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Eur J Philos Sci ; 14(3): 32, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39027364


This paper attempts to revive the epistemological discussion of scientific articles. What are their epistemic aims, and how are they achieved? We argue that scientific experimental articles are best understood as a particular kind of narrative: i.e., modernist narratives (think: Woolf, Joyce), at least in the sense that they employ many of the same techniques, including colligation and the juxtaposition of multiple perspectives. We suggest that this way of writing is necessary given the nature of modern science, but it also has specific epistemic benefits: it provides readers with an effective way to grasp the content of scientific articles which increases their understanding. On the other hand, modernist writing is vulnerable to certain kinds of epistemic abuses, which can be found instantiated in modern scientific writing as well.

J Med Humanit ; 2024 May 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38809469


Modernist literature of the early to mid-twentieth century on both sides of the Atlantic is replete with examples of a particular kind of relationship with objects, namely, the touching, collecting, and grasping of small, often highly personal, and ostensibly quotidian objects. From John's glass collection in Woolf's "Solid Objects," Peter Walsh's stroking of his pocket-knife in Mrs. Dalloway, Miriam's frenzied absorption with flowers in Lawrence's Sons and Lovers, to Laura's fiddling of her glass menagerie in Tennessee Williams's eponymous play, fidgeting in modernist literature and drama reveals a particular tendency of not just characters' possession of things but also their possession by things. This phenomenon, I argue, allows characters to practice care as they withdraw from oppressive narratives of normalcy and (economic and biological) productivity, challenging their exclusionary and othering configurations. My paper looks at fidgeting in The Glass Menagerie as a part of this larger ideological and haptic orientation in modernist literature. The care invested by Laura in her intimate relationship with these "playthings" allows her to intercept not only male narrativizing forces and articulation of herself but also the rhetoric of productivity that circulates both within the play and in the larger economic backdrop of post-depression America. My paper attempts to foreground these objects of care in our readings of the play and modernist texts in general and, in so doing, highlight their importance as lenses of analysis that render visible alternate forms of agency and resistance. Lastly, it attempts to reframe fidgeting as an act of embodied refusal, evoking the radical potential of refusal within feminist and disability studies.

Open Res Eur ; 3: 128, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38021478


In this paper, we investigate the common narrative in literary history that the inner lives of characters became a central preoccupation of literary modernism - a phenomenon commonly referenced as the "inward turn". We operationalize this notion via a proxy, tracing the use of verbs relating to inner life across 10 language corpora from the ELTeC collection, which comprises novels from the period between 1840-1920. We expected to find an increase in the use of inner-life verbs corresponding to the traditional periodisation of modernism in each of the languages. However, different experiments conducted with the data do not confirm this hypothesis. We therefore look at the results in a number of more granular ways, but we cannot identify any common trends even when we split the verbs into individual categories, or take canonicity or gender into account. We discuss the obtained results in detail, proposing potential reasons for them and including potential avenues of further research as well as lessons learned.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37728842


Creativity is considered a global ability and crucial for ordinary-daily and special (e.g., science, aesthetic) activities. In this paper, from the position of Cultural-Historical Activity Theory (CHAT), we expand the debate about the creativity crisis and hypothesize that the noted crisis is only the tip of the iceberg represented by the crisis of the postmodern' incoherent mind, reflecting the crisis of self-realization as a leading activity in the individualistic epoch. By investigating creativity as an original functionality of the mind, two key titles are stressed. One is the halting of the activity system; two, it is the inconsistency between the objective meanings sphere and the subjective sense-making sphere. Both titles represent the epistemological rupture embedded in the mainstream culture and praxis rooted in the internal contradictions of individualism and post-modernism as worldview and practices, leading the mind to close its eyes on the contradictions which are the crucial source of grasping the internal content (abstraction and generalization) of the given experience, hence, a crucial source of creativity. Thus, it is considered that not only creativity is in crisis, but also the coherence of the mind as well, as an extreme result of the shattered postmodern existence.

Healthcare (Basel) ; 11(14)2023 Jul 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37510471


Actions for patient safety at the end of life must be aligned with the principles of palliative care, such as promoting comfort and quality of life. Faced with this complex process, health professionals need to seek the central relationships of the concepts of safety and palliative care to the end of life, in line with the wishes and expectations of the person and family members/caregivers, as well as with available resources and the capacity of services but, above all, reinforcing the importance of a non-reductionist care approach, which encompasses the various aspects inherent to humans. Hence, we present a new vision of patient safety in palliative care at the end of life based on the complex thinking of Edgar Morin, scientific evidence, and health policies in the global context. We discuss the deficiencies and disjunctions in thought and practice of palliative care at the end of life and patient safety, as well as the challenges for the conjunction of these complex themes, to finally present potential ways to apply complex thinking in the safe care of the patient at the end of life. The problematization of different aspects for the interposition of knowledge about patient safety in palliative care at the end of life portrays the existence of intersubjective connections and the multidimensionality that permeate the guidelines, actions and relationships that sustain the disciplines.

J Med Humanit ; 44(1): 43-59, 2023 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36350474


The personal, political, and aesthetic ideals that Irish modernists found embodied in the figure of Charles Stewart Parnell-independence, self-mastery, and a capacity for radical self-fashioning-have been well attested in Irish literary historiography. What has been less often noted is the centrality of sexual health to the conception, articulation, and emulation of those virtues, particularly when attempting to translate Parnell's public persona to the stage. This essay addresses this lacuna by tracing how a medicalized and politicized conception of sex informed Irish modernist efforts to dramatize the Parnell myth at the Abbey Theatre. It begins by establishing the hitherto underexamined ways in which the Parnell myth informed the infamously divisive sexual politics of J. M. Synge's The Playboy of the Western World (1907), in which the fallen leader and his career provide a template for Christy Mahon and the virile autonomy he is held to embody. Building on this analysis, the essay proceeds to explore the ways in which Synge's restaging of the Parnell myth, and the medicalized and politicized model of sex which underpinned it, informed Lady Augusta Gregory's efforts to resuscitate (and sanitize) Parnell for Abbey audiences in 1911's The Deliverer. Finally, through a close reading of Lennox Robinson's largely overlooked 1918 play, The Lost Leader, the essay charts how the organicist and hereditarian model of sexual health upon which earlier iterations of the Parnell myth had rested began to give place to a more psychoanalytic model. It then identifies the implications of this shift for Robinson's reading of Irish politics in the wake of the 1916 Easter Rising. In doing so, the essay highlights the ways in which sexual health emerged as an extra-moral normative framework in Irish political discourse, and it demonstrates how a Medical Humanities approach and a sensitivity to the social history of medicine in Ireland can enrich critical understandings of the Parnell myth and its modernist afterlives.

Drama , Medicina , Saúde Sexual , Masculino , Humanos , Irlanda , Política
Tempo psicanál ; 54(2): 326-356, jul.-dez. 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1450552


A intenção deste artigo é de realizar a genealogia do modernismo e da brasilidade na obra de Mario de Andrade.

The intention of this article is to perform the genealogy of modernism and Brazilianness in the work of Mario de Andrade.

La intención de este artículo es realizar la genealogía del modernismo y la brasilidad en la obra de Mario de Andrade.

Front Psychol ; 12: 693077, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34616331


This paper will look at the results of what has been termed "the crisis of modernism" and the related rise of postmodern perspectives in the 19th and 20th centuries. It concentrates on what is arguably the chief casualty of this crisis - human agency - and the social science that has developed out of the crisis. We argue that modern and postmodern social science ultimately obviate human agency in the understanding of what it means to be a human being. Attention is given to the contemporary intellectual world and the way in which it has been deeply informed by neo-Hegelian and other postmodern scholarly trends, particularly in accounting for how agency has come to play little role in social science understanding of human action. The paper also offers an alternative conception of human agency to the commonly endorsed libertarian model of free choice. Finally, the paper argues that this view of agency preserves meaning and purpose in human action and counters the pervasive social science worldview that sacrifices agency and meaning to powerful invisible abstractions.

J. psicanal ; 54(100): 273-281, jan.-jun. 2021.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1279352


Este texto destaca as Passagens, diz respeito à formação dos analistas, mas também procura uma amplitude e maior alcance para discutir os contextos. O texto lembra que comemoraremos em 2022 os 100 da Semana de Arte Moderna, movimento motivado pelo questionamento das convenções instituídas nas artes e na cultura. Junto com os modernistas da Semana de 22, chega ao Brasil a psicanálise, que, ao longo desses anos, viveu e vive transformações, entendidas como a própria matéria da qual a psique se nutre. Assim, propõe a ideia de passagens como experiência de regiões de limiar e trânsito, o que constantemente ocorre na vida mental, em momentos de transformação nas várias fases da vida, em detalhes sutis do cotidiano, como os instantes de passagem do sonho para a vigília. Também aponta para as instituições psicanalíticas, as passagens, a maneira pela qual elas ocorrem, e a possível cristalização em certos lugares. Procura-se chamar a atenção a atenção para riscos de burocratizar as passagens em contraposição destaca-se o aspecto questionador e criativo das passagens, trilhas que os modernistas e nossos pioneiros nos sinalizaram.

This text highlights the Passages, refers to the training of analysts, but also seeks a breadth and greater scope to discuss the contexts. In 2022 we will celebrate the centenary of the Modern Art Week, a movement motivated by the questioning of the conventions established in art and culture. Together with the modernists of the Week of 22, psychoanalysis arrives in Brazil, which throughout these years has suffer many transformations, understood as the very matter from which the psyche is nourished. It proposes the idea of passages as an experience of thresholds and regions of transit, which occurs constantly in mental life, in moments of transformation in the different phases of life, in subtle details of daily life, such as moments of the passage from sleep to wakefulness. It also points to the psychoanalytic institutions, the passages, the way they occur, and the possible crystallization in certain places. We call for attention to the risks of bureaucratizing the passages in contrast, the questioning and creative aspect of the passages stands out, paths that the modernists and our pioneers pointed out to us.

Este texto destaca los Pasajes, se refiere a la formación de analistas, pero también busca una amplitud y un mayor alcance para discutir los contextos. El texto recuerda que en 2022 celebraremos el centenario de la Semana de Arte Moderna, un movimiento motivado por el cuestionamiento de las convenciones instituidas en el arte y la cultura. Junto a los modernistas de la Semana del 22, llega a Brasil el psicoanálisis, que a lo largo de estos años ha vivido y vive transformaciones, entendidas como la materia misma de la que se nutre la psique. Así, propone la idea de los pasajes como una experiencia de umbrales y regiones de tránsito, que se ocurre constantemente en la vida mental, en momentos de transformación en las distintas fases de la vida, en detalles sutiles de la vida cotidiana, como los momentos del pasaje del sueño a la vigilia. También apunta a las instituciones psicoanalíticas, los pasajes, la forma en que ocurren y la posible cristalización en determinados lugares. Llamamos la atención sobre los riesgos de burocratizar los pasajes en contraste, se destaca el aspecto cuestionador y creativo de los pasajes, senderos que nos señalaron los modernistas y nuestros pioneros.

Ce texte met en lumière les Passages, fait référence à la formation des analystes, mais cherche aussi une largeur et une plus grande portée pour discuter les contextes. En 2022 nous fêterons le centenaire de la Semaine de l'Art Moderne, mouvement motivé par la remise en cause des conventions établies dans l'art et la culture. Avec les modernistes de la Semaine des 22, la psychanalyse arrive au Brésil, qui tout au long de ces années a vécu et vit des transformations, comprises comme la matière même dont se nourrit la psyché. Ainsi, il propose l'idée des passages comme une expérience de seuils et de régions de transit, qui se produit constamment dans la vie mentale, dans des moments de transformation dans les différentes phases de la vie, dans des détails subtils de la vie quotidienne, tels que des moments du passage du sommeil à la veille. Il met également en évidence les institutions psychanalytiques, les passages, la manière dont ils se produisent et une possible cristallisation dans des lieux particuliers. Nous attirons l'attention sur les risques de bureaucratisation des passages en revanche, l'aspect questionnant et créatif des passages ressort, chemins que nous ont signalés les modernistes et nos pionniers.

Arte , Psicanálise , Cultura
New Bioeth ; 27(2): 105-126, 2021 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33955830


The transhumanist project of reshaping human beings by promoting their improvement through technological innovations has a broad agenda. This study focuses on the enhancement of the human organism through genetic modification techniques. Transhumanism values and a discussion of their philosophical background provide a framework to understand its ideals. Genetics and ethics are employed to assess the claims of the transhumanist program of human enhancement. A succinct description of central concepts in genetics and an explanation of current techniques to edit the human genome serve to assess the capabilities and limitations of editing techniques. Potential benefits and liabilities of human enhancement through genome editing are discussed to appraise its feasibility. Ethical considerations of genome editing inform a reflection on the implications of introducing heritable changes in the genome of individuals. It is concluded that the transhumanist program is underpinned by a large number of hypotheses rather than by sufficient evidence.

Melhoramento Genético , Invenções , Edição de Genes , Genoma Humano , Humanismo , Humanos
J Homosex ; : 1-21, 2020 Dec 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33351726


This essay locates Christopher Isherwood's radical energy in the use of emergent visual technologies to curate a space for queer desire in his works Goodbye to Berlin (1939) and Prater Violet (1945). Isherwood subverts the heteronormative cinematic discourses by pausing them and preparing Instantaneous Photographs out of small moments that engage in a play of stillness and movement. The pauses enable the narratives to constantly draw attention toward themselves as well as the namesake narrators who voice their queer desire in those moments. This presents to us the unique esthetics of Isherwood wherein the visual does not only serve the novelistic in being a narrative strategy but becomes an epistemological mode through which the visual constructs queer subjectivity, in a world witnessing the rise of fascist forces. In short, the "queer camera," seizing the grand narrative of history, forges queer time and queer voice, and, thereby, an alternative history that acknowledges queer presence.

Rev. bras. psicanál ; 54(3): 226-236, jul.-set. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1288933


RESUMO Neste ensaio, o autor entrecruza a trajetória profissional de Virgínia Leone Bicudo, promotora de iniciativas de institucionalização e divulgação da psicanálise no país e autora de um estudo sociológico pioneiro acerca das relações raciais no Brasil urbano e contemporâneo, e aspectos da constituição sociopolítica e cultural da sociedade brasileira.

ABSTRACT It is about an essay that interconnects Virginia Leone Bicudo's career path, promoting psychoanalysis institutionalization initiatives in Brazil and the author of sociological studies, pioneer in race relations about the racism present in Brazil, both urban and contemporaneous, besides aspects of sociopolitical and cultural establishment in Brazilian society.

RESUMEN Se trata de un ensayo que entrecruza la trayectoria profesional de Virginia Leone Bicudo, promotora de iniciativas de institucionalización y divulgación del psicoanálisis en Brasil y autora del estudio sociológico pionero en el tema de las relaciones raciales sobre el racismo presente en Brasil, urbano y contemporáneo, con aspectos de la constitución sociopolítica y cultural de la sociedad brasileña.

RÉSUMÉ Il s'agit d'un essai qui entrecroise la trajectoire professionnelle de Virginia Leone Bicudo, promotrice d'initiatives d'institutionnalisation et de diffusion de la psychanalyse au Brésil, et autrice d'une étude sociologique pionnière dans les rapports raciaux concernant le racisme urbain et contemporain présent au Brésil, et encore les aspects de la constitution sociopolitique de la société brésilienne.

Contemp Nurse ; 56(4): 344-353, 2020 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32729776


Background: A career in nursing academia offers clinicians a new challenge. Academic nursing and clinical nursing are two separate worlds with different social and cultural borders, foci and ways of working. It is possible to imagine this space as a kind of borderland, a new frontier that is simultaneously exciting and perilous. Aim: A concept analysis explored the borders as a site of meaning for professional development. Method: This study employed a four step concept analysis. Results: The analysis revealed four attributes of borders that are useful for clinical teachers to understand; liminality, border crossing, border work, and inhabiting a new world. Conclusion: As a liminal space, clinical teaching can be a site where uncertainty and ambiguity arises. This can create anxiety but also opportunities to think about both worlds differently, so that clinical teachers may discover new insights and applications for their work.

Educação Profissionalizante/organização & administração , Docentes de Enfermagem/educação , Docentes de Enfermagem/psicologia , Enfermeiros Clínicos/educação , Enfermeiros Clínicos/psicologia , Papel Profissional/psicologia , Desenvolvimento de Pessoal/organização & administração , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Pesquisa Qualitativa
J Relig Health ; 59(5): 2302-2307, 2020 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32474836


This article explores the fundamental role of mystery in the care of patients suffering from COVID-19. Specific attention is paid to the disparity between modern and post-modern approaches to mystery and how medical instruction and care has often been conducted in the vein of the former. However, with post-moderns now being trained as medical clinicians and serving on the frontlines of this pandemic, there is an opportunity to return to a more ancient manner of understanding humanity, one which places mystery on equal footing with chemistry.

Betacoronavirus , Infecções por Coronavirus , Pandemias , Pneumonia Viral , COVID-19 , Humanos , SARS-CoV-2
J Environ Manage ; 262: 110324, 2020 May 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32250805


We present a case of environmental transformation, in the Romanian Danube Delta, driven by the interplay of state power, technological intervention, geomorphological processes, and local practices. Through the presentation of a cartographic archive (1856-2017), together with participant observation and historical research, we detail the various stages of transformation in the deltaic environment and show the relative interplay of driving forces. We show that each transformation of the Delta is at the same time an imposition from without and an adaptation from within, a move of consolidation of state power and a resistance to being fully incorporated. We show how in the history of this particular environment, the main drivers of change pass from being of a geomorphological nature to being related to the use of state power. We detail three stages in the transformation of the delta, through which the conceptualization of, and interventions in, the environment, go from a borderland to be secured, to a rich exploitation ground, to an ecological marvel to be protected. We argue that this kind of analysis can be particularly relevant for the governance of protected areas.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecologia , Meio Ambiente , Humanos , Política , Romênia
Psicol. rev. (Belo Horizonte) ; 26(1): 269-284, jan.-abr. 2020.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1507198


Este trabalho tem como objetivo situar a teoria da subjetividade no contexto da Psicologia histórico-cultural, respondendo à pergunta: seria a primeira uma vertente da segunda ou seriam teorias independentes? Para dar conta de tal questão, lança-se mão de uma reflexão teórica baseada na revisão de textos importantes de González Rey, tentando identificar pontos de semelhança e dessemelhança com a proposta vigostkiana, pela demarcação das categorias propostas pelo autor cubano e sua interlocução com as propostas do autor soviético. Com base nisso, chega-se à conclusão de que a teoria da subjetividade tem importantes aproximações ontológicas e epistemológicas com a Psicologia histórico-cultural, mas que, por esta também ter uma base na teoria da complexidade, trata-se, de fato, de uma releitura pós-moderna desta

independent theories? In order to answer the previous question we propose a theoretical reflection based on an important review of Gonzalez Rey’s texts, trying to identify points of similarity and dissimilarity in relation to Vigotsky’s theory, through the framing of the categories proposed by the Cuban author and its interconnection with the proposals from the Soviet author. Based on this, one concludes that the Theory of Subjectivity has important ontological and epistemological approximation towards the Historical-Cultural Psychology, though, due to the fact that this theory is also based on the Complexity Theory, it is indeed a postmodern review.

Este trabajo tiene como objetivo situar la Teoría de la Subjetividad en el contexto de la Psicología Histórico-Cultural, contestando la pregunta: ¿sería la primera teoría una rama de la segunda, o son teorías independientes? Para darse cuenta de responder esta cuestión, emplease una reflexión teórica basada en la revisión de importantes textos de Rey, intentando identificar puntos de similitud y disimilitud con la propuesta vigotskiana, a través de la demarcación de las categorías que han sido propuestas por el autor cubano y su diálogo con las propuestas del autor soviético. Basándose en eso, se puede llegar a la conclusión de que la Teoría de la Subjetividad tiene importantes aproximaciones ontológicas y epistemológicas con la Psicología Histórico- Cultural, pero por tener también una base en la Teoría de la Complejidad, tratase de una relectura posmoderna de esta.

Psicologia , Revisão , Conhecimento , Pós-Modernismo
Educ. med. super ; 34(1): e1772, ene.-mar. 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1124666


La educación enfrenta la tensión entre un pensamiento moderno y otro posmoderno. Dicha problemática nos llevará a preguntar lo siguiente: ¿qué ha gobernado a la cuestión educativa para estar en tensión en la actualidad? Abordaremos el modo en que la racionalidad técnico-instrumental, propia del pensamiento moderno, reverbera fuertemente en la actualidad. En contraposición, examinaremos cómo el pensamiento posmoderno emerge cuestionando la legitimidad del método científico tradicional y comienza a ser una respuesta para aquel descontento social que tensiona a la educación. En otras palabras, el objetivo del presente trabajo será analizar cómo dichas posiciones teóricas se han ido permeando sigilosamente en la discusión educativa, lo que finalmente nos ayudará a abrir una discusión sobre qué entenderemos por educar y qué camino reflexivo pudiese seguir la disciplina de la Educación Médica en Latinoamérica(AU)

Education faces the tension between modern and postmodern thinking. This problem will lead us to ask the following: What has governed the educational question as being in tension today? We will address the way in which technical-instrumental rationality, inherent in modern thought, reverberates strongly today. In contrast, we will examine how postmodern thinking emerges by questioning the legitimacy of the traditional scientific method and begins to be a response to that social discontent that stresses education. In other words, the objective of the present work will be to analyze how these theoretical positions have been stealthily permeating in the educational discussion, which will finally help us open a discussion about what we will understand by educating and what reflective path should be followed by the discipline of Medical Education in Latin America(AU)

Humanos , Educação Médica , Métodos
Rev. bras. psicanál ; 52(1): 160-177, jan.-mar. 2018. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1288726


Este trabalho procura examinar as transformações vividas pelo Brasil desde o fim gradativo do trabalho escravo e o início da imigração, passando pelas questões referentes à saúde e pela Primeira Guerra Mundial. Na esfera da vida intelectual, existia uma insatisfação com o que era produzido e uma ambição por uma arte nova. Daí surgem o grupo modernista e a Semana de Arte Moderna, em que dois nomes se destacam, Mário de Andrade e Oswald de Andrade, os quais vão se interessar pelas ideias da psicanálise, que aos poucos desembarcam no país. O artigo aborda também o grupo de cientistas formado no Rio de Janeiro por médicos e intelectuais provenientes de vários estados brasileiros, como Juliano Moreira, Silva Melo, Genserico Aragão de Souza Pinto, Antônio Austregésilo, Fernandes Figueira, Medeiros e Albuquerque, Júlio Pires Porto-Carrero e Arthur Ramos, que, já com algum conhecimento da psicanálise nascente, se empenham em modernizar o tratamento dos pacientes que lhes chegam. Alguns enviam seus trabalhos para Freud, que sempre agradece e se surpreende por receber esse material de um distante país, como costumava se referir ao Brasil. Em São Paulo, Franco da Rocha, professor de clínica neuropsiquiátrica da Faculdade de Medicina de São Paulo, publica n'O Estado de S. Paulo o texto "Do delírio em geral", o qual motiva em Durval Marcondes, jovem estudante de medicina, o interesse pelas ideias da psicanálise, que manterá pela vida afora.

In this paper, the author attempts to study, by dealing with issues related to health and World War i, the transformations Brazil has experienced since the gradual end of slave labor and the beginning of immigration. In the sphere of intellectual life, there were both a dissatisfaction with the then-current production and a strong desire for new art. The modernist group and the Modern Art Week emerged from this context, and then two important names became prominent: Mário de Andrade and Oswald de Andrade, who would develop interest for psychoanalytic ideas, which were slowly reaching the country. This paper also deals with the group of scientists that was composed of doctors and intellectuals from many Brazilian states, such as Juliano Moreira, Silva Melo, Genserico Aragão de Souza Pinto, Antônio Austregésilo, Fernandes Figueira, Medeiros e Albuquerque, Júlio Pires Porto-Carrero and Arthur Ramos. Already with some knowledge of the rising psychoanalysis, they worked hard to modernize the treatment for the patients who were arriving to them. Some of these doctors/intellectuals sent Freud their work. Freud was always thankful and surprised for receiving that material from Brazil, to which he used to refer as a distant country. In São Paulo, Franco da Rocha, who was a professor of clinical practice in neuropsychiatry at the Medical College of São Paulo, published, in O Estado de S. Paulo (a newspaper), an article called "On delirium in general". In this article, Durval Marcondes, who was a young student of medical college, found motivation to be interested in the new ideas of psychoanalysis. Marcondes's interest would continue throughout his life.

El presente trabajo se propone examinar las transformaciones vividas en Brasil desde el fin gradual del trabajo esclavo y el inicio de la inmigración, pasando por los puntos relacionados con la salud y la Primera Guerra Mundial. En la esfera de la vida intelectual existía una insatisfacción con lo que se producía y una ambición por un arte nuevo. Es de aquí que surge el grupo modernista y la Semana del Arte Moderno, donde se destacan los nombres de Mário de Andrade y Oswald de Andrade, quienes se interesan por las ideas del psicoanálisis, que poco a poco llegan al país. El artículo aborda también el grupo de científicos formado en Río de Janeiro por médicos e intelectuales de varios estados brasileños, como Juliano Moreira, Silva Melo, Genserico Aragão de Souza Pinto, Antônio Austregésilo, Fernandes Figueira, Medeiros e Albuquerque, Júlio Pires Porto-Carrero y Arthur Ramos, que, con algún conocimiento previo del psicoanálisis naciente, se empeñan en modernizar el tratamiento de los pacientes que llegan hasta ellos. Algunos envían sus trabajos a Freud, que siempre agradece y se sorprende por recibir ese material de un país distante, como solía referirse a Brasil. En São Paulo, Franco da Rocha, profesor de clínica neuropsiquiátrica de la Facultad de Medicina de São Paulo, publica en O Estado de S. Paulo el texto "Del delirio en general", que motiva en Durval Marcondes, un joven estudiante de medicina, el interés por las nuevas ideas del psicoanálisis, que mantendrá durante su vida.

La présente étude cherche à examiner les transformations vécues par le Brésil depuis la fin gradative du travail esclave et le début de l'immigration, en passant par les questions référentes à la santé et à la Première Guerre mondiale. Dans le cadre de la vie intellectuelle, il existait une insatisfaction concernant ce qui était produit, et une envie d'un art neuf. De là, il est né le groupe moderniste et la Semaine d'art moderne, où deux noms sont en relief: Mário d'Andrade et Oswald d'Andrade, qui vont s'intéresser par les idées de la psychanalyse qui arrivaient peu à peu au pays. On aborde aussi le groupe de scientistes formé à Rio par des médecins et des intellectuels de plusieurs états du Brésil, tels que Juliano Moreira, Silva Melo, Genserico Aragão de Souza Pinto, Antônio Austregésilo, Fernandes Figueira, Medeiros e Albuquerque, Júlio Pires Porto-Carrero et Arthur Ramos, lesquels, ayant déjà une certaine connaissance de la psychanalyse naissante, s'efforcent de moderniser le traitement des cas de patients qui venaient jusqu'à eux. Ils ont envoyé quelques-uns de leurs travaux à Freud, qui remercia toujours et se surprenait de recevoir ce matériel d'un pays lointain, comme il avait l'habitude de dire en parlant du Brésil. À São Paulo, Franco da Rocha, professeur de clinique neuropsychiatrique de la Faculté de médicine de São Paulo, publie sur le journal O Estado de S. Paulo le texte "Du délire en général", qui éveille chez le jeune étudiant de médicine, Durval Marcondes, l'intérêt dans les nouvelles idées de la psychanalyse, ce qu'il gardera pendant toute sa vie.

Am J Psychoanal ; 77(4): 359-377, 2017 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29085057


After the so-called refugee crisis of 2015-2016 European reactions to foreigners had come to the fore and we are seeing xenophobic political and populist movements become increasingly mainstream. The massive rejection of refugees/asylum seekers taking place has made their conditions before, during and after flight, increasingly difficult and dangerous. This paper relates current xenophobia to historical attitudinal trends in Europe regarding Islam, and claims that a much more basic conflict is at work: the one between anti-modernism/traditionalism and modernism/globalization. Narratives on refugees often relate them to both the foreign (Islam) and to "trauma". In an environment of insecurity and collective anxiety, refugees may represent something alien and frightening but also fascinating. I will argue that current concepts and theories about "trauma" or "the person with trauma" are insufficient to understand the complexity of the refugee predicament. Due to individual and collective countertransference reactions, the word "trauma" tends to lose its theoretical anchoring and becomes an object of projection for un-nameable anxieties. This disturbs relations to refugees at both societal and clinical levels and lays the groundwork for the poor conditions that they are currently experiencing. Historically, attitudes towards refugees fall somewhere along a continuum between compassion and rejection/dehumanization. At the moment, they seem much closer to the latter. I would argue that today's xenophobia and/or xeno-racism reflect the fact that, both for individuals and for society, refugees have come to represent the Freudian Uncanny/das Unheimliche.

Desumanização , Empatia , Trauma Psicológico/psicologia , Refugiados/psicologia , Xenofobia/psicologia , Austrália , Europa (Continente) , Humanos , Islamismo