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Plant Dis ; 2024 Jul 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38985510


In Malaysia, bananas (Musa spp.) are the second most cultivated fruit and the fourth most cultivated fruit in terms of export revenue. In October 2018, about 5.0 out of 6.6 hectares of a banana plantation located in Teluk Intan, Malaysia, was impacted by an outbreak of banana disease. The onset of bacterial wilt symptoms is characterized by initial leaf wilting, followed by the subsequent withering of the entire plant during later stages, fruit stalk and fruit pulp discoloration, fruit rotting, and pseudostem necrosis. The diseased banana's symptomatic pseudostems and fruit pulps were surface-sterilised in 70% ethanol for 30 s, followed by 2% NaClO for 3 min, rinsed three times in sterilised water, and cut into small pieces approximately 5 mm2 in size. The tissues were macerated in a sterilised 0.85% NaCl solution for 5 min, and the resulting suspension was streaked onto nutrient agar, followed by incubation at 28°C for 2 days. After incubation, bacterial colonies with five unique morphological characteristics were observed. Two colonies of each unique morphological type were randomly chosen and subjected to preliminary bacterial identification by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Based on BLASTn analysis, the five unique morphological types of bacteria were preliminarily identified as Enterobacter cloacae, Citrobacter farmeri, Klebsiella variicola, Kosakonia radicincitans, and Phytobacter ursingii. Previous reports identified K. variicola and K. radicincitans as banana pathogens, but Malaysia has yet to report the former. The amplified partial 16S rDNA sequences of both K. variicola isolates (designated as UTAR-BC1 and UTAR-BC2; GenBank accession numbers: PP531448 and PP531460, respectively), which were chosen to be the focus of this study, exhibited complete similarity to each other and were 100% identical (1426/1426 identity and 1420/1420 identity, respectively) to K. variicola (CP026013.1). To verify the identity of the bacterial isolate, three housekeeping genes, namely, infB(PP538994), rpoB (PP538995), and gyrB (PP538996) of UTAR-BC1, were amplified, sequenced, and subjected to multilocus phylogenetic analysis via the neighbour-joining method (1,000 bootstrap values). Phylogenetic analysis revealed that UTAR-BC1 belongs to the K. variicola clade. A pathogenicity assay of UTAR-BC1 was conducted on 4-month-old healthy banana plantlets (cv. Nangka) using the pseudostem injection method (Tripathi et al., 2008). First, UTAR-BC1 was grown overnight in nutrient broth and then adjusted to 108 CFU/ml in a sterile 10 mM MgCl2 solution. A total volume of 100 µL of the bacterial suspension was injected into the pseudostem of five healthy banana plantlets via a syringe with a needle. Control plants were mock-inoculated with a sterile 10 mM MgCl2 solution. The experiments were replicated thrice and inoculated plants were maintained at room temperature with natural sunlight and humidity, which resembled the field conditions. Two months after inoculation, all of the UTAR-BC1 inoculated spots of banana plantlets showed severe necrosis, while the banana leaves showed symptoms of wilted appearance, whereas the control plants remained symptomless. The reisolated pathogen from 90% of the symptomatic pseudostems and leaf blades shares the same morphological and molecular features as UTAR-BC1, thus fulfilling Koch's postulates. Previously, K. variicola has been reported to be a banana pathogen causing rhizome rot in India (Loganathan et al., 2021), plantain soft rot in Haiti (Fulton et al. 2020), and sheath rot and bulb rot in China (Sun et al., 2023; Jiang et al., 2024). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of bacterial wilt disease in bananas attributed to K. variicola in Malaysia. This finding will facilitate the surveillance of K. variicola as an emerging pathogen in banana plants in this region, thereby safeguarding the country's food security and promoting socio-economic growth.

Trop Life Sci Res ; 34(3): 1-22, 2023 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37860094


Malaysia is home to a number of hot springs that are rich in microbial diversity including the photosynthetic cyanobacteria. Although this microbial community has been characterised based on metagenomics approach, the culturable thermophilic isolates have not been isolated and characterised extensively. Compared to the mesophiles, information on plant growth promoting (PGP) properties of these thermophiles remain largely untapped. As the amount of arable land for microbial bioprospecting is decreasing due to extensive human activities, the search for alternative source for microbial strains with PGP properties is important for the development of potential biofertilisers. This study sought to isolate and characterise culturable cyanobacteria strains from two local hot springs - Sungai Klah (SK) and Lubuk Timah (LT) located in Perak using morphological and molecular methods. The IAA production from the axenic cultures were measured. The PGP properties were also measured by priming the rice seeds with cyanobacterial water extracts. A total of six strains were isolated from both hot springs. Strains LTM and LTW from LT were identified as Leptolyngbya sp. whereas strains SEM, SEH, STH and STM were identified as Thermosynechococcus elongatus. All six strains produced IAA ranged from 670.10 pg/µL to 2010 pg/µL. The water extracts were found to increase the seed amylase activity of the rice seeds from 5th day of germination (DAG) to 10th DAG. In general, the IAA production and increased seed amylase activity might have contributed in enhancing the longest root length, shoot length and root-to-shoot (RS) ratio. To conclude, the thermophilic cyanobacteria from hot springs can be further exploited as a novel source of PGP microbes for the development of biofertilsers.

Trop Life Sci Res ; 32(1): 23-45, 2021 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33936549


Fusarium wilt of banana cannot be effectively controlled by current control strategies. The most virulent form that caused major losses in the banana production is Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense Tropical Race 4 (Foc-TR4). Biocontrol of Foc-TR4 using microbial antagonists offers a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative. A consortium of biocontrol agents (BCAs), Pseudomonas aeruginosa DRB1 and Trichoderma harzianum CBF2 was formulated into pesta granules, talc powder, alginate beads and liquid bioformulations. Previous study indicated bioformulations containing both BCAs successfully reduced the disease severity of Foc-TR4. To date, the biocontrol mechanism and plant growth promoting (PGP) traits of a consortium of BCAs on infected bananas have not been explored. Therefore, the study was undertaken to investigate the effect of a consortium of DRB1 and CBF2 in the growth and biochemical changes of Foc-TR4 infected bananas. Results indicated pesta granules formulation produced bananas with higher biomass (fresh weight: 388.67 g), taller plants (80.95 cm) and larger leaves (length: 39.40 cm, width: 17.70 cm) than other bioformulations. Applying bioformulations generally produced plants with higher chlorophyll (392.59 µg/g FW-699.88 µg/g FW) and carotenoid contents (81.30 µg/g FW-120.01 µg/g FW) compared to pathogen treatment (chlorophyll: 325.96 µg/g FW, carotenoid: 71.98 µg/g FW) which indicated improved vegetative growth. Bioformulation-treated plants showed higher phenolic (49.58-93.85 µg/g FW) and proline contents (54.63 µg/g FW-89.61 µg/g FW) than Foc-TR4 treatment (phenolic: 46.45 µg/g FW, proline: 28.65 µg/g FW). The malondialdehylde (MDA) content was lower in bioformulation treatments (0.49 Nm/g FW-1.19 Nm/g FW) than Foc-TR4 treatment (3.66 Nm/g FW). The biochemical changes revealed that applying bioformulations has induced host defense response by increasing phenolic and proline contents which reduced root damage caused by Foc-TR4 resulting in lower MDA content. In conclusion, applying bioformulations containing microbial consortium is a promising method to improve growth and induce significant biochemical changes in bananas leading to the suppression of Foc-TR4.