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Plant Dis ; 87(6): 623-628, 2003 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30812850


Field experiments were conducted at locations in northern and southern Illinois, central Iowa, and central Missouri from 1997 to 1999 to investigate the effects of Heterodera glycines on soybean growth, development, and yield. A wide range of infestation levels was present at all locations. Two locally adapted cultivars, one resistant to H. glycines, were grown at each location. Cultivars were planted in alternating four-row strips with 76 cm between rows. For each cultivar, 20 1-m-long single-row plots were sampled every 2 weeks starting 4 weeks after planting. Infection by H. glycines reduced plant height and leaf and stem weight on the resistant cultivars in the first 12 weeks after planting, and delayed pod and seed development 12 to 14 weeks after planting. Biomass accumulation was not reduced on the susceptible cultivars until 10 weeks after planting; reduction in pod and seed development occurred throughout the reproductive stages. Susceptible cultivars produced significantly lower yields than resistant cultivars, but the yield reductions were not accompanied by visually detectable symptoms.

J Nematol ; 28(4): 442-50, 1996 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19277162


Changes in the carbohydrate (glucose, trehalose, and glycogen) and total protein contents of eggs retained within Heterodera glycines cysts were monitored monthly in a field microplot experiment conducted from March 1993 to March 1995. Treatments included two near-isogenic lines of soybean cv. Clark differing for date of maturity, and one corn hybrid. The soybean lines were planted in microplots infested with H. glycines at a high average initial population density (Pi) (23,810 eggs/100 cm(3) soil), and the corn was planted in microplots infested at high (24,640) and low (5,485) Pi. Soil temperatures at 15 cm depth and rainfall were monitored. Carbohydrate contents varied in the same pattern, with the highest levels measured before planting (May) and after harvest (October) in both years. Neither Pi nor soybean isoline had an effect on any measured response, but the carbohydrate contents of eggs from corn and soybean microplots differed during the overwinter (October-May) periods (P < 0.0001). Trehalose accumulation was negatively correlated with soil temperature (r = -0.78 and r = -0.84, P = 0.0001, July through November 1993 and 1994, respectively), which reflects its role as a cryoprotectant. In contrast to the pattern for carbohydrates, total protein was lowest before planting and after harvest, and highest (>20 mug/1,000 eggs) June through October. Protein content was unaffected by plant cultivar or species. Protein and carbohydrate levels in H. glycines eggs showed seasonal changes that appeared to be primarily temperature-dependent.

J Nematol ; 27(2): 153-63, 1995 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19277275


A 2-year study was conducted in field microplots to determine the relative importance of soybean phenology and soil temperature on induction of dormancy in Heterodera glycines in Missouri. Four near-isogenic soybean lines differing for maturity date were planted in microplots infested with a race 5 isolate of H. glycines. Soil temperature was monitored at a depth of 15 cm. Eggs of H. glycines, extracted from cysts collected monthly from each microplot, were used in hatching tests and bioassays to determine dormancy. Egg hatching and second-stage juvenile (J2) infectivity rates decreased sharply from their highest levels in midsummer (July-August) to a low level by October of each year and remained low (< 10% hatching and < 0.2 J2/cm root) until May or June of the following year. The patterns of numbers of females and eggs in the bioassays were similar. The decreases were not related to soil temperature and did not differ consistently among soybean isolines. The monophasic changes in all nematode responses with peak midsummer rates suggest that H. glycines produces one primary generation per year in central Missouri. Changes in hatching rates and the timing of minimum and maximum rates suggested that H. glycines eggs exhibit more than one type of dormancy.

J Nematol ; 27(2): 164-71, 1995 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19277276


Experiments were conducted to determine the effects of zinc fertilizers on hatching and soil population densities of Heterodera glycines. In vitro egg hatching in solutions of reagent-grade zinc sulfate and zinc chloride and fertilizer-grade zinc sulfate was significantly greater than hatching in deionized water, whereas zinc chelate fertilizer significantly inhibited egg hatching relative to deionized water. In greenhouse experiments, no differences in cumulative percentage egg hatch were detected in soil naturally infested with H. glycines amended with fertilizer-grade zinc sulfate and zinc chelate at rates equivalent to 0, 1.12, 11.2, and 112 kg Zn/ha and subsequently planted with corn (Zea mays L.). In a field experiment, no significant differences in H. glycines egg population densities and corn yields were detected among plots fertilized with 0, 11.2, and 22.4 kg Zn/ha rates of zinc chelate. Yields of H. glycines-susceptible soybean planted in plots 1 year after zinc fertilization of corn plots also were not significantly affected. Zinc compounds significandy affected H. glycines egg hatching in vitro, but had no effect on hatching in natural soils.