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Zookeys ; 1208: 1-48, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39100127


The species of the hoverfly genus Paramixogaster Brunetti, 1923 from the Oriental Region are revised. The resulting number of valid species is 15, of which the following four are described as new: P.halmaherensis Reemer, sp. nov., P.jubata Reemer, sp. nov., P.kodaiana Sankararaman & Reemer, sp. nov., and P.sulawesiana Reemer, sp. nov. Three new synonymies are established: Paramicrodondecipiens de Meijere, 1917, syn. nov. is a junior synonym of Microdonvespiformis de Meijere, 1908; Paramixogasterwegneri Keiser, 1964, syn. nov. is a junior synonym of Ceratophyaindica Doleschall, 1857; Microdonsubpetiolatus Thompson, 2020, syn. nov. is a junior synonym of Microdoncontractus Brunetti, 1923. Paramixogasterhuoi Reemer, nom. nov. is introduced as a replacement name for P.trifasciatus Huo & Zhao, 2022, which is a primary homonym of P.trifasciatus Ssymank & Reemer, 2016. Neotypes are designated for Paramixogastericariiformis Pendlebury, 1927 and Myxogastervariegata Sack, 1922, and a lectotype is designated for Microdonvespiformis de Meijere, 1908. An identification key to the species and diagnoses for all species are provided.

Zookeys ; 1208: 259-274, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39119012


Two new marine nematode species belonging to the genus Halichoanolaimus from the intertidal zone of the Yellow Sea are described. Halichoanolaimussinensis sp. nov. is characterized by amphideal fovea with 2.5-3.0 turns, 20-27% of corresponding body diameters; spicules curved, middle portion broad, tapering distally, 1.4-1.5 cloacal body diameters long; gubernaculum slender consisting of two detached lateral pieces tapering distally; 10-13 papilliform precloacal supplements in two groups, the posterior three supplements smaller and closer to each other, the remaining supplements larger and widely spaced; tail conico-cylindrical with a half cylindrical portion. The second new species, Halichoanolaimuszhangi sp. nov. is distinct by having lateral differentiation present except in anterior half of pharynx which has even punctations, amphideal fovea with 3.0-3.3 turns, spicules curved, gradually narrowing from proximal to distal end with pointed tip, 7 papilliform precloacal supplements, gradually increasing the spacing distance forward, two rows of subventral conical setae situated at the precloacal region, tail elongated, filiform. An updated key to 30 valid species of Halichoanolaimus is provided.

Zookeys ; 1206: 231-239, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39015532


The Pselaphodes Westwood complex of genera is represented in Hubei Province by four genera and eight species. Recent field work at Wanchaoshan Nature Reserve, Xingshan County revealed a small series of material belonging to this complex. In this paper, we describe Pselaphodeswanchaoshanus sp. nov. and provide new faunistic data for P.nomurai Yin, Li & Zhao. A key to the hitherto known members of Pselaphodes complex that occur in Hubei is provided to facilitate ready species identification.

PhytoKeys ; 244: 89-126, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39022625


Twenty-three species of Strobilanthes Blume with capitate inflorescences are enumerated in Thailand. Strobilanthesphengklaii Kladwong & Chantar., a new species from North-eastern Thailand, is described and illustrated. Strobilanthespaniculiformis J.R.I.Wood, S.phyllostachya Kurz and S.squalens S.Moore are new records in Thailand. Strobilantheskerrii Craib is reinstated, and S.evrardiivar.parviflora J.B.Imlay, S.bombycina J.B.Imlay, Hemigraphishispidula Craib and Sericocalyxthailandicus Bremek. are treated as new synonyms. 19 taxa are lectotypified. A key to species, taxonomic notes and photographs are provided as well as a preliminary conservation assessment and distribution maps.

Zookeys ; 1205: 253-265, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38973972


Two new species of the genus Kingdonella and the first report of a male K.qinghaiensis Zheng, 1990 are presented. The new species K.gandensis sp. nov. has similar morphological features to K.wardi Uvarov, 1933, but it differs from the latter in having 1) the hind tibia black; 2) the epiproct, in males, with a median groove in the basal 1/2 and in the apical 1/4; 3) the denticles of the male epiproct black; 4) the outside of the hind femur reddish-brown on the basal 1/4 and black on the apical 3/4; and 5) the ventral face of the hind femur black on the outer side. The second new species, K.biruensis sp. nov., is morphologically close to K.pienbaensis Zheng, 1980 but differs from the latter in having 1) the length of the middle segment (12th segment) of antennae 1.2 times longer than its width; 2) the subgenital plate sharp-cornered in males; 3) the ovipositor smooth; 4) the upper half of hind femur outside surface with two black spots; and 5) the ventral face of the hind femur black on its outer side, red on the basal 2/3, and black on the apical 1/3 of its inner side. Finally, we provide a key to all known species of Kingdonella.

Zookeys ; 1205: 101-113, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38947166


The clonal raider ant, Ooceraeabiroi, is a queenless species that reproduces asexually, and these traits make it an attractive model system for laboratory research. However, it is unclear where on the ant phylogeny these traits evolved, partly because few closely related species have been described and studied. Here, we describe a new raider ant species, Ooceraeahainingensis sp. nov., from Zhejiang, China. This species is closely related to O.biroi but can be distinguished by the following features: 1) workers of O.hainingensis sp. nov. have an obvious promesonotal suture and a metanotal groove, whereas these characters are ambiguous in O.biroi; and 2) the subpetiolar process of O.hainingensis is prominent and anteroventrally directed like a thumb with sublinear posteroventral margin, while in O.biroi, it is anteroventrally directed but slightly backward-bent. Molecular phylogenetic analyses confirm that O.hainingensis is genetically distinct from O.biroi. Importantly, unlike O.biroi, O.hainingensis has a queen caste with wings and well-developed eyes. This suggests that the loss of the queen caste and transition to asexual reproduction by workers is specific to O.biroi and occurred after that species diverged from closely related congeneric species.

Zookeys ; 1205: 115-167, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38947168


The Old World braconine wasp genus Trigastrotheca Cameron is revised. The genus is recorded from the island of Madagascar for the first time based on two new species, T.christianhenrichi Quicke & Butcher, sp. nov. and T.formosa Quicke & Friedman, sp. nov. Trigastrothecagriffini Quicke, sp. nov. is described from Australia; T.aethiopica Quicke & Friedman, sp. nov. is described from Ethiopia; T.braeti Quicke & Butcher, sp. nov. is described from Congo; T.simba van Noort, sp. nov. is described from Tanzania; T.freidbergi Quicke & Friedman, sp. nov., T.carinata Ranjith, sp. nov., T.flava Ranjith, sp. nov. and T.similidentata Ranjith, sp. nov. are described from India; T.khaoyaiensis Quicke & Butcher, sp. nov., T.naniensis Quicke & Butcher, sp. nov., and T.sublobata Quicke & Butcher, sp. nov. are described from Thailand. Trigastrothecatridentata is recorded from Thailand for the first time. A putative female of T.sureeratae is described for the first time. Acroceriliatricolor Quicke & Ingram, 1993 is transferred into Trigastrotheca, as T.acroceropsis nom. nov. A key is provided for the identification of species.

Zookeys ; 1204: 65-103, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38873217


Four new species of Marphysa are described from Terengganu state on the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia, using morphological and molecular (cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene) data. These species belong to different groups of Marphysa: Marphysakertehensis sp. nov. belongs to Group A (Mossambica), Marphysamerchangensis sp. nov. and Marphysasetiuense sp. nov. belong to Group B (Sanguinea) and Marphysaibaiensis sp. nov. belongs to Group E (Gravelyi). Marphysakertehensis sp. nov. is characterised by having only limbate chaetae, absence of subacicular hooks, three types of pectinate chaetae including wide, thick isodont with short and slender inner teeth, and pectinate branchiae with up to nine branchial filaments. Marphysamerchangensis sp. nov. is characterised by the presence of eyes, unidentate subacicular hooks, four types of pectinate chaetae including wide, thick anodont pectinate chaetae with five long and thick inner teeth, and pectinate branchiae with up to six branchial filaments. Marphysasetiuense sp. nov. has mostly unidentate subacicular hooks (bidentate on several posterior chaetigers), four types of pectinate chaetae including wide, thick anodont pectinate chaetae with seven thick and long inner teeth, and pectinate branchiae with up to five branchial filaments. Marphysaibaiensis sp. nov. has bidentate subacicular hooks throughout, five types of pectinate chaetae, including a heterodont with 12 short and slender inner teeth, and pectinate branchiae with up to eight branchial filaments. The designation of these new species based on morphology is fully supported by molecular data. Habitat descriptions of each species are also included.

Zookeys ; 1205: 17-38, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38938267


Three new species of the water scavenger beetle genus Oocyclus Sharp, 1882 from China (Oocyclusextensus sp. nov., from Xizang, O.latiorificialis sp. nov. and O.ximaensis sp. nov. from Yunnan) are described and illustrated in detail. Additional faunistic data, illustrations of habitus and male genitalia, and a key to Chinese species are provided.

Zookeys ; 1203: 325-354, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38855787


The lycid genus Ponyalis Fairmaire, 1899 is reviewed. Six new species are described from China, including P.longicornis sp. nov., P.truncata sp. nov., P.dabieshanensis sp. nov., P.hainanensis sp. nov., P.quadricollimima sp. nov., and P.zhejiangensis sp. nov. Nine previously known species, including P.alternata (Pic, 1927), P.fukiensis (Bocak, 1999), P.gracilis (Bocak, 1999), P.himalejica (Bourgeois, 1885), P.klapperichi (Bocak, 1999), P.laticornis Fairmaire, 1899, P.nigrohumeralis (Pic, 1939), P.quadricollis (Kiesenwetter, 1874), and P.variabilis Li, Bocak & Pang, 2015 are illustrated with images of the habitus and aedeagi to make the comparisons with the new species. In addition, a distribution map and an identification key to all 24 species of Ponyalis are provided.

Zookeys ; 1204: 313-336, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38894881


Five new species of the genus Stigmus Panzer, 1804 are described and illustrated from Yunnan and Shaanxi provinces of China: S.carinannulatus Li & Ma, sp. nov., S.clypeglabratus Li & Ma, sp. nov., S.flagellipilaris Li & Ma, sp. nov., S.rugidensus Li & Ma, sp. nov., and S.sulciconspicus Li & Ma, sp. nov. In addition, S.solskyi Morawitz, 1864 is recorded in China for the first time. An illustrated key to known and new species of the genus Stigmus Panzer from China is provided.

Zookeys ; 1198: 87-99, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38693973


Platypalpus Macquart is reported in Inner Mongolia, China for the first time. Four new species are found: P.flavipilosussp. nov., P.longussp. nov., P.shengisp. nov. and P.shuimogouanussp. nov. This paper provides a description of the four species and a key to the genus in Inner Mongolia.

J Insect Sci ; 24(3)2024 May 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38703100


Synanthropic silverfish are the best-known and most widely distributed insects of the order Zygentoma. However, there is a great gap in the knowledge and confusion about the geographic distribution and the diagnostic characteristics that allow their identification. In this work, we provide an exhaustive and deep analysis of the most common 9 synanthropic silverfish of the world, combining previously published and newly derived morphological and molecular data. Updated descriptions of Ctenolepisma calvum (Ritter, 1910) and Ctenolepisma (Sceletolepisma) villosum (Fabricius, 1775) are included, and morphological remarks, illustrations, and photographs of the remaining synanthropic species are provided to clarify their diagnosis and differentiation among them and from other free-living species. In addition, Ctenolepisma targionii (Grassi and Rovelli, 1889) is synonymized with C. villosum. A molecular phylogeny is presented based on the COI sequences of all the synanthropic species deposited in BOLD and GenBank, with 15 new sequences provided by this study. This has allowed us to detect and correct a series of identification errors based on the lack of morphological knowledge of several species. Moreover, 2 different lineages of Ctenolepisma longicaudatumEscherich, 1905 have also been detected. To help future studies, we also provide a taxonomic interpretation guide for the most important diagnostic characters of the order Zygentoma, as well as an identification key for all the Synanthropic studied species. Finally, an approximation of the global distribution of synanthropic silverfish is discussed. Several new records indicate that the expansion of these species, generally associated with the transport of goods and people, is still far from over.

Insetos , Filogenia , Animais , Insetos/genética , Insetos/anatomia & histologia , Insetos/classificação , Feminino , Masculino , Distribuição Animal
Mycol Prog ; 23(1): 26, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38585620


Cortinarius (Fr.) Fr. is one of the most species-rich genera in the Agaricales (Basidiomycota). Cortinarius subgen. Dermocybe (Fr.) Trog includes brightly coloured Cortinarii with anthraquinone pigments. The chemotaxonomic approach has always been as important as classical methods for species definition of Dermocybe and helped to improve overall species concepts. However, some species concepts within this group remain unclear. We therefore address this topic based on a combined phylogenetic, morphological, and pigment-chemical approach. For this, sequence data, HPLC-MS pigment profiles and spore sizes were included were included to obtain a better resolution of taxa. The study was based on 173 recent collections and 12 type specimens. A total of 117 rDNA ITS sequences were produced from the collections in this study, 102 sequences were retrieved from databases. We could detect and clearly delimit 19 Dermocybe species occurring in central European habitats, from which 16 are discussed in detail. Additionally, we grouped the detected anthraquinone pigments into four groups. This detailed analysis of dermocyboid Cortinarius species occurring in a restricted number of habitat types confirmed our hypothesis that species diversity is much higher than currently assumed. This high diversity is blurred by too wide and incorrect species concepts of several classical species like C. croceus and C. cinnamomeus. Molecular and chemotaxonomical studies carried out together with careful phenotypical analyses resulted in a good differentiation of species. A key is presented for these taxa to allow a better identification of Cortinarius subgenus Dermocybe spp. occurring in Central Europe mainly in the alpine range. Supplementary Information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s11557-024-01959-z.

Zookeys ; 1196: 255-269, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38586074


Three new species of the leafhopper genus ArboridiaZachvatkin 1946, Arboridia (Arboridia) furcata Han, sp. nov., Arboridia (Arboridia) rubrovittata Han, sp. nov., and Arboridia (Arboridia) robustipenis Han, sp. nov., are described and illustrated from fruit trees in Southwest China. A key and checklist to known species from China are provided.

Zookeys ; 1196: 95-109, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38602272


We describe a new species of redbait in the genus Emmelichthys collected from fish markets on Panay and Cebu islands in the Visayas region of the Philippines. The species is externally similar to E.struhsakeri but is diagnosable by two prominent fleshy papillae associated with the cleithrum and fewer pectoral-fin rays (18-19 vs. 19-21) and gill rakers (30-33 vs. 34-41). Additionally, mitochondrial DNA differentiates this taxon from other species of Emmelichthys. We generate mitochondrial genomes for two of the three type specimens and several other emmelichthyids to place the new taxon in a phylogenetic context. Analysis of the protein-coding mitochondrial loci calls into question the monophyly of two emmelichthyid genera (Emmelichthys and Erythrocles) and highlights the need for subsequent analyses targeting the intrarelationships of the Emmelichthyidae.

J Fungi (Basel) ; 10(4)2024 Apr 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38667945


Cryptothecia and Myriostigma are important elements of crustose lichen communities in tropical to subtropical forests, but little research has been done on these two genera in China. Morphological and molecular phylogenetic approaches to investigate species diversity of Cryptothecia and Myriostigma from Southern China were carried out in this study. We find five species of Cryptothecia and Myriostigma in our study, including three new species (M. flavescens, M. hainana and M. laxipunctata) and two new records (C. bartlettii and C. inexspectata). In addition, a phylogenetic tree based on mtSSU, RPB2 and nLSU illustrates the placement of the five species and supports the delimitation of the three new taxa. Detailed descriptions of morphological, ecological and chemical characteristics and illustrations are provided for every species. A key to all known Chinese Cryptothecia and Myriostigma species is also provided.

Zookeys ; 1193: 19-23, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38455093


The genus Parens comprises small moths, with a wingspan of 9-13 mm, belonging to the family Erebidae. Until now, only four species have been described worldwide. In Korea, only one species, P.occi (Fibiger & Kononenko, 2008) has been known to date. In this study, a new species from Korea, P.fibigerina Lee & Byun, sp. nov., is described. As a result, two Parens species are now known from Korea. Figures of adults, male and female genitalia, and a key to the species of Parens in Korea are provided.

Zookeys ; 1193: 1-18, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38455091


A new species of Cumacea belonging to the genus Dimorphostylis Zimmer was collected from the Dokdo and Ulleung Islands in the East Sea of Korea. The new species, Dimorphostylispilocorpussp. nov., can be distinguished from all other Dimorphostylis species by the combination of the body surface covered with numerous slender simple setae; carapace with one transverse, a pair of frontal, and three pairs of oblique ridges; three pairs of oblique ridges connected on a submedian carina; telson of the female with 1 pair of short simple and 1 short, stout simple seta centrally; 1 pair of stout simple and 3 pairs of short simple setae on the post-anal section; pleonite 5 of male with 1 spiniform seta on the ventral margin; post-anal section with 2 pairs of stout simple setae bearing a single subterminal setule on both sides; terminal margin with 3 stout simple setae; and a central seta slightly longer than the outer pair of setae. Full illustrations of the new species, including the mouthparts, are given in this paper. A key to the Korean species of Dimorphostylis is also provided.

Org Divers Evol ; 24(1): 85-94, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38482159


Recent surveys of Antarctic waters in the Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea) revealed numerous bryozoan species including ctenostome bryozoans. Whereas cheilostome bryozoans are well-studied in these latitudes, ctenostomes remain highly neglected. Large ctenostomes are easily recognized by their lack of calcified skeletons, but this lack also renders them difficult and tedious to identify. As a result, histology and reconstructions of internal soft tissues are required to classify this group of bryozoans. Thanks to the availability of new specimens from Terra Nova Bay, a detailed analysis of growth form, gut morphology and tentacle number of two colonies, initially ascribed to the ctenostome bryozoan genus Alcyonidum Lamouroux, 1813, turned out to be a new species, Alcyonidium kuklinskii sp. nov., which we described in this study. These specimens were also barcoded (COI) and sequences compared to available ones. Together with the new species described here, a total of ten species of Alcyonidium is now known for the Southern Ocean, accounting for one eighth of the entire genus diversity. All Southern Ocean species appear to be endemic. In order to speed the identification of the Antarctic Alcyonidium species, we provide an identification key and a distribution map of all type species. In brief, colony morphology, zooidal size and, in particular tentacle number represent the most suitable characters for identifying species within this genus. Supplementary Information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13127-023-00629-4.