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Vet Sci ; 10(1)2023 Jan 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36669058


The knowledge of how diet choices, dietary supplements, and feed intake influence molecular mechanisms in ruminant nutrition and physiology to maintain ruminant health, is essential to attain. In the present review, we focus on the role of microRNAs in ruminant health and disease; additionally, we discuss the potential of circulating microRNAs as biomarkers of disease in ruminants and the state of technology for their detection, also considering the major difficulties in the transition of biomarker development from bench to clinical practice. MicroRNAs are an inexhaustible class of endogenous non-protein coding small RNAs of 18 to 25 nucleotides that target either the 3' untranslated (UTR) or coding region of genes, ensuring a tight post-transcriptionally controlled regulation of gene expression. The development of new "omics" technologies facilitated a fresh perspective on the nutrition-to-gene relationship, incorporating more extensive data from molecular genetics, animal nutrition, and veterinary sciences. MicroRNAs might serve as important regulators of metabolic processes and may present the inter-phase between nutrition and gene regulation, controlled by the diet. The development of biomarkers holds the potential to revolutionize veterinary practice through faster disease detection, more accurate ruminant health monitoring, enhanced welfare, and increased productivity. Finally, we summarize the latest findings on how microRNAs function as biomarkers, how technological paradigms are reshaping this field of research, and how platforms are being used to identify novel biomarkers. Numerous studies have demonstrated a connection between circulating microRNAs and ruminant diseases such as mastitis, tuberculosis, foot-and-mouth disease, fasciolosis, and metabolic disorders. Therefore, the identification and analysis of a small number of microRNAs can provide crucial information about the stage of a disease, etiology, and prognosis.

Pesqui. vet. bras ; 38(6): 1030-1037, jun. 2018. graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-955448


Bócio é o aumento não inflamatório e não neoplásico da glândula tireoide em animais adultos e recém-nascidos. Uma das principais causas envolvidas é a deficiência nutricional de iodo. Relata-se neste trabalho, a ocorrência de três surtos de bócio em bovinos. Na primeira propriedade (Propriedade A), 60 bezerros foram afetados, sendo que 20 morreram logo após o nascimento, 30 recuperaram-se e 10 permaneceram doentes e tiveram remissão dos sinais apenas após tratamento parenteral com iodo. Na segunda propriedade (Propriedade B) uma vaca e seu feto foram acometidos e na terceira (Propriedade C) dois bezerros foram afetados. Os principais sinais clínicos observados nos bezerros foram aumento de volume bilateral na região cervical ventral, emagrecimento, dificuldade respiratória, hipotricose e desenvolvimento corpóreo retardado. Na propriedade A foi relatada ainda a ocorrência de abortamentos. Macroscopicamente, os bezerros e o feto apresentavam tireoide aumentada, vermelho-escura, com vascularização evidente e edema subcutâneo cervical. No surto dois também foi observado, à necropsia, aumento de volume da glândula tireoide da vaca. Microscopicamente, a tiroide dos bezerros e do feto apresentava folículos tireoidianos hiperplásicos, heterogêneos, destituídos de coloide e com interstício acentuadamente vascularizado. A tireoide da vaca era semelhante à dos bezerros, no entanto, possuía quantidade maior de coloide. Em todos os casos a suplementação mineral era realizada por meio da mistura de sal mineral com sal branco. Na Propriedade A o sal branco era não iodado e misturado em partes iguais com o sal mineral. Na Propriedade B o sal também era misturado a um sal branco não iodado na proporção e 1:2, respectivamente. Na Propriedade C o sal mineral e o sal branco não iodado eram ofertados em cochos separados no campo e, segundo relato do proprietário, os animais priorizavam o consumo do sal branco. Em todas as propriedades acompanhadas foi recomendada a interrupção da adição de sal branco na mistura mineral e a administração de iodo aos bezerros acometidos. Após essas medidas não foram observados novos casos nas propriedades. Apesar de ser uma enfermidade bem conhecida, ainda são poucos os relatados de casos de bócios em bovinos no Brasil. Além disso, pouco se sabe sobre as reais deficiências minerais de cada região, e que simples orientações de manejo nutricional ainda são necessárias.(AU)

Goiter is a non-inflammatory and non-neoplastic enlargement of the thyroid gland in adults and neonates. One of the main causes involved is the nutritional deficiency of iodine. In this study three outbreaks of goiter in cattle are reported. In the first outbreak (Farm A) 60 calves were affected, of which 20 died soon after birth, 30 recovered and 10 remained sick. In the second outbreak (Farm B) a cow and its fetus were affected and in the third outbreak (Farm C) two calves were affected. The main clinical signs observed were bilaterally enlarged thyroid glands, weight loss, respiratory distress, hypotrichosis and myxedema. Additionally in the Farm A abortions were reported. Macroscopically the thyroid of the calves and fetus was enlarged, dark red with evident vascularization and cervical subcutaneous edema. In the Farm B the cow showed enlarged thyroid gland as well. Microscopically the calves and the fetus had hyperplastic and heterogeneous thyroid follicles with absence of colloid and vascularized interstitium. The thyroid of the cow was also hyperplastic, but had higher amount of colloid. In all outbreaks the mineral supplementation was performed by mixing non-iodized white salt with the mineral mixture. On the property A the white salt was non-iodized and mixed in equal parts with the mineral salt. At property B the salt was also mixed to a non-iodized white salt in ratio and 1:2, respectively. In the property C, mineral salt and non-iodized white salt were offered in separate troughs in the field, and according to the owner's report the animals prioritized the consumption of white salt. In all the monitored properties it was recommended to stop the addition of white salt in the mineral mixture and the administration of iodine to the affected calves. After these measurements no new cases were observed in the properties. Despite being a well-known disease, there are still few reported cases of goiter in cattle in Brazil. Moreover, little is known about the actual mineral deficiencies of each region, and that simple nutritional management guidelines are still needed.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/anormalidades , Bócio/diagnóstico , Hiperplasia/diagnóstico , Iodo/deficiência
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 38(5): 806-810, May 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-955399


To evaluate the outcome of acute lesions in the brains of sheep that completely clinically recover from acute polioencephalomalacia (PEM), ten sheep were used in this experiment. Eight of those sheep received varying doses of amprolium to induce PEM. Four sheep were treated intramuscularly with 40mg/kg/body weight with thiamine to allow recovery and four sheep were left untreated. Two control sheep did not receive either amprolium or thiamine and were kept along with the other eight sheep for the duration of the experiment. Except for the two drugs, the diet and water source were the same for the ten sheep. Two sheep receiving high daily doses of amprolium and one sheep receiving a lower dose had acute deaths and developed acute brain lesions consisting of neuronal laminar cortical necrosis (red neurons), edema, reactive astrocytes, swollen endothelial cells and gitter cells infiltration. Four sheep that recovered from lower doses of amprolium-induced PEM after being treated with thiamine and another one that recovered spontaneously were euthanatized six months after clinical recovery and had gross changes consisting of segmental absence of cortical tissue. Histologically these segmental cortex-deprived areas corresponded to quasi-empty spaces where only vessels and gitter cells existed. No changes were seen in the brains of the two control sheep.(AU)

Para avaliar a evolução das lesões agudas no cérebro de ovinos que se recuperam clinicamente de polioencefalomalacia aguda (PEM), dez ovinos foram usados neste experimento. Oito desses ovinos receberam doses variáveis de amprólio para induzir PEM. Quatro ovinos foram tratados intramuscularmente com 40mg/kg/peso corporal de tiamina para permitir a recuperação, e outros quatro ficaram sem tratamento. Dois ovinos controles não receberam amprólio nem tiamina e foram mantidos com os outros oito ovinos durante a duração do experimento. Exceto pelas duas drogas, a dieta e a fonte de água eram as mesmas para os dez ovinos. Dois ovinos que receberam doses diárias altas de amprólio, e um que recebeu doses menores, tiveram mortes agudas e desenvolveram lesões cerebrais constituídas por necrose neuronal laminar cortical (neurônios vermelhos), edema, tumefação de células endoteliais, astrócitos reativos, tumefação de células endoteliais e infiltração por células gitter. Quatro ovinos que se recuperam da PEM induzida por amprólio, após tratamento com tiamina, e outro que se recuperou espontaneamente, permaneceram clinicamente normais e foram submetidos a eutanásia seis meses após a recuperação clínica. Na necropsia, apresentavam alterações macroscópicas caracterizadas por ausência segmentar de tecido corticocerebral. Histologicamente, essas áreas privadas de tecido cortical consistiam de espaços praticamente vazios onde apenas vasos e células gitter eram vistos. Não foram encontradas alterações no encéfalo das duas ovelhas controle.(AU)

Animais , Cicatrização , Lesões Encefálicas/terapia , Ovinos/lesões , Amprólio