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PLoS Comput Biol ; 19(4): e1011033, 2023 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37043517


Protein design is a technique to engineer proteins by permuting amino acids in the sequence to obtain novel functionalities. However, exploring all possible combinations of amino acids is generally impossible due to the exponential growth of possibilities with the number of designable sites. The present work introduces circuits implementing a pure quantum approach, Grover's algorithm, to solve protein design problems. Our algorithms can adjust to implement any custom pair-wise energy tables and protein structure models. Moreover, the algorithm's oracle is designed to consist of only adder functions. Quantum computer simulators validate the practicality of our circuits, containing up to 234 qubits. However, a smaller circuit is implemented on real quantum devices. Our results show that using [Formula: see text] iterations, the circuits find the correct results among all N possibilities, providing the expected quadratic speed up of Grover's algorithm over classical methods (i.e., [Formula: see text]).

Metodologias Computacionais , Teoria Quântica , Aminoácidos , Algoritmos , Engenharia
Phys Rev Lett ; 129(24): 240501, 2022 Dec 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36563264


Many quantum algorithms involve the evaluation of expectation values. Optimal strategies for estimating a single expectation value are known, requiring a number of state preparations that scales with the target error ϵ as O(1/ϵ). In this Letter, we address the task of estimating the expectation values of M different observables, each to within additive error ϵ, with the same 1/ϵ dependence. We describe an approach that leverages Gilyén et al.'s quantum gradient estimation algorithm to achieve O(sqrt[M]/ϵ) scaling up to logarithmic factors, regardless of the commutation properties of the M observables. We prove that this scaling is worst-case optimal in the high-precision regime if the state preparation is treated as a black box, even when the operators are mutually commuting. We highlight the flexibility of our approach by presenting several generalizations, including a strategy for accelerating the estimation of a collection of dynamic correlation functions.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 17(1): 201-210, 2021 Jan 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33332965


This paper explores the utility of the quantum phase estimation (QPE) algorithm in calculating high-energy excited states characterized by the promotion of electrons occupying core-level shells. These states have been intensively studied over the last few decades, especially in supporting the experimental effort at light sources. Results obtained with QPE are compared with various high-accuracy many-body techniques developed to describe core-level states. The feasibility of the quantum phase estimator in identifying classes of challenging shake-up states characterized by the presence of higher-order excitation effects is discussed. We also demonstrate the utility of the QPE algorithm in targeting excitations from specific centers in a molecule. Lastly, we discuss how the lowest-order Trotter formula can be applied to reducing the complexity of the ansatz without affecting the error.

J Chem Phys ; 151(1): 014107, 2019 Jul 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31272173


In this paper, we discuss the extension of the recently introduced subsystem embedding subalgebra coupled cluster (SES-CC) formalism to unitary CC formalisms. In analogy to the standard single-reference SES-CC formalism, its unitary CC extension allows one to include the dynamical (outside the active space) correlation effects in an SES induced complete active space (CAS) effective Hamiltonian. In contrast to the standard single-reference SES-CC theory, the unitary CC approach results in a Hermitian form of the effective Hamiltonian. Additionally, for the double unitary CC (DUCC) formalism, the corresponding CAS eigenvalue problem provides a rigorous separation of external cluster amplitudes that describe dynamical correlation effects-used to define the effective Hamiltonian-from those corresponding to the internal (inside the active space) excitations that define the components of eigenvectors associated with the energy of the entire system. The proposed formalism can be viewed as an efficient way of downfolding many-electron Hamiltonian to the low-energy model represented by a particular choice of CAS. In principle, this technique can be extended to any type of CAS representing an arbitrary energy window of a quantum system. The Hermitian character of low-dimensional effective Hamiltonians makes them an ideal target for several types of full configuration interaction type eigensolvers. As an example, we also discuss the algebraic form of the perturbative expansions of the effective DUCC Hamiltonians corresponding to composite unitary CC theories and discuss possible algorithms for hybrid classical and quantum computing. Given growing interest in quantum computing, we provide energies for H2 and Be systems obtained with the quantum phase estimator algorithm available in the Quantum Development Kit for the approximate DUCC Hamiltonians.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(11): 110501, 2018 Mar 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29601758


As physical implementations of quantum architectures emerge, it is increasingly important to consider the cost of algorithms for practical connectivities between qubits. We show that by using an arrangement of gates that we term the fermionic swap network, we can simulate a Trotter step of the electronic structure Hamiltonian in exactly N depth and with N^{2}/2 two-qubit entangling gates, and prepare arbitrary Slater determinants in at most N/2 depth, all assuming only a minimal, linearly connected architecture. We conjecture that no explicit Trotter step of the electronic structure Hamiltonian is possible with fewer entangling gates, even with arbitrary connectivities. These results represent significant practical improvements on the cost of most Trotter-based algorithms for both variational and phase-estimation-based simulation of quantum chemistry.

Sci Adv ; 4(1): eaap9646, 2018 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29387796


The efficient calculation of Hamiltonian spectra, a problem often intractable on classical machines, can find application in many fields, from physics to chemistry. We introduce the concept of an "eigenstate witness" and, through it, provide a new quantum approach that combines variational methods and phase estimation to approximate eigenvalues for both ground and excited states. This protocol is experimentally verified on a programmable silicon quantum photonic chip, a mass-manufacturable platform, which embeds entangled state generation, arbitrary controlled unitary operations, and projective measurements. Both ground and excited states are experimentally found with fidelities >99%, and their eigenvalues are estimated with 32 bits of precision. We also investigate and discuss the scalability of the approach and study its performance through numerical simulations of more complex Hamiltonians. This result shows promising progress toward quantum chemistry on quantum computers.

Nature ; 549(7671): 195-202, 2017 09 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28905917


Fuelled by increasing computer power and algorithmic advances, machine learning techniques have become powerful tools for finding patterns in data. Quantum systems produce atypical patterns that classical systems are thought not to produce efficiently, so it is reasonable to postulate that quantum computers may outperform classical computers on machine learning tasks. The field of quantum machine learning explores how to devise and implement quantum software that could enable machine learning that is faster than that of classical computers. Recent work has produced quantum algorithms that could act as the building blocks of machine learning programs, but the hardware and software challenges are still considerable.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 114(29): 7555-7560, 2017 07 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28674011


With rapid recent advances in quantum technology, we are close to the threshold of quantum devices whose computational powers can exceed those of classical supercomputers. Here, we show that a quantum computer can be used to elucidate reaction mechanisms in complex chemical systems, using the open problem of biological nitrogen fixation in nitrogenase as an example. We discuss how quantum computers can augment classical computer simulations used to probe these reaction mechanisms, to significantly increase their accuracy and enable hitherto intractable simulations. Our resource estimates show that, even when taking into account the substantial overhead of quantum error correction, and the need to compile into discrete gate sets, the necessary computations can be performed in reasonable time on small quantum computers. Our results demonstrate that quantum computers will be able to tackle important problems in chemistry without requiring exorbitant resources.

Phys Rev Lett ; 117(1): 010503, 2016 Jul 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27419551


We introduce a new method called rejection filtering that we use to perform adaptive Bayesian phase estimation. Our approach has several advantages: it is classically efficient, easy to implement, achieves Heisenberg limited scaling, resists depolarizing noise, tracks time-dependent eigenstates, recovers from failures, and can be run on a field programmable gate array. It also outperforms existing iterative phase estimation algorithms such as Kitaev's method.

Phys Rev Lett ; 112(19): 190501, 2014 May 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24877920


In recent years quantum simulation has made great strides, culminating in experiments that existing supercomputers cannot easily simulate. Although this raises the possibility that special purpose analog quantum simulators may be able to perform computational tasks that existing computers cannot, it also introduces a major challenge: certifying that the quantum simulator is in fact simulating the correct quantum dynamics. We provide an algorithm that, under relatively weak assumptions, can be used to efficiently infer the Hamiltonian of a large but untrusted quantum simulator using a trusted quantum simulator. We illustrate the power of this approach by showing numerically that it can inexpensively learn the Hamiltonians for large frustrated Ising models, demonstrating that quantum resources can make certifying analog quantum simulators tractable.

Phys Rev Lett ; 111(8): 080403, 2013 Aug 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24010417


The question of how irreversibility can emerge as a generic phenomenon when the underlying mechanical theory is reversible has been a long-standing fundamental problem for both classical and quantum mechanics. We describe a mechanism for the appearance of irreversibility that applies to coherent, isolated systems in a pure quantum state. This equilibration mechanism requires only an assumption of sufficiently complex internal dynamics and natural information-theoretic constraints arising from the infeasibility of collecting an astronomical amount of measurement data. Remarkably, we are able to prove that irreversibility can be understood as typical without assuming decoherence or restricting to coarse-grained observables, and hence occurs under distinct conditions and time scales from those implied by the usual decoherence point of view. We illustrate the effect numerically in several model systems and prove that the effect is typical under the standard random-matrix conjecture for complex quantum systems.

Phys Rev Lett ; 109(5): 050505, 2012 Aug 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23006156


We provide a new quantum algorithm that efficiently determines the quality of a least-squares fit over an exponentially large data set by building upon an algorithm for solving systems of linear equations efficiently [Harrow et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 150502 (2009)]. In many cases, our algorithm can also efficiently find a concise function that approximates the data to be fitted and bound the approximation error. In cases where the input data are pure quantum states, the algorithm can be used to provide an efficient parametric estimation of the quantum state and therefore can be applied as an alternative to full quantum-state tomography given a fault tolerant quantum computer.