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Rev Sci Instrum ; 91(1): 013515, 2020 Jan 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32012635


The fast microwave reflectometer system on the COMPASS tokamak consists of an O-mode polarized K-band (18 GHz-26 GHz), Ka-band (26 GHz-40 GHz), and a part of U-band (40 GHz-54 GHz). The plasma density profile from the edge plasma area is measured using a fast sweeping rate up of to 6 µs of the probing wave. The processing of the reflected signal is realized by the heterodyne detection configuration based on the I/Q modulator. Two different methods of dynamic calibration of the required linear sweep frequency, together with static frequency and dispersion calibration, were used. The electron density profile was reconstructed by a spectrogram-based method with four sweeps on average. The system has the capability to measure the mid-plane low-field side electron density profile in the density range from 4 × 1018 m-3 to 3.6 × 1019 m-3. Experimental results obtained on COMPASS discharges are presented to demonstrate the performance of the diagnostics.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 83(10): 10E327, 2012 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23126985


COMPASS tokamak shots at low magnetic field feature overdense plasmas during the extended current flat-top phase. The first harmonic of the electron cyclotron emission is completely cutoff for O and X modes and so the emission caused by electron Bernstein waves (EBWs) propagating obliquely with respect to the magnetic field and undergoing so called EBW-X-O conversion process can be observed. We perform an angular scan of the EBW emission during a set of comparable shots in order to determine the optimum antenna direction. A weak dependence of the radiative temperature on the antenna angles indicates an influence of multiple reflections from the vessel wall. The low temperature at the mode conversion region is responsible for the collisional damping of EBW, which can explain several times lower measured radiative temperature than the electron temperature measured by the Thomson scattering system.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 83(10): 10E350, 2012 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23127007


The electron density and temperature profiles measured by the Thomson scattering diagnostic on the COMPASS tokamak are used for estimation of electron kinetic energy, energy confinement time, and effective charge number Z(eff). Data are compared with the line-integrated electron density measured by a microwave interferometer in an ohmically heated plasma with a circular cross section. An error analysis of both electron temperature and density are performed by two methods-a constant chi-square boundaries method and a Monte Carlo simulation, determining asymmetrical error bars for the electron temperature.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 81(10): 10D911, 2010 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21033943


The COMPASS tokamak recently started operation at the Institute of Plasma Physics AS CR, v.v.i., Prague. A new 16-channel radiometer, operating alternatively in three frequency bands, has been designed and constructed. The system is prepared for detection of normal electron cyclotron emission (O1 or X2) or oblique electron Bernstein wave emission. The end-to-end calibration method includes all components that influence the antenna radiation pattern. A steady recalibration is possible using a noise generator connected to the radiometer input through a fast waveguide PIN-switch. Measurements of the antenna radiation characteristics (2D electric field) were performed in free space as well as in the tokamak chamber, showing the degradation effect of structures on the Gaussian beam shape. First plasma radiation temperature measurements from low-field circular plasmas are available.