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Infant Ment Health J ; 44(4): 480-494, 2023 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37339006


The development of infant mental health (IMH) services globally is still in its early stages. This qualitative study aims to understand the challenges of setting up IMH services and explores the views and experiences of 14 multi-disciplinary stakeholders who are part of the IMH implementation group in a large Scottish health board. Six major themes were identified through thematic analysis. This paper examines the most prominent theme "Systems" alongside the theme "Gaps in Current Service". The theoretical framework of "candidacy" is found to be a valuable way to conceptualize the complex systemic layers of micro, meso, and macro factors that contribute to the challenges of setting up services. At the micro level, key themes included the view that services must be accessible, individualized, and involve families. At the meso level, in line with the aims of the service, multiagency integration, aspects of early intervention, and clear operating conditions were all seen as important. Finally, at the macro level, perhaps the biggest challenge perceived by stakeholders is delivering a service that is entirely infant-focused. These findings will help inform policy makers about factors considered by professionals to be vital in the establishment of IMH services in Scotland and across the globe.

El desarrollo de los servicios de salud mental infantil (IMH) globalmente está aún en sus niveles básicos. Este estudio cualitativo se propone comprender los retos de establecer los servicios IMH y explora los puntos de vista y experiencias de 14 personas interesadas de múltiples disciplinas que son parte de un grupo de implementación de IMH dentro de una extensa junta de salud escocesa. A través de análisis temáticos se identificaron seis temas de mayor importancia. Este estudio examina el tema más prominente según la mayor percepción, "Sistemas," junto con el tema "Vacíos en la Actual Prestación de Servicio." Se estima que el marco teorético de trabajo de "candidatura," es una manera valiosa de conceptualizar los complejos niveles sistémicos de micro, medio y macro factores que contribuyen a los retos de establecer los servicios. Al nivel micro, los temas claves incluyen el punto de vista de que los servicios deben ser accesibles, individualizados y deben involucrar a las familias. Al nivel medio, alineados con las metas del servicio, la integración de agencias múltiples, aspectos de temprana intervención y claras condiciones operativas fueron todas estimadas como importantes. Finalmente, al nivel macro, quizás el mayor reto percibido por las personas interesadas es cumplir con el ofrecimiento de un servicio que esté enteramente enfocado en el infante. Estos resultados ayudarán a informar a quienes determinan las políticas a seguir acerca de los factores que los profesionales consideran vitales en el establecimiento de servicios IMH en Escocia y alrededor del globo.

Au niveau global, le développement de service de santé mentale du nourrisson et de la petite enfance en est encore à ses débuts. Cette étude qualitative s'est donnée pour but de comprendre les défis que pose l'installation de services IMH. Elle explore les vues et les perspectives de 14 parties prenantes de diverses disciplines qui font partie d'un groupe de mise en place IMH dans un grand conseil de santé en Ecosse. Six thèmes principaux ont été identifiés au travers une analyse thématique. Cet article examine le thème ayant été perçu comme le plus grand et proéminent, Systèmes, ainsi que le thème « Brèches dans les services actuels ¼. La structure théorique de la 'candidature' a été utilisée pour trouver une manière utile de conceptualiser les couches systémiques complexes de facteurs micro, méso, et macro qui contribuent aux défis qu'il y a dans l'installation de services. Au niveau micro, les thèmes clés ont inclus l'idée que les services doivent être accessibles, individualisés et engager les familles. Au niveau méso, s'alignant avec les buts du service, l'intégration de plusieurs agences, les aspects d'une intervention précoce et des conditions d'opération claires ont tous été estimé être importants. Enfin, au niveau macro, le défi étant peut-être le plus grand selon les parties prenantes est d'offrir un service qui est entièrement focalisé sur le nourrisson. Ces résultats aideront les décideurs pour ce qui s'agit des facteurs considérés comme étant vitaux par les professionnels pour ce qui concerne l'établissement de services IMH en Ecosse et au travers du globe.

Serviços de Saúde da Criança , Serviços de Saúde Mental , Humanos , Lactente , Criança , Saúde Mental , Intervenção Educacional Precoce , Saúde do Lactente
Eur J Psychotraumatol ; 14(2): 2211355, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37334999


Background: Weather-related disasters, including hurricanes, are becoming more frequent and severe due to climate change. Vulnerable populations, such as people with low income and racial and ethnic minorities, are particularly prone to increased levels of physical harm and psychiatric adversity from weather-related events.Objectives: We aimed to explore psychosocial resources and coping of survivors with three different posttraumatic stress symptom (PTSS) trajectories (High-Decreasing, Moderate-Decreasing, and High-Stable), after Hurricane Katrina across two different time points: F1 (1-year post-disaster) and F3 (12 years post-disaster).Method: Participants in this multi-method study were part of a larger cohort of the Resilience in Survivors of Katrina (RISK) project. Transcripts of interviews completed at the two time points were analysed using two qualitative methods, combining thematic analysis and narrative analysis, and providing both breadth of perspectives with the depth of specific case studies.Results: Sixteen survivors completed interviews at both F1 and F3. From our in-depth analysis of the data, we derived five inductive themes: 'Hope,' 'Adaptive vs maladaptive avoidance,' 'Emotional delay,' 'Acceptance, Finding Meaning and Being in the Moment,' and 'Coping strategies.' Survivors with High-Decreasing and Moderate-Decreasing PTSS trajectories experienced hope for future, accepted the hurricane and its results, and found efficient ways to cope with their situation. Survivors with High-Stable PTSS trajectories tended to express a lack of hope for future and struggled to be mindful and accept the hurricane and its harm. Unlike survivors with High-Decreasing and Moderate-Decreasing PTSS trajectories, survivors with High-Stable PTSS trajectories also reported less social and family support and faced more discrimination and racism.Conclusion: There are factors beyond individual-level psychosocial resources that may shape post-disaster resilience. When supporting survivors after a weather-related disaster, it is essential to provide ongoing psychological, financial, and physical assistance to bolster these resources.

After Hurricane Katrina, survivors with different posttraumatic stress symptom trajectories reported different levels of hope, mindfulness, and willingness to talk about the hurricane, emotional processing, and coping strategies.These experiences varied over time for survivors in all three trajectories.Survivors who report ongoing high levels of symptoms should be offered additional support to bolster these psychosocial resources.

Tempestades Ciclônicas , Desastres Naturais , Resiliência Psicológica , Transtornos de Estresse Pós-Traumáticos , Sobreviventes , Nova Orleans/epidemiologia , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Esperança , Aprendizagem da Esquiva , Emoções , Adaptação Psicológica , Transtornos de Estresse Pós-Traumáticos/epidemiologia , Transtornos de Estresse Pós-Traumáticos/psicologia , Sobreviventes/psicologia , Fatores de Tempo , Estudos de Coortes , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Entrevistas como Assunto , Apoio Social/psicologia , Racismo/psicologia , Narração
Conserv Biol ; 36(6): e13929, 2022 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35481684


Successful management of invasive plants (IPs) requires the active participation of diverse communities across land tenures. This can be challenging because communities do not always share the views of scientists and managers. They may directly disagree, have alternative views, or be unwilling to manage IPs. Reviews of IP social science identify opportunities to better understand the role of cultural processes and everyday practices to address these challenges. To scale up and leverage the insights of existing qualitative social science IP research, we used meta-ethnography to unlock accounts and interpretations of lay perspectives. Meta-ethnography is a form of qualitative research synthesis increasingly used beyond its origins in health and education to produce interpretive syntheses of an area of research. In the 7 phases of meta-ethnography, we systematically identified and synthesized 19 qualitative articles pertinent to lay experience and knowledge of IPs in diverse settings. Action and meaning regarding IPs were influenced by 6 meta-themes in personal and social life: dissonance, priorities, difference, agency, responsibility, and future orientations. Through descriptions and examples of each meta-theme, we demonstrated how the meta-themes are higher level structuring concepts across the qualitative research that we analyzed and we retained grounding in the in-depth qualitative research. We characterized the meta-themes as leverage points and tensions by which we reframed lay people in terms of capacity for reflective IP management rather than as obstacles. The meta-ethnography synthesis shows how leverage points and tensions emerge from everyday life and can frame alternative and meaningful starting points for both research and public engagement and deliberation regarding IP management. These insights are not a panacea, but open up new space for reflective and mutual consideration of how to effectively navigate often complex IP problems and address conservation and social and livelihood issues in dynamic social and physical environments.

El manejo exitoso de las plantas invasoras requiere de la participación de las diferentes comunidades participantes en la tenencia de tierras. Esto puede ser un reto porque las comunidades no siempre comparten las opiniones de los científicos y los gestores. Puede que las comunidades estén en desacuerdo directo con estas opiniones, tengan opiniones alternativas o no estén dispuestas a manejar las plantas invasoras. Las revisiones a las ciencias sociales de las plantas invasoras identifican oportunidades para entender de mejor manera el papel de los procesos culturales y las prácticas diarias para abordar estos retos. Usamos la meta-etnografía para revelar explicaciones e interpretaciones de las perspectivas comunes para aumentar y potenciar el conocimiento cualitativo de las investigaciones en ciencias sociales de las plantas invasoras. La meta-etnografía es una forma de síntesis de la investigación cualitativa que se usa cada vez más fuera de sus orígenes en la salud y educación para producir síntesis interpretativas de un área de investigación. En las siete fases de la meta-etnografía identificamos y sintetizamos sistemáticamente 19 artículos cualitativos correspondientes a la experiencia y el conocimiento no profesional de las plantas invasoras en diferentes escenarios. Las acciones y significados con respecto a las plantas invasoras estuvieron influenciadas por seis meta-temas en la vida personal y social: disonancia, prioridades, diferencia, agencia, responsabilidad y orientaciones a futuro. Por medio de descripciones y ejemplos de cada meta-tema, demostramos cómo estos son conceptos estructuradores de nivel más alto a lo largo de la investigación cualitativa que analizamos y mantuvimos basados en la investigación cualitativa a profundidad. Caracterizamos los meta-temas como puntos de potenciación y tensiones por la cual replanteamos a la gente común en términos de capacidad de reflexión en el manejo de plantas invasoras en lugar de considerarlas obstáculos. La síntesis de la meta-etnografía muestra cómo los puntos de potenciación y las tensiones emergen de la vida cotidiana y pueden plantear puntos de partida alternativos y significativos para la investigación, la participación pública y la deliberación en el manejo de plantas invasoras. Esta información no es la panacea, pero puede abrir un espacio nuevo para la consideración mutua y reflexiva de cómo navegar efectivamente los problemas complejos de las plantas invasoras y cómo abordar los temas de conservación social y de sustento en los ambientes dinámicos sociales y físicos.

Antropologia Cultural , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Humanos , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Projetos de Pesquisa
Infant Ment Health J ; 43(2): 328-339, 2022 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34936111


Paternal-fetal attachment (PFA) is associated with the degree of emotional support offered by fathers during pregnancy and has implications for the safety and quality of a mother's labor and postnatal experiences. This study explored fathers' experiences of PFA including their understanding of the phenomenon and its manifestation. Data were collected through interviews with 10 fathers-to-be and analysis followed an interpretative phenomenological approach. Four themes emerged from the data: trigger moment; awareness of responsibility; transition to fatherhood; and emotional conflict. Most fathers experienced a trigger moment that made the reality of having a baby clear to them and which initiated or intensified feelings of attachment toward the fetus. Male family relatives, friends with children, and antenatal education groups provided support to expectant fathers. However, they felt quite lost in their role and some believed there was insufficient support for their mental health. Findings suggest that different situations can trigger the attachment process and that fathers longed to be included in perinatal care but experienced a lack of support. Raising awareness of the importance of PFA can help initiate the process in fathers and better equip them to contribute during the antenatal period and to future child development.

La afectividad paterno-fetal (PFA) se asocia con el nivel de apoyo emocional que los papás ofrecen durante el embarazo y que tiene implicaciones en cuanto a la seguridad y calidad del proceso de parto de la madre y las experiencias postnatales. Este estudio exploró las experiencias de PFA de los papás, incluyendo su comprensión del fenómeno y su manifestación. Se recogió la información a través de entrevistas con 10 futuros papás y los análisis siguieron un acercamiento fenomenológico interpretativo. Surgieron cuatro temas a partir de la información: el momento de activación del proceso; el estar consciente de la responsabilidad; la transición a la paternidad; y el conflicto emocional. La mayoría de los papás experimentaron el momento en que el proceso de parto se puso en acción como el punto que les aclaró la realidad de tener un bebé y el cual inició o intensificó los sentimientos de afectividad hacia el feto. Parientes varones de la familia y amigos con niños y grupos de educación antenatal ofrecieron apoyo a los futuros papás. Sin embargo, ellos se sintieron muy perdidos en su papel y algunos creyeron que no había apoyo suficiente para su salud mental. Los resultados indican que situaciones diferentes pueden activar el proceso de afectividad y que los papás anhelaban ser incluidos en el cuidado perinatal, pero experimentaron una falta de apoyo. Crear consciencia de la importancia de PFA puede ayudar a iniciar el proceso en los papás y equiparlos mejor para contribuir durante el período antenatal y al futuro desarrollo del niño.

L'attachement paternel-foetal (abrégé ici suivant l'anglais PFA) est lié au degré de soutien émotionnel offert par les pères durant la grossesse et a des implications pour la sécurité et la qualité du travail d'une mère et de ses expériences postnatales. Cette étude a exploré les expériences du PFA des pères y compris le compréhension du phénomène et de sa manifestation. Les données ont été recueillies durant les entretiens avec 10 futurs pères et l'analyse a suivi une approche phénoménologique interprétative. Quatre thèmes ont émergé des données: le moment de déclenchement; la prise de conscience de la responsabilité; la transition à la paternité; et le conflit émotionnel. La plupart des pères ont fait l'expérience d'un moment de déclenchement qui a clarifié la réalité d'avoir un bébé et qui a initié ou intensifié des sentiments d'attachement envers le fœtus. Des membres de la famille mâles, des amis avec des enfants et les groupes de préparation à la naissance ont offert du soutien aux futurs pères. Cependant ces derniers se sentaient très perdus dans leur rôle et certains pensaient recevoir un soutien insuffisant pour leur santé mentale. Les résultats suggèrent que des situations différentes peuvent déclencher le processus d'attachement et que les pères avaient vraiment envie d'être inclus dans le soin périnatal mais faisaient l'expérience d'un manque de soutien. La sensibilisation de l'importance du PFA peut aider à entamer le processus chez les pères et mieux les équiper à contribuer durant la période prénatale ainsi qu'au développement à venir de l'enfant.

Pai , Saúde Mental , Criança , Pai/psicologia , Feminino , Feto , Humanos , Masculino , Gravidez , Pesquisa Qualitativa
Eur J Psychotraumatol ; 12(1): 1940759, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34367524


Background: Trauma-related symptoms are often experienced after a first psychotic episode. Objective: In this study, we conduct a qualitative analysis of referred traumatic experiences of outpatients diagnosed with psychotic disorders. Method: Focus groups were formed and in-depth interviews conducted with 30 participants, focusing on their experience with the disorder and the health care received. Given the frequency with which trauma and psychosis have been associated in the scientific literature, the nature of this relation is addressed as a secondary objective, via a qualitative analysis. Results: Analysis revealed two main themes in the patients' discourse. On many occasions, traumatic experiences were related to the development of the disorder. Although most participants referred to traumatic experiences during childhood, episodes during adult life were also reported, which may have triggered the disorder. The second theme was that of the interlocking relationship between the psychotic experience and certain coercive practices undergone during the provision of health care for psychosis, and the traumatic effects thus generated. Conclusions: The participants considered both themes to be highly important. Accordingly, these issues should be carefully assessed and managed in order to provide appropriate person-centred care.

Antecedentes: Los síntomas relacionados con el trauma a menudo se experimentan después de un primer episodio psicótico.Objetivo: En este estudio, realizamos un análisis cualitativo de experiencias traumáticas de pacientes ambulatorios diagnosticados con trastornos psicóticos.Método: Se conformaron grupos focales y se realizaron entrevistas en profundidad a 30 participantes, enfocándose en su experiencia con el trastorno y la atención médica recibida. Dada la frecuencia con la que el trauma y la psicosis se han asociado en la literatura científica, la naturaleza de esta relación se aborda como un objetivo secundario, a través de un análisis cualitativo.Resultados: El análisis reveló dos temas principales en el discurso de los pacientes. En muchas ocasiones, las experiencias traumáticas se relacionaron con el desarrollo del trastorno. Aunque la mayoría de los participantes se refirieron a experiencias traumáticas durante la infancia, también se informaron episodios durante la vida adulta, los que pueden haber desencadenado el trastorno. El segundo tema fue el de la relación entrelazada entre la experiencia psicótica y ciertas prácticas coercitivas sufridas durante la prestación de atención médica para la psicosis, y los efectos traumáticos generados por ésta.Conclusiones: Los participantes consideraron que ambos temas eran de gran importancia. En consecuencia, estas situaciones deben evaluarse y gestionarse cuidadosamente para proporcionar una atención adecuada centrada en la persona.

Experiências Adversas da Infância , Transtornos Psicóticos/diagnóstico , Transtornos Psicóticos/terapia , Adulto , Feminino , Grupos Focais , Humanos , Entrevistas como Assunto , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Unidade Hospitalar de Psiquiatria , Transtornos Psicóticos/etiologia , Pesquisa Qualitativa
Infant Ment Health J ; 42(3): 452-468, 2021 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33852163


Circle of Security Parenting (COS-P) is an attachment-theory-informed program for parents of infants and young children. Designed for scalability, COS-P has been widely adopted internationally. Evidence for the program's effectiveness is limited, however, restricting capacity to make informed decisions about program allocation, and threatening ongoing program funding. To help address this evidence gap, this qualitative study explored the experiences and perceptions of 20 COS-P facilitators and 14 parent recipients in Australia, where COS-P uptake has been particularly widespread. Thematic analysis of combined interview and focus group data revealed a perception that COS-P primarily changes the lens through which parents view (a) their child, (b) themselves in the parenting role, and (c) the parent-child relationship, and that this was a pathway to increased empathy, compassion, and parenting confidence. Participants identified four components that underpinned program impact: key content, skills practice, group processes, and facilitator support. Although COS-P was considered suitable for broad application, limitations were noted. Findings can guide clinical application of COS-P and inform empirical research.

El Círculo de Seguridad - Crianza (COS-P) es un programa basado en la teoría de la afectividad para progenitores de infantes y niños pequeños. Diseñado con un enfoque de escala, COS-P ha sido ampliamente adoptado internacionalmente. La evidencia de su eficacia es limitada, sin embargo, lo cual restringe la capacidad de tomar decisiones fundamentadas acerca de la distribución de fondos y amenaza el continuo apoyo económico del programa. Este estudio cualitativo explora las experiencias y percepciones de 20 mediadores que facilitaban el programa COS-P y 14 progenitores que lo recibían en Australia, donde la aceptación de COS-P ha sido particularmente extensa. Los análisis temáticos de entrevistas combinadas y datos de grupos de enfoques revelaron una percepción de que COS-P cambia el lente a través del cual los progenitores ven (a) a su niño, (b) a sí mismos en el papel de crianza, y (c) la relación progenitor-niño, y que este era una trayectoria para incrementar la empatía, la compasión, así como la confianza en la crianza. Los participantes identificaron cuatro componentes que respaldan el impacto del programa: contenido clave, práctica de habilidades, procesos de grupo y apoyo del mediador. Aunque COS-P se consideró apropiado para una aplicación más amplia, se indicaron las limitaciones. Los resultados pueden guiar la aplicación clínica de COS-P y sustentar la investigación empírica.

Le Parentage Cercle de Sécurité (en anglais Circle of Security Parenting, soit COS-P) est un programme basé sur la théorie de l'attachement pour les parents de nourrissons et de jeunes enfants. Conçu pour son extensibilité le COS-P a été largement adopté au niveau international. Les preuves d'efficacité sont cependant limitées, ce qui restreint la capacité à prendre des décisions informées sur les allocations au programme et menaçant le financement continu du programme. Cette étude qualitative a exploré les expériences et les perceptions de 20 facilitateurs COS-P et 14 récipiendaires parents en Australie, ou l'adoption du COS-P est particulièrement répandue. Une analyse thématique consistant en une combinaison d'entretien et de données de groupes de discussion a révélé une perception que le COS-P change principalement le prisme au travers duquel les parents voient (a) leur enfant, (b) eux-mêmes dans le rôle de parentage, et (c) la relation parent-enfant, et que cela crée un chemin d'empathie, de compassion et de confiance de parentage accrue. Les participants ont identifié quatre composantes qui étaient l'impact du programme: un contenu clé, la pratique des compétences, les processus de groupe et le soutien au facilitateur. Bien que le COS-P soit considéré comme étant adapté à une application générale des limites ont été notées. Les résultats peuvent guider l'application clinique du COS-P et éclairer la recherche empirique.

Apego ao Objeto , Poder Familiar , Pré-Escolar , Humanos , Lactente , Relações Pais-Filho , Pais , Pesquisa Qualitativa
Fam Process ; 59(1): 111-126, 2020 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30339277


Scene-Based Psychodramatic Family Therapy (SB-PFT) is an innovative treatment used with troubled adolescents and their parents to improve family relationships and reduce adolescents' problematic behavior. It integrates the principles of family therapy, psychodrama, and multiple-family group methodology. This research is a pilot study to obtain empirical evidence on the SB-PFT therapeutic process by gauging the perception of change of troubled adolescents and their parents, and assess the perceived helpfulness of its methodology and techniques. Ten multiple-family intervention groups were drawn up, with 110 participants (63 adolescents and 47 parents), and we adopted a qualitative methodology with focus groups, using an inductive analysis of 290 active constructions of participant narratives. Concerning perception of change, the adolescents reported mainly gaining in social support, prosocial attitudes, keys to problem solving, and expression of emotions due to the treatment. The parents perceived improvement in social support, keys for educational practices, emotional well-being, and expression of emotions due to the treatment. Regarding the perceived helpfulness of methodology and techniques, both adolescents and parents highlighted the usefulness of the group methodology for gaining social support, relativizing the problem, and expressing emotions. Additionally, participants referred to role-playing and mirror techniques as the most useful techniques. In conclusion, this first study on SB-PFT presents and describes its treatment for troubled adolescents and their parents. The participants' positive perception of their personal and relational change after treatment should serve to promote further studies with quantitative methodology in order to verify the effectiveness of SB-PFT treatment.

La terapia familiar psicodramática basada en escenas (SB-PFT, por sus siglas en inglés) es un tratamiento innovador usado con adolescentes conflictivos y sus padres para mejorar las relaciones familiares y disminuir el comportamiento problemático de los adolescentes. Integra los principios de la terapia familiar, del psicodrama y de la metodología grupal multifamiliar. Esta investigación es un estudio piloto para obtener conocimiento empírico sobre el proceso terapéutico de la SB-PFT mediante la medición de la percepción de cambio de los adolescentes conflictivos y sus padres, y para evaluar la utilidad percibida de esta metodología y técnica. Se formaron diez grupos multifamiliares de intervención con 110 participantes (63 adolescentes y 47 padres), y adoptamos una metodología cualitativa con grupos focales utilizando un análisis inductivo de 290 construcciones activas de historias de los participantes. Con respecto a la percepción de cambio, los adolescentes informaron un aumento pricipalmente del apoyo social, de las actitudes prosociales, de las claves para resolver problemas y de la expresión de emociones debido al tratamiento. Los padres percibieron una mejora del apoyo social, de las claves para las prácticas educativas, del bienestar emocional y de la expresión de emociones debido al tratamiento. Con respecto a la utilidad percibida de la metodología y las técnicas, tanto los adolescentes como los padres destacaron la utilidad de la metodología de grupo para obtener apoyo social, relativizar el problema y expresar emociones. Además, los participantes se refirieron al juego de roles y a las técnicas del espejo como las más útiles. En resumen, este primer estudio sobre la SB-PFT presenta y describe su tratamiento para adolescentes conflictivos y sus padres. La percepción positiva de los participantes de su cambio personal y relacional después del tratamiento debería servir para promover más estudios con una metodología cuantitativa a fin de verificar la eficacia del tratamiento con la SB-PFT.

Comportamento do Adolescente/psicologia , Relações Familiares/psicologia , Terapia Familiar/métodos , Comportamento Problema/psicologia , Psicodrama/métodos , Adolescente , Adulto , Feminino , Grupos Focais , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Pais/psicologia , Projetos Piloto , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Modelo Transteórico , Resultado do Tratamento
J Anal Psychol ; 64(4): 512-529, 2019 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31418832


Psychotherapy research is a rapidly developing area of study that aims to explore the integration of inner and outer conditions of an individual's experience, the interplay between subjective and objective, as well as between individual and collective. Questions regarding a more integrative view and qualitative research in psychotherapy are discussed in the paper. The author introduces some ideas from the studies on psychotherapy effectiveness that were done at Vilnius University by a group of researchers who work in the 'Centre for research on the psychodynamics of personality'. Clinical psychologists who hold a doctorate degree or who are in doctoral studies in the Department of Psychology at Vilnius University are members of this research group. The subjective understanding about healing episodes and the development of depth premises were the main tasks of these studies. Among other methods, the researchers used the drawing a picture of a healing moment and telling a psychotherapy story recalled by the client to collect data. Two examples of drawing a picture of a healing moment and one example of telling a therapy story are analyzed in the paper. The themes of subjective experience of renewal in psychotherapy as well as the multiplicity of experience and results in psychotherapy are discussed in the paper with case illustrations. This study showed that drawing a picture opens one more dimension of reflection and that it can be an appropriate tool for developing individual narratives as well. Authoring and re-authoring one's life narrative is accepted as part of a productive therapy as well as discovering one's inner authorship. The ability to follow a succession of meanings, as well as a connection to nature and culture could be one of the ways of actualizing an integrative view in psychotherapy research.

La recherche dans le domaine de la psychothérapie est un domaine d'étude en croissance rapide qui vise à étudier l'intégration des conditions intérieures et extérieures dans l'expérience d'une personne, l'interaction entre le subjectif et l'objectif, ainsi qu'entre l'individuel et le collectif. L'article aborde des questions concernant une perspective plus intégrative et la recherche qualitative en psychothérapie. L'auteur introduit des idées provenant d'études faites par un groupe de chercheurs à l'université de Vilnius sur l'efficacité de la psychothérapie. Ces chercheurs travaillent au « Centre for research on the psychodynamics of personality ¼ (Centre de recherche sur les psychodynamiques de la personnalité). Ils sont docteurs en psychologie clinique ou doctorants dans le département de Psychologie à l'université de Vilnius. L'objet principal de ces recherches est la compréhension subjective d'épisodes de guérison et la construction de postulats de profondeur. Parmi différentes méthodes pour obtenir des données, les chercheurs ont utilisé celle consistant à faire un dessin d'un moment de guérison et celle consistant à raconter une histoire de psychothérapie telle que le client se la rappelle. Deux exemples de faire un dessin d'un moment de guérison ainsi qu'un exemple de raconter une histoire de psychothérapie sont analysés dans l'article. Les thèmes de l'expérience subjective du renouveau en psychothérapie, ainsi que la multiplicité d'expérience et de résultats en psychothérapie sont traités dans l'article et illustrés par des cas. Cette étude montre que de faire un dessin ouvre une dimension de plus dans la réflexion et que cela peut être un outil approprié pour le développement des récits individuels. Etre l'auteur de son récit de vie, ainsi que de sa réécriture, est considéré comme étant un aspect d'une thérapie productive. De même que découvrir sa capacité intérieure à « être auteur ¼. La capacité à suivre une succession de significations, ainsi qu'un lien avec la nature et la culture pourraient être une des manières d'actualiser une perspective intégrative dans la recherche en psychothérapie.

La investigación en psicoterapia es un área de estudio en creciente desarrollo cuyo objetivo es explorar la integración entre las condiciones internas y externas de la experiencia de un individuo, el inter-juego entre lo subjetivo y lo objetivo, así como entre lo individual y lo colectivo. Se plantean consideraciones respecto a una perspectiva más integradora y a la investigación cualitativa. La autora introduce algunas ideas, a partir de estudios sobre la efectividad de la psicoterapia llevados a cabo en la Universidad de Vilnius, por un grupo de investigadores que trabajan en el 'Centro de investigación en los procesos psicodinámicos de la personalidad'. Los miembros de este grupo de investigación son psicólogos clínicos que tienen un doctorado o están realizando un doctorado en el Departamento de Psicología en la Universidad de Vilnius. Las principales tareas de estos estudios fueron el desarrollo de premisas profundas y la comprensión subjetiva sobre los episodios de curación. Entre otros métodos, los investigadores para recoger data, utilizaban el dibujar un cuadro sobre un momento de curación y contar una historia de psicoterapia contada por el cliente. Dos ejemplos de dibujar un cuadro de un momento de curación y un ejemplo de contar una historia de terapia son analizados en el presente trabajo. Se da cuenta de la experiencia subjetiva de renovación en psicoterapia así como de la multiplicidad de experiencias y resultados a partir de la ilustración de casos. El estudio muestra que el dibujar un cuadro abre una nueva dimensión de reflexión y puede ser una herramienta apropiada para el desarrollo de narrativas individuales. Ser autor/a, y volver a ser autor/a de la propia narrativa de vida se acepta como parte de una terapia productiva así como del descubrimiento de la autoridad interna. La habilidad de dar cuenta de una sucesión de sentidos, así como una conexión con la naturaleza y la cultura podrían ser uno de los modos de actualizar una perspectiva integradora en la investigación en psicoterapia.

Pesquisa Biomédica , Transtornos Mentais/terapia , Psicoterapia , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino
Fam Process ; 57(1): 100-112, 2018 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27896805


Schizophrenia is a complex biopsychosocial condition in which expressed emotion in family members is a robust predictor of relapse. Not surprisingly, family interventions are remarkably effective and thus recommended in current treatment guidelines. Their key elements seem to be common therapeutic factors, followed by education and coping skills training. However, few studies have explored these key elements and the process of the intervention itself. We conducted a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the records from a pioneering family intervention trial addressing expressed emotion, published by Leff and colleagues four decades ago. Records were analyzed into categories and data explored using descriptive statistics. This was complemented by a narrative evaluation using an inductive approach based on emotional markers and markers of change. The most used strategies in the intervention were addressing needs, followed by coping skills enhancement, advice, and emotional support. Dealing with overinvolvement and reframing were the next most frequent. Single-family home sessions seemed to augment the therapeutic work conducted in family groups. Overall the intervention seemed to promote cognitive and emotional change in the participants, and therapists were sensitive to the emotional trajectory of each subject. On the basis of our findings, we developed a longitudinal framework for better understanding the process of this treatment approach.

Terapia Familiar/métodos , Família/psicologia , Esquizofrenia/terapia , Psicologia do Esquizofrênico , Emoções Manifestas , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Qualidade de Vida , Ensaios Clínicos Controlados Aleatórios como Assunto , Resultado do Tratamento
Fam Process ; 57(2): 496-509, 2018 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28452049


The present review examines how stepfamily members without a shared history co-construct a shared family identity and what family processes are relevant in this stepfamily formation. Three databases (Web of Science, PsycInfo, and ProQuest) were systematically searched, resulting in 20 included qualitative studies. The meta-ethnography approach of Noblit and Hare allowed synthesizing these qualitative studies and constructing a comprehensive framework of stepfamilies doing family. Three interdependent family tasks were identified: (a) honoring the past, (b) marking the present, and (c) investing in the future. Stepfamily members' experiences of these family tasks are strongly affected by the dominant societal perspectives and characterized by an underlying dialectical tension between wanting to be like a first-time family and feeling the differences in their family structure at the same time. These findings clearly demonstrate the family work that all stepfamily members undertake and provide a broader context for interpreting stepfamilies' co-construction of a new family identity.

Relações Familiares/psicologia , Família/psicologia , Adulto , Antropologia Cultural , Criança , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Identificação Social
Fam Process ; 57(1): 226-240, 2018 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28054349


Within Western cultural traditions, the idea that parents should talk about the death of their child with each other is deeply rooted. However, across bereaved parent couples there are wide variations in communication about their grief with each other. In this study, we explored the experiences of bereaved couples related to the process of talking and not talking. We used a thematic coding approach to analyze 20 interviews with 26 bereaved parents (11 interviewed as couples, four as individuals). Four main meanings emerged out of our analysis: not talking because of the inadequacy and pointlessness of words in grief, not talking as a way to regulate emotions in daily life, not talking as an expression of a personal, intimate process, and not talking because the partner has the same loss but a different grief process. In addition, we found that the process of talking and not talking can partly be understood as an emotional responsive process on an intrapersonal and interpersonal level. In this process partners search for a bearable distance from their own grief and their partner's, and attune with their relational context. A better understanding of this process is sought in a dialectical approach, emphasizing the value of both talking and not talking in a tense relationship with each other. Implications for clinical work are described.

Comunicação , Ajustamento Emocional , Pesar , Relações Interpessoais , Pais/psicologia , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Relações Pais-Filho
Fam Process ; 57(3): 737-751, 2018 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29057469


Given that parental love is essential for children's optimal development, the current study gathered examples of how parental love was demonstrated within parent-child relationships. Fifty-eight two-parent, financially stable families consisting of a mother, father, and young child (3-7 years old) from the Midwest were interviewed regarding how they demonstrated or perceived parental love. Results from an inductive thematic analysis revealed considerable variability in how parental love was demonstrated, with five themes emerging that overlapped between parents and their children: playing or doing activities together, demonstrating affection, creating structure, helping or supporting, and giving gifts or treats. Some gendered patterns among these themes were found with mothers emphasizing physical and verbal affection and fathers highlighting their more prominent role as playmates. The lay examples provided by parents and children in this exploratory study extend previous conceptualizations of parental love and underscore the importance of parents being attuned and responsive to the specific needs of their children.

Comportamento Materno/psicologia , Núcleo Familiar/psicologia , Relações Pais-Filho , Poder Familiar/psicologia , Comportamento Paterno/psicologia , Afeto , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Pai/psicologia , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Meio-Oeste dos Estados Unidos , Mães/psicologia
Fam Process ; 56(2): 408-422, 2017 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28591461


A family peer-education program for mental disorders was developed in Japan, similar to existing programs in the United States and Hong Kong. Families that serve as facilitators in such programs may enhance their caregiving processes and, thereby, their well-being. This study's aim was to describe how families' caregiving experiences change, beginning with the onset of a family member's mental illness, through their involvement in a family group or peer-education program as participants then facilitators. Thus, this study was conducted in a family peer-education program for mental disorders in Japan. Group interviews were conducted with 27 facilitators from seven program sites about their experiences before, during, and after becoming facilitators. Interview data were coded and categorized into five stages of caregiving processes: (1) withdrawing and suppressing negative experiences with difficulty and regret; (2) finding comfort through being listened to about negative experiences; (3) supporting participants' sharing as facilitators; (4) understanding and affirming oneself through repeated sharing of experiences; and (5) finding value and social roles in one's experiences. The third, fourth, and fifth stages were experienced by the facilitators. The value that the facilitators placed on their caregiving experiences changed from negative to positive, which participants regarded as helpful and supportive. We conclude that serving as facilitators may improve families' caregiving processes.

Cuidadores/educação , Cuidadores/psicologia , Educação não Profissionalizante , Grupo Associado , Adaptação Psicológica , Idoso , Empatia , Características da Família , Relações Familiares/psicologia , Feminino , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Humanos , Entrevistas como Assunto , Japão , Masculino , Transtornos Mentais , Pessoa de Meia-Idade
Fam Process ; 56(1): 203-216, 2017 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25908536


In the literature, relatively little attention has been paid to the meaning of donor involvement in the intimate couple dyad. The current study aimed to enrich our understanding of couples' meaning-making regarding the anonymous sperm donor and how they dealt with the donor involvement. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with nine couples, who had at least one child conceived through sperm donation. Our thematic analysis showed that the donor conception was seen as a different path to create a normal family. Once the family was formed, most couples avoided talking about the donor because it was perceived as disrupting men's growing confidence in their position as father. Participants tried to confirm the position of the father to protect the family relationships. Uncertainties about how they were perceived as parents showed the continuing dominance of genetic ties within our social discourse. Participants also dealt with reminders of the donor in their daily life. Overall, they tried to manage the space taken up by the donor and to protect the position of the father. We relate our findings to literature on topic avoidance and shared obliviousness in families. For counseling practice, it could be useful to explore couples' meaning-making about the donor as this seemed to serve family functioning.

Pai/psicologia , Heterossexualidade/psicologia , Inseminação Artificial Heteróloga/psicologia , Pais/psicologia , Parceiros Sexuais/psicologia , Adulto , Relações Familiares , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Relações Pais-Filho , Pesquisa Qualitativa
Infant Ment Health J ; 37(3): 247-58, 2016 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27098285


The sleep-cycle development of infants is influenced by familial and sociocultural conditions, but there is a lack of knowledge on how parental regulation of infant sleep is related to the specific life situation of a family. This article describes a context-sensitive study of parental regulation of infant sleep that includes the whole 24-hr day, parents' intentions, and familial and sociocultural conditions. The results are based on a longitudinal qualitative study in Norway of 51 families. Parents were interviewed in the infants' first year of life and approximately 18 months later. An interpretive analysis in four steps was conducted, informed by cultural psychological perspectives on development. The parents were found to perform five types of regulatory actions: facilitating sleep, letting sleep, letting be awake, keeping awake, and waking. These actions were performed continuously throughout the 24-hr day, each to different extents and at different hours in individual families, forming a regulation cycle. We describe patterns and variations in regulation cycles, changes over time as increased social synchronization, and how the regulation cycle is embedded in familial and sociocultural conditions. Finally, implications for clinical practice are discussed.

Relações Pais-Filho , Poder Familiar , Sono , Feminino , Humanos , Lactente , Entrevistas como Assunto , Estudos Longitudinais , Masculino , Pais/psicologia , Pesquisa Qualitativa
Fam Process ; 55(1): 139-54, 2016 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25393909


In this qualitative study of 10 lesbian couples who built their families through anonymous donor conception, we explore how lesbian parents experience communication about the donor conception within the family. While for these families "disclosure" of donor conception is often seen as evident, the way parents and children discuss this subject and how this is experienced by the parents themselves has not received much research attention. To meet this gap in the literature, in-depth interviews with lesbian couples were conducted. An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis showed that this family communication process can be understood within the broader relational context of parent-child relationships. Even though parents handled this family communication in many different ways, these were all inspired by the same motives: acting in the child's best interest and-on a more implicit level-maintaining good relations within the family. Furthermore, parents left the initiative for talking about the DC mostly to the child. Overall, parents aimed at constructing a donor conception narrative that they considered acceptable for both the children and themselves. They used different strategies, such as gradual disclosure, limiting the meaning of the donor, and justifying the donor conception. Building an acceptable donor conception narrative was sometimes challenged by influences from the social environment. In the discussion, we relate this qualitative systemic study to the broader issues of selective disclosure and bidirectionality within families.

Comunicação , Homossexualidade Feminina , Relações Pais-Filho , Revelação da Verdade , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Concepção por Doadores , Família , Feminino , Humanos , Lactente , Masculino , Pesquisa Qualitativa
Fam Process ; 55(1): 79-90, 2016 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25900627


The evidence regarding effectiveness of family interventions for psychosis (FIP) is strong and consistent. However, there is a gap in the research on the process of these interventions, and little is known about their active ingredients. This review aims to identify the active ingredients of FIP. We conducted a systematic literature review, focusing on qualitative research, and analyzed 22 papers in total. We found a single study comprehensively exploring the process of FIP. All other studies focused on particular aspects of process-related variables. The key elements of FIP seem to be the so-called "common therapeutic factors", followed by education about the illness and coping skills training. This review supports the value of a stepped model of intervention according to the needs of the families. However, the evidence reviewed also reveals a gap in the research findings based on the limited research available. FIP are complex, psychosocial interventions with multiple components, and more intensive, qualitative research is needed to establish linkages between process and outcome.

Terapia Familiar/métodos , Processos Grupais , Transtornos Psicóticos/terapia , Adaptação Psicológica , Humanos , Educação de Pacientes como Assunto , Avaliação de Processos em Cuidados de Saúde
Fam Process ; 54(2): 327-43, 2015 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25286330


The process of leaving an abusive partner has been theorized using the Stages of Change Model. Although useful, this model does not account for changes in relational boundaries unique to the process of leaving. Using family stress and feminist perspectives, this study sought to integrate boundary ambiguity into the Stages of Change Model. Boundary ambiguity is defined as a perception of uncertainty as to who is in or out of a family system (Boss & Greenberg, 1984). Twenty-five mothers who had temporarily or permanently left their abusers were interviewed. Data were analyzed using constructivist grounded theory methods. Results identify types, indicators of, and mothers' responses to boundary ambiguity throughout the five stages of change. Most mothers and abusers fluctuated between physical and psychological presence and absence over multiple separations. The integration of boundary ambiguity into the Stages of Change Model highlights the process of leaving an abusive partner as systemic, fluid, and nonlinear.

Adaptação Psicológica , Divórcio/psicologia , Mães/psicologia , Percepção Social , Maus-Tratos Conjugais/psicologia , Cônjuges/psicologia , Adulto , Feminino , Feminismo , Teoria Fundamentada , Humanos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Fatores de Tempo
Fam Process ; 53(2): 318-35, 2014 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24410452


Family researchers have long recognized the utility of incorporating interview data from multiple family members. Yet, relatively few contemporary scholars utilize such an approach due to methodological underdevelopment. This article contributes to family scholarship by providing a roadmap for developing and executing in-depth interview studies that include more than one family member. Specifically, it outlines the epistemological frames that most commonly underlie this approach, illustrates thematic research questions that it best addresses, and critically reviews the best methodological practices of conducting research with this approach. The three most common approaches are addressed in depth: separate interviews with each family member, dyadic or group interviews with multiple family members, and a combined approach that uses separate and dyadic or group interviews. This article speaks to family scholars who are at the beginning stages of their research project but are unsure of the best qualitative approach to answer a given research question.

Relações Familiares , Entrevistas como Assunto , Família/psicologia , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pesquisa Qualitativa