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Braz J Biol ; 83: e274004, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37937625


A little-studied characteristic of the Mexican native fish Dormitator latifrons is the effect that the color of the bottom or lining of ponds or tubs can have on their growth and blood parameters under controlled conditions. After a quarantine period in prophylactic treatment, an initial assay was performed. The organisms were grouped into four treatments (white, yellow, blue, and black) in triplicate, with 30 individuals with an average weight of 34.7± 2.5 g and average size of 12.5 ± 1.5 cm per tank. The trial lasted 60 days, after which a final biometry to all specimens and blood extractions to six random organisms per tank were performed. The following hematological and blood chemistry parameters were evaluated: erythrocytes, cell counts, and differential counts, as well as glucose, albumin, a/g ratio, and total proteins. Final weight, weight gain, and specific growth rate presented statistical differences between treatments (p<0.05), with dark bottoms (blue and black) above 80% of WG and above 1.0 of SGR. No statistically differences were found in hematological blood chemistry parameters (p>0.05). The growth results suggest that dark pond bottoms promote the adaptation of Dormitator latifrons by allowing it to avoid detection by predators through the adoption of a cryptic coloration. However, the species shows a great capacity for crypsis, being able to change its pigmentation to adapt to different bottom colors.

Perciformes , Lagoas , Animais , Peixes , México