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Int J Angiol ; 25(5): e89-e92, 2016 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28031665


We present a patient with a 16 cm adrenocortical carcinoma that underwent a left adrenalectomy en bloc with resection of the involved segment of the left renal artery. A splenectomy and splenorenal bypass was performed to revascularize the left kidney. To our knowledge, this is the first instance in the literature of a splenorenal arterial bypass being reported for renal revascularization during an extirpative oncologic procedure. A 64-year-old male patient, with history significant for adrenocortical carcinoma, status post prior right adrenalectomy with partial right nephrectomy, presented for an elective left adrenalectomy. Preoperative work-up revealed an 11.4 × 13.2 × 16 cm left adrenal mass, most consistent with an adrenocortical carcinoma. At the time of surgery, the mass was found to be intimately adherent to the aorta at the takeoff of the left renal artery. Moreover, the left renal artery appeared to be coursing directly through the mass. The involved segment of the left renal artery was resected en bloc with the tumor. Because of concerns for a small and likely poorly functioning right renal remnant, a decision was made to attempt to salvage the left kidney. This was accomplished by performing a splenectomy and constructing a splenorenal bypass. Serial Duplex Doppler renal ultrasound studies were obtained over the first three postoperative days and demonstrated improved arterial waveforms. Serum creatinine reached a peak level of 3.76 mg/dL on postoperative day 3, and then began to slowly trend down to 3.37 mg/dL on the day of discharge (postoperative day7).