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An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) ; 57(1): 19-25, 20240401.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553543


Introducción: El cáncer de laringe es la neoplasia maligna más común de las vías aerodigestivas superiores. La laringectomía total es el tratamiento de elección en casos avanzados, pero se asocia a una alta tasa de complicaciones. Objetivos: Conocer la prevalencia de las complicaciones posquirúrgicas de la laringectomía total y los factores asociados en pacientes con cáncer de laringe. Materiales y métodos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, retrospectivo, de corte transversal, revisando el comportamiento de la laringectomía total y sus principales complicaciones en la Cátedra y Servicio de Otorrinolaringología del Hospital de Clínicas de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Paraguay, de 2015 a 2022. Se incluyeron pacientes mayores de 18 años, de ambos sexos, postoperados de laringectomía total, con diagnóstico anatomopatológico de neoplasia de laringe. Se excluyeron pacientes no operados, con fichas incompletas o que abandonaron el tratamiento. Se analizaron variables demográficas, clínicas, quirúrgicas y anatomopatológicas. Resultados: Se incluyeron 10 pacientes, todos varones, con edad media de 56,3 ± 10,2 años. El 90% presentaba hábitos tóxicos. La complicación más frecuente fue la fístula faringocutánea (70%), seguida por infección del sitio quirúrgico (10%) y sangrado posoperatorio (10%). El 71,4% de las fístulas se resolvieron con medidas conservadoras. El 30% tenía afectación supraglótica y el 57,1% de los que presentaron complicaciones recibieron radioterapia previa. Conclusión: Las complicaciones de la laringectomía total son frecuentes, principalmente la fístula faringocutánea. La afectación supraglótica y la radioterapia previa se asociaron a mayor tasa de complicaciones. Se requieren estudios prospectivos con muestras más grandes para confirmar estos hallazgos.

Introduction: Laryngeal cancer is the most common malignant neoplasm of the upper aerodigestive tract. Total laryngectomy is the treatment of choice in advanced cases, but it is associated with a high rate of complications. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of postoperative complications of total laryngectomy and associated factors in patients with laryngeal cancer. Materials and methods: Observational, descriptive, retrospective, cross-sectional study, reviewing the behavior of total laryngectomy and its main complications in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology of the Hospital de Clínicas, Faculty of Medical Sciences, National University of Asunción, Paraguay, from 2015 to 2022. Patients over 18 years of age, of both sexes, who underwent total laryngectomy, with anatomopathological diagnosis of laryngeal neoplasm were included. Non-operated patients, those with incomplete records or who abandoned treatment were excluded. Demographic, clinical, surgical and anatomopathological variables were analyzed. Results: Ten patients were included, all male, with a mean age of 56.3 ± 10.2 years. Ninety percent had toxic habits. The most frequent complication was pharyngocutaneous fistula (70%), followed by surgical site infection (10%) and postoperative bleeding (10%). Conservative measures resolved 71.4% of the fistulas. Thirty percent had supraglottic involvement and 57.1% of those who presented complications received previous radiotherapy. Conclusion: Complications of total laryngectomy are frequent, mainly pharyngocutaneous fistula. Supraglottic involvement and previous radiotherapy were associated with a higher rate of complications. Prospective studies with larger samples are required to confirm these findings.

Neoplasias Laríngeas/patologia , Laringectomia , Testes Hematológicos
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556971


Introducción: El cáncer de cabeza y cuello constituye el 3,8 % de las neoplasias malignas y 2,3 % de las muertes por cáncer; más frecuente entre la sexta y séptima década de la vida. El cáncer laríngeo es el tumor maligno no cutáneo más común (30-40 %) entre los tumores de cabeza y cuello y segundo cáncer más frecuente del aparato respiratorio; razón hombre/mujer de hasta 10:1, reducida con el incremento del tabaquismo en la mujer. La laringectomía parcial y la radioterapia son métodos terapéuticos efectivos en el tratamiento de pacientes con cáncer laríngeo precoz, comparables en tasas de supervivenciay conservación de la laríngea. Objetivo: Evaluar la supervivencia y seguimiento de pacientes que recibieron como tratamiento de elección por persistencia tumoral o recidiva cirugía parcial de laringe en dos hospitales de la provincia Camagüey. Métodos: El universo lo conformaron los pacientes con cáncer laríngeo que acudieron a las consultas y la muestra a criterio de los autores la integraron 70 pacientes que recibieron tratamiento quirúrgico. Se consideraron como variables: edad, sexo, localización topográfica del tumor, técnica quirúrgica parcial realizada y tiempo desupervivencia de los pacientes. Resultados: En la muestra estudiada el 100 % de los pacientes pertenecían al sexo masculino, entre 51 y 60 años de edad y con carcinomas en localización glótica-supraglótica. La técnica quirúrgica más utilizada fue la laringectomía subtotal con cricohioidopexia sin epigotoplastia. Durante la recolección de la información en consulta para el seguimiento de los enfermos, la mayoría se encontraban vivos. Conclusiones: Los pacientes tratados fueron del sexo masculino, quinta y sexta décadas de la vida. Predominó la localización topográfica glótica-supraglótica y la técnica quirúrgica realizada con mayor frecuencia la laringectomía subtotal con cricohioidopexia sin epigotoplastia. Al culminar el estudio la mayor parte de los pacientes de ambos grupos mostraronn buena calidad vida e integración social.

Introduction: Head and neck cancer constitutes 3.8% of malignant neoplasms and 2.3% of cancer deaths; most common between the sixth and seventh decade of life. Laryngeal cancer is the most common non-cutaneous malignant tumor (30-40%) among head and neck tumors and the second most common cancer of the respiratory system; shows a male/female ratio of up to 10:1, which has reduced with the increase in smoking in women. Partial laryngectomy and radiotherapy are effective therapeutic methods in the treatment of patients with early laryngeal cancer, comparable in survival rates and laryngeal preservation. Objective: To evaluate the survival and follow-up of patients who received partial laryngeal surgery as the treatment of choice for tumor persistence or recurrence in two hospitals in the province of Camagüey, Cuba. Methods: The universe was made up of patients with laryngeal cancer who attended the consultations and the sample at the authors' discretion was made up of 70 patients who received surgical treatment. The following variables were considered: age, sex, topographic location of the tumor, partial surgical technique performed and survival time of the patients. Results: In the sample studied, 100% of the patients were male, between 51 and 60 years of age and with carcinomas in a glottic - supraglottic location. The most used surgical technique was subtotal laryngectomy with cricohyoidopexy without epigotoplasty. During the collection of information in consultation for the follow-up of the patients, the majority were alive. Conclusions: The treated patients were male, fifth and sixth decades of life. Glottic-supraglottic topographic location predominated and the most frequently performed surgical technique was subtotal laryngectomy with cricohyoidopexy without epigotoplasty. At the end of the study, most of the patients in both groups showed good quality of life and social integration.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553119


La laringectomía total es un procedimiento quirúrgico que implica la extracción de la laringe, ocasionando la separación de las vías aéreas superiores e inferiores, identificándose disminución en la percepción del olfato y gusto en pacientes laringectomizados totales. Sin embargo, las investigaciones actuales acerca de la rehabilitación del olfato son escasas, especialmente en América Latina. La presente revisión narrativa de la literatura tiene como objetivo presentar los métodos actuales utilizados para la rehabilitación y recuperación de la percepción el olfato en pacientes laringectomizados totales, mediante la búsqueda de literatura en la base de datos: PubMed, así como, literatura gris. Esta revisión se consolidó con base en el análisis de 35 artículos. Los resultados permitieron identificar diferentes protocolos para la evaluación del olfato, así mismo, la rehabilitación olfatoria, siendo identificados diferentes métodos como; el bypass laríngeo, enjuague sinusal, la maniobra de flujo de aire nasal espiratorio (ENAMM) y la maniobra de inducción del flujo de aire nasal (NAIM), la cual presenta mayor evidencia científica. Por lo anterior, se resalta la necesidad de analizar el impacto de los tratamientos oncológicos en la percepción del olfato y la necesidad de crear programas por parte de fonoaudiología para la rehabilitación olfatoria, generando efectos positivos en la calidad de vida de los pacientes.

Total laryngectomy is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of the larynx, resulting in the separation of the upper and lower airways, with a decrease in the perception of smell and taste in total laryngectomized patients. However, current research on olfactory rehabilitation is scarce, especially in Latin America. This narrative literature review aims to present the current methods used for the rehabilitation and recovery of olfactory perception in total laryngectomized patients by searching the PubMed database as well as gray literature. This review is based on the analysis of 35 articles. The results identified different protocols for olfactory assessment, as well as olfactory rehabilitation, with various methods such as laryngeal bypass, sinus rinse, Expiratory Nasal Airflow Maneuver (ENAMM), and Nasal Airflow Induction Maneuver (NAIM) being identified, with NAIM having the strongest scientific evidence. Therefore, the need to analyze the impact of oncological treatments on olfactory perception and the need to create speech therapy programs for olfactory rehabilitation, leading to positive effects on patients' quality of life, is highlighted.

Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 88(4): 607-612, July-Aug. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394141


Abstract Introduction: After total laryngectomy, decreased olfactory function and olfactory bulb volume shrinkage have been reported to occur due to olfactory deprivation caused by nasal airflow interruption. There is evidence that the olfactory system can be modulated by repeated exposure to odors in a procedure called olfactory training. However, it is not known whether any recovery of the lost olfactory bulb volume is possible by eliminating olfactory deprivation via olfactory rehabilitation long after laryngectomy. Objective: This study examined the recovery of olfactory function and the change in olfactory bulb volume via long-term olfactory rehabilitation after total laryngectomy. Methods: Possible causes of olfactory dysfunction in the study participants were evaluated by collecting detailed anamnesis. As olfactory tests, orthonasal butanol threshold and odor discrimination tests were performed. Three-dimensional olfactory bulb volumes were calculated using manual segmentation on T2-weighted coronal magnetic resonance images. In olfactory rehabilitation, four different odors were applied to all patients orthonasally, using a larynx bypass technique for 30 min per day for 6 months. Olfactory tests were performed before the rehabilitation and after 6 months of rehabilitation, and olfactory bulb volume measurements were performed using magnetic resonance images. Results: Eleven patients diagnosed with advanced laryngeal cancer who underwent total laryngectomy and postoperative radiotherapy with a follow-up of 5-10 years were included in the study. All patients were male, and the mean age was 58.18 ±4.17 years. In total laryngectomized patients, the olfactory bulb volumes measured on magnetic resonance images were 42.25 ± 12.8 mm3 before and 55.5 ± 11.22 mm3 after rehabilitation, and this increase was highly significant. Olfactory test scores were 2.3 ± 1.27 before and 4.39 ± 0.86 after rehabilitation, and this increase was also highly significant. Conclusion: As a result of the olfactory rehabilitation applied by providing orthonasal air flow, the olfactory function lost after total laryngectomy was improved considerably, and the olfactory bulb volume was significantly increased. The increase in olfactory bulb volume in total laryngectomy patients via olfactory rehabilitation to eliminate olfactory deprivation due to nasal airflow interruption was demonstrated for the first time in this prospective longitudinal study.

Resumo Introdução: Após a laringectomia total, foi relatada a ocorrência de diminuição da função olfatória e redução do volume do bulbo olfatório devido à privação olfatória causada pela interrupção do fluxo aéreo nasal. Há evidências de que o sistema olfatório pode ser modulado pela exposição repetida a odores em um procedimento denominado treinamento olfatório. Entretanto, não se sabe se qualquer grau de recuperação do volume perdido do bulbo olfatório é possível ao eliminar a privação olfatória através de reabilitação muito tempo depois da laringectomia. Objetivo: Este estudo avaliou a recuperação da função olfatória e a mudança no volume do bulbo olfatório através da reabilitação olfatória de longo prazo após a laringectomia total. Métodos: As possíveis causas de disfunção olfatória nos participantes do estudo foram avaliadas através da anamnese detalhada. Como testes olfatórios, foram feitos os testes de limiar de butanol ortonasal e de discriminação de odores. Os volumes tridimensionais do bulbo olfatório foram calculados com segmentação manual em imagens de ressonância magnética coronal ponderadas em T2. Na reabilitação olfatória, quatro odores diferentes foram aplicados a todos os pacientes ortonasalmente com uma técnica de bypass laríngeo por 30 minutos por dia durante 6 meses. Os testes olfatórios foram feitos antes da reabilitação e 6 meses após a reabilitação e as medidas do volume do bulbo olfatório foram feitas por imagens de ressonância magnética. Resultados: Foram incluídos no estudo 11 pacientes com diagnóstico de câncer de laringe avançado, submetidos à laringectomia total e radioterapia pós-operatória em um seguimento de 5 a 10 anos. Todos os pacientes eram do sexo masculino e a média de idade foi de 58,18 ± 4,17 anos. Em pacientes com laringectomia total, os volumes do bulbo olfatório medidos por imagens de ressonância magnética foram de 42,25 ± 12,8 mm3 antes e 55,5 ± 11,22 mm3 após a reabilitação e esse aumento foi altamente significante. Os escores dos testes olfatórios foram 2,3 ± 1,27 antes e 4,39 ± 0,86 após a reabilitação e esse aumento também foi altamente significante. Conclusão: Como resultado da reabilitação olfatória aplicada através do fornecimento de fluxo de ar ortonasal, a função olfatória perdida após a laringectomia total melhorou consideravelmente e o volume bulbo olfatório mostrou aumento significativo. O aumento no volume do bulbo olfatório em pacientes submetidos a laringectomia total através da reabilitação olfatória para eliminar a privação olfatória devido à interrupção do fluxo aéreo nasal foi demonstrado pela primeira vez neste estudo longitudinal prospectivo.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35908815


OBJECTIVES: Despite the advances in surgical and non-surgical organ preservation treatments, total laryngectomy (TL) remains the most effective treatment in advanced larynx cancer and as salvage procedure in chemoradiation failure. One of the most devastating sequel after TL is loss of voice. Voice prosthesis (VP) is currently the preferred choice for voice rehabilitation. The purpose of this study is to identify VP complications, its lifespan and factors that influence the longevity of the VP. METHODS: We performed a retrospective study at a Tertiary University Hospital. Medical records of patients that underwent total laryngectomy, between January 1st of 2008 and 31st of December of 2017 were analyzed. RESULTS: Of the 84 patients that underwent laryngectomy, 60 had VP. The average age at the time of surgery 60.2 years old and there was a male preponderance (57:3). The mean lifespan of the prosthesis was 7.53 months. Leakage through the prosthesis was the most common reason for replacement of the prosthesis, followed by leakage around the prosthesis. Follow up time and manual suture were associated with prosthesis replacement. There was no significant relationship between the staging, tumor location or adjuvant radiotherapy and number of prosthesis replacement or its lifespan. CONCLUSIONS: Rehabilitation after TL is of major importance to improve quality of life after surgery. Tracheoesophageal puncture with voice prosthesis is a safe procedure for vocal rehabilitation and was performed in the majority of patients in our study. Follow-up time and type of suture were the main determinants of the lifespan of the prosthesis.

Laringe Artificial , Humanos , Laringectomia/métodos , Laringe Artificial/efeitos adversos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Qualidade de Vida , Estudos Retrospectivos , Fatores de Risco
Acta otorrinolaringol. esp ; 73(4): 219-224, julio 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-207240


Objectives: Despite the advances in surgical and non-surgical organ preservation treatments, total laryngectomy (TL) remains the most effective treatment in advanced larynx cancer and as salvage procedure in chemoradiation failure.One of the most devastating sequel after TL is loss of voice. Voice prosthesis (VP) is currently the preferred choice for voice rehabilitation. The purpose of this study is to identify VP complications, its lifespan and factors that influence the longevity of the VP.MethodsWe performed a retrospective study at a Tertiary University Hospital. Medical records of patients that underwent total laryngectomy, between January 1st of 2008 and 31st of December of 2017 were analyzed.ResultsOf the 84 patients that underwent laryngectomy, 60 had VP. The average age at the time of surgery 60.2 years old and there was a male preponderance (57:3).The mean lifespan of the prosthesis was 7.53 months. Leakage through the prosthesis was the most common reason for replacement of the prosthesis, followed by leakage around the prosthesis.Follow up time and manual suture were associated with prosthesis replacement. There was no significant relationship between the staging, tumor location or adjuvant radiotherapy and number of prosthesis replacement or its lifespan.ConclusionsRehabilitation after TL is of major importance to improve quality of life after surgery. Tracheoesophageal puncture with voice prosthesis is a safe procedure for vocal rehabilitation and was performed in the majority of patients in our study.Follow-up time and type of suture were the main determinants of the lifespan of the prosthesis. (AU)

Objetivos: A pesar de los avances en los tratamientos quirúrgicos y no quirúrgicos para la preservación de órganos, la laringectomía total (LT) sigue siendo el tratamiento más efectivo en el cáncer avanzado de laringe, y como procedimiento de rescate en caso de fallo de la radioquimioterapia.Una de las secuelas más devastadoras tras la LT es la pérdida de la voz. Las prótesis de voz (PV) son actualmente la elección preferida para la rehabilitación de la voz. El objetivo de este estudio es identificar las complicaciones de las PV, su vida útil y los factores que influyen en la longevidad de dichas prótesis.MétodosRealizamos un estudio retrospectivo en un hospital universitario terciario, en el que se analizaron los registros médicos de los pacientes sometidos a laringectomía total entre el 1 de enero de 2008 y el 31 de diciembre de 2017.ResultadosDe los 84 pacientes sometidos a laringectomía, 60 tenían PV. La edad media en el momento de la cirugía fue de 60,2 años, y hubo una preponderancia de varones (57:3).La vida útil media de las prótesis fue de 7,53 meses. La fuga a través de la prótesis fue el motivo más común de su sustitución, seguida de la fuga alrededor del dispositivo.El tiempo de seguimiento y la sutura manual estuvieron asociados a la sustitución de la prótesis. No existió una relación significativa entre la estadificación, la localización del tumor o la radioterapia adyuvante y el número de sustituciones de prótesis o su vida útil.ConclusionesLa rehabilitación tras la LT es de gran importancia para mejorar la calidad de vida tras la cirugía. La punción traqueoesofágica con prótesis de voz es un procedimiento seguro para la rehabilitación de la voz, habiéndose realizado en la mayoría de los pacientes de nuestro estudio.El tiempo de seguimiento y el tipo de sutura fueron los principales determinantes de la vida útil de las prótesis. (AU)

Humanos , Laringe Artificial , Neoplasias de Cabeça e Pescoço , Laringectomia , Pacientes
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 81(4): 510-514, dic. 2021. ilus, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389798


Resumen Introducción: La laringectomía total (LT) tiene como secuela la perdida de la voz, pero otra consecuencia no estudiada es la pérdida del olfato. Objetivo: Demostrar que la "maniobra de inducción del flujo aéreo nasal" (MIFAN) rehabilita el olfato en pacientes con LT. Material y Método: Estudio cuasiexperimental antes-después en pacientes laringectomizados por cáncer de laringe del Servicio de Otorrinolaringología del Hospital Barros Luco Trudeau (HBLT) de Santiago de Chile. Evaluación a través de encuesta, examen físico, nasofibroscopía y test olfatométrico. Pacientes con alteración del olfato por transmisión serán enrolados y se enseñará la MIFAN. Resultados: Se estudiaron 12 pacientes: 10 hombres, 2 mujeres. Edad promedio 66,3 años, todos autovalentes. 66,6% presentó anosmia y 33,3% hiposmia. Todos lograron realizar la maniobra. Posrehabilitación el 100% presentó presencia de olfato valorada por olfatometría. Población intervenida similar a otras series en cuanto a sexo y edad. La erigmofonación facilita la rehabilitación con MIFAN. La rehabilitación del olfato se logró en todos y paralelamente mejoró el sentido del gusto. Conclusión: La MIFAN es una técnica sencilla, barata y asequible para lograr rehabilitar el sentido del olfato en pacientes laringectomizados.

Abstract Introduction: Total laryngectomy (TL) has as a consequence the loss of voice, but another not studied consequence is the loss of smell. Aim: To demonstrate that the "nasal airflow inducing maneuver" (NAIM) rehabilitates smell in patients with TL. Material and Method: A quasi-experimental before-after study in laryngectomized patients for laryngeal cancer from the Otorhinolaryngology Service (ENT) of the Barros Luco Trudeau Hospital (BLTH) at Santiago, Chile. Evaluation through survey, physical examination, nasofibroscopy and olfactory test. Patients with transmission impairment of smell were enrolled and NAIM was performed. Results: 12 patients were studied: 10 men, 2 women. Average age 66.3 years. All self-supporting. 66.6% presented anosmia and 33.3% hyposmia. They all managed to perform the maneuver. Post-rehabilitation, 100% presented the presence of smell assessed by olfactometry. Intervened population similar to other series in terms of sex and age. Esophageal speech facilitates NAIM rehabilitation. Rehabilitation of smell was achieved in all of them and in parallel, the sense of taste improved. Conclusion: NAIM is a simple, cheap and affordable technique to rehabilitate the sense of smell in laryngectomized patients.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Treinamento Olfativo , Laringectomia/reabilitação , Transtornos do Olfato/terapia , Inquéritos e Questionários , Resultado do Tratamento , Laringectomia/efeitos adversos
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 81(4): 515-521, dic. 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389799


Introducción: La sutura mecánica es una opción para el cierre de la faringorrafia en laringectomía total por cáncer de laringe. Objetivo: Comparar el uso de sutura mecánica lineal con sutura manual de la faringe durante la laringectomía total por cáncer de laringe. Material y Método: Se realizó un estudio de tipo experimental prospectivo. Se compararon dos grupos pacientes: Los pacientes con sutura mecánica desde 2018 a marzo de 2020 y los pacientes con sutura manual previa a enero de 2018 en el Servicio de Otorrinolaringología del Hospital Barros Luco. Se analizaron fístula faringo-cutánea posoperatoria (FFC), tiempo operatorio, estadía hospitalaria y costo. Resultados: El estudio incluyó a 14 pacientes, cada grupo con n = 7. El grupo con sutura mecánica presento 0% de FFC y el grupo sutura manual 28%. El grupo con sutura mecánica reinicio alimentación a los 7 días y el grupo con sutura manual en promedio a los 11,5 (7-23) días. (p = 0,0023). El tiempo promedio de cirugía para el grupo experimental es de 288 ± 37,4 minutos y con sutura manual 311 ± 32,4 minutos. (p = 0,0176). El promedio de hospitalización para el grupo experimental fue de 11 ± 2,6 días (9 a 16), y para el grupo control fue de 21 ± 14 días (10 a 49) (p < 0,0001). Conclusión: La sutura mecánica es un procedimiento fácil de usar y seguro. Existiría un beneficio en el uso de sutura mecánica para el cierre faríngeo al compararlo con la sutura manual al disminuir el número de FFC, el tiempo operatorio y los días de hospitalización.

Introduction: Mechanical suture is an option for the closure of the pharyngorrhaphy in total laryngectomy due to laryngeal cancer. Aim: To compare the use of linear mechanical suture with manual pharyngeal suture during total laryngectomy for laryngeal cancer. Material and Method: A prospective experimental study was carried out. Two patient groups were compared: patients with mechanical suture from 2018 to March 2020 and patients with manual suture prior to January 2018 at the otorhinolaryngology service of the Barros Luco Hospital. Postoperative pharyngocutaneous fistula (FFC), operative time, hospital stay and cost were analyzed. Results: The study included 14 patients, each group with n = 7. The group with mechanical suture presented 0% of FFC and the group with manual suture 28%. The group with mechanical suture restarted feeding at 7 days and the group with manual suture on average at 11.5 (7-23) days (p = 0.0023). The average surgery time for the experimental group was 288 ± 37.4 minutes, while for the group with manual suture was 311 ± 32.4 minutes (p = 0.0176). The mean hospitalization for the experimental group was 11 ± 2.6 days (9 to 16), and for the control group it was 21 ± 14 days (10 to 49) (p < 0.0001). Conclusion: The mechanical suture is an easy to use and safe procedure. There would be a benefit in the use of mechanical suture for pharyngeal closure when buying it with manual suture by reducing the number of FFCs, operative time and days of hospitalization.

Humanos , Neoplasias Laríngeas/cirurgia , Neoplasias Laríngeas/epidemiologia , Técnicas de Sutura , Laringectomia , Fístula Cutânea/epidemiologia , Análise de Custo-Efetividade , Duração da Cirurgia , Tempo de Internação
Rev. argent. cir ; 113(4): 408-418, dic. 2021. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1356950


RESUMEN Antecedentes: la fístula faringocutánea es la complicación más común luego de una laringectomía total. Los factores implicados en su aparición son estudiados por numerosos autores sin obtener resultados concluyentes. Objetivo: Evaluar las causas de aparición de fístula faringocutánea y describir los factores de riesgo implicados en la aparición de fístulas faringocutáneas en la población estudiada. Material y métodos: estudio retrospectivo, observacional, con análisis estadístico de variables. Se consideraron 55 pacientes a quienes se les realizó una laringectomía total inicialmente o como rescate, desde enero de 2000 hasta diciembre de 2019, con una proporción hombre/mujer de 48/7. La edad media fue de 61,3 años. El 96,36% con diagnóstico anatomopatológico de carcinoma epidermoide. Análisis estadístico (prueba de chi cuadrado-prueba de Mann-Whitney) de variables relacionadas con la aparición de fístula faringocutánea. Resultados: la incidencia de fístulas alcanzó el 20% de los pacientes laringectomizados. Cerraron espontáneamente el 72,73% de las fístulas y requirieron el uso de colgajos, 3 (27,27%) pacientes. De los pacientes fistulizados, el 63,64% tenían radioterapia previa. El uso de sonda nasogástrica para alimentación se prolongó en dichos pacientes por más de 15 días. El tiempo de internación promedio de los pacientes fistulizados fue de 23 días. Conclusión: en nuestro medio, el factor más asociado a la aparición de fístulas tras laringectomía fue el uso de radioterapia previa. La fístula en estos pacientes tardó más tiempo en cerrarse y requirió en algunos casos reconstrucciones más complejas.

ABSTRACT Background: Pharyngocutaneous fistula is the most common complication after total laryngectomy. The factors associated with its development have been studied by several authors without conclusive results. Objective: To evaluate the causes for the development of PCF and to describe the risk factors associated with PCF in the population studied. Material and methods: We conducted a retrospective and observational study with statistical analysis of the variables. A total of 55 patients undergoing initial or salvage total laryngectomy from January 2000 to December 2019 were included. Male-to-female ratio was 48/7. Mean age was 61.3 years. The pathological diagnosis was epidermoid carcinoma in 96.36% of the cases. Statistical analysis: (chi square test and Mann-Whitney test) of the variables related with the development of pharyngocutaneous fistula. Results: The incidence of fistula in patients with laryngectomy was 20%. Spontaneous closure occurred in 72.73% and 3 patients (27.27%) required the use of flaps. In patients with fistula, 63.64% had previous radiotherapy. In these patients, the use of nasogastric tube feeding lasted > 15 days. Mean length of hospital stay in patients with fistula with 23 days. Conclusion: In our environment, previous radiotherapy was the most significant factor associated with the development of fistula. In these patients, fistula took longer to close and required more complex reconstructions in some cases.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Fístula , Laringectomia , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas , Laringectomia/efeitos adversos , Tempo de Internação
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34844673


INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: Total laryngectomy (TL) is one of the treatments available in locally advanced laryngeal carcinomas or as a salvage therapy when organ preservation fails, achieving high survival rates and few complications. The aim of this study was to analyse the oncological outcomes, comparing the data obtained with the current literature and analysing complications and survival. METHODS: The study included 62 patients with primary carcinoma of the larynx treated by primary or salvage TL between 2003 and 2019. We analysed the demographic, clinical and pathological characteristics, tumour stage, complementary treatments, postoperative complications, locoregional recurrences, metastases, and causes of death. RESULTS: The mean age was 64 years, 90.3% were men, 96.8% were smokers, 43.5% had multiple pathologies and 82.3% had a locally advanced stage. Of all TL 71% were primary and 29% salvage. Neck dissection was performed in 59.6%. Lymphovascular invasion was present in 30.6%, perineural invasion in 30.6% and margin involvement in 14.5%. During the follow-up, 17.7% presented locoregional recurrence and 11.3% distant metastases. Regarding complementary treatments, 56.4% of the patients received adjuvant therapy. The incidence of haemorrhage was 11.3%, infection 14.5%, and pharyngocutaneous fistula 21%. There was a statistically significant correlation between fistula and haemorrhage (P = .000) and between fistula and infection (P = .000). No statistically significant differences were found between the studied factors of primary and salvage TL. The 3-year overall survival was 92% and 5-year overall survival was 88%, finding statistical significance with the locally advanced stage (P = .038), T4 (P = .026), lymphovascular invasion (P = .019) and the involvement of more than 3 lymph nodes in the pathological anatomy (P = .005). On the multivariate analysis, the only variable that showed a significant relationship with survival was lymphovascular invasion (P = .026). CONCLUSIONS: Although organ preservation is a primary objective, TL remains a leading treatment in locally advanced carcinomas and as salvage in case of failure of medical therapy or partial surgery.

Neoplasias Laríngeas , Laringectomia , Humanos , Neoplasias Laríngeas/cirurgia , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Recidiva Local de Neoplasia/cirurgia , Estudos Retrospectivos , Terapia de Salvação
Acta otorrinolaringol. esp ; 72(6): 352-358, noviembre 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-207626


Introducción y objetivos: La laringectomía total (LT) es uno de los tratamientos disponibles en los carcinomas de laringe localmente avanzados o como rescate ante el fracaso de la preservación de órgano, logrando altas tasas de supervivencia y escasas complicaciones. El objetivo de nuestro trabajo es analizar los resultados oncológicos obtenidos, comparándolos con la literatura actual y analizando sus complicaciones y supervivencia.MétodosSe incluyeron 62 pacientes con carcinoma primario de laringe tratados mediante LT primaria o de rescate entre los años 2003 y 2019. Analizamos las características demográficas, clínicas y anatomopatológicas, el estadio tumoral, los tratamientos complementarios, las complicaciones postoperatorias, las recidivas locorregionales, las metástasis y las causas de muerte.ResultadosLos pacientes tenían una edad media de 64 años, el 90,3% eran hombres, el 96,8% eran fumadores y el 43,5% tenían pluripatología. El 82,3% tenían un estadio localmente avanzado. Al 71% se les realizó LT primarias y al 29% de rescate. Al 59,6% se les practicó vaciamiento cervical asociado. El 30,6% tenían invasión linfovascular, el 30,6% invasión perineural y el 14,5% afectación de márgenes. Durante el seguimiento, el 17,7% presentaron una recidiva locorregional y el 11,3% metástasis a distancia. En cuanto a tratamientos complementarios, el 56,4% de los pacientes recibieron tratamiento adyuvante. La incidencia de hemorragia fue del 11,3%, la de infección del 14,5% y la de fístula faringocutánea del 21%. Hubo significación estadística entre la fístula y la hemorragia (p=0,000) y entre la fístula y la infección (p=0,000). No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los factores estudiados de la LT primaria y de rescate.(AU)

Introduction and objectives: Total laryngectomy (TL) is one of the treatments available in locally advanced laryngeal carcinomas or as a salvage therapy when organ preservation fails, achieving high survival rates and few complications. The aim of this study was to analyse the oncological outcomes, comparing the data obtained with the current literature and analysing complications and survival.MethodsThe study included 62 patients with primary carcinoma of the larynx treated by primary or salvage TL between 2003 and 2019. We analysed the demographic, clinical and pathological characteristics, tumour stage, complementary treatments, postoperative complications, locoregional recurrences, metastases, and causes of death.ResultsThe mean age was 64 years, 90.3% were men, 96.8% were smokers, 43.5% had multiple pathologies and 82.3% had a locally advanced stage. Of all TL 71% were primary and 29% salvage. Neck dissection was performed in 59.6%. Lymphovascular invasion was present in 30.6%, perineural invasion in 30.6% and margin involvement in 14.5%. During the follow-up, 17.7% presented locoregional recurrence and 11.3% distant metastases. Regarding complementary treatments, 56.4% of the patients received adjuvant therapy. The incidence of haemorrhage was 11.3%, infection 14.5%, and pharyngocutaneous fistula 21%. There was a statistically significant correlation between fistula and haemorrhage (P=.000) and between fistula and infection (P=.000). No statistically significant differences were found between the studied factors of primary and salvage TL. (AU)

Humanos , Neoplasias Laríngeas , Laringectomia , Carcinoma , Prognóstico
Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 12(2): 326-332, set. 2021.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1291530


Objetivo: desvelar os sentidos do adoecimento por câncer de laringe de adoecidos laringectomizados totais. Método: estudo de caso apoiado na Interpretação das Culturas de Clifford Geertz, realizado a partir do ambulatório de Alta Complexidade em Oncologia localizado na cidade de Belém, Pará, Brasil, com um grupo de 11 homens. Foram realizadas visitas posteriormente ao domicílio dos participantes. A coleta de dados constou de entrevistas semiestruturadas, com posterior análise indutiva de conteúdo. Resultados: foram divididos em duas macrocategorias: "Experiências com a doença" e "Mudanças na vida social, experiências com a imagem corporal e enunciação". A primeira foi relacionada aos sinais, sintomas e busca de tratamento para a doença, a fé religiosa, à família como suporte e a segunda às mudanças na vida social, na enunciação e imagem corporal. Considerações finais: desvelaram-se formas de avaliação para a rouquidão, a busca pelos remédios caseiros, o apoio na religião e na família e um sentimento de incompletude. Além disso, as condutas para reabilitação vocal e social envolvem o estímulo, adaptação e o combate à ansiedade e insegurança quanto à voz esofágica. (AU)

Objective: To reveal the meanings of illness due to laryngeal cancer of patients suffering from total laryngectomy. Methods: Case study supported by Clifford Geertz's Interpretation of Cultures, carried out from the High Complexity outpatient clinic in Oncology located in the city of Belém, Pará, Brazil, with a group of 11 men. Later visits were made to the participants' homes. Data collection consisted of semi-structured interviews, with subsequent inductive content analysis. Results: They were divided into two macro categories: "Experiences with the disease" and "Changes in social life, experiences with body image and enunciation". The first was related to signs, symptoms and seeking treatment for the disease, religious faith, the family as a support and the second to changes in social life, enunciation and body image. Conclusion: Forms of evaluation for hoarseness, the search for home remedies, support in religion and family and a feeling of incompleteness were revealed. In addition, conduct for vocal and social rehabilitation involves stimulating, adapting and combating anxiety and insecurity regarding the esophageal voice. (AU)

Objetivo: Revelar el significado de la enfermedad debida al cáncer de laringe de pacientes con laringectomía total. Métodos: Estudio de caso apoyado por la Interpretación de las Culturas por Clifford Geertz, realizado desde la clínica ambulatoria de Oncología de Alta Complejidad ubicada en la ciudad de Belém, Pará, Brasil, con un grupo de 11 hombres. Posteriormente se hicieron visitas a las casas de los participantes. La recopilación de datos consistió en entrevistas semiestructuradas, con posterior análisis de contenido inductivo. Resultados: Se dividieron en dos macro categorías: "Experiencias con la enfermedad" y "Cambios en la vida social, experiencias con la imagen corporal y la enunciación". El primero estaba relacionado con los signos, síntomas y la búsqueda de tratamiento para la enfermedad, la fe religiosa, la familia como apoyo y el segundo con los cambios en la vida social, el enunciado y la imagen corporal. Conclusión: Se revelaron formas de evaluación de la ronquera, la búsqueda de remedios caseros, el apoyo en la religión y la familia y un sentimiento de incompletitud. Además, las conductas para la rehabilitación vocal y social implican estimular, adaptar y combatir la ansiedad y la inseguridad con respecto a la voz esofágica. (AU)

Laringectomia , Enfermagem Oncológica , Imagem Corporal , Neoplasias Laríngeas , Antropologia Médica
Acta otorrinolaringol. esp ; 72(3): 143-151, mayo 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-207253


Introducción y objetivos: Un porcentaje elevado de pacientes con carcinomas localmente avanzados de laringe son candidatos a ser incluidos en protocolos de preservación de órgano. El objetivo del presente estudio es comparar los resultados de dos esquemas de preservación, quimioterapia de inducción versus quimio-radioterapia, en pacientes con carcinomas de laringe localmente avanzados en un contexto de práctica clínica real.MétodosEstudio retrospectivo realizado en 157 pacientes con tumores localmente avanzados de laringe (T3-T4) tratados con quimioterapia de inducción (n = 121) o quimio-radioterapia (n = 36).ResultadosDe los 121 pacientes que iniciaron tratamiento con quimioterapia de inducción, seis fallecieron como consecuencia de toxicidad, 37 fueron tratados con cirugía y 78 completaron el esquema de preservación; 36 pacientes recibieron un tratamiento inicial con quimio-radioterapia. No existieron diferencias significativas en la supervivencia específica a los cinco años en función de que los pacientes iniciasen un tratamiento con quimioterapia de inducción o quimio-radioterapia (68,9% versus 75,7%, p = 0,259). Un 45,9% de los pacientes consiguió una preservación de la función laríngea. Los pacientes tratados con quimio-radioterapia tuvieron una tendencia a conseguir una supervivencia libre de pérdida de la función laríngea a los cinco años superior a la de los pacientes tratados con quimioterapia de inducción (55,6% versus 44,8%, p = 0,079).ConclusiónLos pacientes incluidos en un protocolo de preservación consiguieron una supervivencia libre de disfunción laríngea a los cinco años del 45,9%. No se observaron diferencias significativas en la supervivencia específica entre los pacientes tratados con quimioterapia de inducción o quimio-radioterapia. (AU)

Introduction and objectives: A high percentage of patients with locally advanced larynx carcinomas are candidates for inclusion in organ preservation protocols. The objective of this study is to compare the results of two schemes of preservation, induction chemotherapy versus chemoradiotherapy, in patients with locally advanced larynx carcinomas in the context of actual clinical practice.MethodsOur retrospective study included 157 patients with locally advanced tumours of the larynx (T3-T4) treated with induction chemotherapy (n = 121) or chemoradiotherapy (n = 36).ResultsFrom 121 patients who began treatment with induction chemotherapy, 6 died due to toxicity, 37 were treated with surgery, and 78 completed the preservation scheme; 36 patients received treatment with chemoradiotherapy. There were no significant differences in 5-year disease-specific survival between both treatments: 68.9% in induction chemotherapy versus 75.7% in chemoradiotherapy (p = 0.259). In 45.9% of patients the laryngeal function was preserved. Patients treated with chemoradiotherapy had a tendency to have better 5-year laryngeal dysfunction-free survival than patients treated with induction chemotherapy (55.6% versus 44.8%, p = 0.079).ConclusionPatients included in a protocol of organ preservation achieved a 5-year laryngeal dysfunction-free survival of 45.9%. There were no significant differences in disease-specific survival among patients treated with induction chemotherapy or chemoradiotherapy. (AU)

Humanos , Quimioterapia de Indução , Laringectomia , Preservação de Órgãos , Pacientes
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33485626


INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: Total laryngectomy (TL) is one of the treatments available in locally advanced laryngeal carcinomas or as a salvage therapy when organ preservation fails, achieving high survival rates and few complications. The aim of this study was to analyse the oncological outcomes, comparing the data obtained with the current literature and analysing complications and survival. METHODS: The study included 62 patients with primary carcinoma of the larynx treated by primary or salvage TL between 2003 and 2019. We analysed the demographic, clinical and pathological characteristics, tumour stage, complementary treatments, postoperative complications, locoregional recurrences, metastases, and causes of death. RESULTS: The mean age was 64 years, 90.3% were men, 96.8% were smokers, 43.5% had multiple pathologies and 82.3% had a locally advanced stage. Of all TL 71% were primary and 29% salvage. Neck dissection was performed in 59.6%. Lymphovascular invasion was present in 30.6%, perineural invasion in 30.6% and margin involvement in 14.5%. During the follow-up, 17.7% presented locoregional recurrence and 11.3% distant metastases. Regarding complementary treatments, 56.4% of the patients received adjuvant therapy. The incidence of haemorrhage was 11.3%, infection 14.5%, and pharyngocutaneous fistula 21%. There was a statistically significant correlation between fistula and haemorrhage (P=.000) and between fistula and infection (P=.000). No statistically significant differences were found between the studied factors of primary and salvage TL. The 3-year overall survival was 92% and 5-year overall survival was 88%, finding statistical significance with the locally advanced stage (P=.038), T4 (P=.026), lymphovascular invasion (P=.019) and the involvement of more than 3 lymph nodes in the pathological anatomy (P=.005). On the multivariate analysis, the only variable that showed a significant relationship with survival was lymphovascular invasion (P=.026). CONCLUSIONS: Although organ preservation is a primary objective, TL remains a leading treatment in locally advanced carcinomas and as salvage in case of failure of medical therapy or partial surgery.

Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32475610


INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: A high percentage of patients with locally advanced larynx carcinomas are candidates for inclusion in organ preservation protocols. The objective of this study is to compare the results of two schemes of preservation, induction chemotherapy versus chemoradiotherapy, in patients with locally advanced larynx carcinomas in the context of actual clinical practice. METHODS: Our retrospective study included 157 patients with locally advanced tumours of the larynx (T3-T4) treated with induction chemotherapy (n = 121) or chemoradiotherapy (n = 36). RESULTS: From 121 patients who began treatment with induction chemotherapy, 6 died due to toxicity, 37 were treated with surgery, and 78 completed the preservation scheme; 36 patients received treatment with chemoradiotherapy. There were no significant differences in 5-year disease-specific survival between both treatments: 68.9% in induction chemotherapy versus 75.7% in chemoradiotherapy (p = 0.259). In 45.9% of patients the laryngeal function was preserved. Patients treated with chemoradiotherapy had a tendency to have better 5-year laryngeal dysfunction-free survival than patients treated with induction chemotherapy (55.6% versus 44.8%, p = 0.079). CONCLUSION: Patients included in a protocol of organ preservation achieved a 5-year laryngeal dysfunction-free survival of 45.9%. There were no significant differences in disease-specific survival among patients treated with induction chemotherapy or chemoradiotherapy.

Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 19: eAO5715, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249743


ABSTRACT: Objective: To investigate the association between aging and the functional aspects of swallowing (laryngeal penetration and laryngotracheal aspiration) in individuals who underwent supracricoid laryngectomy in the late period and without complaints. Methods: A total of 70 patients, 56 (80%) aged >60 years and 14 (20%) <60 years, under outpatient follow-up, after cancer treatment and with no complaints of swallowing, performed functional evaluation using the swallowing videofluoroscopy. Image classification was performed using the penetration-aspiration scale developed by Rosenbek. The χ2 test and logistic regression were applied to associate the age categories to the outcomes (penetration and aspiration). Results: Patients aged over 60 years had a higher prevalence of penetration (24.29%) and aspiration (48.57%) than patients aged under 60 years. In this sample, aspiration was associated with age. Patients aged over 60 years were more likely to present penetration (27% more) during swallowing than patients under 60 years. Patients aged over 60 years had an approximately four-fold greater probability of laryngotracheal aspiration than patients aged under 60 years. Conclusion: In patients without complaints of swallowing in the late postoperative period of supracricoid laryngectomy, there is a greater probability of laryngotracheal aspiration in elderly aged over 60 years than in individuals under 60 years.

RESUMO Objetivo: Investigar a associação entre o envelhecimento e os aspectos funcionais da deglutição (penetração laríngea e aspiração laringotraqueal) em indivíduos submetidos à laringectomia supracricóidea no período tardio e sem queixas. Métodos: Setenta pacientes, sendo 56 (80%) >60 anos e 14 (20%) <60 anos, em acompanhamento ambulatorial, após tratamento oncológico e sem queixas de deglutição, realizaram avaliação funcional por meio da videofluoroscopia da deglutição. A classificação das imagens foi realizada por meio da escala de penetração-aspiração desenvolvida por Rosenbek. O teste do χ2 e a regressão logística foram aplicados para associação das categorias de idade aos desfechos (penetração e aspiração). Resultados: Os pacientes com idade acima de 60 anos apresentaram maior prevalência de penetração (24,29%) e aspiração (48,57%) do que aqueles com idade inferior a 60 anos. Nesta amostra, a aspiração se mostrou associada à idade. Pacientes acima de 60 anos tiveram chance 27% maior de penetração durante a deglutição do que os com menos de 60 anos. Pacientes acima de 60 anos tiveram chance aproximadamente quatro vezes maior de aspiração laringotraqueal do que pacientes com menos de 60 anos. Conclusão: Em pacientes sem queixas de deglutição no pós-operatório tardio de laringectomia supracricóidea, há maior chance de aspiração laringotraqueal em idosos acima de 60 anos do que em indivíduos abaixo de 60 anos.

Humanos , Idoso , Transtornos de Deglutição/etiologia , Transtornos de Deglutição/epidemiologia , Neoplasias Laríngeas/cirurgia , Neoplasias Laríngeas/diagnóstico por imagem , Laringe , Período Pós-Operatório , Resultado do Tratamento , Deglutição , Laringectomia
Audiol., Commun. res ; 26: e2428, 2021. graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1285381


RESUMO Em tumores transglóticos estendidos para base de língua, a indicação para ressecção do osso hioide descarta a possibilidade de realização de uma laringectomia parcial horizontal clássica, devido ao grande risco de complicações pulmonares oriundas de uma disfagia grave. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever os aspectos funcionais de deglutição e voz de um paciente submetido à laringectomia supratraqueal ampliada com cricoglossohioidopexia. Trata-se de um homem de 69 anos, com tumoração transglótica na hemilaringe direita, submetido à laringectomia supratraqueal ampliada, com ampliação para base de língua, osso hioide e aritenoide direita. Na videofluoroscopia da deglutição, observou-se aspiração silente para líquido fino durante a deglutição e resíduo em base de língua, valécula, aritenoide, esfíncter esofágico superior e recessos piriformes em todas as consistências e volumes. Na videolaringoscopia, observou-se voz por meio da vibração da unidade cricoaritenóidea esquerda, associada à base de língua e constritores da faringe. No protocolo Consensus Auditory-Perceptual Evaluation of Voice (CAPE V), notou-se grau moderado de rouquidão e soprosidade. O paciente apresentou preservação parcial das funções laríngeas, grau moderado de disfonia e alimentação e hidratação exclusivas por via oral, com sólidos macios e líquido espessado em néctar, sem prejuízos à saúde pulmonar, até o momento.

ABSTRACT In transglottic tumors extended to the base of the tongue, the indication for resection of the hyoid bone rules out the possibility of performing a classic horizontal partial laryngectomy due to the high risk of pulmonary complications resulting from severe dysphagia. This study aims to describe the functional aspects of swallowing and voice of a patient undergoing an enlarged supratracheal laryngectomy with cricoglossohioidopexy. This is a 69-year-old man with a transglottic tumor in the right hemilarynx, who underwent an extended supratracheal laryngectomy with enlargement to the base of the tongue, hyoid bone and right arytenoid. In swallowing videofluoroscopy, silent aspiration was observed in fine liquid and residue on the basis of tongue, valecule, arytenoid, upper esophageal sphincter and pyriform recesses in all consistencies and volumes. In videolaryngoscopy, a voice was observed through the vibration of the left cricoarytenoid unit associated with the base of the tongue and constrictors of the pharynx. The Consensus Auditory-Perceptual Evaluation of Voice (CAPE V) showed a moderate degree of hoarseness and breathiness. The patient had partial preservation of laryngeal functions, with a moderate degree of dysphonia and exclusive oral feeding and hydration with soft solids and thickened liquid in nectar without impairing lung health until the study.

Humanos , Masculino , Idoso , Transtornos de Deglutição , Neoplasias Laríngeas/cirurgia , Laringectomia , Laringe/fisiopatologia , Osso Hioide
CoDAS ; 33(4): e20200018, 2021. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1286112


RESUMO Objetivo desenvolver a adaptação do questionário Swallow Outcomes After Laryngectomy Questionnaire - SOAL para a cultura brasileira. Método estudo de validação restrito à tradução e adaptação transcultural. Foram seguidas as seguintes etapas: discussão sobre a necessidade do instrumento no contexto brasileiro, duas traduções independentes, síntese das traduções, análise por comitê de 12 juízes especialistas nas áreas de Disfagia e Oncologia, análise dos comentários dos juízes e dos Índices de Validade de Conteúdo por item e do questionário, aplicação do questionário numa amostra de 10 laringectomizados totais, retradução e síntese final. Resultados foi necessário realizar equivalências semântica, sintática/gramatical, experiencial, idiomática e de conteúdo, principalmente após análise dos especialistas. O Índice de Validade de Conteúdo por item e do questionário foram aceitáveis em todos os aspectos avaliados. A retradução foi equivalente à versão original. A comparação entre as versões original, traduzida e retraduzida viabilizou a versão final do instrumento. Conclusão foi desenvolvida a adaptação do SOAL para a cultura brasileira. O processo de validação continuará a partir da versão apresentada neste estudo.

ABSTRACT Purpose To adapt the Swallow Outcomes After Laryngectomy (SOAL) Questionnaire for the Brazilian culture. Method Validation study restricted to translation and cross-cultural adaptation. The following steps were taken: discussion of the need for the instrument in the Brazilian context, two independent translations, summary of the translations, analysis by a committee of 12 expert judges in dysphagia and oncology, analysis of the judges' comments and of the content validity indexes of each item and of the questionnaire as a whole, application of the questionnaire in a sample of 10 total laryngectomy patients, back translation and final summary. Results It was necessary to perform semantic, syntactic/grammatical, experiential, idiomatic and content equivalences, mainly after the analysis by experts. The content validity indexes of each item and of the questionnaire were acceptable for all evaluated aspects. The back translation was equivalent to the original version. The comparison of the original, translated and back-translated versions indicated that the final version of the instrument was viable. Conclusion The SOAL was adapted to the Brazilian culture was developed. The validation process will continue using the version presented in this study.

Humanos , Comparação Transcultural , Laringectomia , Traduções , Brasil , Inquéritos e Questionários
CoDAS ; 33(6): e20200102, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1286140


RESUMO Objetivo Sintetizar o estado do conhecimento científico sobre biomecânica da língua durante a deglutição após laringectomia total. Estratégia de pesquisa Formulou-se a questão PICO e combinações de descritores e termos livres para busca nas bases de dados PubMed/Medline, EMBASE, LILACS e SciELO. Critérios de seleção incluíram-se artigos nos idiomas português, inglês ou espanhol; sem limite de tempo; com resultados sobre a biomecânica da língua durante a deglutição em laringectomizados totais; e estudos do tipo ensaio clínico randomizado ou não randomizado, coorte, caso controle, transversal, série de casos e estudos de caso. Análise dos dados analisou-se ano, país, população, objetivo, delineamento do estudo, instrumentos de avaliação, principais desfechos e qualidade metodológica. Resultados Foram incluídos quatro estudos realizados nos Estados Unidos, um na Austrália e um no Brasil, publicados entre 1986 e 2014. Em todos os estudos incluídos a biomecânica da língua foi um desfecho secundário. A maioria dos artigos teve baixa qualidade metodológica, com amostras pequenas, predomínio do sexo masculino e desenho transversal prevalente. Os instrumentos de avaliação foram videofluoroscopia, manometria, acelerômetro ou dispositivo para captar pressão de língua. Resultados principais indicaram mais força de propulsão da base de língua para superar a alta resistência da neofaringe ao fluxo do bolo alimentar; redução do contato e pressão entre base de língua e parede posterior da faringe; resíduo em base de língua após deglutição; pressão aumentada e resistência reduzida da língua oral. Conclusão Existem indícios de movimentos compensatórios de língua durante a deglutição após laringectomia total, porém, as evidências científicas são insuficientes.

ABSTRACT Purpose To synthesize the state of scientific knowledge about biomechanics of the tongue during swallowing after total laryngectomy. Research strategy The PICO question and combinations of descriptors and single terms were formulated in the PubMed/Medline, EMBASE, LILACS, and SciELO databases. Selection criteria Articles in Portuguese, English, or Spanish were included, without time limit, with results on the biomechanics of the tongue during swallowing and total laryngectomy, and studies on randomized or non-randomized clinical trials, cohort, case control, cross-sectional, case series, and case studies. Data analysis year, country, population, objective, study design, assessment methods, main outcomes, and methodological quality were analyzed. Results There were four studies in the United States, one in Australia, and one in Brazil, all published between 1986 and 2014. In all studies, the biomechanics of the tongue was the secondary outcome. Most articles had low methodological quality, small samples, predominance of the male gender, and a prevalent cross-sectional design. The assessment instruments were fluoroscopy, manometry, accelerometer or a device to capture tongue pressure. Main results indicated a higher propulsion force of the tongue base to overcome the high resistance of the neopharynx to the bolus flow, reduced contact and pressure between the base of the tongue and the posterior pharyngeal wall, residues in the tongue base after swallowing, increased pressure, and reduced resistance of the oral tongue. Conclusion There are indications of compensatory tongue movements during swallowing after total laryngectomy; however, the scientific evidence is insufficient.

Humanos , Masculino , Transtornos de Deglutição/etiologia , Deglutição , Pressão , Língua , Fenômenos Biomecânicos , Brasil , Estudos Transversais , Laringectomia
Rev inf cient ; 100(5): 1-9, 2021. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1348566


Introducción: El cáncer laríngeo en el adulto mayor tiene una incidencia elevada por múltiples factores que se incrementan con la edad, pero con un tratamiento específico adecuado como la laringectomía total permiten mejorar y elevar la calidad de vida de estos pacientes. Objetivo: Caracterizar el resultado de las intervenciones por laringectomía total realizadas en pacientes adultos mayores en el servicio de Otorrinolaringología del Hospital General Docente "Dr. Agostinho Neto", provincia Guantánamo, en el período de enero de 2015 a diciembre de 2019. Método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo de corte transversal en el total de pacientes (n=32) de 60 años y más a los que se les realizó laringectomía total durante el periodo estudiado. Las variables estudiadas fueron: edad, sexo, hábitos tóxicos, condicionantes prequirúrgicas, técnica quirúrgica y complicaciones más frecuentes. Los datos se obtuvieron de las historias clínicas. Resultados: La mayoría de los pacientes correspondió al sexo masculino (90,6 porciento) entre 70-74 años; el 71,8 porciento de los pacientes fumaba. La laringectomía total combinada con tiroidectomía unilateral o bilateral y vaciamiento cervical selectivo fue la técnica quirúrgica más empleada y el faringostoma la complicación predominante. Conclusiones: La caracterización de los resultados de la laringectomía total en el adulto mayor portador de carcinoma epidermoide laríngeo aporta datos que permiten una mejor atención integral a este grupo poblacional(AU).

Introduction: Laryngeal cancer has a high incidence in older adult due to various factors which has been increasing in frequency with age. However, assuming an adecuated and specific treatment like total laryngectomy, allows improving and enhancing the patient's quality of life. Objective: To characterize the outcomes of total laryngectomy in older adult patients treated in the otorhinolaryngology service at the Hospital General Docente "Dr. Agostinho Neto" in Guantánamo, from January 2015 to December 2019. Method: A descriptive, retrospective, and cross-sectional study was conducted on the total of patients (n=32) 60 and older, who underwent total laryngectomy during the mentioned period. Variables used were as follow: age, sex, toxic habits, preoperative conditions, surgical technique and, most frequent complications. Data was gathered from medical records. Results: Male patients 70 to 74 years were predominant (90.6 percent) and most of them smoked (71.8 percent). Total laryngectomy combined with unilateral or bilateral thyroidectomy and selective neck dissection was the most common surgical technique used and pharyngostoma was the predominant complication. Conclusions: The characterization of total laryngectomy outcomes in older adult with laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma provides important data for better comprehensive care in this population group(AU).

Introdução: O câncer de laringe em idosos apresenta alta incidência devido a múltiplos fatores que aumentam com a idade, mas com um tratamento específico adequado como a laringectomia total, melhoram e melhoram a qualidade de vida desses pacientes. Objetivo: Caracterizar o resultado da laringectomia total realizada em pacientes idosos no serviço de Otorrinolaringologia do Hospital General Docente "Dr. Agostinho Neto", província de Guantánamo, no período de janeiro de 2015 a dezembro de 2019. Método: Estudo descritivo, retrospectivo e transversal em todos os pacientes (n=32) com 60 anos ou mais que realizaram laringectomia total. durante o período estudado. As variáveis estudadas foram: idade, sexo, hábitos tóxicos, condições pré-cirúrgicas, técnica cirúrgica e complicações mais frequentes. Os dados foram obtidos dos prontuários médicos. Resultados: A maioria dos pacientes era do sexo masculino (90,6 porcento) entre 70-74 anos; 71,8 porcento dos pacientes fumavam. A laringectomia total combinada com tireoidectomia unilateral ou bilateral e dissecção cervical seletiva foi a técnica cirúrgica mais utilizada e a faringostomia a complicação predominante. Conclusões: A caracterização dos resultados da laringectomia total em idosos com carcinoma espinocelular de laringe fornece dados que permitem uma melhor assistência integral a este grupo populacional(AU).

Humanos , Idoso , Deiscência da Ferida Operatória/complicações , Neoplasias Laríngeas/diagnóstico , Laringectomia/métodos , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Transversais , Estudos Retrospectivos