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Rev Sci Instrum ; 95(6)2024 Jun 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38921059


Superconducting magnets based on Rare Earth Barium Copper Oxides (REBCO) offer transformative capabilities in the fields of fusion energy, high energy physics, and space exploration. A challenge shared by these applications is the limited lifetime of REBCO due to radiation damage sustained during operation. Here we present a new ion-beam facility that enables simultaneous cryogenic irradiation and in situ characterization of commercial REBCO tapes. The ion source provides spatially uniform fluxes up to 1018 protons/m2s with kinetic energies up to 3.4 MeV, in addition to helium and higher-Z species. Using this facility, we can induce uniform damage profiles in the first 10-20 µm of REBCO tapes with less than 0.25 appm of hydrogen implanted in REBCO after a dose of 1020 protons/m2. The tape can be held between 20 and 300 K with an accuracy of ±0.1 K and is connected to a four-point probe measuring the critical current, Ic, and critical temperature, Tc, before, during, and after irradiation with transport current ranging from 100 nA to 100 A, and a typical voltage noise less than 0.1 µV. These capabilities are presently used to study the effect of irradiation temperature on REBCO performance change during and after proton bombardment, to assess the possibility of Ic and Tc recovery after irradiation through thermal annealing, and to explore the instantaneous and recoverable suppression of Ic and Tc observed during irradiation.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 92(10): 103502, 2021 Oct 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34717421


For the first time, a digital Mirror Langmuir Probe (MLP) has successfully sampled plasma temperature, ion saturation current, and floating potential together on a single probe tip in real time in a radio-frequency driven helicon linear plasma device. This is accomplished by feedback control of the bias sweep to ensure a good fit to I-V characteristics with a high frequency, high power digital amplifier, and field-programmable gate array controller. Measurements taken by the MLP were validated by a low speed I-V characteristic manually collected during static plasma conditions. Plasma fluctuations, induced by varying the axial magnetic field (f̃ = 10 Hz), were also successfully monitored with the MLP. Further refinement of the digital MLP pushes it toward a turn-key system that minimizes the time to deployment and lessens the learning curve, positioning the digital MLP as a capable diagnostic for the study of low radio-frequency plasma physics. These demonstrations bolster confidence in fielding such digital MLP diagnostics in magnetic confinement experiments with high spatial and adequate temporal resolution, such as edge plasma, scrape-off layer, and divertor probes.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 89(10): 10J106, 2018 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30399747


Plasma facing component (PFC) conditioning dramatically affects plasma performance in magnetic confinement fusion experiments. Lithium (Li) has been used in several machines to condition PFC with subsequent improvements to plasma performance. Multiple studies have investigated the interactions of Li with deuterium (D) and oxygen (O) in order to ascertain the mechanisms behind the enhanced plasma performance. Ion Beam Analysis (IBA) is a useful tool to interrogate PFC surfaces as they interact with plasmas. Dynamics of ion implantation and sputtering of surfaces (DIONISOS) is a linear plasma device, capable of generating discharges with fluxes ∼1021 m-2 s-1 and Te ∼6 eV, coupled to an ion accelerator. DIONISOS is capable of analyzing samples using Elastic Recoil Detection (ERD) and Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy (RBS) during plasma exposures. The facility has been equipped with a Li deposition system for evaporation of thin coatings on different substrates. The evaporator enables real time ERD and RBS measurements of deposition and erosion of Li coatings on different substrates and the interaction of the Li with the vacuum and plasma. Considerations for ERD, e.g., ion species, energy, and data acquisition frequency, are presented. This work is the basis for further investigation of He, H, and D retention in solid and liquid Li.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 85(2): 023503, 2014 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24593357


A major impediment towards a better understanding of the complex plasma-surface interaction is the limited diagnostic access to the material surface while it is undergoing plasma exposure. The Dynamics of ION Implantation and Sputtering Of Surfaces (DIONISOS) experiment overcomes this limitation by uniquely combining powerful, non-perturbing ion beam analysis techniques with a steady-state helicon plasma exposure chamber, allowing for real-time, depth-resolved in situ measurements of material compositions during plasma exposure. Design solutions are described that provide compatibility between the ion beam analysis requirements in the presence of a high-intensity helicon plasma. The three primary ion beam analysis techniques, Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy, elastic recoil detection, and nuclear reaction analysis, are successfully implemented on targets during plasma exposure in DIONISOS. These techniques measure parameters of interest for plasma-material interactions such as erosion/deposition rates of materials and the concentration of plasma fuel species in the material surface.