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Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom ; 35(8): e9055, 2021 Apr 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33521977


RATIONALE: Since their introduction more than a decade ago, isotope ratio infrared spectroscopy (IRIS) systems have rapidly become the standard for oxygen (δ18 O) and hydrogen (δ2 H) isotope analysis of water samples. An important disadvantage of IRIS systems is the well-documented sample-to-sample memory effect, which requires each sample to be analyzed multiple times before the desired accuracy is reached, lengthening analysis times and driving up the costs of analyses. METHODS: We present an adapted set-up and calculation protocol for fully automated analysis of water samples using a Picarro L2140-i cavity ring-down spectroscopy instrument. The adaptation removes memory effects by use of a continuously moisturized nitrogen carrier gas. Water samples of 0.5 µL are measured on top of the water vapor background, after which isotope ratios are calculated by subtraction of the background from the sample peaks. RESULTS: With this new technique, single injections of water samples have internal precisions (1σ) below 0.05‰ for δ18 O values and 0.1‰ for δ2 H values, regardless of the isotope ratio of the previous sample. Precision is worse, however, when the isotope difference between the sample and background water is too large (i.e., exceeding approximately 9‰ for δ18 O values and 70‰ for δ2 H values). Isotope ratios show negligible drift across the four weeks within which the experiments were performed. The single-injection 1σ precision for 17 O excess (Δ'17 O) determined with this method is 60 per meg. CONCLUSIONS: Our experiments demonstrate that by removing sample-to-sample memory effects with a moisturized carrier gas, the time for measurement of δ18 O and δ2 H values using an IRIS system can be reduced markedly without compromising the analytical precision and accuracy. Thorough replication is needed to achieve sufficiently low uncertainties for Δ'17 O.

Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom ; 34(19): e8878, 2020 Oct 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32632996


RATIONALE: Oxygen (δ18 O) and carbon (δ13 C) isotope analysis of foraminifera and other CaCO3 samples has been a key technique for paleoceanographical and paleoclimatological research for more than 60 years. There is ongoing demand for the analysis of ever smaller CaCO3 samples, driven, for example, by the desire to analyse single specimen planktic foraminifera, or small samples of tooth enamel. METHODS: We present a continuous-flow mass spectrometric technique that uses cryo-focusing of sample CO2 to analyse CaCO3 samples in a weight range between 10 and 3 µg. These are considerably lower sample weights than achievable on most currently available standard instrumentation. The technique is automated, so that sample throughput lies at >60 samples per day. The method involves an on-line vial-flushing routine designed to remove machine drift due to blank CO2 build-up in the sample vials. RESULTS: In a series of experiments the effect of blank CO2 build-up is quantified, and outgassing from the chlorobutyl septa identified as the source. An improved flushing routine together with the use of a cryo-focusing step in the analysis is demonstrated to provide the analytical stability and sensitivity to analyse CaCO3 samples in a weight range between 10 and 3 µg at ≤0.1‰ precision (1σ) for both δ18 O and δ13 C values. The technique yields similarly precise results for the analysis of the structural carbonate fraction of small tooth enamel samples. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that high-precision oxygen and carbon isotope analysis is possible on CaCO3 samples smaller than 5 µg by use of a continuous-flow isotope technique. Of key importance are (1) the application of a cold trap that drastically reduces sample gas loss, and (2) a modified flushing regime that eliminates increasing background CO2 build-up in sample vials during longer automated sample runs.

Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom ; 34(16): e8837, 2020 Aug 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32424983


RATIONALE: Online oxygen (δ18 O) and hydrogen (δ2 H) isotope analysis of fluid inclusion water entrapped in minerals is widely applied in paleo-fluid studies. In the state of the art of fluid inclusion isotope research, however, there is a scarcity of reported inter-technique comparisons to account for possible analytical offsets. Along with improving analytical precisions and sample size limitations, interlaboratory comparisons can lead to a more robust application of fluid inclusion isotope records. METHODS: Mineral samples-including speleothem, travertine, and vein material-were analyzed on two newly setup systems for fluid inclusion isotope analysis to provide an inter-platform comparison. One setup uses a crusher unit connected online to a continuous-flow pyrolysis furnace and an isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) instrument. In the other setup, a crusher unit is lined up with a cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) system, and water samples are analyzed on a continuous standard water background to achieve precisions on water injections better than 0.1‰ for δ18 O values and 0.4‰ for δ2 H values for amounts down to 0.2 µL. RESULTS: Fluid inclusion isotope analyses on the IRMS setup have an average 1σ reproducibility of 0.4‰ and 2.0‰ for δ18 O and δ2 H values, respectively. The CRDS setup has a better 1σ reproducibility (0.3‰ for δ18 O values and 1.1‰ for δ2 H values) and also a more rapid sample throughput (<30 min per sample). Fluid inclusion isotope analyses are reproducible at these uncertainties for water amounts down to 0.1 µL on both setups. Fluid inclusion isotope data show no systematic offsets between the setups. CONCLUSIONS: The close match in fluid inclusion isotope results between the two setups demonstrates the high accuracy of the presented continuous-flow techniques for fluid inclusion isotope analysis. Ideally, experiments such as the one presented in this study will lead to further interlaboratory comparison efforts and the selection of suitable reference materials for fluid inclusion isotopes studies.