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São Paulo med. j ; 140(5): 723-733, Sept.-Oct. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1410217


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: The number of bariatric surgeries performed worldwide is growing. Among the main short, medium or long-term complications after surgery are nutritional deficiencies. Many of these, such as those of Zn, Cu and vitamins A, B1, B3, B6 and B12, are manifested by dermatological lesions before potentially fatal systemic disorders occur. OBJECTIVE: To identify the main dermatological manifestations associated with nutritional deficiencies after bariatric surgery, and the associated variables. DESIGN AND SETTING: Integrative literature review carried out at a public university in Brazil. METHODS: This was a case report and a review of health research portals and databases of national and international biomedical journals, without publication date limitation. The descriptors used for searches followed the ideal methodology for each database/search portal: "bariatric surgery", "skin", "skin disease", "skin manifestation", "deficiency disease" and "malnutrition". RESULTS: A total of 59 articles were selected, among which 23 were review articles or articles that addressed specific dermatological manifestations. The other 36 articles described 41 cases, which were organized into a table with the clinical variables. CONCLUSIONS: Although nutritional deficiencies are expected as complications after bariatric surgery, few articles relating them to their dermatological manifestations were found. It is important to recognize skin changes caused by nutritional deficiencies in patients treated via bariatric surgery, as these may occur before systemic complications appear and are easier to diagnose when the patient does not have any systemic symptoms yet. However, there is generally a delay between the appearance of skin lesions and making the diagnosis of nutritional deficiency.

Case Rep Ophthalmol ; 6(1): 24-9, 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25759666


We describe the cases of 2 autistic children with ophthalmic and systemic manifestations of vitamin A deficiency due to food faddism. Although vitamin A deficiency is common in the developing world, reports in developed societies are rare. Our patients presented over a 1-year period. The patients were 14 and 13 years old at the time of presentation and were both found to have marked features of vitamin A deficiency related to unusual dietary habits. Anterior segment signs of xerophthalmia were present in both patients. In addition, patient 1 showed evidence of a rod-predominant retinopathy, which resolved with vitamin A supplementation. Due to its rare occurrence, hypovitaminosis A must be highlighted and anticipated in this cohort.

J Clin Diagn Res ; 8(1): 116-8, 2014 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24596740


BACKGROUND: In the treatment of phrynoderma, various nutrients have been tried in different dosages and routes with variable therapeutic outcomes. AIMS: The present study was undertaken to compare the efficacy of various nutrients in the treatment of phrynoderma. SETTINGS AND DESIGN: An open label randomized controlled study was conducted in the out-patient department of Dermatology in a tertiary care hospital. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The patients were divided into group of five and each patient received one of the five regimens [10 injections of Vitamin A 1 lakh units, intramuscularly (IM) on alternate day, 10 injections of Vitamin B complex, 2cc IM on alternate day, 2 table spoon of safflower oil, two times daily with meals, Tab Vitamin E 400mg once daily, and only topical keratolytic (salicylic acid 3% ointment) two times daily] respectively. The first four regimens also received topical keratolytic. The primary outcome measured was therapeutic response at the end of regimen. The response was graded based on the percentage of flattening and decrease in number of lesions. Less than 25% improvement was graded as poor, 26-50% improvement as moderate, 51-75% improvement as good, and more than 75% improvement as excellent response. In the statistical analysis, comparison was done using Chi-square and Fisher's exact test. RESULTS: A total of 125 patients were included in the study with 25 patients each in five regimen groups. There were 79 (63.2%) males and 46 (36.8%) females with a ratio of 1.72:1. The age of the patients ranged from 3 to 26 years with mean of 10.1±4.3 years. Out of 125 patients, 105 completed the study. In regimen 1 and 2, significant number of patients showed good to excellent response whereas significant number of patients in remaining regimen showed moderate to poor response with a p value of <0.05. The therapeutic response to Vitamin A and Vitamin B complex therapy was significantly better than other regimens. CONCLUSION: Intramuscular injections of Vitamin A or Vitamin B are effective in the treatment of phrynoderma. Addition of topical keratolytics helps in faster clearance of keratotic lesions.

Indian J Dermatol ; 56(4): 389-92, 2011 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21965845


BACKGROUND: Phrynoderma is a type of follicular hyperkeratosis. Various nutritional deficiency disorders have been implicated in the etiology of phrynoderma. AIM: To determine clinical features of phrynoderma and its association with nutritional deficiency signs. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional descriptive study of 125 consecutive patients with phrynoderma attending the outpatient department (OPD) of dermatology was conducted in a tertiary care hospital. In all patients, a detailed history was taken and cutaneous examination findings such as distribution, sites of involvement, morphology of the lesions, and signs of nutritional deficiencies were noted. RESULTS: The proportion of patients with phrynoderma attending the OPD was 0.51%. There were 79 males and 46 females. Age of the patients was in the range of 3-26 years with a mean of 10 ± 4.3 years. The lesions were asymptomatic in 114 (91.2%) patients. The distribution of lesions was bilateral and symmetrical in 89 (71.2%) patients. The disease was localized (elbows, knees, extensor extremities, and/or buttocks) in 106 (84.8%) patients. The site of onset was elbows in 106 (84.8%) patients. The lesions were discrete, keratotic, follicular, pigmented or skin colored, acuminate papules in all patients. Signs of vitamin A and vitamin B-complex deficiency were present in 3.2% and 9.6% patients, respectively. Epidermal hyperkeratosis, follicular hyperkeratosis, and follicular plugging were present in the entire biopsy specimen. CONCLUSION: Phrynoderma is a disorder with distinctive clinical features and can be considered as a multifactorial disease involving multiple nutrients, local factors like pressure and friction, and environmental factors in the setting of increased nutritional demand.