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J Pharm Pharm Sci ; 27: 12398, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38577255


Bioequivalence (BE) studies are considered the standard for demonstrating that the performance of a generic drug product in the human body is sufficiently similar to that of its comparator product. The objective of this article is to describe the recommendations from participating Bioequivalence Working Group for Generics (BEWGG) members of the International Pharmaceutical Regulators Programme (IPRP) regarding the conduct and acceptance criteria for BE studies of immediate release solid oral dosage forms. A survey was conducted among BEWGG members regarding their BE recommendations and requirements related to study subjects, study design, sample size, single or multiple dose administration, study conditions (fasting or fed), analyte to be measured, selection of product strength, drug content, handling of endogenous substances, BE acceptance criteria, and additional design aspects. All members prefer conducting single dose cross-over designed studies in healthy subjects with a minimum of 12 subjects and utilizing the parent drug data to assess BE. However, differences emerged among the members when the drug's pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics become more complex, such that the study design (e.g., fasting versus fed conditions) and BE acceptance criteria (e.g., highly variable drugs, narrow therapeutic index drugs) may be affected. The survey results and discussions were shared with the ICH M13 Expert Working Group (EWG) and played an important role in identifying and analyzing gaps during the harmonization process. The draft ICH M13A guideline developed by the M13 EWG was endorsed by ICH on 20 December 2022, under Step 2.

Medicamentos Genéricos , Projetos de Pesquisa , Humanos , Equivalência Terapêutica
Clin Transl Oncol ; 26(6): 1338-1347, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38097822


PURPOSE: Amidst the rarity of High-grade transformation (HGT) in adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC), this study offers unprecedented insights into its aggressive nature and clinical implications. METHODS: A 1:1 match comparison between 23 HGT patients and non-HGT counterparts was extracted from 412 ACC cases, focusing on dissecting distinctive clinicopathological features and prognostic outcomes. RESULTS: The predominant sites of HGT were the sinonasal and lacrimal glands (30.4% each). Notably, the solid subtype was the most prevalent pattern within HGT, accounting for 69.6% of cases. Compared to non-HGT, the HGT cohort exhibited significantly higher rates of lymph node metastasis (39.1% vs. 8.7%; P < 0.05), perineural invasion (60.9% vs. 26.1%; P < 0.05), and increased Ki-67 proliferation index (35.0% vs. 10.0%; P < 0.05). Moreover, HGT regions typically showed reduced or absent p63 expression, along with high-grade pathomorphology. HGT was associated with increased recurrence (55.0%) and distant metastasis (78.3%), leading to an average survival of 35.9 months and a 3-years mortality rate of 35.0%. Overall and progression-free survival rates were significantly decreased in the HGT group. CONCLUSION: This study represents the largest single-center cohort of HGT cases to our knowledge, highlighting its frequent occurrence in the sinonasal and lacrimal glands and association with poorer outcomes. The findings support classifying HGT in ACC as Grade 4, reflecting its severity.

Carcinoma Adenoide Cístico , Humanos , Carcinoma Adenoide Cístico/patologia , Carcinoma Adenoide Cístico/mortalidade , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Prognóstico , China/epidemiologia , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Adulto , Idoso , Neoplasias de Cabeça e Pescoço/patologia , Neoplasias de Cabeça e Pescoço/mortalidade , Gradação de Tumores , Transformação Celular Neoplásica/patologia , Metástase Linfática , Taxa de Sobrevida , Invasividade Neoplásica , Adulto Jovem
An Acad Bras Cienc ; 95(3): e20220672, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37556607


Aplastic anemia (AA), a rare disorder, is associated with bone marrow microenvironment (BMM). Presently, AA treatment is of great difficulty. This study aimed to explore the mechanism of action of Rehmannia glutinosa polysaccharide (RGP) in AA. Busulfan was used to induce AA in BALB/c mice; blood cell count and Ray's Giemsa staining were used to assess the severity of hematopoietic failure; HE was performed to assess the pathological state of the marrow cavity; ELISA was performed to assess IL-4, IL-10, IL-6, IL-12, IL-1ß, TNF-α, MCP-1, VEGF, and EPO; and WB was performed to evaluate the effects of RGP on the HIF-1α/NF-κB signaling. Significant downregulation of hemocyte levels in the blood and nucleated cells in the bone marrow was reversed by RGP and Cyclosporine A (CA). Compared with the AA group, dilating blood sinusoids, inflammation, hematopoiesis, decreased bone marrow cells and megakaryocytes were alleviated by RGP and CA, and the HIF-1α/NF-κB signaling was inhibited too. Notably, RGP was more effective when used in combination with CA. In this study, we established a relationship between BMM and the HIF-1α/NF-κB signaling pathway and found that RGP regulates BMM by suppressing the activation of the HIF-1α/NF-κB signaling. Thus, RGP exerts a pharmacological effect on AA.

Anemia Aplástica , Polissacarídeos , Rehmannia , Animais , Camundongos , Anemia Aplástica/tratamento farmacológico , Medula Óssea , NF-kappa B/metabolismo , Polissacarídeos/farmacologia , Rehmannia/química , Transdução de Sinais
Cir Cir ; 91(2): 153-161, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37084301


BACKGROUND: The aim of the study was to explore the safety and efficacy of percutaneous transforaminal endoscopic discectomy (PTED) and fenestration discectomy (FD) in the treatment of lumbar disc herniation (LDH). MATERIAL AND METHODS: The complete clinical data from 87 patients with LDH from our hospital were retrospectively analyzed. Patients were divided into a control group (n = 39, treated with FD) and a research group (n = 48, treated with PTED) according to the prescribed treatments. The basic operation conditions were compared across the two groups. Surgical outcomes were assessed. The incidences of complications and the life quality of patients were evaluated 1 year after surgery. RESULTS: The patients in both groups completed the operation. The visual analog scale and Oswestry Disability Index score of patients in the research group was significantly lower while the Orthopaedic Association Score was significantly higher after surgery. The success rate of the operation in the research group which was significantly higher and the rate of complications was significantly lower. No statistical differences in the quality of life were observed between the patients (p > 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: PTED and FD are effective in the treatment of LDH. However, our study showed that PTED has a higher rate of treatment success, faster recovery times and is safer than FD.

OBJETIVO: Investigar la seguridad y la eficacia de la discectomía endoscópica percutánea (DEP) y de la discectomía fenestrada (DF) en el tratamiento de la hernia de disco lumbar. MÉTODO: Se analizaron retrospectivamente los datos clínicos completos de 87 pacientes con hernia de disco lumbar. De acuerdo con el tratamiento prescrito, los pacientes fueron divididos en grupo control (DF, n = 39) y grupo de estudio (DEP, n = 48). Se compararon las condiciones básicas de funcionamiento de los dos grupos y se evaluaron los resultados de la cirugía, la incidencia de complicaciones y la calidad de vida al año de la operación. RESULTADOS: Ambos grupos completaron la operación. En el grupo de estudio, las puntuaciones en la escala visual análoga y ODI disminuyeron significativamente, mientras que las puntuaciones JOA aumentaron significativamente. La tasa de éxito de la operación en el grupo de estudio fue significativamente mayor que en el grupo control, y la incidencia de complicaciones fue significativamente menor que en el grupo control. No hubo diferencia significativa en la calidad de vida entre los dos grupos (p > 0.05). CONCLUSIONES: La tasa de éxito del tratamiento con DEP fue mayor, y el tiempo de recuperación fue más rápido y más seguro que con la DF.

Deslocamento do Disco Intervertebral , Humanos , Deslocamento do Disco Intervertebral/cirurgia , Estudos Retrospectivos , Qualidade de Vida , Vértebras Lombares/cirurgia , Endoscopia , Discotomia , Resultado do Tratamento
Autophagy Rep ; 2(1)2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37064813


Pathogenic protists are a group of organisms responsible for causing a variety of human diseases including malaria, sleeping sickness, Chagas disease, leishmaniasis, and toxoplasmosis, among others. These diseases, which affect more than one billion people globally, mainly the poorest populations, are characterized by severe chronic stages and the lack of effective antiparasitic treatment. Parasitic protists display complex life-cycles and go through different cellular transformations in order to adapt to the different hosts they live in. Autophagy, a highly conserved cellular degradation process, has emerged as a key mechanism required for these differentiation processes, as well as other functions that are crucial to parasite fitness. In contrast to yeasts and mammals, protist autophagy is characterized by a modest number of conserved autophagy-related proteins (ATGs) that, even though, can drive the autophagosome formation and degradation. In addition, during their intracellular cycle, the interaction of these pathogens with the host autophagy system plays a crucial role resulting in a beneficial or harmful effect that is important for the outcome of the infection. In this review, we summarize the current state of knowledge on autophagy and other related mechanisms in pathogenic protists and their hosts. We sought to emphasize when, how, and why this process takes place, and the effects it may have on the parasitic cycle. A better understanding of the significance of autophagy for the protist life-cycle will potentially be helpful to design novel anti-parasitic strategies.

In. Cárdenas Díaz, Taimi. Óptica y optometría. Principios y aplicación clínica. Volumen 3. La Habana, Editorial Ciencias Médicas, 2023. , ilus.
Monografia em Espanhol | CUMED | ID: cum-79226
PeerJ ; 10: e13189, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35586131


Brassinolide (BR) plays an important role in plant growth, development, and the adaptation adversity process. Moreover, BRI1-EMS-SUPPRESSOR 1 (BES1) genes are crucial transcription factors (TFs) in the BR signaling pathway. To realize the function of HbBES1 family is helpful to improve genetic resources for rubber tree breeding. Based on the rubber tree database, we used bioinformatics to characterize physicochemical properties, gene structure, cis-elements, and expression patterns. These results indicated that there were nine BES1 members in rubber tree, which we named HbBES1-1 to HbBES1-9 and divided into two groups (I and II) based on their genetic relationships. HbBES1 genes in the same group shared similar gene structures and motifs. Cis-acting element analysis showed that the promoter sequences of HbBES1 genes contained many regulator elements that were related to hormone and stress, indicating that HbBES1 genes might be involved in the regulation of hormone and stress signal pathways. Our analysis of tissue specificity revealed that all of the nine HbBES1 members expressed highly in branches. Gene expression profiles under different hormone treatments showed that the HbBES1 gene family was induced to varying degrees under different hormones, HbBES1-3 and HbBES1-9 were extremely induced by ethylene (ETH). These results lay the foundation for further exploration of the molecular mechanism of the BES1 gene family, especially HbBES1-3 and HbBES1-9, regulating plant stress tolerance in rubber tree.

Hevea , Hevea/genética , Melhoramento Vegetal , Fatores de Transcrição/genética , Genoma , Hormônios/metabolismo
Ann Hepatol ; 27(4): 100702, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35338012


INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: Lower antibody (Ab) responses after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination have been reported in liver transplant (LT) recipients and those with chronic liver diseases (CLD). The role of a booster dose in those with poor responses to initial vaccination is not well defined. METHODS: In this prospective study, we determined antibody (Ab) response to spike protein after a booster dose in LT recipients and those with chronic liver diseases (CLD) with and without cirrhosis after they had a poor response to an initial standard regimen. RESULTS: Of the 80 patients enrolled, 45 had LT, and 35 had CLD (18 with cirrhosis). A booster dose was given at a median of 138.5 days after the completion of the standard regimen. After the booster dose, 58 (73%, 31 LT, 27 CLD) had good response (≥250 U/mL), and 22 (28%, 14 LT, and 8 CLD) had poor response (7 undetectable and 15 with low Ab levels). No patient had any serious adverse events. The antibody responses were lower in those who had undetectable Ab (80 U/mL) than those who had low levels of Ab (0.80-249 U/mL) after the standard vaccination regimen (42% vs. 87%, p=0.0001). The antibody responses after homologous and heterologous booster doses were similar. CONCLUSIONS: We have shown that a booster dose will enhance Ab responses in LT recipients and those with CLD who had poor responses after an initial vaccine regimen.

Vacinas contra COVID-19 , COVID-19 , Hepatopatias , Transplantados , Formação de Anticorpos , COVID-19/prevenção & controle , Vacinas contra COVID-19/imunologia , Humanos , Cirrose Hepática , Transplante de Fígado , Estudos Prospectivos , SARS-CoV-2
Int. braz. j. urol ; 47(4): 843-855, Jul.-Aug. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1286781


ABSTRACT Objective: Interstitial cystitis (IC)/bladder pain syndrome (BPS) is a chronic inflammatory disease that can cause bladder pain and accompanying symptoms, such as long-term urinary frequency and urgency. IC/BPS can be ulcerative or non-ulcerative. The aim of this study was to explore the core genes involved in the pathogenesis of ulcerative IC, and thus the potential biomarkers for clinical treatment. Materials and Methods: First, the gene expression dataset GSE11783 was downloaded using the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database and analyzed using the limma package in R to identify differentially expressed genes (DEGs). Then, the Database for Annotation, Visualization and Integrated Discovery (DAVID) was used for Gene Ontology (GO) functional analysis, and the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) was used for pathway enrichment analysis. Finally, the protein-protein interaction (PPI) network was constructed, and key modules and hub genes were determined using the STRING and Cytoscape software. The resulting key modules were then analyzed for tissue-specific gene expression using BioGPS. Results: A total of 216 up-regulated DEGs and 267 down-regulated genes were identified, and three key modules and nine hub genes were obtained. Conclusion: The core genes (CXCL8, CXCL1, IL6) obtained in this study may be potential biomarkers of interstitial cystitis with guiding significance for clinical treatment.

Humanos , Cistite Intersticial/genética , Software , Perfilação da Expressão Gênica , Mapas de Interação de Proteínas/genética , Ontologia Genética
Int Braz J Urol ; 47(4): 843-855, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33848079


OBJECTIVE: Interstitial cystitis (IC)/bladder pain syndrome (BPS) is a chronic inflammatory disease that can cause bladder pain and accompanying symptoms, such as long-term urinary frequency and urgency. IC/BPS can be ulcerative or non-ulcerative. The aim of this study was to explore the core genes involved in the pathogenesis of ulcerative IC, and thus the potential biomarkers for clinical treatment. MATERIALS AND METHODS: First, the gene expression dataset GSE11783 was downloaded using the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database and analyzed using the limma package in R to identify differentially expressed genes (DEGs). Then, the Database for Annotation, Visualization and Integrated Discovery (DAVID) was used for Gene Ontology (GO) functional analysis, and the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) was used for pathway enrichment analysis. Finally, the protein-protein interaction (PPI) network was constructed, and key modules and hub genes were determined using the STRING and Cytoscape software. The resulting key modules were then analyzed for tissue-specific gene expression using BioGPS. RESULTS: A total of 216 up-regulated DEGs and 267 down-regulated genes were identified, and three key modules and nine hub genes were obtained. CONCLUSION: The core genes (CXCL8, CXCL1, IL6) obtained in this study may be potential biomarkers of interstitial cystitis with guiding significance for clinical treatment.

Cistite Intersticial , Cistite Intersticial/genética , Perfilação da Expressão Gênica , Ontologia Genética , Humanos , Mapas de Interação de Proteínas/genética , Software
Electron. j. biotechnol ; Electron. j. biotechnol;48: 29-35, nov. 2020. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1254696


BACKGROUND: Cellulose as a potential feed resource hinders its utilization because of its complex structure, and cellulase is the key to its biological effective utilization. Animal endogenous probiotics are more susceptible to colonization in the intestinal tract, and their digestive enzymes are more conducive to the digestion and absorption of feed in young animals. Min pigs are potential sources of cellulase probiotics because of the high proportion of dietary fiber in their feed. In this study, the cellulolytic bacteria in the feces of Min pigs were isolated and screened. The characteristics of enzymes and cellulase production were studied, which provided a theoretical basis for the rational utilization of cellulase and high-fiber food in animal production. RESULTS: In our study, 10 strains of cellulase producing strains were isolated from Min pig manure, among which the M2 strain had the best enzyme producing ability and was identified as Bacillus velezensis. The optimum production conditions of cellulase from strain M2 were: 2% inoculum, the temperature of 35°C, the pH of 5.0, and the liquid loading volume of 50 mL. The optimum temperature, pH and time for the reaction of cellulase produced by strain M2 were 55°C, 4.5 and 5 min, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Min pigs can be used as a source of cellulase producing strains. The M2 strain isolated from feces was identified as Bacillus velezensis. The cellulase from M2 strain had a good activity and the potential to be used as feed additive for piglets.

Animais , Porco Miniatura , Bactérias/enzimologia , Celulase/biossíntese , Bacillus , Fibras na Dieta , Probióticos , Digestão , Fezes , Ração Animal
Semina Ci. agr. ; 41(06,supl. 2): 3053-3066, 2020. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31661


Under rain-fed conditions, foliar application of nutrients is an efficient tool to eliminate the adverse effects of nutrients shortage and helpful to catch the maximum yield of any crop. Field experiments were executed to evaluate the effect of foliar spray of different strengths and application times of Hoagland's solution on growth and yield characteristics of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under rain-fed conditions. The treatments consisted of distilled water (control), 25, 50, and 75% strength of Hoagland's solutions prayed at 7, 14, and 21 days after crop emergence (DACE) on two chickpea cultivars C-44 and CM-72. In terms of growth and yield, CM-72 showed superiority over C-44. The 75% strength of Hoagland's solution showed an improvement of 32.9, 37.9, 35.3, 13.5, and 35% in dry weight, plant height, 100-seed weight, seed yield, and biological yield, respectively when sprayed at 21 DACE than distilled water. However, the lower strength (25%) of Hoagland's solution produced similar results to distilled water. It is recommended that under rain-fed conditions chickpea cultivar CM-72 should be cultivated with a foliar supply of 75% strength of Hoagland's solution at 21 DACE to obtain the maximum growth and yield.(AU)

Sob condições de chuva, a aplicação foliar de nutrientes é uma ferramenta eficiente para eliminar os efeitos adversos da falta de nutrientes e útil para obter o rendimento máximo de qualquer cultura. Experimentos de campo foram executados para avaliar o efeito do spray foliar de diferentes forças e tempos de aplicação da solução de de Hoagland sobre as características de crescimento e rendimento do grão de bico (Cicer arietinum L.) e m condições de chuva. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por água destilada (controle), 25, 50 e 75% da solução de Hoagland pulverizada aos 7, 14 e 21 dias apósa emergência da colheita (DACE) em duas cultivares de grão de bico (C-44 e CM-72). Em termos decrescimento e rendimento, o CM-72 mostrou superioridade em relação ao C-44. A aplicação de 75%da solução de de Hoagland mostrou uma melhoria de 32,9, 37,9, 35,3, 13,5 e 35% em peso seco, altura da planta, peso de 100 sementes, rendimento de sementes e rendimento biológico, respectivamente, quando pulverizados a 21 DACE do que a água destilada. No entanto, a menor dose(25%) da solução dede Hoagland produziu resultados semelhantes aos da água destilada. Recomenda-se que, em condições de chuva, a cultivar CM-72 seja cultivada com suprimento foliar de 75% da solução de de Hoagland em21 DACE para obter o máximo crescimento e rendimento.(AU)

Cicer/efeitos dos fármacos , Cicer/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Nutrientes/administração & dosagem
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 41(06,supl. 2): 3053-3066, 2020. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1501667


Under rain-fed conditions, foliar application of nutrients is an efficient tool to eliminate the adverse effects of nutrients shortage and helpful to catch the maximum yield of any crop. Field experiments were executed to evaluate the effect of foliar spray of different strengths and application times of Hoagland's solution on growth and yield characteristics of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under rain-fed conditions. The treatments consisted of distilled water (control), 25, 50, and 75% strength of Hoagland's solutions prayed at 7, 14, and 21 days after crop emergence (DACE) on two chickpea cultivars C-44 and CM-72. In terms of growth and yield, CM-72 showed superiority over C-44. The 75% strength of Hoagland's solution showed an improvement of 32.9, 37.9, 35.3, 13.5, and 35% in dry weight, plant height, 100-seed weight, seed yield, and biological yield, respectively when sprayed at 21 DACE than distilled water. However, the lower strength (25%) of Hoagland's solution produced similar results to distilled water. It is recommended that under rain-fed conditions chickpea cultivar CM-72 should be cultivated with a foliar supply of 75% strength of Hoagland's solution at 21 DACE to obtain the maximum growth and yield.

Sob condições de chuva, a aplicação foliar de nutrientes é uma ferramenta eficiente para eliminar os efeitos adversos da falta de nutrientes e útil para obter o rendimento máximo de qualquer cultura. Experimentos de campo foram executados para avaliar o efeito do spray foliar de diferentes forças e tempos de aplicação da solução de de Hoagland sobre as características de crescimento e rendimento do grão de bico (Cicer arietinum L.) e m condições de chuva. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por água destilada (controle), 25, 50 e 75% da solução de Hoagland pulverizada aos 7, 14 e 21 dias apósa emergência da colheita (DACE) em duas cultivares de grão de bico (C-44 e CM-72). Em termos decrescimento e rendimento, o CM-72 mostrou superioridade em relação ao C-44. A aplicação de 75%da solução de de Hoagland mostrou uma melhoria de 32,9, 37,9, 35,3, 13,5 e 35% em peso seco, altura da planta, peso de 100 sementes, rendimento de sementes e rendimento biológico, respectivamente, quando pulverizados a 21 DACE do que a água destilada. No entanto, a menor dose(25%) da solução dede Hoagland produziu resultados semelhantes aos da água destilada. Recomenda-se que, em condições de chuva, a cultivar CM-72 seja cultivada com suprimento foliar de 75% da solução de de Hoagland em21 DACE para obter o máximo crescimento e rendimento.

Cicer/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Cicer/efeitos dos fármacos , Nutrientes/administração & dosagem
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 32(2): e612, abr.-jun. 2019. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1093688


RESUMEN Objetivo: Describir los efectos sobre la tensión ocular y el endotelio corneal con el implante de la lente fáquica ACR-128 para la corrección de la alta miopía. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, observacional, longitudinal y prospectivo en 60 ojos de 32 pacientes con miopía corregida con lente fáquica ACR-128. Se determinaron las complicaciones trans y posoperatorias, la presión intraocular, la densidad de las células endoteliales, el coeficiente de variabilidad y la hexagonalidad, así como la posición de la lente. El análisis estadístico se realizó con la Prueba T para datos pareados, con una significación del 95 por ciento. Resultados: La edad media fue de 27,41 ± 5,91 años y el 68,75 por ciento correspondió al sexo femenino. El equivalente esférico preoperatorio promedio fue de -11,54 ± 3,20 dioptrías. Resultó sin complicaciones transoperatorias el 100 por ciento; las posoperatorias inmediatas fueron de 93,33 por ciento y las mediatas y tardías del 95,00 por ciento. No hubo diferencias significativas entre el pre y el posoperatorio en la tensión ocular (p=0,2570); la densidad endotelial fue p= 0,0928; el coeficiente de variación p= 0,889 y la hexagonalidad (p= 0,0957). Conclusiones: El implante de la lente fáquica ACR-128 para la corrección de las altas miopías es un procedimiento seguro, al ofrecer escasas complicaciones y mínimos efectos en la tensión ocular y en el endotelio corneal(AU)

ABSTRACT Objective: Describe the effects of ACR-128 phakic lens implantation for high myopia correction on ocular tension and the corneal endothelium. Methods: An observational descriptive longitudinal prospective study was conducted of 60 eyes of 32 patients with myopia corrected with the ACR-128 phakic lens. Determination was made of intra- and postoperative complications, intraocular pressure, endothelial cell density, variability and hexagonality quotient, and lens position. Statistical analysis was based on the paired T-test with a significance level of 95 percent. Results: Mean age was 27.41 ± 5.91 years and 68.75 percent of the patients were female. Mean preoperative spherical equivalent was -11.54 ± 3.20 diopters. Complications were none in the intraoperative period, 93.33 percent in the immediate postoperative period and 95.00 percent mid- or long-term. No significant differences were found between the pre- and postoperative periods concerning ocular tension (p= 0.2570). Endothelial cell density was p= 0.0928, the variability quotient p= 0.889 and hexagonality p= 0.0957. Conclusions: ACR-128 phakic lens implantation for correction of high myopia is a safe procedure causing few complications and minimal effects on ocular tension and the corneal endothelium(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Endotélio Corneano/anormalidades , Miopia Degenerativa/diagnóstico , Lentes Intraoculares Fácicas/efeitos adversos , Pressão Intraocular , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Prospectivos , Estudos Longitudinais , Estudos Observacionais como Assunto
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 32(2): e611, abr.-jun. 2019. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1093686


RESUMEN Objetivo: Describir los resultados visuales en la corrección de la alta miopía con implante de lente fáquica ACR-128. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, observacional longitudinal y prospectivo en 60 ojos de 32 pacientes con miopía corregida con lente fáquica ACR-128. Se determinó el componente esférico esperado y observado, el cilindro queratométrico, las agudezas visuales sin corrección y mejor corregidas en el pre y en el posoperatorio y el astigmatismo inducido. El análisis estadístico se realizó con la Prueba T para datos pareados, con una significación del 95 por ciento. Resultados: La edad media fue 27,41 ± 5,91 años, el equivalente esférico preoperatorio -11,54 ± 3,20 dioptrías y el 68,75 por ciento eran femeninas. El componente esférico en dioptrías esperado (-0,53 ± 0,37) y observado (-0,42 ± 0,47) sin diferencias (p= 0,0742). Entre ± 1,00 el 91,67 por ciento y entre ± 0,50 el 70 por ciento. Ningún ojo quedó por encima de +0,50 dioptrías. El cilindro queratométrico en dioptrías, pre (1,44 ± 0,76) y posoperatorio (1,49 ± 0,84) sin astigmatismo inducido (p= 0,6377). El 100 por ciento tenía agudeza visual sin corrección preoperatoria ≤ 0,1 y posoperatoria ≥ 0,3. Después de la cirugía el 10 por ciento alcanzaba 1,0 y 71,6 por ciento ≥ 0,5. Solo el 28,33 por ciento tenía la unidad en el preoperatorio, y el 70 por ciento en el posoperatorio (98,33 por ciento ≥ 0,7). Conclusiones: El implante de lente fáquica ACR-128 proporciona corrección refractiva y predictibilidad favorables para el paciente, al reducir el componente esférico al deseado, no inducir astigmatismo y mejorar la agudeza visual, todo lo que se traduce en un adecuado resultado visual(AU)

ABSTRACT Objective: Describe the visual results of correction of high myopia with ACR-128 phakic lens implantation. Methods: An observational descriptive longitudinal prospective study was conducted of 60 eyes of 32 patients with myopia corrected with the ACR-128 phakic lens. Determination was made of the expected and observed spherical component, the keratometric cylinder, uncorrected and best corrected visual acuity in the pre- and postoperative periods, and induced astigmatism. Statistical analysis was based on the paired T-test with a significance level of 95 percent. Results: Mean age was 27.41 ± 5.91 years, preoperative spherical equivalent was -11.54 ± 3.20 diopters, and 68.75 percent of the patients were female. Spherical component in diopters expected (-0.53 ± 0.37) and observed (-0.42 ± 0.47) without differences (p= 0.0742). Between ± 1.00 diopters 91.67 percent and between ± 0.50 diopter 70 percent. No eye was above +0.50D. Keratometric cylinder in diopters, preoperative (1.44 ± 0.76) and postoperative (1.49 ± 0.84) without induced astigmatism (p=0.6377). In 100 percent visual acuity without correction ≤ 0.1 preoperative and ≥ 0.3 postoperative. After surgery 10 percent reached 1.0 and 71.6 percent ≥ 0.5. Only 28.33 percent had the unit corrected in the preoperative period and 70 percent in the postoperative period (98.33 percent ≥ 0.7). Conclusions: ACR-128 phakic lens implantation provides patients with favorable refractive correction and predictability. This is achieved by reducing the spherical component to desired values, not inducing astigmatism and improving visual acuity, all of which leads to an adequate visual result(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Refrativos/métodos , Lentes Intraoculares Fácicas/efeitos adversos , Miopia/etiologia , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Prospectivos , Estudos Longitudinais , Estudo Observacional
Rev. Bras. Zootec. (Online) ; 48: e20180292, 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1510701


The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of maternal dietary intake on the amino acid and fatty acid contents in eggs during the laying period. An experiment with a 2×2 factorial design was conducted with two maternal dietary intake levels (100 and 75% of dietary intake recommended by the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture) and two broiler lines (fat and lean line). A total of 384 hens of fat line and 384 hens of lean line at 23 weeks of age were included in the experiment. Each line was randomly divided into two treatments (n = 192 in each treatment, with 12 replications), and each replication included 16 birds. The treatments were LN (lean line and normal maternal dietary intake, n = 192), LL (lean line and low maternal dietary intake, n = 192), FN (fat line and normal maternal dietary intake, n = 192), and FL (fat line and low maternal dietary intake, n = 192). The amino acid and fatty acid contents in eggs were tested (50 weeks of age). The fat line had higher levels of arginine, aspartic acid, glycine, histidine, leucine, methionine, and threonine in the egg albumen than the lean line. Low maternal dietary intake increased the cystine deposition in egg yolks. There were interactions between maternal dietary intake and line on the deposition of trans-oleic acid, docosanoic acid, and total fatty acid in egg yolks. Low maternal dietary intake increased the deposition of tetradecenoic and linolenic acids and the ratio of total polyunsaturated fatty acids to total saturated fatty acid in egg yolks but decreased the deposition of docosanoic acid. Maternal dietary intake and line affect the amino acid and fatty acid profiles in eggs.

Animais , Feminino , Ingestão de Alimentos/fisiologia , Ovos/análise , Ração Animal/análise , Ácidos Graxos/efeitos adversos , Aminoácidos/efeitos adversos
Int. braz. j. urol ; 44(6): 1166-1173, Nov.-Dec. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-975649


ABSTRACT Objective: To report our experience of retroperitoneoscopic technique in semi-lateral decubitus position for the retroperitoneal nonadrenal ganglioneuromas in 18 patients, and to evaluate its clinical outcomes. Materials and Methods: From January 2012 to May 2016, 18 patients with retroperitoneal nonadrenal ganglioneuromas underwent retroperitoneoscopic resection. With the patients in semi-lateral decubitus position, a 4-port retroperitoneal approach was used. Data were collected on the tumor size, tumor location, perioperative outcomes, pathology, and last-known disease status. We reviewed the operative videos to identify surgical tips and tricks. Results: All procedures were carried out successfully without converting to open surgery. The tumors had an average size of 5.2cm. The mean operative time was 86.5 min, with a mean estimated blood loss of 85.4mL. There were three patients suffering from intraoperative complications. Postoperatively, all patients achieved an uneventful recovery; the mean postoperative hospital stay was 5.5 days. The postoperative pathology revealed to be retroperitoneal ganglioneuromas. With a mean follow-up of 39.5 months, all patients were recurrence free. The review of the operative videos revealed several tips and tricks, including keeping peritoneum and posterior Gerota fascia intact to provide a favorable operative exposure of tumors, and placing the harmonic scalpel through different ports during tumor dissection. Conclusions: With the patient in semi-lateral decubitus position and a 4-port retroperitoneal approach, retroperitoneoscopic resection of retroperitoneal nonadrenal ganglioneuroma is a feasible, effective, and safe procedure. This approach has distinct advantages including direct access to the tumor, optimal exposure of tumor and less intraperitoneal interference.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Neoplasias Retroperitoneais/cirurgia , Laparoscopia/métodos , Ganglioneuroma/cirurgia , Seguimentos , Resultado do Tratamento , Duração da Cirurgia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade
Int Braz J Urol ; 44(6): 1166-1173, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29570257


OBJECTIVE: To report our experience of retroperitoneoscopic technique in semi-lateral decubitus position for the retroperitoneal nonadrenal ganglioneuromas in 18 patients, and to evaluate its clinical outcomes. MATERIALS AND METHODS: From January 2012 to May 2016, 18 patients with retroperitoneal nonadrenal ganglioneuromas underwent retroperitoneoscopic resection. With the patients in semi-lateral decubitus position, a 4-port retroperitoneal approach was used. Data were collected on the tumor size, tumor location, perioperative outcomes, pathology, and lastknown disease status. We reviewed the operative videos to identify surgical tips and tricks. RESULTS: All procedures were carried out successfully without converting to open surgery. The tumors had an average size of 5.2cm. The mean operative time was 86.5 min, with a mean estimated blood loss of 85.4mL. There were three patients suffering from intraoperative complications. Postoperatively, all patients achieved an uneventful recovery; the mean postoperative hospital stay was 5.5 days. The postoperative pathology revealed to be retroperitoneal ganglioneuromas. With a mean follow-up of 39.5 months, all patients were recurrence free. The review of the operative videos revealed several tips and tricks, including keeping peritoneum and posterior Gerota fascia intact to provide a favorable operative exposure of tumors, and placing the harmonic scalpel through different ports during tumor dissection. CONCLUSIONS: With the patient in semi-lateral decubitus position and a 4-port retroperitoneal approach, retroperitoneoscopic resection of retroperitoneal nonadrenal ganglioneuroma is a feasible, effective, and safe procedure. This approach has distinct advantages including direct access to the tumor, optimal exposure of tumor and less intraperitoneal interference.

Ganglioneuroma/cirurgia , Laparoscopia/métodos , Neoplasias Retroperitoneais/cirurgia , Adulto , Idoso , Feminino , Seguimentos , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Duração da Cirurgia , Resultado do Tratamento