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Animals (Basel) ; 14(10)2024 May 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38791616


Ethical considerations regarding our treatment of animals have gained strength, leading to legislation and a societal focus across various disciplines. This is a subject of study within curricula related to agri-food sciences. The aim was to determine the perceptions of agronomy university students concerning animal welfare in livestock production systems. A survey was conducted to encompass various aspects, from participants' sociodemographic attributes to their attitudes and behaviors regarding animal welfare and the consumption of animal products. Statistical analysis, performed using R software, delved into the associations between participants' characteristics and their perspectives on the ethical, bioethical, and legal dimensions of animal welfare. Associations between demographic factors and ethical viewpoints among students were identified. Gender differences emerged in animal treatment perceptions, while rural and urban environments impacted perspectives on various animals. Bioethical considerations revealed distinctive disparities based on gender and education in concerns regarding animal welfare, value perceptions, evaluations of animal behaviors, and opinions on animal research. It is crucial to distinguish between animal welfare and the ethical considerations arising from coexisting with sentient beings capable of experiencing suffering. Ethical theories provide a lens through which we perceive our obligations toward animals. The responsibility to ensure animal welfare is firmly rooted in recognizing that animals, like humans, experience pain and physical suffering. Consequently, actions causing unjustified suffering or mistreatment, particularly for entertainment purposes, are considered morally unacceptable.

Rev. latinoam. bioét ; 17(1)ene.-jun. 2017.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536493


Este artículo aborda de manera reflexiva las incidencias del bioderecho sobre situaciones de eutanasia en Colombia, al interpretar conflictos morales y jurídicos suscitados por las sentencias de la Corte Constitucional C239 de 1997, T970 de 2014 y la Resolución del Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social 1216, de 2015. El propósito fundamental es el análisis de las decisiones judiciales sobre el final de la vida humana. Por lo tanto, se realiza una revisión de la construcción histórica y jurídica del concepto de eutanasia y se propone la discusión sobre su manejo jurídico y su influencia en el colectivo moral. Asimismo, se diserta sobre el concepto de dignidad humana y muerte digna, como precedentes para dirimir los conflictos éticos que la eutanasia suscita. Al final, se analiza el caso de don Ovidio González, quien se convirtió en 2015 en el primer colombiano en recibir la eutanasia de manera legal dentro del sistema de salud.

This paper reflectively addresses the incidence of bio-law on euthanasia situations in Colombia by interpreting moral and legal disputes arising from the sentences of the Constitutional Court C239 of 1997, T970 of 2014, and Resolution 1216 of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of 2015. The main purpose is the analysis of judicial decisions regarding the end of human life. A review of the historical and legal construction of the euthanasia concept is done, and a discussion of its legal management and its influence on the moral collective is proposed. The concept of human dignity and dignified death are discussed to solve the ethical conflicts that euthanasia causes. Finally, the case of Ovidio González is analyzed; Mr Gonzalez became the first Colombian to receive euthanasia in a legal way within the health system in 2015.

Este artigo aborda de maneira reflexiva as incidências do Biodireito sobre situações de eutanásia na Colômbia, ao interpretar as disputas morais e legais decorrentes das decisões da Corte Constitucional C239 de 1997 T970 de 2014 e a Resolução do Ministério da Saúde e Proteção Social 1216, de 2015. O objetivo principal é a análise das decisões judiciais sobre o fim da vida humana. Portanto, realiza-se uma revisão da construção histórica e jurídica do conceito de eutanásia e propõe-se a discussão de sua administração legal e sua influência sobre o coletivo moral. Igualmente, expõe-se sobre o conceito de dignidade humana e morte digna, como precedentes para resolver os conflitos éticos que a eutanásia suscita. No final, e analisado o caso de Dom Ovidio González, que em 2015 se tornou o primeiro colombiano a receber a eutanásia legalmente no interior do sistema de saúde.