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J Acoust Soc Am ; 156(2): 1165-1170, 2024 Aug 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39150737


Chide et al. [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 155, 420-435 (2024)] provide a first attempt to infer the spectrum of temperature fluctuations on Mars from experimental data on the variances of travel-time and log-amplitude fluctuations recorded by the microphone on board the Perseverance rover. However, the theoretical formulations that were used to interpret the travel-time data have limitations. In addition to explaining those issues, this article also outlines approaches for predicting statistical characteristics of acoustic signals in the Martian atmosphere. In particular, the experimentally observed dependence of the travel-time variance on the propagation range can be attributed to ground-blocking of buoyantly produced turbulent velocity fluctuations and the non-Markov character of phase fluctuations.

J Acoust Soc Am ; 156(1): 107-118, 2024 Jul 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38958487


The interference of the direct and ground-reflected sound waves is significantly affected by volumetric scattering in the atmosphere, such as scattering by turbulence and forest. In the present article, the existing theory describing this interference is generalized to three somewhat independent but equally important cases. First, the attenuation of the direct and ground-reflected waves caused by backscattering is addressed. Second, the existing theory is extended for statistically quasi-homogeneous turbulence in which the variances and length scales of the temperature and wind velocity fluctuations depend on the height above the ground. Third, the existing theory, which was previously formulated only for near-horizontal sound propagation, is generalized to slanted sound propagation as pertinent to elevated sound sources. Numerical results for slanted propagation demonstrate that atmospheric turbulence can significantly increase the sound pressure level at the interference minima. The extended theory of the interference of the direct and ground-reflected waves in the atmosphere with volumetric scattering is important for practical applications, such as auralization of flying aircraft and sound propagation in a forest, and can be adapted to radio wave propagation.

J Acoust Soc Am ; 155(2): 1086-1102, 2024 Feb 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38341733


Parabolic equations are among the most popular numerical techniques in many fields of physics. This article considers extra-wide-angle parabolic equations, wide-angle parabolic equations, and narrow-angle parabolic equations (EWAPEs, WAPEs, and NAPEs, respectively) for sound propagation in moving inhomogeneous media with arbitrarily large variations in the sound speed and Mach number of the (subsonic) wind speed. Within their ranges of applicability, these parabolic equations exactly describe the phase of the sound waves and are, thus, termed the phase-preserving EWAPE, WAPE, and NAPE. Although variations in the sound speed and Mach number are often relatively small, omitting the second-order terms pertinent to these quantities can result in large cumulative phase errors for long propagation ranges. Therefore, the phase-preserving EWAPE, WAPE, and NAPE can be preferable in applications. Numerical implementation of the latter two equations can be performed with minimal modifications to existing codes and is computationally efficient. Numerical results demonstrate that the phase-preserving WAPE and NAPE provide more accurate results than the WAPE and NAPE based on the effective sound speed approximation.

J Acoust Soc Am ; 154(1): 346-360, 2023 Jul 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37458514


Sound propagation through atmospheric turbulence is important in many applications such as localization of low flying aircraft, sonic boom disturbances, and auralization of aircraft during takeoff and landing. This article extends an isotropic turbulence model in the atmospheric boundary layer to account for ground blocking of buoyancy-produced velocity fluctuations. The extended, anisotropic turbulence model is needed to correctly predict the effect of the largest velocity eddies on the statistical characteristics of sound signals. This model and geometrical acoustics are then employed to derive a closed-form expression for the variance of the phase fluctuations of a spherical sound wave for vertical and slanted propagation, without the use of the Markov approximation. A numerical analysis of this expression indicates significant anisotropy of the phase variance due to the buoyancy-produced velocity fluctuations with ground blocking such that it decreases in the vertical direction and increases in the near-horizontal directions. The newly formulated phase variance is compared with data from an outdoor experiment on vertical and slanted sound propagation. By accounting for ground blocking, much better agreement is obtained between the theoretical predictions and experimental data.

J Acoust Soc Am ; 153(2): 1241, 2023 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36859150


The basic Rice model is commonly used to describe complex signal statistics from randomly scattered waves. It correctly describes weak (Born) scattering, as well as fully saturated scattering, and smoothly interpolates between these extremes. However, the basic Rice model is unsuitable for situations involving scattering by random inhomogeneities spanning a broad range of spatial scales, as commonly occurs for sound scattering by turbulence in the atmospheric boundary layer and other scenarios. In such scenarios, the phase variations are often considerably stronger than those predicted by the basic Rice model. Therefore, the basic Rice model is extended to include a random modulation in the signal phase, which is attributable to the influence of the largest, most energetic inhomogeneities in the propagation medium. Various joint and marginal distributions for the complex signal statistics are derived to incorporate the phase-modulation effect. Approximations of the phase-modulated Rice model involving the Nakagami distribution for amplitude, and the wrapped normal and von Mises distributions for phase, are also developed and analyzed. The phase-modulated Rice model and various approximations are shown to greatly improve agreement with simulated data for sound propagation in the near-ground atmosphere.

J Acoust Soc Am ; 151(6): 3895, 2022 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35778174


Probability distributions of acoustic signals propagating through the near-ground atmosphere are simulated by the parabolic equation method. The simulations involve propagation at four angles relative to the mean wind, with frequencies of 100, 200, 400, and 800 Hz. The environmental representation includes realistic atmospheric refractive profiles, turbulence, and ground interactions; cases are considered with and without parametric uncertainties in the wind velocity and surface heat flux. The simulated signals are found to span a broad range of scintillation indices, from near zero to exceeding ten. In the absence of uncertainties, the signal power (or intensity) is fit well by a two-parameter gamma distribution, regardless of the frequency and refractive conditions. When the uncertainties are included, three-parameter distributions, namely, the compound gamma or generalized gamma, are needed for a good fit to the simulation data. The compound gamma distribution appears preferable because its parameters have a straight forward interpretation related to the saturation and modulation of the signal by uncertainties.

J Acoust Soc Am ; 151(1): 138, 2022 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35105041


The impacts of characteristic weather events and seasonal patterns on infrasound propagation in the Arctic region are simulated numerically. The methodology utilizes wide-angle parabolic equation methods for a windy atmosphere with inputs provided by radiosonde observations and a high-resolution reanalysis of Arctic weather. The calculations involve horizontal distances up to 200 km for which interactions with the troposphere and lower stratosphere dominate. Among the events examined are two sudden stratospheric warmings, which are found to weaken upward refraction by temperature gradients while creating strongly asymmetric refraction from disturbances to the circumpolar winds. Also examined are polar low events, which are found to enhance negative temperature gradients in the troposphere and thus lead to strong upward refraction. Smaller-scale and topographically driven phenomena, such as low-level jets, katabatic winds, and surface-based temperature inversions, are found to create frequent surface-based ducting out to 100 km. The simulations suggest that horizontal variations in the atmospheric profiles, in response to changing topography and surface property transitions, such as ice boundaries, play an important role in the propagation.

J Acoust Soc Am ; 150(4): 3109, 2021 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34717482


Atmospheric turbulence causes acoustic signals to fluctuate and diminishes their coherence. These phenomena are important in applications such as source localization and sonic boom propagation. This article provides formulations for the spatial, cross-frequency, and temporal coherences of narrowband acoustic signals propagating over vertical and slanted paths in the atmosphere. Formulations for single- and two-point distributions of acoustic signals are also overviewed. The theoretical formulations are compared with data from a comprehensive sound propagation experiment carried out in 2018 at the National Wind Technology Center (Boulder, CO). The theories for sound propagation in a turbulent atmosphere, when combined with turbulence models incorporating shear and buoyancy instabilities, correctly predict the measured spatial coherence, which is primarily affected by small-scale isotropic turbulence. For relatively small coherence times, this approach also correctly predicts the temporal coherence. However, the approach underpredicts the cross-frequency coherence and temporal coherence for relatively large coherence times, which are affected by large-scale anisotropic buoyancy-driven velocity fluctuations. For different regimes ranging from unsaturated to fully saturated scattering, the measured distributions agree well with the theoretical predictions.

J Acoust Soc Am ; 150(2): 783, 2021 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34470315


Statistical distributions of urban noise levels are influenced by many complex phenomena, including spatial and temporal variations in the source level, multisource mixtures, propagation losses, and random fading from multipath reflections. This article provides a broad perspective on the varying impacts of these phenomena. Distributions incorporating random fading and averaging (e.g., gamma and noncentral Erlang) tend to be negatively skewed on logarithmic (decibel) axes but can be positively skewed if the fading process is strongly modulated by source power variations (e.g., compound gamma). In contrast, distributions incorporating randomly positioned sources and explicit geometric spreading [e.g., exponentially modified Gaussian (EMG)] tend to be positively skewed with exponential tails on logarithmic axes. To evaluate the suitability of the various distributions, one-third octave band sound-level data were measured at 37 locations in the North End of Boston, MA. Based on the Kullback-Leibler divergence as calculated across all of the locations and frequencies, the EMG provides the most consistently good agreement with the data, which were generally positively skewed. The compound gamma also fits the data well and even outperforms the EMG for the small minority of cases exhibiting negative skew. The lognormal provides a suitable fit in cases in which particular non-traffic noise sources dominate.

J Acoust Soc Am ; 149(6): 4384, 2021 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34241466


Conventional numerical methods can capture the inherent variability of long-range outdoor sound propagation. However, computational memory and time requirements are high. In contrast, machine-learning models provide very fast predictions. This comes by learning from experimental observations or surrogate data. Yet, it is unknown what type of surrogate data is most suitable for machine-learning. This study used a Crank-Nicholson parabolic equation (CNPE) for generating the surrogate data. The CNPE input data were sampled by the Latin hypercube technique. Two separate datasets comprised 5000 samples of model input. The first dataset consisted of transmission loss (TL) fields for single realizations of turbulence. The second dataset consisted of average TL fields for 64 realizations of turbulence. Three machine-learning algorithms were applied to each dataset, namely, ensemble decision trees, neural networks, and cluster-weighted models. Observational data come from a long-range (out to 8 km) sound propagation experiment. In comparison to the experimental observations, regression predictions have 5-7 dB in median absolute error. Surrogate data quality depends on an accurate characterization of refractive and scattering conditions. Predictions obtained through a single realization of turbulence agree better with the experimental observations.

J Acoust Soc Am ; 149(3): 2055, 2021 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33810766


Sound propagation along vertical and slanted paths through the near-ground atmosphere impacts detection and localization of low-altitude sound sources, such as small unmanned aerial vehicles, from ground-based microphone arrays. This article experimentally investigates the amplitude and phase fluctuations of acoustic signals propagating along such paths. The experiment involved nine microphones on three horizontal booms mounted at different heights to a 135-m meteorological tower at the National Wind Technology Center (Boulder, CO). A ground-based loudspeaker was placed at the base of the tower for vertical propagation or 56 m from the base of the tower for slanted propagation. Phasor scatterplots qualitatively characterize the amplitude and phase fluctuations of the received signals during different meteorological regimes. The measurements are also compared to a theory describing the log-amplitude and phase variances based on the spectrum of shear and buoyancy driven turbulence near the ground. Generally, the theory correctly predicts the measured log-amplitude variances, which are affected primarily by small-scale, isotropic turbulent eddies. However, the theory overpredicts the measured phase variances, which are affected primarily by large-scale, anisotropic, buoyantly driven eddies. Ground blocking of these large eddies likely explains the overprediction.

J Acoust Soc Am ; 148(4): EL347, 2020 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33138545


This Letter considers probability density functions (pdfs) involving products of the complex amplitudes observed at two points (which may, in general, involve separations in space, time, or frequency) in conditions of fully saturated scattering. First, the pdf is derived for the product of the complex amplitude at one point with the conjugate of the complex amplitude at another point. It is shown that the real and imaginary parts of this product each have a variance gamma pdf. Second, expressions are derived for several joint pdfs involving complex amplitude products and powers at two points.

J Acoust Soc Am ; 147(6): 3969, 2020 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32611146


The narrow-angle parabolic equation (NAPE) with the effective sound speed approximation (ESSA) is widely used for sound and infrasound propagation in a moving medium such as the atmosphere. However, it is valid only for angles less than 20° with respect to the nominal propagation direction. In this paper, the wave equation and extra-wide-angle parabolic equation (EWAPE) for high-frequency (short-wavelength) sound waves in a moving medium with arbitrary Mach numbers are derived without the ESSA. For relatively smooth variations in the medium velocity, the EWAPE is valid for propagation angles up to 90°. Using the Padé (n,n) series expansion and narrow-angle approximation, the EWAPE is reduced to the wide-angle parabolic equation (WAPE) and NAPE. Versions of these equations are then formulated for low Mach numbers, which is the case that is usually considered in the literature. The phase errors pertinent to the equations considered are studied. It is shown that the equations for low Mach numbers and the WAPE with the ESSA are applicable only under rather restrictive conditions on the medium velocity. An effective numerical implementation of the WAPE for arbitrary Mach numbers in the Padé (1,1) approximation is developed and applied to sound propagation in the atmosphere.

J Acoust Soc Am ; 145(6): 3703, 2019 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31255133


Narrowband acoustic signals propagating through inhomogeneous moving media, such as atmospheric turbulence, exhibit spectral broadening. This phenomenon has been previously studied with regard to acoustic remote sensing of the atmosphere with sodars and tonal noise of turbofan aircraft engines. In this paper, spectral broadening is studied for line-of-sight sound propagation in a turbulent atmosphere. The averaged power spectral density of a narrowband signal is calculated from a Fourier transform of the temporal mutual coherence function of the sound field. Spectral broadening is characterized by the width of the spectral density. The spectral width is calculated for the Kolmogorov spectra of temperature and wind velocity fluctuations for both horizontal and slanted propagation in the atmosphere. In the latter case, the height-dependence of the wind speed and turbulence parameters is addressed. The spectral width is studied numerically for different meteorological regimes of the atmospheric boundary layer characterized by the friction velocity and the surface sensible heat flux. Theoretical results are compared to experimental data for propagation from an acoustic multi-tone source onboard an unmanned aerial vehicle to a microphone array located on the ground.

J Acoust Soc Am ; 145(6): 3359, 2019 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31255142


The Markov approximation significantly simplifies formulations for the statistical moments of a wave propagating in a random medium. For the phase fluctuations, the Markov approximation is expected to be valid if the propagation range is much greater than the scale of largest inhomogeneities in a medium. In the atmospheric boundary layer, this scale can be several hundred meters, indicating that the Markov approximation might be inapplicable for relatively small ranges. In this paper, using geometrical acoustics, the correlation function and variance of the phase fluctuations of a plane sound wave are calculated without the Markov approximation and compared to previous results based on this approximation. The mean sound field and the spatial mutual coherence function (MCF) are also analyzed by expressing them in terms of the phase fluctuations. It is shown that for ranges smaller than the scale of largest inhomogeneities, the variance of the phase fluctuations is significantly smaller than that found with the Markov approximation. For large ranges, the relative difference between the two results tends to zero, while the absolute difference remains constant and can be much greater than unity. For the MCF, the Markov approximation is valid for both small and large ranges.

J Acoust Soc Am ; 145(2): 1031, 2019 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30823829


Wide-angle parabolic equations (WAPEs) play an important role in physics. They are derived by an expansion of a square-root pseudo-differential operator in one-way wave equations, and then solved by finite-difference techniques. In the present paper, a different approach is suggested. The starting point is an extra-wide-angle parabolic equation (EWAPE) valid for small variations of the refractive index of a medium. This equation is written in an integral form, solved by a perturbation technique, and transformed to the spectral domain. The resulting split-step spectral algorithm for the EWAPE accounts for the propagation angles up to 90° with respect to the nominal direction. This EWAPE is also generalized to large variations in the refractive index. It is shown that WAPEs known in the literature are particular cases of the two EWAPEs. This provides an alternative derivation of the WAPEs, enables a better understanding of the underlying physics and ranges of their applicability, and opens an opportunity for innovative algorithms. Sound propagation in both motionless and moving media is considered. The split-step spectral algorithm is particularly useful in the latter case since complicated partial derivatives of the sound pressure and medium velocity reduce to wave vectors (essentially, propagation angles) in the spectral domain.

J Acoust Soc Am ; 144(2): 822, 2018 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30180685


Propagating impulse sounds are sensitive to the varying near-surface atmosphere. This study reports on an experimental assessment of this sensitivity under well-controlled outdoor conditions. The experiment, conducted over a flat terrain, features 14 synchronous acoustic sensors at ranges up to 450 m from reproducible, transient sources. It scanned over the upwind, crosswind, and downwind propagations, and also documents the temporal and spatial coherences of the acoustic field. Concurrent atmospheric measurements documented the near-surface, essentially wind-driven atmosphere, and included turbulence monitoring. The analysis reveals how the environmental propagation processes combine to form the large variety of recorded signatures. The deterministic versus stochastic variations of the signatures are distinguished, and both are shown to affect the time of arrival (wander) and the shape (spread) of the pulses. The study also discusses the potential impacts of these variations on acoustic sensing of transient signals like gun shots and explosions.

J Acoust Soc Am ; 143(2): 1194, 2018 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29495703


Although sound propagation in a forest is important in several applications, there are currently no rigorous yet computationally tractable prediction methods. Due to the complexity of sound scattering in a forest, it is natural to formulate the problem stochastically. In this paper, it is demonstrated that the equations for the statistical moments of the sound field propagating in a forest have the same form as those for sound propagation in a turbulent atmosphere if the scattering properties of the two media are expressed in terms of the differential scattering and total cross sections. Using the existing theories for sound propagation in a turbulent atmosphere, this analogy enables the derivation of several results for predicting forest acoustics. In particular, the second-moment parabolic equation is formulated for the spatial correlation function of the sound field propagating above an impedance ground in a forest with micrometeorology. Effective numerical techniques for solving this equation have been developed in atmospheric acoustics. In another example, formulas are obtained that describe the effect of a forest on the interference between the direct and ground-reflected waves. The formulated correspondence between wave propagation in discrete and continuous random media can also be used in other fields of physics.