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Rev. colomb. cienc. pecu ; 32(3): 184-191, jul.-set. 2019. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1042789


Abstract Background: High amounts of nonstarch polysaccharides in the diet may increase the amounts of fermentative materials in the hindgut, leading to an increase in fermentative heat production. Dietary β-mannanase is reported to decrease antinutritional effects of β-mannans, such as the potential increase of body heat; however, its efficacy on broiler chickens raised under hot climatic conditions has not been investigated. Objective: To investigate the effects of dietary β-mannanase on growth performance, cloacal temperature, relative lymphoid organ weight, and blood characteristics of broiler chickens raised under hot climatic conditions. Methods: A total of 1,701 1-day-old Ross 308 broiler chickens were randomly allotted to one of three dietary treatments with nine replicates. A basal diet was prepared and added with β-mannanase at 0.05 or 0.10% inclusion levels. The experiment was conducted for 30 days. Average room temperature was 28.8 ± 1.74 ˚C and average relative humidity (RH) was 76.1 ± 11.49% during the experiment. Results: Growth performance of broiler chickens raised under hot climatic conditions was not affected by β-mannanase inclusion. Cloacal temperature decreased at the end of experiment (linear, p<0.05) with increasing inclusion levels of dietary β-mannanase. Increasing inclusion levels of β-mannanase tended to increase (linear, p=0.076) the relative weight of thymus, but had no effects on the relative weight of spleen and bursa of Fabricius. Blood characteristics were not influenced by dietary β-mannanase. Conclusion: Increasing inclusion levels of β-mannanase decrease cloacal temperature; however, it does not directly influence growth performance nor alleviates the heat stress of broiler chickens raised under hot climatic conditions.

Resumen Antecedentes: Altas cantidades de carbohidratos no almidonosos en la dieta pueden aumentar la cantidad de materiales fermentativos en el intestino posterior, aumentando la producción de calor fermentativo. La β-mananasa dietaria disminuye los efectos antinutricionales de los β-mananos, tales como el potencial incremento de la producción calorica; Sin embargo, no se ha investigado su eficacia en pollos de engorde criados bajo condiciones de calor ambiental. Objetivo: Investigar los efectos de la β-mananasa en la dieta sobre el crecimiento, la temperatura cloacal, el peso relativo de los órganos linfoides y las características sanguíneas de pollos de engorde criados bajo condiciones climáticas calientes. Métodos: Un total de 1.701 pollos de engorde de 1 día de edad (Ross 308) fueron asignados al azar a uno de tres tratamientos dietarios con nueve repeticiones. A una dieta basal se le adicionó β-mananasa en niveles de inclusión de 0,05 o 0,10%. El experimento duró 30 días. La temperatura ambiente durante el experimento fue de 28,8 ± 1,74 ˚C y la humedad relativa de 76,1 ± 11,49%. Resultados: La inclusión de β-mananasa no afecto el rendimiento de los pollos. La temperatura cloacal medida al final del experimento disminuyó (lineal, p<0,05) con niveles de inclusión dietarios crecientes de β-mananasa. Niveles incrementales de β-mananasa tendieron a aumentar (lineal, p=0,076) el peso relativo del timo, pero no hubo efecto sobre el peso del bazo o la bursa de Fabricio. La β-mananasa no influenció las características de la sangre. Conclusión: Niveles incrementales de β-mananasa disminuyen la temperatura cloacal, aunque afectan el crecimiento ni alivian el estrés térmico del pollo de engorde criado bajo condiciones climáticas calientes.

Resumo Antecedentes: Altas quantidades de polissacáridos não amiláceos na dieta podem aumentar as quantidades de materiais fermentativos no intestino posterior, levando a um aumento na produção de calor fermentativo. A β-mananase dietética é relatada para diminuir os efeitos antinutricionais da β-manana, tal como o possível aumento da produção de calor; Entretanto, não tem sido investigada a eficácia de la em frangos de corte criados em condições climáticas quentes. Objetivo: Investigar os efeitos da β-mananase na dieta sobre o desempenho do crescimento, a temperatura cloacal, o peso relativo dos órgãos linfóides e as características de sanguíneas de frangos de corte criados em condições climáticas quentes. Métodos: Um total de 1.701 frangos de corte de um dia de idade (Ross 308) foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em um dos três tratamentos dietéticos com nove repetições. A dieta basal foi preparada e a β-mananase foi adicionada à dieta basal com níveis de inclusão de 0,05 ou 0,10%. O experimento foi conduzido durante 30 dias. A temperatura ambiente média foi de 28,8 temperatura ahumidade relativa (HR) média foi de 76,1 ± 11,49% durante o experimento. Resultados: O desempenho de crescimento dos frangos de corte criados em condições climáticas quentes não foi afetado pelos níveis de inclusão de β-mananase. A temperatura cloacal medida no final do experimento foi diminuída (linear, p<0,05) com níveis crescentes de inclusão de β-mananase na dieta. O aumento dos níveis de inclusão da β-mananase tendeu a aumentar (linear, p=0,076) o peso relativo do timo, mas não teve efeitos sobre o peso relativo do baço e da bursa de Fabricius. As características do sangue não foram influenciadas pela β-mananase dietética. Conclusão: Os níveis crescentes de inclusão de β-mananase diminuem a temperatura cloacal; entretanto, isso não influencia diretamente o desempenho do crescimento e alivia o estresse térmico dos frangos de corte criados em condições climáticas quentes.

Asian-Australas J Anim Sci ; 32(9): 1407-1413, 2019 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31010965


Objective: This experiment aimed to investigate the effect of different sources and inclusion levels of dietary fat on productive performance and egg quality in laying hens raised under hot environmental conditions. Method: A total of 480 Hy-Line Brown laying hens at 31 wk of age were randomly allotted to 1 of 5 experimental diets. The control diet contained 2,800 kcal/kg AMEn with no fat addition. Four additional diets were prepared by adding 2.0 or 4.0% of animal fat (AF) or soybean oil (SO). Energy and nutrient concentrations were consistent among all diets. Diets were fed to hens for 4 weeks. Average daily room temperature and humidity were 26.7 ± 1.52°C and 77.4 ± 4.50%. The heat stress index was approximately 76, indicating that hens were raised under heat stress conditions. Results: Final BW was greater (p<0.05) for hens fed diets containing 2.0 or 4.0% AF than for those fed the control diet or diets containing 2.0 or 4.0% SO. The BW gain and feed intake were greater (p<0.05) for hens fed diets containing additional AF or SO than those fed the control diet. Eggshell thickness were the greatest (p<0.05) for hens fed the control diet, but the least (p<0.05) for hens fed diets containing 4.0% SO. Egg yolk color was the greatest (p<0.05) for hens fed to the control diet, but the least (p<0.05) for hens fed diets containing 4.0% SO. Conclusion: Inclusion of supplemental fat (AF and SO) in diets exhibits preventative effects on BW loss for hens raised under hot environmental conditions when energy and nutrient concentrations in diets were maintained. The effects were greater for AF than for SO. However, inclusion of supplemental fat in diets decreases eggshell thickness and egg yolk yellowness, possibly due to a reduction in Ca absorption and intake of egg yolk colorants.

Asian-Australas J Anim Sci ; 31(4): 564-568, 2018 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29381897


OBJECTIVE: This experiment was conducted to determine the effects of dietary ß-mannanase on the additivity of true metabolizable energy (TME) and nitrogen-corrected true metabolizable energy (TMEn) for broiler diets. METHODS: A total of 144 21-day-old broilers were randomly allotted to 12 dietary treatments with 6 replicates. Five treatments consisted of 5 ingredients of corn, wheat, soybean meal, corn distillers dried grains with solubles, or corn gluten meal. One mixed diet containing 200 g/kg of those 5 ingredients also was prepared. Additional 6 treatments were prepared by mixing 0.5 g/kg dietary ß-mannanase with those 5 ingredients and the mixed diet. Based on a precision-fed chicken assay, TME and TMEn values for 5 ingredients and the mixed diet as affected by dietary ß-mannanase were determined. RESULTS: Results indicated that when ß-mannanase was not added to the diet, measured TME and TMEn values for the diet did not differ from the predicted values for the diet, which validated the additivity. However, for the diet containing ß-mannanase, measured TMEn value was greater (p<0.05) than predicted TMEn value, indicating that the additivity was not validated. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, the additivity of energy values for the mixed diet may not be guaranteed if the diet contains ß-mannanase.