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SciELO Preprints; jul. 2024.
Preprint em Português | SciELO Preprints | ID: pps-9446


Introduction: knowledge of basic biomechanical concepts is essential for Physical Education teachers, as well as for other professionals who work with human movement. This importance is reflected in the presence of Biomechanics in the curricula of Degree courses in Physical Education. Objective: to identify the applicability and importance of Biomechanics in the pedagogical practice of the Physical Education discipline in Basic Education and its importance in the training of teachers in the area. Methods: qualitative study with the elaboration of a narrative bibliographic review through research using theoretical references that deal with the applicability of Biomechanics in School Physical Education and/or its importance as an academic discipline in Bachelor's Degree courses in Physical Education. Results: after reading the abstracts, 51 theoretical references found through keyword searches were selected, including: 2 doctoral theses, 1 master's dissertation, 2 books and 46 scientific articles, being theoretical references from the Portuguese and English languages . After full reading, 23 articles and 1 book were excluded because it was understood that they had no specific relationship with the proposed topic. Of these, 28 theoretical references found in the databases researched were included. Conclusions: the use of Biomechanics in Physical Education classes proves to be an effective tool for applying knowledge and new teacher intervention processes, such as new experiences with School Physical Education content for students, contributing to broader learning.

Introducción: el conocimiento de conceptos biomecánicos básicos es fundamental para el profesorado de Educación Física, así como para otros profesionales que trabajan con el movimiento humano. Esta importancia se refleja en la presencia de la Biomecánica en los planes de estudio de las carreras de Grado en Educación Física. Objetivo: identificar la aplicabilidad e importancia de la Biomecánica en la práctica pedagógica de la disciplina Educación Física en la Educación Básica y su importancia en la formación de docentes del área. Métodos: estudio cualitativo con elaboración de una revisión bibliográfica narrativa a través de una investigación utilizando referentes teóricos que abordan la aplicabilidad de la Biomecánica en la Educación Física Escolar y/o su importancia como disciplina académica en las carreras de Licenciatura en Educación Física. Resultados: después de la lectura de los resúmenes, se seleccionaron 51 referencias teóricas encontradas mediante búsquedas por palabras clave, entre ellas: 2 tesis doctorales, 1 disertación de maestría, 2 libros y 46 artículos científicos, siendo referencias teóricas de los idiomas portugués e inglés. Luego de la lectura completa, se excluyeron 23 artículos y 1 libro por entenderse que no tenían relación específica con el tema propuesto. De ellos, se incluyeron 28 referencias teóricas encontradas en las bases de datos investigadas. Conclusiones: el uso de la Biomecánica en las clases de Educación Física demuestra ser una herramienta efectiva para aplicar conocimientos y nuevos procesos de intervención docente, como nuevas experiencias con contenidos de Educación Física Escolar para los estudiantes, contribuyendo a aprendizajes más amplios.

Introdução: o conhecimento dos conceitos biomecânicos básicos são essenciais para o professor de Educação Física, assim como para outros profissionais que trabalham com o movimento humano. Tal importância é refletida na presença da Biomecânica como componente dos currículos dos cursos de Licenciatura em Educação Física. Objetivo: identificar a aplicabilidade e importância da Biomecânica na prática pedagógica da disciplina de Educação Física na Educação Básica e sua importância na formação de professores da área. Métodos: estudo qualitativo com elaboração de revisão bibliográfica narrativa por meio de pesquisa por referenciais teóricos que tratam da aplicabilidade da Biomecânica na Educação Física Escolar e/ou sua importância como disciplina acadêmica nos cursos de Licenciatura em Educação Física. Resultados: após a leitura dos resumos, foram selecionados 51 referenciais teóricos encontrados a partir das buscas pelas palavras-chave, sendo: 2 teses de doutorado, 1 dissertação de mestrado, 2 livros e 46 artigos científicos, sendo referenciais teóricos das línguas portuguesa e inglesa. Após leitura integral, foram excluídos 23 artigos e 1 livro por entender que eles não possuíam relação específica com o tema proposto. Destes, foram incluídos 28 referenciais teóricos encontrados nas bases de dados pesquisadas. Conclusões: a utilização da Biomecânica nas aulas de Educação Física mostra-se uma ferramenta eficaz para a aplicação dos conhecimentos e novos processos de intervenção do professor, como novas experiências com os conteúdos da Educação Física Escolar para os alunos, contribuindo para um aprendizado mais ampliado em diferentes dimensões.

Int. j. morphol ; 42(3): 607-613, jun. 2024. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564594


SUMMARY: Binge drinking in adolescents has a negative effect on the developing skeleton and the attainment of peak bone mass. Our study aimed to examine the effect of binge drinking on the growth and functional integrity of the adolescent Sprague Dawley rat mandible and to determine if a dosage of 1.5 g/kg is sufficient to produce a binge-model of consumption. A total of eight 7-week-old adolescent (male) Sprague Dawley rats were randomly placed into 4 groups with two rats each: 1-week alcohol-exposed rats, 1-week pair- fed control rats, 4-week alcohol-exposed rats and 4-week pair-fed control rats. The alcohol exposed groups were administered a single daily dose via oral gavage of 1.5 g/kg of 20 % alcohol 3 days a week (alternate days) for 7 or 28 days. The pair-fed control groups were administered a caloric equivalent dose of maltose dextrin via oral gavage on the same days as the alcohol-exposed rats. The one-week alcohol exposed, and control rats were terminated on day 7 and the four-week alcohol exposed and control rats on day 28. The mandibles were dissected out and osteometric measurements determined using a digital vernier caliper. Bones were scanned using a 3D-microCT scanner (Nikon XTH 255L). Biomechanical tests were done using a Shimadzu universal testing machine. Differences observed were regarding mandibular osteometry, which showed a reduced height in the central portion of the alveolar bone (Al'-Me), and an increase in the height of the condylar head (Cd-Ag) in the 1-week alcohol-exposed rats when compared to the 1-week pair-fed control rats. No other differences were noted. Lack of significant changes seen between the alcohol and pair-fed control groups in both acute binge and chronic binge exposed rats is likely due to the low dose of alcohol administered to the rats in the study thus a higher dose is proposed.

El consumo excesivo de alcohol en adolescentes tiene un efecto negativo en el desarrollo del esqueleto y en la consecución de la masa ósea máxima. Nuestro estudio tuvo como objetivo examinar el efecto del consumo excesivo de alcohol sobre el crecimiento y la integridad funcional de la mandíbula de la rata adolescente Sprague Dawley y determinar si una dosis de 1,5 g/kg es suficiente para producir un modelo de consumo compulsivo. Un total de ocho ratas Sprague Dawley adolescentes (machos) de 7 semanas de edad se colocaron aleatoriamente en 4 grupos con dos ratas cada uno: ratas expuestas al alcohol durante 1 semana, ratas de control alimentadas en parejas durante 1 semana, ratas expuestas al alcohol durante 4 semanas, y ratas de control alimentadas en parejas durante 4 semanas. A los grupos expuestos al alcohol se les administró una dosis única diaria mediante sonda oral de 1,5 g/kg de alcohol al 20 % 3 días a la semana (días alternos) durante 7 o 28 días. A los grupos de control alimentados por parejas se les administró una dosis calórica equivalente de maltosa dextrina mediante sonda oral los mismos días que a las ratas expuestas al alcohol. Las ratas expuestas al alcohol durante una semana, las ratas de control al día 7, las ratas expuestas al alcohol durante cuatro semanas y las ratas de control al día 28. Se diseccionaron las mandíbulas y se determinaron las mediciones osteométricas utilizando un calibre vernier digital. Los huesos se escanearon utilizando un escáner 3D-microCT (Nikon XTH 255L). Las pruebas biomecánicas se realizaron utilizando una máquina de pruebas universal Shimadzu. Las diferencias observadas se relacionaron con la osteometría mandibular, que mostró una altura reducida en la porción central del hueso alveolar (Al'-Me) y un aumento en la altura de la cabeza condilar (Cd-Ag) en las ratas expuestas al alcohol durante una semana, en comparación con las ratas control alimentadas en parejas durante una semana. No se observaron otras diferencias. La falta de diferencias significativas entre los grupos de alcohol y de control alimentados en parejas expuestas a ebriedad aguda y ebriedad crónica, probablemente se deba a la baja dosis de alcohol administrada a las ratas en el estudio, por lo que se propone una dosis más alta.

Animais , Masculino , Ratos , Etanol/administração & dosagem , Consumo Excessivo de Bebidas Alcoólicas , Mandíbula/efeitos dos fármacos , Resistência à Tração , Ratos Sprague-Dawley , Concentração Alcoólica no Sangue , Mandíbula/anatomia & histologia
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38925424


Osteoporosis weakens the structural strength of bone to such an extent that normal daily activity may exceed the capacity of the vertebra to bear this load. Vertebral fracture and deformity is a hallmark of osteoporosis. The detriment of trabecular bone properties alone cannot explain the occurrence of osteoporotic vertebral fracture. The ability of the spine to bear and resist loads depends on the structural capacity of the vertebrae, but also on loading conditions arising from activities of daily living or low-energy trauma. This review describes the mechanical properties of the vertebral bone, the structural load-bearing capacity of the various elements forming the spine, the neuromuscular control of the trunk, as well as the biomechanics of the loads to which the spine is subjected in relation to the presence of osteoporosis and the risk of vertebral fracture. A better understanding of biomechanical factors may help to explain both the high incidence of osteoporotic vertebral fractures and their mechanism of production. Consideration of these issues may be important in the development of prevention and management strategies.

Med. U.P.B ; 43(1): 2-10, ene.-jun. 2024. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1531446


Objetivo: la mastectomía posterior al cáncer de seno produce diversas alteraciones posturales y biomecánicas en el plano frontal y sagital. Dichos cambios conducen a una cinemática alterada de la columna vertebral, desequilibrio muscular y alteración del soporte del peso del pie. Este estudio pretende describir las alteraciones de la baropodometría después de la mastectomía, con base en análisis baropodométricos de la presión media y la carga estática. Metodología: se realizó un estudio descriptivo correlacional. Las propiedades de carga del pie se identificaron en 17 mujeres mastectomizadas. Se utilizó una placa de presión Ecosanit Foot para medir la carga del pie en posición anatómica y con los pies juntos. Resultados: en el estudio participaron 17 mujeres mastectomizadas con una edad media de 54.16 años. Las pacientes reportaron una presión media significativamente mayor en la posición anatómica del lado dominante mastectomizado en comparación con el lado no dominante mastectomizado (227.2 ± 22.16 vs. 175.6 ± 14.95, p =0.05). No hubo diferencia significativa para la carga estática entre el lado dominante mastectomizado y el lado no dominante mastectomizado en la posición anatómica (52.43±4.069 vs. 49.69 ± 4.094, de forma respectiva). Conclusión: los resultados actuales de nuestro estudio evidenciaron la distribución desequilibrada del peso (vector carga en el pie) en pacientes después de la mastectomía. Por tanto, en este texto se describen las alteraciones posturales, musculares, y el desequilibrio estático y dinámico en pacientes con cáncer de seno.

Objective: mastectomy after breast cancer produces several postural and biomechanical alterations in the frontal and sagittal plane. Such changes lead to disturbed kinematics of the spine, muscle imbalance and altered foot weight bearing. This study aims to describe body balance alterations after mastectomy based on the baropodometric analysis of their mean pressure and static load. Methodology: a descriptive correlational research was carried out. Foot weight-bearing properties were identified in 17 patients who have undergone a mastectomy. An Ecosanit Foot pressure plate was used to measure foot load at anatomical position and keeping the feet together. Results: 17 female patients who had undergo mastectomy with a mean age of 54.16 years took part on the research. Patients who have had a dominant-side mastectomy demonstrated significant greater mean pressure at anatomical position when compared to those patients who have had a non-dominant side mastectomy (227.2 ± 22.16 versus 175.6 ± 14.95, p =0.05). There was no significant difference for static load between the patients who have had a dominant side mastectomy and patients who have had a non dominant side mastectomy at anatomical position (52.43 ± 4.069 versus 49.69 ± 4.094, respectively). Conclusion: the current results of our research showed the unbalanced weight distribution in patients after mastectomy. Consequently, it describes the postural and muscular alterations, and the static and dynamic imbalance in breast cancer patients.

Objetivo: A mastectomia após câncer de mama produz diversas alterações posturais e biomecânicas nos planos frontal e sagital. Tais mudanças levam a alteração da cinemática da coluna, desequilíbrio muscular e alteração do suporte de peso do pé. Este estudo tem como objetivo descrever as alterações baropodométricas após mastectomia, com base em análises baropodométricas de pressão média e carga estática. Metodologia: foi realizado estudo correlacional descritivo. Propriedades de carga nos pés foram identificadas em 17 mulheres mastectomizadas. Uma placa de pressão Ecosanit Foot foi usada para medir a carga do pé em posição anatômica e com os pés juntos. Resultados: participaram do estudo 17 mulheres mastectomizadas com idade média de 54,16 anos. Os pacientes relataram uma pressão média significativamente maior na posição anatômica do lado mastectomizado dominante em comparação ao lado mastectomizado não dominante (227,2 ± 22,16 vs. 175,6 ± 14,95, p =0,05). Não houve diferença significativa para a carga estática entre o lado mastectomizado dominante e o lado mastectomizado não dominante na posição anatômica (52,43 ± 4,069 vs. 49,69 ± 4,094, respectivamente). Conclusão: Os resultados atuais do nosso estudo mostraram distribuição de peso desequilibrada (carga vetorial no pé) em pacientes após mastectomia. Portanto, este texto descreve alterações posturais, musculares e desequilíbrio estático e dinâmico em pacientes com câncer de mama.

Humanos , Feminino
Braz. dent. sci ; 27(2): 1-12, 2024. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1551332


Objective: In response to the demand for dental implants, extensive research has been conducted on methods for transferring load to the surrounding bone. This study aimed to evaluate the stresses on the peripheral bone, implants, and prostheses under scenarios involving of the following variables: prosthesis designs, vertical bone heights, load angles, and restorative materials. Material and Methods: Three implants were inserted in the premolar and molar regions (5-6-7) of the two mandibular models. Model 1 represented 0 mm marginal bone loss and Model 2 simulated 3 mm bone loss. CAD/CAM-supported materials, hybrid ceramic (HC), resin-nano ceramic (RNC), lithium disilicate (LiSi), zirconia (Zr), and two prosthesis designs (splinted and non-splinted) were used for the implant-supported crowns. Forces were applied vertically (90°) to the central fossa and buccal cusps and obliquely (30°) to the buccal cusps only. The stresses were evaluated using a three-dimensional Finite Element Analysis. Results: Oblique loading resulted in the highest stress values. Of the four materials, RNC showed the low stress in the restoration, particularly in the marginal area. The use of different restorative materials did not affect stress distribution in the surrounding bone. The splinted prostheses generated lower stress magnitude on the bone, and while more stress on the implants were observed. Conclusion: In terms of the stress distribution on the peri-implant bone and implants, the use of different restorative materials is not important. Oblique loading resulted in higher stress values, and the splinted prosthesis design resulted in lower stress (AU)

Objetivo: Em resposta à demanda por implantes dentários, extensa pesquisa foi realizada sobre métodos para transferir carga ao osso circundante. Este estudo buscou avaliar os estresses no osso periférico, implantes e próteses em cenários que envolvem as seguintes variáveis: designs de próteses, alturas ósseas verticais, ângulos de carga e materiais restauradores. Material e Métodos: Três implantes foram inseridos nas regiões dos pré-molares e molares (5-6-7) de dois modelos de mandíbula. O Modelo 1 representou perda óssea marginal de 0 mm e o Modelo 2 simulou perda óssea de 3 mm. Materiais suportados por CAD/CAM, cerâmica híbrida (HC), cerâmica nano-resina (RNC), dissilicato de lítio (LiSi), zircônia (Zr) e dois designs de próteses (sintetizadas e não-sintetizadas) foram utilizados para as coroas suportadas por implantes. Forças foram aplicadas verticalmente (90°) à fossa central e cúspides bucais e obliquamente (30°) apenas às cúspides bucais. Os estresses foram avaliados usando Análise de Elementos Finitos tridimensional. Resultados: Cargas oblíquas resultaram nos valores mais altos de estresse. Entre os quatro materiais, RNC mostrou baixo estresse na restauração, especialmente na área marginal. O uso de diferentes materiais restauradores não afetou a distribuição de estresse no osso circundante. Próteses sintetizadas geraram menor magnitude de estresse no osso, enquanto mais estresse nos implantes foi observado. Conclusão: Em termos de distribuição de estresse no osso peri-implantar e implantes, o uso de diferentes materiais restauradores não é crucial. Cargas oblíquas resultaram em valores mais altos de estresse, e o design de prótese sintetizada resultou em menor estresse. (AU)

Implantes Dentários , Prótese Dentária , Análise de Elementos Finitos , Fenômenos Biomecânicos
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559786


Introducción: El estudio de los patrones del movimiento técnico deportivo implica analizar sus componentes biomecánicos, teniendo en cuenta el carácter multifactorial del rendimiento deportivo. Objetivo: Describir la mecánica del movimiento del tiro penalti en futbolistas categorías sub-12 y sub-17. Métodos: Estudio cuasi experimental de orden correlativo. Se estudiaron ocho variables biomecánicas: centro de gravedad en sus dos ejes, inclinación corporal, ángulos femorotibial antes del contacto, ángulos femorotibial luego del contacto, velocidad, aceleración y acierto. Se seleccionaron dos grupos independientes de 30 futbolistas del género masculino, se clasificaron por categorías sub-12 y sub-17, y se analizó su rendimiento mediante videoanálisis. Resultados: Hubo diferencias significativas a favor de la categoría sub-17 en las variables centro de gravedad en el eje X (p = 0,000), en inclinación corporal (p = 0,000), en velocidad (p = 0,000), y en aceleración y acierto (p = 0,000); y diferencias no significativas en el resto (centro de gravedad eje Y: p = 0,267; ángulos femorotibial antes del contacto: p = 0,459; ángulos femorotibial luego del contacto: p = 0,446; y aciertos: p = 0,226). Conclusiones: Todos los rangos promedios sobresalieron en la categoría sub-17, excepto en la variable aciertos, lo que implicó una mayor velocidad y aceleración del pie durante la ejecución del tiro a penal. Sin embargo, la precisión, como componente coordinativo, resultó fundamental en la efectividad del disparo.

Introduction: The study of the patterns of technical sports movement involves analyzing its biomechanical components, taking into account the multifactorial nature of sports performance. Objective: To describe the mechanics of the movement of the penalty kick in U-12 and U-17 football players. Methods: Quasi-experimental study of a correlative order. Eight biomechanical variables were studied: center of gravity in its two axes, body inclination, femorotibial angles before contact, femorotibial angles after contact, speed, acceleration and success. Two independent groups of 30 male footballers were selected, classified by U-12 and U-17 categories, and their performance was analysed through video analysis. Results: There were significant differences in favor of the sub-17 category in the variables center of gravity on the X axis (p = 0.000), body inclination (p = 0.000), speed (p = 0.000), and acceleration and accuracy (p = 0.000); and non-significant differences in the rest (center of gravity Y-axis: p = 0.267; femorotibial angles before contact: p = 0.459; femorotibial angles after contact: p = 0.446; and correct answers: p = 0.226). Conclusions: All the average ranges stood out in the U-17 category, except in the variable hits, which implied a greater speed and acceleration of the foot during the execution of the penalty kick. However, accuracy, as a coordinating component, was fundamental in the effectiveness of the shot.

Cir Cir ; 91(6): 848-857, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38096874


The study of corneal biomechanics has become relevant in recent years due to its possible applications in the diagnosis, management, and treatment of various diseases such as glaucoma, keratorefractive surgery and different corneal diseases. The clinical biomechanical investigation has become of great importance in the setting of refractive surgery to identify patients at higher risk of developing iatrogenic ectasia. This review focuses on two of the technologies available for clinical use, the Ocular Response Analyzer (Reichert Ophthalmic Instruments, Buffalo, NY, USA) and the Corvis ST (Oculus Optikgergäte GmbH, Wetzlar, Germany). Both are non-contact tonometers that provided a clinical evaluation of corneal biomechanics. The fundamentals and main parameters of each device are described, as well as their use in eye surgery and the corneal biomechanical behavior in eye diseases. Finally, we will discuss the more recent Brillouin microscopy biomechanical analysis, and the integration Scheimpflug-based corneal tomography and biomechanical data with artificial intelligence to increase accuracy to detect risk of ectasia.

El estudio de la biomecánica corneal ha cobrado relevancia en los últimos años debido a sus posibles aplicaciones en el diagnóstico, el manejo y el tratamiento de diversas enfermedades, como glaucoma, cirugía queratorrefractiva y diferentes enfermedades corneales. La investigación de la biomecánica corneal es de mucha importancia en el contexto de cirugía refractiva, pues podría identificar pacientes en riesgo de desarrollar una ectasia corneal iatrogénica. Esta revisión se centra en dos de las tecnologías disponibles para uso clínico: el Ocular Response Analyzer (Reichert Ophthalmic Instruments, Buffalo, NY, EE. UU.) y el Corvis ST (Oculus Optikgergäte GmbH, Wetzlar, Alemania). Ambos son tonómetros de no contacto que proporcionan una evaluación clínica de la biomecánica corneal. Se describen los fundamentos y los principales parámetros de cada dispositivo, así como su uso en cirugía ocular y el comportamiento biomecánico corneal en las enfermedades oculares. Finalmente, se mencionan los dispositivos más recientes de análisis biomecánico, como la microscopía de Brillouin, así como la integración de los datos biomecánicos y topográficos basados en Scheimpflug con la inteligencia artificial para aumentar la precisión en la detección del riesgo de ectasias.

Inteligência Artificial , Glaucoma , Humanos , Fenômenos Biomecânicos , Dilatação Patológica , Córnea , Pressão Intraocular
Pensar mov ; 21(2): e53154, jul.-dic. 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1558641


Abstract Jump height continues to be widely used to predict power in humans. Individual progress is often monitored on the basis of estimated power, but prediction equations are based on group data. The objective of the study was to show that vertical jump performance (vJP) and mechanical power are poorly associated, particularly within individuals. Two experiments are presented. First, 52 physically active male college students performed five maximal vertical jumps each. Second, three young male participants performed 50 maximal jumps each. Participants rested for 1 minute between jumps. vJP was calculated from kinematic data as peak body center of mass (BCOM) minus standing BCOM; peak power (PEAKPWR) was calculated from the vertical ground reaction force registered by a force plate, and average power (MEANPWR) during propulsion from the change in potential energy of BCOM. Regression analyses were performed using standardized vJP scores as the predictor variable and standardized power scores as the resulting variables, expecting an identity function of y = x (intercept = 0, slope = 1) and R2 = 1. In experiment 1, the model for zPEAKPWR R2 = 0.9707 (p < 0.0001) but slope (0.3452) ≠ 1 (p < 0.0001). The model for zMEANPWR R2 = 0.9239 (p < 0.0001); nevertheless, slope (0.4257) ≠ 1 (p < 0.0001). In experiment 2, all individual models for zPEAKPWR and zMEANPWR resulted in poor associations (R2 ≤ 0.21) and slopes ≠ 1 (p≤0.001). In conclusion, regression analysis for individuals, and even for groups, confirms that vJP is a poor predictor of mechanical power.

Resumo A altura do salto ainda é amplamente usada para prever a potência em humanos. O progresso individual é frequentemente monitorado usando a estimativa de potência, mas as equações de previsão são baseadas em dados de grupo. O objetivo do estudo é demonstrar que a altura do salto vertical (ASv) e a potência mecânica têm uma correlação débil, principalmente em um mesmo indivíduo. São apresentados dois experimentos: primeiro, 52 estudantes universitários fisicamente ativos realizaram cinco saltos verticais máximos cada um; segundo, três participantes do sexo masculino realizaram 50 saltos máximos cada um. Os participantes descansaram por 1 minuto entre os saltos. A ASv foi calculada a partir de dados cinemáticos como a posição mais alta do centro de massa corporal (CMC) menos o CMC em pé; a potência de pico (PEAKPWR) foi calculada a partir da força de reação vertical registrada por uma plataforma de força e a potência média (MEANPWR) durante a propulsão a partir da mudança na energia potencial do CMC. As análises de regressão foram realizadas usando os escores da ASv padronizados como variável preditora e os escores de potência padronizados como variáveis de resultado, com a expectativa de obter uma função de identidade y = x (interceptação = 0, inclinação = 1) e R2 = 1. No experimento 1, o modelo para zPEAKPWR produziu R2 = 0,9707(p < 0,0001), mas a inclinação (0,3452) ≠ 1 (p = 8,7x10-15). O modelo para zMEANPWR apresentou R2 = 0,9239 (p < 0,0001); no entanto, a inclinação (0,4257) ≠ 1 (p = 1,15x10-5). No experimento 2, todos os modelos individuais para zPEAKPWR e zMEANPWR apresentaram associações débeis (R2 ≤ 0,21) e inclinações ≠ 1(p ≤ 0,001). Em conclusão, a análise de regressão para indivíduos e até mesmo para grupos confirma que a ASv é um indicador débil da potência mecânica.

Resumen La altura del salto se sigue usando ampliamente para predecir la potencia en seres humanos. El progreso individual, a menudo, se monitorea usando una estimación de la potencia, pero las ecuaciones de predicción se basan en datos grupales. El estudio pretende demostrar que la altura del salto vertical (ASv) y la potencia mecánica tienen una pobre correlación, particularmente en un mismo individuo. Se presentan dos experimentos; primero, 52 estudiantes universitarios físicamente activos ejecutaron cinco saltos verticales máximos cada uno; segundo, tres participantes masculinos ejecutaron 50 saltos máximos cada uno. Los participantes descansaron 1 minuto entre saltos. ASv se calculó a partir de los datos cinemáticos como posición más alta del centro de masa corporal (CDM) menos CDM de pie; la potencia pico (PEAKPWR) se calculó a partir de la fuerza vertical de reacción registrada por una plataforma de fuerza y la potencia promedio (MEANPWR) durante la propulsión a partir del cambio en la energía potencial del CDM. Se realizaron análisis de regresión usando puntajes estandarizados de ASv como la variable predictora y puntajes estandarizados de potencia como las variables resultantes, con la expectativa de obtener una función de identidad y = x (intercepto = 0, pendiente = 1) y R2 = 1. En el experimento 1, el modelo para zPEAKPWR arrojó R2 = 0.9707 (p <.0001) pero la pendiente (0.3452) ≠ 1 (p = 8.7x10-15). El modelo para zMEANPWR dio R2 = 0.9239 (p < .0001); sin embargo, la pendiente (0.4257) ≠ 1 (p = 1.15x10-5). En el experimento 2, todos los modelos individuales para zPEAKPWR y zMEANPWR arrojaron asociaciones débiles (R2 ≤ 0.21) y pendientes ≠ 1 (p ≤ .001). En conclusión, el análisis de regresión para individuos y aún para grupos confirma que la ASv es un pobre predictor de la potencia mecánica.

Rev. peru. ginecol. obstet. (En línea) ; 69(4): 00002, oct.-dic. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565781


RESUMEN Demostrar mediante la disección de piezas anatómicas y de imágenes ultrasonográficas prenatales del corazón fetal la presencia del fulcro cardíaco como estructura de fijación que sirve de soporte a la banda miocárdica helicoidal. Se disecaron 6 corazones de fetos entre las 20 y 24 semanas de edad gestacional productos de abortos espontáneos, logrando encontrar el fulcro cardíaco en la proximidad de la aorta y conexiones con fibras miocárdicas. En 50 embarazos simples con fetos entre las 18 y 37 semanas de gestación, mediante ultrasonografía cardíaca fetal se obtuvieron las modalidades 2D, Doppler, color y tridimensión, STIC, HD Flow y speckle tracking, imágenes, medidas del fulcro y su cinética. Con la estrategia descrita se identificó y demostró la presencia del fulcro cardíaco o palanca miocárdica, estableciendo sus características anatómicas, conexiones con fibras miocárdicas del asa cardíaca y la biometría según la edad gestacional. Se formula una hipótesis sobre la biomecánica o cinética del fulcro durante el ciclo cardíaco. Para que el corazón cumpla su función de bomba aspirante e impelente debe poseer un punto de apoyo, una palanca o fulcro, que constituye una especie de unidad músculo-tendinosa. Dicha palanca presenta desplazamientos mixtos durante la torsión y detorsión del miocardio. Sus diámetros aumentan progresivamente a medida que avanza la gestación.

ABSTRACT To demonstrate by dissection of anatomical specimens and prenatal ultrasonographic images of the fetal heart the presence of the cardiac fulcrum as a fixation structure supporting the helical myocardial band. Six hearts of fetuses between 20-24 weeks of gestational age resulting from spontaneous abortions were dissected, finding the cardiac fulcrum in the proximity of the aorta and connections with myocardial fibers. In 50 singleton pregnancies with fetuses between 18-37 weeks of gestation, fetal cardiac ultrasonography was used to obtain 2D, Doppler, color and three-dimensional modalities, STIC, HD Flow and speckle tracking, images, fulcrum measurements and its kinetics. With the described strategy, the presence of the cardiac fulcrum or myocardial lever was identified and demonstrated, establishing its anatomical characteristics, connections with myocardial fibers of the cardiac loop and the biometry according to gestational age. A hypothesis on the biomechanics or kinetics of the fulcrum during the cardiac cycle is formulated. In order for the heart to fulfill its function as an aspirating and impelling pump, it must have a support point, a lever or fulcrum, which constitutes a sort of muscle-tendon unit. This lever presents mixed displacements during myocardial torsion and detorsion. Its diameters increase progressively as gestation advances.

Acta odontol. latinoam ; 36(2): 96-105, Aug. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1513552


ABSTRACT Previous studies by us demonstrated that the consumption of thermally oxidized oil diet adversely affects body growth, lipid metabolism, bone mass and femur biomechanical competence. Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a diet containing fried sunflower oil on the mandible of growing rats. Materials and Method: Male Wistar rats (21±1 day old) (n=21) were assigned at weaning to one of three diets for 8 weeks: a control diet (C), a diet containing sunflower oil (SFO) or a diet containing sunflower oil that had been repeatedly heated (SFOx); both SFO and SFOx were mixed with commercial rat chow at 13% (w/w). The consistency and viscosity of the 3 diets were similar. Zoometrics and food intake were recorded weekly. At wk=8, mandibular growth was assessed by measurements of anatomical points of cleaned bones, and mandible biomechanical competence was assessed to estimate the structural properties of the bone. Statistical analysis was performed by SPSS v. 20.0. Results: Rats fed SFOx diet attained the lowest final body weight (P=0.0074), mandibular weight (P=0.0001) and mandibular /length (P=0.0002). Load bearing capacity (Wf;N), load of yielding (Wy;N) and stiffness (Wy/dy;N/mm) of the mandible were negatively affected by both sunflower oil diets (fresh and fried) (P=0.001; P=0.002; P=0.003, respectively) though SFOx induced the most significant reduction in Wy/dy (C:44.4(5.4) > SFO:36.1(2.1) > SFOx: 26.3(3.7) N/ mm; P=0.003). The deleterious effect of SFOx on mandibular growth was more accentuated on the posterior part of the bone (C:11.4(0.3)=SFO:11.2(0.2)>SFOx: 10.7(0.2) mm; p=0.0005); the anterior/ posterior ratio (C:1.25(0.02)=SFO:1.27(0.02)<SFOx:1.32(0.03); p=0.0001) indicated that SFOx induced mandibular deformation. Conclusion: Consumption of SFOx diet during growth could affect mandibular morphometric properties and biomechanical competence, in terms of bone stiffness.

RESUMEN En estudios previos hemos demostrado los efectos adversos del consumo de una dieta rica en aceite termooxidado sobre el crecimiento corporal, el metabolismo de los lípidos, la masa ósea y la competencia biomecánica del fémur. Objetivo: El objetivo de este trabajo fue investigar el efecto de una dieta rica en aceite de girasol termooxidado (AGX) sobre los parámetros morfométricos y biomecánicos de la mandíbula de rata en crecimiento. Materiales y Método: Ratas macho Wistar de 22±1 días de edad (n=21) recibieron durante 8 semanas una de 3 dietas: control (C); dieta comercial, una dieta suplementada con aceite de girasol (AG) y una dieta suplementada con AGX. La consistencia y la viscosidad de las dietas fueron similares. Los parámetros zoométricos y el consumo de dieta se registraron semanalmente. A T=8, los animales se eutanasiaron y se obtuvieron las hemimandíbulas. El crecimiento mandibular se estimó por medidas morfométricas entre puntos anatómicos y las propiedades estructurales por biomecánica. El análisis estadístico se realizó por SPSS v. 20.0. Resultados: Las ratas alimentadas con AGX presentaron menor peso corporal final (p=0.0074), peso mandibular (p=0.0001) y longitud mandibular (p=0.0002). Las propiedades estructurales de la mandíbula, Wf (p=0.001), Wy (p=0.002) y Wy/dy (p=0.003), se vieron afectadas negativamente en ratas alimentadas con AG o AGX, respecto a C; pero la rigidez ósea (Wy/dy) en AGX fue significativamente menor (C:44.4(5.4) > SFO:36.1(2.1) > SFOx: 26.3(3.7) N/mm; p=0.003). El efecto deletéreo del AGX sobre el crecimiento mandibular fue más acentuado en la región posterior (C:11.4(0.3)=SFO:11.2(0.2)>SFOx: 10.7(0.2) mm; p=0.0005). La relación anterior/posterior (C=1.25 (0.02); AG= 1.27(0.02) y AGX=1.32(0.03), p=0.001) indica que AGX indujo deformación mandibular. Conclusiones: El efecto adverso del consumo de una dieta rica en AGX durante el crecimiento podría afectar los parámetros morfométricos y la biomecánica ósea en términos de rigidez ósea.

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 18(2)ago. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448881


El deporte como fenómeno social, se desarrolla en la actualidad simultáneamente con los adelantos de la ciencia y la tecnología; en este contexto, juega un papel importante la biomecánica que asegura las bases para un verdadero entrenamiento técnico, de ahí que el trabajo está dirigido al uso de la biomecánica en la técnica de pitcheo. Para dar respuesta a esta temática se concibe como objetivo aplicar estudios biomecánicos a la técnica de pitcheo en los lanzadores del equipo de béisbol La Isla de la Juventud. Se utilizaron como métodos el análisis de documentos, la revisión bibliográfica, la observación científica, la entrevista y la técnica del análisis de video con ayuda de un Dron; ello permitió medir magnitudes y valorar el comportamiento de las características que poseen los movimientos ejecutados por los lanzadores objeto de estudio. También, se emplearon dos técnicas de mediciones, una a través de la filmación y otra por procesamiento cinemático con el uso de los softwares como Tracker y Kinovea. La muestra estuvo conformada por ocho sujetos, distribuidos en tres atletas, dos entrenadores y tres investigadores; esto permitió determinar las características de la distancia de paso, ángulo que forma el brazo de lanzar con respecto a la cabeza, altura de la pelota y la velocidad de la pelota ejecutados por los lanzadores investigados.

O esporte, como fenômeno social, está se desenvolvendo simultaneamente com os avanços da ciência e da tecnologia; nesse contexto, a biomecânica desempenha um papel importante para garantir a base de um verdadeiro treinamento técnico, portanto, o trabalho visa ao uso da biomecânica na técnica de arremesso. Para responder a essa questão, o objetivo foi aplicar estudos biomecânicos à técnica de arremesso nos arremessadores do time de beisebol La Isla de la Juventud. Os métodos utilizados foram a análise de documentos, a revisão bibliográfica, a observação científica, a entrevista e a técnica de análise de vídeo com a ajuda de um drone, o que permitiu medir as magnitudes e avaliar o comportamento das características dos movimentos executados pelos arremessadores em estudo. Além disso, foram utilizadas duas técnicas de medição, uma por meio de filmagem e outra por meio de processamento cinemático com o uso de softwares como o Tracker e o Kinovea. A amostra foi composta por oito sujeitos, distribuídos em três atletas, dois técnicos e três pesquisadores, o que nos permitiu determinar as características da distância de arremesso, do ângulo do braço de arremesso em relação à cabeça, da altura da bola e da velocidade da bola executada pelos arremessadores investigados.

Sport as a social phenomenon, currently develops simultaneously with the advances of science and technology; in this context, biomechanics plays an important role that ensures the bases for true technical training; hence the work is directed to the use of biomechanics in throwing technique. To respond to this issue, the objective is to apply biomechanical studies to the throwing technique in the throwers of the La Isla de la Juventud baseball team. Document analysis, bibliographic review, scientific observation, interview and the technique of video analysis with the help of a drone were used as methods; this made it possible to measure magnitudes and assess the behavior of the characteristics of the movements executed by the throwers under study. Also, two measurement techniques were used, one through filming and the other by kinematic processing with the use of software such as Tracker and Kinovea. The sample consisted of eight subjects, divided into three athletes, two coaches and three researchers; this allowed to determine the characteristics of the throw distance, the angle formed by the throwing arm with respect to the head, the height of the ball, and the speed of the ball executed by the investigated throwers.

Rev. esp. cir. ortop. traumatol. (Ed. impr.) ; 67(2): 144-152, Mar-Abr. 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-217116


Background: Calcaneal fractures can be high energy intra-articular injuries associated with joint depression. Challenges to fracture reduction include lateral wall blow out, medial wall overlap, comminution and central bone loss. Secondary deformity such as hindfoot varus alters foot biomechanics. Minimally invasive approaches with indirect reduction of the calcaneal tuberosity to maintain the reduction using posterior screws is routinely being used in the treatment of joint depression fractures. Biomechanically, optimum screw numbers and configuration is not known. Biomechanical studies have evaluated and proposed different screw configurations, however, it is not clear which configuration best controls varus deformity. This study aims to determine the optimum screw configuration to control varus deformity in Sanders 2B calcaneal fractures. Methods: Sawbone models were prepared to replicate Sanders type 2-B fracture, with central bone loss and comminution. 0.5cm medial wedge of the calcaneal tuberosity was removed to create varus instability. After stabilising posterior facet with a single 4mm partial threaded screw, and applied an 8 hole contoured plate to stabilise the angle of Gissane, inserted one or two 7mm cannulated partially threaded Charlotte™ (Wright Medical Technology, Inc. 5677 Airline Road Arlington, TN) Headless Multi-use Compression (under image guidance) extra screws to control varus and subsidence deformity of the fracture. Coronal plane displacement of the dissociated calcaneal tuberosity fragment relative to the body when applying 5N, 10N and 20N force was measured in millimetres (mm). Results: 2 screws inserted (one medial screw into the sustentaculum talus from inferior to superior and, one lateral screw into the long axis anterior process) provides the least displacement (0.88±0.390 at 5N and 1.7±1.251 at 20N) and the most stable construct (p<0.05) when compared to other configurations...(AU)

Introducción: Las fracturas de calcáneo suelen ser lesiones intraarticulares de alta energía asociadas con hundimiento articular. Además, se añade con frecuencia el estallido de la pared lateral, la superposición de la pared medial, la conminución y la pérdida de hueso bajo la carilla articular. La deformidad secundaria, como el varo del retropié, altera la biomecánica del pie. Nuestra comunidad utiliza cada vez más abordajes mínimamente invasivos con reducción indirecta de la tuberosidad del calcáneo para mantener la reducción mediante tornillos posteriores. Hay estudios que proponen diferentes configuraciones de tornillos, tras experimentación biomecánica, pero aún no es bien conocido qué configuración controla mejor la deformidad en varo. Este estudio tiene como objetivo determinar la configuración óptima del tornillo para controlar la deformidad en varo en las fracturas de calcáneo Sanders 2B. Método: Se prepararon modelos en Sawbone para replicar la fractura de Sanders tipo 2B, con pérdida de hueso central y con conminución. Se eliminó una cuña medial de 0,5cm de la tuberosidad calcánea para crear inestabilidad en varo. Tras estabilizar el ángulo de Gissane con un tornillo aislado parcialmente roscado de 4mm y una placa moldeada, se utilizaron tornillos de compresión multiuso Charlotte (Wright Medical Technology, Inc. 5677 Airline Road Arlington, TN) sin cabeza, canulados y parcialmente roscados de 7mm insertados sobre una AK bajo escopia. El desplazamiento del plano sagital del fragmento de tuberosidad fracturado en comparación con el cuerpo al aplicar una fuerza de 5N, 10N y 20N se midió en milímetros (mm). Resultados: Dos tornillos insertados (un tornillo medial en el sustenaculum tali de inferior a superior y un tornillo lateral en el eje largo del astrágalo) proporciona el menor desplazamiento (0,88±0,390 a 5N y 1,7±1,251 a 20N) y resulta la construcción más estable (p<0,05) en comparación con otras configuraciones...(AU)

Humanos , Parafusos Ósseos , Calcâneo/lesões , Calcanhar/cirurgia , Fenômenos Biomecânicos , Ortopedia
Rev. esp. cir. ortop. traumatol. (Ed. impr.) ; 67(2): T144-T15, Mar-Abr. 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-217117


Background: Calcaneal fractures can be high energy intra-articular injuries associated with joint depression. Challenges to fracture reduction include lateral wall blow out, medial wall overlap, comminution and central bone loss. Secondary deformity such as hindfoot varus alters foot biomechanics. Minimally invasive approaches with indirect reduction of the calcaneal tuberosity to maintain the reduction using posterior screws is routinely being used in the treatment of joint depression fractures. Biomechanically, optimum screw numbers and configuration is not known. Biomechanical studies have evaluated and proposed different screw configurations, however, it is not clear which configuration best controls varus deformity. This study aims to determine the optimum screw configuration to control varus deformity in Sanders 2B calcaneal fractures. Methods: Sawbone models were prepared to replicate Sanders type 2-B fracture, with central bone loss and comminution. 0.5cm medial wedge of the calcaneal tuberosity was removed to create varus instability. After stabilising posterior facet with a single 4mm partial threaded screw, and applied an 8 hole contoured plate to stabilise the angle of Gissane, inserted one or two 7mm cannulated partially threaded Charlotte™ (Wright Medical Technology, Inc. 5677 Airline Road Arlington, TN) Headless Multi-use Compression (under image guidance) extra screws to control varus and subsidence deformity of the fracture. Coronal plane displacement of the dissociated calcaneal tuberosity fragment relative to the body when applying 5N, 10N and 20N force was measured in millimetres (mm). Results: 2 screws inserted (one medial screw into the sustentaculum talus from inferior to superior and, one lateral screw into the long axis anterior process) provides the least displacement (0.88±0.390 at 5N and 1.7±1.251 at 20N) and the most stable construct (p<0.05) when compared to other configurations...(AU)

Introducción: Las fracturas de calcáneo suelen ser lesiones intraarticulares de alta energía asociadas con hundimiento articular. Además, se añade con frecuencia el estallido de la pared lateral, la superposición de la pared medial, la conminución y la pérdida de hueso bajo la carilla articular. La deformidad secundaria, como el varo del retropié, altera la biomecánica del pie. Nuestra comunidad utiliza cada vez más abordajes mínimamente invasivos con reducción indirecta de la tuberosidad del calcáneo para mantener la reducción mediante tornillos posteriores. Hay estudios que proponen diferentes configuraciones de tornillos, tras experimentación biomecánica, pero aún no es bien conocido qué configuración controla mejor la deformidad en varo. Este estudio tiene como objetivo determinar la configuración óptima del tornillo para controlar la deformidad en varo en las fracturas de calcáneo Sanders 2B. Método: Se prepararon modelos en Sawbone para replicar la fractura de Sanders tipo 2B, con pérdida de hueso central y con conminución. Se eliminó una cuña medial de 0,5cm de la tuberosidad calcánea para crear inestabilidad en varo. Tras estabilizar el ángulo de Gissane con un tornillo aislado parcialmente roscado de 4mm y una placa moldeada, se utilizaron tornillos de compresión multiuso Charlotte (Wright Medical Technology, Inc. 5677 Airline Road Arlington, TN) sin cabeza, canulados y parcialmente roscados de 7mm insertados sobre una AK bajo escopia. El desplazamiento del plano sagital del fragmento de tuberosidad fracturado en comparación con el cuerpo al aplicar una fuerza de 5N, 10N y 20N se midió en milímetros (mm). Resultados: Dos tornillos insertados (un tornillo medial en el sustenaculum tali de inferior a superior y un tornillo lateral en el eje largo del astrágalo) proporciona el menor desplazamiento (0,88±0,390 a 5N y 1,7±1,251 a 20N) y resulta la construcción más estable (p<0,05) en comparación con otras configuraciones...(AU)

Humanos , Parafusos Ósseos , Calcâneo/lesões , Calcanhar/cirurgia , Fenômenos Biomecânicos , Ortopedia
Rev Esp Cir Ortop Traumatol ; 67(3): T216-T225, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36863523


INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: Distal femoral fractures represent a problem due to their high number of complications. The aim was to compare the results, complications and stability achieved with retrograde intramedullary nailing and the angular stable plate in the treatment of distal femoral diaphyseal fractures. MATERIAL AND METHOD: A clinical and experimental biomechanical study was carried out using finite elements. The results of the simulations allowed us to obtain the main results related to the stability of osteosynthesis. For clinical follow-up data, frequencies were used for qualitative variables, and Fisher's exact test and χ2 test were used to evaluate the significance of the different factors, with the condition of P<.05. RESULTS: In the biomechanical study, the retrograde intramedullar nails demonstrated superiority, obtaining lower values in terms of global displacement, maximum tension, torsion resistance, and bending resistance. In the clinical study, the rate of consolidation of the plates was lower than nails (77% vs. 96%, P=.02). The factor that most influenced the healing of fractures treated with plate were the central cortical thickness (P=.019). The factor that most influenced the healing of nail-treated fractures was the difference between the diameter of the medullary canal and the nail. CONCLUSIONS: Our biomechanical study shows that both osteosynthesis provide sufficient stability, but biomechanically behaves differently. Nails provide greater overall stability being preferable the use of long nails adjusted to the diameter of the canal. Plates form less rigid osteosynthesis, with little resistance to bending.

Rev. int. med. cienc. act. fis. deporte ; 23(89): 1-15, mar. 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-219867


The purpose of this study was to determine the foot strike pattern (FSP), inversion (INV) and spatial-temporal variables in a large sample of recreational runners during a long-distance competition, according to sex and changes in the classification race. A total of 368 men and 67 women, who participated in the XVII International Half Marathon of Cordoba (Spain) were analysed. It was recorded at km 5 and km 15, where high-speed camcorder and 2D-photogrammetric techniques were used to measure FSP, INV, contact time (CT) and flight time (FT). The group that worsened their classification at km 15 increase RFS prevalence and INV asymmetry. A Pearson analysis indicates that variation of the classification in the race between the marks km 5 and km 15 is related with CT (r=0.429, p<0.001) and FT (r=-0.360, p<0.001). RFS prevalence and spatial-temporal parameters showed different patterns depending on whether the runners improved or worsened their ranking. (AU)

El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el patrón de pisada, inversión y variables espaciotemporales para una amplia muestra de corredores amateurs, durante una carrera de larga distancia, según sexo y posición de clasificación. Se analizaron 368 hombres y 67 mujeres, que participaron en la XVII Media Maratón Internacional de Córdoba (España). Se registró el km 5 y km 15, utilizando técnicas de fotogrametría 2D de alta velocidad para medir la pisada, la inversión, el tiempo de contacto (TC) y el tiempo de vuelo (TV). El grupo que empeoró su clasificación en el km 15 aumentó la prevalencia de FSP y la asimetría del INV. Un análisis de Pearson indica que la variación de la clasificación en la carrera está relacionada con TC (r=0,429, p<0,001) y TV (r=-0,360, p<0,001). La prevalencia de retropié y los parámetros espaciotemporales mostraron diferentes patrones dependiendo de si los corredores mejoraron o empeoraron su clasificación. (AU)

Humanos , Corrida , Resistência Física , Fadiga , Espanha , Fenômenos Biomecânicos , Desempenho Físico Funcional
Rev Esp Cir Ortop Traumatol ; 67(3): 216-225, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36649756


INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: Distal femoral fractures represent a problem due to their high number of complications. The aim was to compare the results, complications and stability achieved with retrograde intramedullary nailing and the angular stable plate in the treatment of distal femoral diaphyseal fractures. MATERIAL AND METHOD: A clinical and experimental biomechanical study was carried out using finite elements. The results of the simulations allowed us to obtain the main results related to the stability of osteosynthesis. For clinical follow-up data, frequencies were used for qualitative variables, and Fisher's exact test and χ2 test were used to evaluate the significance of the different factors, with the condition of P<.05. RESULTS: In the biomechanical study, the retrograde intramedullar nails demonstrated superiority, obtaining lower values in terms of global displacement, maximum tension, torsion resistance, and bending resistance. In the clinical study, the rate of consolidation of the plates was lower than nails (77% vs. 96%, P=.02). The factor that most influenced the healing of fractures treated with plate were the central cortical thickness (P=.019). The factor that most influenced the healing of nail-treated fractures was the difference between the diameter of the medullary canal and the nail. CONCLUSIONS: Our biomechanical study shows that both osteosynthesis provide sufficient stability, but biomechanically behaves differently. Nails provide greater overall stability being preferable the use of long nails adjusted to the diameter of the canal. Plates form less rigid osteosynthesis, with little resistance to bending.

Rev. esp. cir. ortop. traumatol. (Ed. impr.) ; 67(1): 50-55, Ene-Feb. 2023. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-214353


Antecedentes y objetivo: Las fracturas de falange proximal (FP) son las fracturas más frecuentes de la mano. En los últimos años, se ha descrito el uso de tornillos endomedulares sin cabeza (TESC) para las fracturas inestables transversas u oblicuas de la FP. A pesar de que tanto la técnica anterógrada como retrógrada con TESC han mostrado buenos resultados, no se ha publicado ningún estudio comparativo de su uso en fracturas de FP. Nuestro objetivo es determinar la estabilidad que se obtiene con el uso de TESC retrógrados y anterógrados en un modelo en cadáver de fractura transversa proximal de FP, a dos niveles diferentes. Material y métodos: Realizamos un estudio biomecánico en 30 modelos de fractura de FP de cadáver fresco-congelado. La osteotomía se realizó a los 9 mm desde la articulación metacarpofalángica (MCF) en 15 especímenes, y a una distancia de 15 mm en los otros 15. A su vez, en cada grupo, cinco osteotomías se estabilizaron con un TESC anterógrado intraarticular, cinco mediante un TESC anterógrado transarticular y cinco con un TESC retrógrado. Resultados: La fijación con TESC anterógrado en osteotomías realizadas a los 9 mm (tanto con la técnica transarticular como intraarticular, 62,74 N y 70,86 N, respectivamente) fue más estable que la fijación con TESC retrógrado (32,72 N) (p 0,022). Por otra parte, la fijación con TESC retrógrado fue más estable en el modelo de fractura más distal (90,52 N retrógrado vs. 57,64 N transarticular vs. 42,92 N intraarticular (p = 0,20). Conclusiones: La fijación con TESC retrógrado ofrece más estabilidad en fracturas más distales, mientras que las técnicas anterógradas son más estables en fracturas proximales.(AU)

Background and objective: Phalangeal fractures are the most common hand fractures. In the last years, intramedullary compression screw (IMHCS) for instable transverse or short oblique proximal P1 fractures have been described. Although both anterograde (intraarticular or trans-articular) and retrograde IMHCS techniques have shown good results, no comparison between anterograde and retrograde screw in P1 fractures has been published. We sought to determine stability with retrograde IMHCS and anterograde IMHCS, both trans-articular and intra-articular technique, in a cadaveric transverse proximal P1 fracture model, at two different levels. Material and methods: We performed a biomechanical study in 30 fresh-frozen human cadaveric P1 fracture model. Fracture was performed at 9-mm from the metacarpo-phalangeal (MCP) joint in 15 specimens, whereas it was done at 15 mm in the other 15. In turn, in each group, five fractures were stabilized with an anterograde intra-articular IMHCS, five with anterograde trans-articular IMHCS and other five with retrograde IMHCS. Results: Anterograde IMHCS fixation in 9-mm P1 fractures (both trans- and intra-articular technique, 62.74 N and 70.86 N, respectively) was found to be more stable than retrograde IMHCS one (32.72 N) (p = 0.022). Otherwise, retrograde IMHCS fixation was found to be more stable in more distal P1 fractures (90.52 N retrograde vs. 57.64 N trans-articular vs. 42.92 N intra-articular; p = 0.20). Conclusions: Anterograde IMHCS fixation in proximal transverse P1 bone cut in a cadaveric model provides more stability than retrograde IMHCS, while retrograde screw provides more stability when the bone cut is located more distal.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Falanges dos Dedos da Mão/cirurgia , Fraturas Ósseas , Cadáver , Articulação Metacarpofalângica , Ortopedia , Procedimentos Ortopédicos
Rev. esp. cir. ortop. traumatol. (Ed. impr.) ; 67(1): T50-T55, Ene-Feb. 2023. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-214354


Background and objective: Phalangeal fractures are the most common hand fractures. In the last years, intramedullary compression screw (IMHCS) for instable transverse or short oblique proximal P1 fractures have been described. Although both anterograde (intraarticular or trans-articular) and retrograde IMHCS techniques have shown good results, no comparison between anterograde and retrograde screw in P1 fractures has been published. We sought to determine stability with retrograde IMHCS and anterograde IMHCS, both trans-articular and intra-articular technique, in a cadaveric transverse proximal P1 fracture model, at two different levels. Material and methods: We performed a biomechanical study in 30 fresh-frozen human cadaveric P1 fracture model. Fracture was performed at 9-mm from the metacarpo-phalangeal (MCP) joint in 15 specimens, whereas it was done at 15 mm in the other 15. In turn, in each group, five fractures were stabilized with an anterograde intra-articular IMHCS, five with anterograde trans-articular IMHCS and other five with retrograde IMHCS. Results: Anterograde IMHCS fixation in 9-mm P1 fractures (both trans- and intra-articular technique, 62.74 N and 70.86 N, respectively) was found to be more stable than retrograde IMHCS one (32.72 N) (p = 0.022). Otherwise, retrograde IMHCS fixation was found to be more stable in more distal P1 fractures (90.52 N retrograde vs. 57.64 N trans-articular vs. 42.92 N intra-articular; p = 0.20). Conclusions: Anterograde IMHCS fixation in proximal transverse P1 bone cut in a cadaveric model provides more stability than retrograde IMHCS, while retrograde screw provides more stability when the bone cut is located more distal.(AU)

Antecedentes y objetivo: Las fracturas de falange proximal (FP) son las fracturas más frecuentes de la mano. En los últimos años, se ha descrito el uso de tornillos endomedulares sin cabeza (TESC) para las fracturas inestables transversas u oblicuas de la FP. A pesar de que tanto la técnica anterógrada como retrógrada con TESC han mostrado buenos resultados, no se ha publicado ningún estudio comparativo de su uso en fracturas de FP. Nuestro objetivo es determinar la estabilidad que se obtiene con el uso de TESC retrógrados y anterógrados en un modelo en cadáver de fractura transversa proximal de FP, a dos niveles diferentes. Material y métodos: Realizamos un estudio biomecánico en 30 modelos de fractura de FP de cadáver fresco-congelado. La osteotomía se realizó a los 9 mm desde la articulación metacarpofalángica (MCF) en 15 especímenes, y a una distancia de 15 mm en los otros 15. A su vez, en cada grupo, cinco osteotomías se estabilizaron con un TESC anterógrado intraarticular, cinco mediante un TESC anterógrado transarticular y cinco con un TESC retrógrado. Resultados: La fijación con TESC anterógrado en osteotomías realizadas a los 9 mm (tanto con la técnica transarticular como intraarticular, 62,74 N y 70,86 N, respectivamente) fue más estable que la fijación con TESC retrógrado (32,72 N) (p 0,022). Por otra parte, la fijación con TESC retrógrado fue más estable en el modelo de fractura más distal (90,52 N retrógrado vs. 57,64 N transarticular vs. 42,92 N intraarticular (p = 0,20). Conclusiones: La fijación con TESC retrógrado ofrece más estabilidad en fracturas más distales, mientras que las técnicas anterógradas son más estables en fracturas proximales.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Falanges dos Dedos da Mão/cirurgia , Fraturas Ósseas , Cadáver , Articulação Metacarpofalângica , Ortopedia , Procedimentos Ortopédicos
Rev Esp Cir Ortop Traumatol ; 67(2): 144-152, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35809779


BACKGROUND: Calcaneal fractures can be high energy intra-articular injuries associated with joint depression. Challenges to fracture reduction include lateral wall blow out, medial wall overlap, comminution and central bone loss. Secondary deformity such as hindfoot varus alters foot biomechanics. Minimally invasive approaches with indirect reduction of the calcaneal tuberosity to maintain the reduction using posterior screws is routinely being used in the treatment of joint depression fractures. Biomechanically, optimum screw numbers and configuration is not known. Biomechanical studies have evaluated and proposed different screw configurations, however, it is not clear which configuration best controls varus deformity. This study aims to determine the optimum screw configuration to control varus deformity in Sanders 2B calcaneal fractures. METHODS: Sawbone models were prepared to replicate Sanders type 2-B fracture, with central bone loss and comminution. 0.5cm medial wedge of the calcaneal tuberosity was removed to create varus instability. After stabilising posterior facet with a single 4mm partial threaded screw, and applied an 8 hole contoured plate to stabilise the angle of Gissane, inserted one or two 7mm cannulated partially threaded Charlotte™ (Wright Medical Technology, Inc. 5677 Airline Road Arlington, TN) Headless Multi-use Compression (under image guidance) extra screws to control varus and subsidence deformity of the fracture. Coronal plane displacement of the dissociated calcaneal tuberosity fragment relative to the body when applying 5N, 10N and 20N force was measured in millimetres (mm). RESULTS: 2 screws inserted (one medial screw into the sustentaculum talus from inferior to superior and, one lateral screw into the long axis anterior process) provides the least displacement (0.88±0.390 at 5N and 1.7±1.251 at 20N) and the most stable construct (p<0.05) when compared to other configurations. A single medial screw into the sustentaculum tali (conf. 3) resulted in the least stable construct and most displacement (4.04±0.971 at 5N and 11.24±7.590 at 20N) (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates the optimal screw configuration to resist varus in calcaneal fractures using minimally invasive techniques. Optimal stability is achieved using 2 screws; one located along the long axis of the calcaneus (varus control) and the other placed in the short axis directed towards the posterior facet of the calcaneus (control varus and subsidence). Further cadaver research would help evaluate optimal screw placement in simulated fractures to further assess reproducibility.

Traumatismos do Tornozelo , Traumatismos do Pé , Fraturas Ósseas , Fraturas Cominutivas , Hallux Varus , Traumatismos do Joelho , Humanos , Fixação Interna de Fraturas/métodos , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , , Parafusos Ósseos
Rev Esp Cir Ortop Traumatol ; 67(1): T50-T55, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36243394


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Phalangeal fractures are the most common hand fractures. In the last years, intramedullary compression screw (IMHCS) for instable transverse or short oblique proximal P1 fractures have been described. Although both anterograde (intraarticular or trans-articular) and retrograde IMHCS techniques have shown good results, no comparison between anterograde and retrograde screw in P1 fractures has been published. We sought to determine stability with retrograde IMHCS and anterograde IMHCS, both trans-articular and intra-articular technique, in a cadaveric transverse proximal P1 fracture model, at two different levels. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We performed a biomechanical study in 30 fresh-frozen human cadaveric P1 fracture model. Fracture was performed at 9-mm from the metacarpo-phalangeal (MCP) joint in 15 specimens, whereas it was done at 15mm in the other 15. In turn, in each group, five fractures were stabilised with an anterograde intra-articular IMHCS, five with anterograde trans-articular IMHCS and other five with retrograde IMHCS. RESULTS: Anterograde IMHCS fixation in 9-mm P1 fractures (both trans- and intra-articular technique, 62.74N and 70.86N, respectively) was found to be more stable than retrograde IMHCS one (32.72N) (p=0.022). Otherwise, retrograde IMHCS fixation was found to be more stable in more distal P1 fractures (90.52N retrograde vs. 57.64N trans-articular vs. 42.92N intra-articular; p=0.20). CONCLUSIONS: Anterograde IMHCS fixation in proximal transverse P1 bone cut in a cadaveric model provides more stability than retrograde IMHCS, while retrograde screw provides more stability when the bone cut is located more distal.

Fixação Intramedular de Fraturas , Fraturas Ósseas , Traumatismos da Mão , Humanos , Fraturas Ósseas/cirurgia , Parafusos Ósseos , Articulações , Cadáver , Fixação Intramedular de Fraturas/métodos , Fenômenos Biomecânicos , Fixação Interna de Fraturas/métodos