coral host have different responses to bleaching, and the host immune system appears suppressed even a year after a bleaching event. These results support the hypothesis that coral bleaching changes the expression of innate immune genes of corals, and these effects can last even after recovery of symbiont populations. Research on the role of immunity on coral's resistance to stressors can help make informed predictions on the future of corals and coral reefs.

Environ Microbiol Rep ; 7(3): 471-9, 2015 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25683053


The response of corals to warm temperature anomalies includes changes in coral bacterial assemblages. There are clear differences between the microbiota of bleached and healthy corals. However, few studies have tracked the microbiota of individual colonies throughout a warming event. We used 454 pyrosequencing and repeated measures to characterize bacterial assemblages in 15 Gorgonia ventalina colonies before, during, 4 months after, and 1 year after the 2010 Caribbean warm thermal anomaly. In the latter three sampling times, the G. ventalina microbiota differed significantly from the microbiota of Orbicella faveolata colonies, which were sampled only at these three times. O. faveolata microbiota did not exhibit coordinated shifts through time. Notably, the microbiota of the repeatedly sampled G. ventalina colonies shifted persistently from before to during, after, and long after the warming event. The same pattern emerges from the norm of reaction for the individual G. ventalina colonies. This is the first study to show persistent shifts in coral microbiota in association with a warm thermal anomaly. Whether shifting microbiota is adaptive or maladaptive, the lasting change in bacterial assemblages following this warming event identifies a new way that coral microbiota shape the response of coral colonies under thermal stress.

Antozoários/microbiologia , Biota , Conceitos Meteorológicos , Animais , Bactérias/classificação , Bactérias/isolamento & purificação , Região do Caribe