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Sci Rep ; 14(1): 10067, 2024 May 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38698148


In this paper, the floating body effect (FBE) in indium-gallium-zinc-oxide (IGZO) thin-film transistor (TFT) and the mechanism of device failure caused by that are reported for the first time. If the toggle AC pulses are applied to the gate and drain simultaneously for the switching operation, the drain current of IGZO TFT increases dramatically and cannot show the on/off switching characteristics. This phenomenon was not reported before, and our study reveals that the main cause is the formation of a conductive path between the source and drain: short failure. It is attributed in part to the donor creation at the drain region during the high voltage (Vhigh) condition and in part to the donor creation at the source region during the falling edge and low voltage (Vlow) conditions. Donor creation is attributed to the peroxide formation in the IGZO layer induced by the electrons under the high lateral field. Because the donor creation features positive charges, it lowers the threshold voltage of IGZO TFT. In detail, during the Vhigh condition, the donor creation is generated by accumulated electrons with a high lateral field at the drain region. On the other hand, the floating electrons remaining at the short falling edge (i.e., FBE of the IGZO TFT) are affected by the high lateral field at the source region during the Vlow condition. As a result, the donor creation is generated at the source region. Therefore, the short failure occurs because the donor creations are generated and expanded to channel from the drain and source region as the AC stress accumulates. In summary, the FBE in IGZO TFT is reported, and its effect on the electrical characteristics of IGZO TFT (i.e., the short failure) is rigorously analyzed for the first time.

Sci Rep ; 9(1): 6588, 2019 Apr 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31036883


We investigated the lateral distribution of the equilibrium carrier concentration (n0) along the channel and the effects of channel length (L) on the source-drain series resistance (Rext) in the top-gate self-aligned (TG-SA) coplanar structure amorphous indium-gallium-zinc oxide (a-IGZO) thin-film transistors (TFTs). The lateral distribution of n0 across the channel was extracted using the paired gate-to-source voltage (VGS)-based transmission line method and the temperature-dependent transfer characteristics obtained from the TFTs with different Ls. n0 abruptly decreased with an increase in the distance from the channel edge near the source/drain junctions; however, much smaller gradient of n0 was observed in the region near the middle of the channel. The effect of L on the Rext in the TG-SA coplanar a-IGZO TFT was investigated by applying the drain current-conductance method to the TFTs with various Ls. The increase of Rext was clearly observed with an increase in L especially at low VGSs, which was possibly attributed to the enhanced carrier diffusion near the source/drain junctions due to the larger gradient of the carrier concentration in the longer channel devices. Because the lateral carrier diffusion and the relatively high Rext are the critical issues in the TG-SA coplanar structure-based oxide TFTs, the results in this work are expected to be useful in further improving the electrical performance and uniformity of the TG-SA coplanar structure oxide TFTs.