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Inorg Chem ; 55(24): 12912-12922, 2016 Dec 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27989152


Fe7Se8 exists as a hexagonal NiAs-like crystal structure with a large number of ordered intrinsic vacancies. It is an ideal candidate for studying the effect of defects on properties such as magnetism and electrical transport. In this work, highly crystalline Fe7Se8 with the 3c crystal structure was synthesized by a solid-state reaction. Sharp changes in the magnetization at 100 K confirm a rotation of the spins from the ab plane to the c axis with decreasing temperature. We observe an interesting metal-insulator transition at the same temperature as the spin-direction changes. We propose that locked spins in the grain boundaries induce electron localization and result in the metal-insulator transition. Electron localization is confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of the Fe 2p peaks, which exhibit two characteristic satellite peaks. This mechanism is also verified by comparing it with the properties of the 4c-Fe7Se8 crystal structure.

Inorg Chem ; 53(1): 496-502, 2014 Jan 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24328297


We have synthesized members of an isostructural solid solution series KxBa1-xO2-δ (x < 0.41, δ < 0.11) containing mixed-valent dioxygen anions. Synthesis in liquid ammonia solution allows a continuous range of compounds to be prepared. X-ray and neutron diffraction show that KxBa1-xO2-δ adopts the tetragonal rocksalt-derived structure of the end members KO2 and BaO2, without any structural phase transition down to 5 K, the lowest temperature studied here. We identify four oxygen-oxygen stretching modes above 750 cm(-1) in the measured Raman spectra, unlike the spectra of KO2 and BaO2 which both contain just a single mode. We use density functional theory calculations to show that the stretching modes in KxBa1-xO2-δ arise from in-phase and anti-phase coupling of the stretching of nearest-neighbor oxygen dimers when the valence state of the dimers lies between -1 and -2 because of mixed cation coordination. This coupling is a direct signature of a novel type of anionogenic mixed valency.

Phys Rev Lett ; 108(21): 217206, 2012 May 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23003298


We demonstrate, using a combination of experiment and density functional theory, that orbital ordering drives the formation of a one-dimensional (1D) S=1/2 antiferromagnetic spin chain in the 3D rocksalt structure of cesium superoxide (CsO2). The magnetic superoxide anion (O2(-)) exhibits degeneracy of its 2p-derived molecular orbitals, which is lifted by a structural distortion on cooling. A spin chain is then formed by zigzag ordering of the half-filled superoxide orbitals, promoting a superexchange pathway mediated by the p(z) orbitals of Cs(+) along only one crystal direction. This scenario is analogous to the 3d-orbital-driven spin chain found in the perovskite KCuF3 and is the first example of an inorganic quantum spin system with unpaired p electrons.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 12(37): 11517-35, 2010 Oct 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20676445


We have conducted (75)As and (69)Ga Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) experiments to investigate order/disorder in Al(x)Ga(1-x)As lift-off films with x∼ 0.297 and 0.489. We were able to identify all possible As(Al(n)Ga(4-n)) sites with n = 0-4 coordinations in (75)As NMR spectra using spin-echo experiments at 18.8 Tesla. This was achieved by employing high rf field strengths using a small solenoid coil and an NMR probe specifically designed for this purpose. Spectral deconvolution, using an evolutionary algorithm, complies with the absence of long-range order if a CuAu based order parameter is imposed. An unconstrained fit shows a deviation of the statistics imposed by this type of ordering. The occupational disorder in the Ga and Al positions is reflected in a distribution of the Electric Field Gradients (EFGs) experienced at the different arsenic sites. We established that this can be modelled by summing the effects of the first coordination sphere and a Czjzek type distribution resulting from the compositional variation in the Al/Ga sub-lattice in the higher coordination spheres. (69)Ga 3QMAS and nutation data exclude the presence of highly symmetric sites and also show a distribution in EFG. The experimentally obtained quadrupolar interactions are in good agreement with calculations based on Density Functional Theory (DFT). Using additivity of EFG tensors arising from distant charge perturbations, we could use DFT to model the EFG distributions of the n = 0-4 sites, reproducing the Czjzek and extended Czjzek distributions that were found experimentally. On the basis of these calculations we conclude that the (75)As quadrupolar interaction is sensitive to compositional modulations up to the 7th coordination shell in these systems.

J Phys Chem A ; 112(33): 7734-8, 2008 Aug 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18665571


Calculations on crystalline organic radicals were performed to establish the ground states of these materials. These calculations show that the radicals may interact, depending on their orientation in the crystal structure. For galvinxoyl, a second structure is proposed which is similar to that of azagalvinoxyl, in which the radicals form pairs. This structure accounts for the anomalous magnetic properties of galvinoxyl at low temperatures.

J Am Chem Soc ; 129(9): 2458-65, 2007 Mar 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17295480


Its low weight, high melting point, and large degree of hardness make elemental boron a technologically interesting material. The large number of allotropes, mostly containing over a hundred atoms in the unit cell, and their difficult characterization challenge both experimentalists and theoreticians. Even the ground state of this element is still under discussion. For over 30 years, scientists have attempted to determine the relative stability of alpha- and beta-rhombohedral boron. We use density functional calculations in the generalized gradient approximation to study a broad range of possible beta-rhombohedral structures containing interstitial atoms and partially occupied sites within a 105 atoms framework. The two most stable structures are practically degenerate in energy and semiconducting. One contains the experimental 320 atoms in the hexagonal unit cell, and the other contains 106 atoms in the triclinic unit cell. When populated with the experimental 320 electrons, the 106 atom structure exhibits a band gap of 1.4 eV and an in-gap hole trap at 0.35 eV above the valence band, consistent with known experiments. The total energy of these two structures is 23 meV/B lower than the original 105 atom framework, but it is still 1 meV/B above the alpha phase. Adding zero point energies finally makes the beta phase the ground state of elemental boron by 3 meV/B. At finite temperatures, the difference becomes even larger.

J Am Chem Soc ; 127(46): 16325-8, 2005 Nov 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16287327


Magnetism in molecules and solids is understood to originate from atoms in that part of the periodic table where a particular value of the angular momentum appears first (i.e., the 2p, 3d, and 4f series). In contrast to the many magnetic compounds containing transition metal or lanthanide atoms, ferromagnetism based on atoms from the 2p series is very rare. We report density functional calculations that show the existing compound rubidium sesquioxide is a ferromagnet with an estimated Curie temperature of 300 K, unprecedented in p-electron magnetism. The magnetic moment is carried by the anion. Rubidium sesquioxide is a conductor, but only for the minority spin electrons (a so-called "half-metal"). Half-metals play an important role in spintronics, that is, electronics that exploits the electron spin. Since the magnetic moment resides on a light element (oxygen), spin-orbit interactions are considerably reduced compared to other half-metals. Consequently spin relaxation is expected to be suppressed by up to 2 orders of magnitude in comparison with materials presently used in spintronics.

J Am Chem Soc ; 125(20): 6323-30, 2003 May 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12785866


Thin films of pentacene are known to crystallize in at least four different polymorphs. All polymorphs are layered structures that are characterized by their interlayer spacing d(001). We develop a model that rationalizes the size of the interlayer spacing in terms of intralayer shifts of the pentacene molecules along their long molecular axes. It explains the wide variety of interlayer spacings, without distorting the herringbone pattern that is characteristic of many acenes. Using two simple theoretical models, we attempt to relate the intralayer shifts with the dominant, although weak, interatomic interactions (van der Waals, weak electrostatic, and covalent). For two polymorphs, a consistent picture is found. A full understanding of the other two, substrate-induced, polymorphs probably requires consideration of interlayer interactions.