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Soft Matter ; 18(21): 4189-4196, 2022 Jun 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35605981


The present study investigates dumbbell-shaped nematic liquid crystal shells. Using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, we consider the effects of an external electric field on nematic ordering by computing the average molecular alignment's time evolution and equilibrium configuration. We show that the number and location of topological defects are strongly affected by the external field, with the orientational ordering's equilibrium configuration depending on field direction about the shell's long axis. For a transverse external field, it is verified that the defect rearrangement presents a non-linear dynamics, with a field independent characteristic time scale delimiting the short and long time regimes. Effects associated with varying the shell's Gaussian curvature are also analyzed.

Phys Rev E ; 102(2-1): 022702, 2020 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32942489


The present study is devoted to the investigation of surface anchoring and finite-size effects on nematic-smectic-A-smectic-C (N-Sm-A-Sm-C) phase transitions in free-standing films. Using an extended version of the molecular theory for smectic-C liquid crystals, we analyze how surface anchoring and film thickness affect the thermal behavior of the order parameters in free-standing smectic films. In particular, we determine how the transition temperature depends on the surface ordering and film thickness. We show that the additional orientational order imposed by the surface anchoring may lead to a stabilization of order parameters in central layers, thus modifying the nature of the phase transitions. We compare our results with experimental findings for typical thermotropic compounds presenting a N-Sm-A-Sm-C phase sequence.

Phys Rev E ; 93(1): 012703, 2016 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26871131


We perform molecular dynamics simulations of the orientational ordering on nematic shells delimited by spherocylindrical nanoscopic colloidal particles. We show that under conditions of degenerate planar anchoring, the equilibrium director field structure in these shells exhibits pairs of +1/2 topological defects at the poles of spherical cups in the absence of an external electric field. In addition, a certain number of pairs of ±1/2 defects occurs on the spherical cups far from the poles, thus resulting in a total of eight valence spots. A strong field applied along the main spherocylindrical axis removes the ±1/2 defect pairs while it coalesces the polar ones into a single +1 topological defect. A strong transverse field destroys all defects on the spherical cups but generates four +1/2 defects in the cylindrical part. Therefore, an external field can be used to control the number of valence centers in spherocylindrical nematic shells, thus unveiling their capability of acting as multivalent building blocks for nanophotonic devices.