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J Anim Ecol ; 93(3): 281-293, 2024 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38243658


The loose-equilibrium concept (LEC) predicts that ecological assemblages change transiently but return towards an earlier or average structure. The LEC framework can help determine whether assemblages vary within expected ranges or are permanently altered following environmental change. Long-lived, slow-growing animals typically respond slowly to environmental change, and their assemblage dynamics may respond over decades, which transcends most ecological studies. Unionid mussels are valuable for studying dynamics of long-lived animals because they can live >50 years and occur in dense, species-rich assemblages (mussel beds). Mussel beds can persist for decades, but disturbance can affect species differently, resulting in variable trajectories according to differences in species composition within and among rivers. We used long-term data sets (10-40 years) from seven rivers in the eastern United States to evaluate the magnitude, pace and directionality of mussel assemblage change within the context of the LEC. Site trajectories varied within and among streams and showed patterns consistent with either the LEC or directional change. In streams that conformed to the LEC, rank abundance of dominant species remained stable over time, but directional change in other streams was driven by changes in the rank abundance and composition of dominant species. Characteristics of mussel assemblage change varied widely, ranging from those conforming to the LEC to those showing strong directional change. Conservation approaches that attempt to maintain or create a desired assemblage condition should acknowledge this wide range of possible assemblage trajectories and that the environmental factors that influence those changes remain poorly understood.

Bivalves , Peixes , Animais , Água Doce , Rios , Ecossistema
Ecol Lett ; 26(7): 1132-1144, 2023 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37125464


Disturbance and environmental change may cause communities to converge on a steady state, diverge towards multiple alternative states or remain in long-term transience. Yet, empirical investigations of successional trajectories are rare, especially in systems experiencing multiple concurrent anthropogenic drivers of change. We examined succession in old field grassland communities subjected to disturbance and nitrogen fertilization using data from a long-term (22-year) experiment. Regardless of initial disturbance, after a decade communities converged on steady states largely determined by resource availability, where species turnover declined as communities approached dynamic equilibria. Species favoured by the disturbance were those that eventually came to dominate the highly fertilized plots. Furthermore, disturbance made successional pathways more direct revealing an important interaction effect between nutrients and disturbance as drivers of community change. Our results underscore the dynamical nature of grassland and old field succession, demonstrating how community properties such as ß diversity change through transient and equilibrium states.

Pradaria , Nutrientes , Nitrogênio , Ecossistema
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;62(supl.3): 283-298, Jul.-Sep. 2014. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-757332


Coral reefs have largely declined across the northeastern Caribbean following the 2005 massive bleaching event. Climate change-related sea surface warming and coral disease outbreaks of a white plague-like syndrome and of yellow band disease (YBD) have caused significant coral decline affecting massive reef building species (i.e., Orbicella annularis species complex) which show no apparent signs of recovery through larval sexual recruitment. We addressed coral recruit densities across three spur and groove reef locations along the western shelf of remote Mona Island, Puerto Rico: Punta Capitán (PCA), Pasa de Las Carmelitas (PLC), and Las Carmelitas-South (LCS). Data were collected during November 2012 along 93 haphazard transects across three depth zones (<5m, 5-10m, 10-15m). A total of 32 coral species (9 octocorals, 1 hydrocoral, 22 scleractinians) were documented among the recruit community. Communities had low densities and dominance by short-lived brooder species seven years after the 2005 event. Mean coral recruit density ranged from 1.2 to 10.5/m2 at PCA, 6.3 to 7.2/m² at LCS, 4.5 to 9.5/m² at PLC. Differences in coral recruit community structure can be attributed to slight variation in percent macroalgal cover and composition as study sites had nearly similar benthic spatial heterogeneity. Dominance by ephemeral coral species was widespread. Recovery of largely declining massive reef-building species such as the O. annularis species complex was limited or non-existent. The lack of recovery could be the combined result of several mechanisms involving climate change, YBD disease, macroalgae, fishing, urchins and Mona Island’s reefs limited connectivity to other reef systems. There is also for rehabilitation of fish trophic structure, with emphasis in recovering herbivore guilds and depleted populations of D. antillarum. Failing to recognize the importance of ecosystem-based management and resilience rehabilitation may deem remote coral reefs recovery unlikely.

Los arrecifes de coral han disminuido en gran medida en el noreste del Caribe después de los blanqueamientos y muerte masiva de coral en el 2005. El calentamiento superficial del mar relacionado con el cambio climático y brotes de enfermedades en corales como el sindrome de plaga blanca y la enfermedad de banda amarilla (YBD) han causado una disminución significativa de coral de arrecife afectando las especies constructoras de coral (es decir, el complejo de especies Orbicella annularisOrbicella annularis) que no muestran signos evidentes de recuperación a través del reclutamiento larval sexual. Nos centramos en las densidades de coral recluta en tres sitios de coral espuela y surco a lo largo de la plataforma occidental de la remota Isla de Mona, Puerto Rico: Punta Capitán (PCA), Pasa de Las Carmelitas (PLC) y Las Carmelitas-Sur (LCS). Los datos fueron recolectados durante noviembre de 2012 a lo largo de 93 transectos a través de tres zonas de profundidad (<5m, 5-10m, 10-15m). Se documentaron un total de 32 especies de corales (9 octocorales, 1 hidrocoral, 22 scleractinios) entre la comunidad coral recluta. Comunidades de coral recluta mostraron bajas densidades y predominancia por especies criadoras rápidas durante siete años después del evento del 2005. La densidad coral recluta varió entre 1.2 y 10.5/m² en el PCA, 6.3 y 7.2/m² en LCS, 4.5 a 9.5/m² en el PLC. Diferencias en la estructura de la comunidad coral recluta pueden atribuirse a la ligera variación en el porcentaje de cobertura de macroalgas y composición en los sitios de estudio que tenían una heterogeneidad espacial bentónica muy similar. Tendencias en el predominio de las especies de coral efímeras fueron generalizadas. Recuperación de especies de arrecife con alta disminución como la especie O. annularis del complejo de especies fue muy limitado e incluso inexistente a través de zonas extensas de arrecife. La falta de recuperación puede ser el resultado combinado de varios mecanismos que implican cambio climático, brotes crónicos de YBD, macroalgas, pesca, erizos y conectividad limitada de los arrecifes de la isla Mona a otros sistemas de arrecife. También hay una necesidad de impulsar la rehabilitación de la estructura trófica de peces, con énfasis en la recuperación de gremios herbívoros y las poblaciones agotadas de D. antillarum. Al no reconocer la importancia de la gestión de rehabilitación y capacidad de recuperación basado en los ecosistemas se estima que la recuperación de arrecifes de coral es muy improbable.