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Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 23(4): e20231501, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520280


Abstract Beaucarnea inermis is an endemic species from Northeast Mexico, in the states of San Luis Potosí and Tamaulipas. It is appreciated as an ornamental plant, so its populations are subject to the poaching of individuals for illegal trade. Previous studies determined that their populations have been affected due to the disturbance since the incidence of anthropogenic activities affects the viability of the species. Here we determine the current conservation status of B. inermis and identify their main risk factor by performing an extinction risk assessment based on the Annex II "Method for Evaluation of Risk of Extinction of Plants in Mexico". We studied 10 populations of B. inermis from protected and non-protected areas in San Luis Potosí and Tamaulipas. We considered the MER criteria: A) geographical distribution characteristics, B) habitat characteristics, C) intrinsic biological vulnerability, and D) impact of human activity. Using field and analyzed data, the MER assessment gives 1.91 points that confirm B. inermis is correctly classified as an Endangered species. The natural protected areas where the species occurs represent cores for its protection; however, the surface of these areas may not be sufficient without biological corridors that connect them.

Resumen Beaucarnea inermis es una especie endémica del Noroeste de México distribuida en los estados de San Luis Potosí y Tamaulipas. Es apreciada como planta ornamental, por lo que sus poblaciones están sujetas al saqueo de individuos para su comercialización ilegal. En trabajos anteriores se determinó que sus poblaciones han sido afectadas debido al disturbio por la incidencia de actividades antrópicas que afectan su viabilidad. En la presente contribución se determina el nivel de riesgo de B. inermis con base en el Anexo Normativo II "Método de Evaluación de Riesgo de Extinción de Plantas en México". Se estudiaron 10 poblaciones de B. inermis en San Luis Potosí y Tamaulipas, tanto en áreas naturales protegidas como en sitios no protegidos. Los criterios MER considerados fueron: A) características de la distribución geográfica, B) características del hábitat, C) vulnerabilidad biológica intrínseca y D) impacto de la actividad humana. El análisis MER arroja un valor de 1.91 que, confirma a B. inermis dentro de la categoría de Amenazada. Las áreas naturales protegidas donde se distribuye la especie funcionan como núcleos de protección, sin embargo, su superficie puede no ser suficiente sin la presencia de corredores biológicos que las conecten.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33672845


Climate change scenarios show that water availability could be decreasing in the near future, adding to the increasing problem of the growing water demands in socioeconomic sectors. The aim of this work was to generate a geographically explicit water balance concerning availability vs. demand in an overpopulated region of Mexico. Water balance and water deficit models were made for three periods of time: 1970-2000, and two future periods of time (2041-2060 and 2061-2080). Three global climate models were used in addition to two different climate scenarios from each (Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) RCP 4.6 and RCP 8.5). Water demand for socioeconomic sectors was calculated through the water footprint. Water availability was 197,644.58 hm3/year, while that the water demand was 59,187 hm3/year. The socioeconomic sectors with the highest demand were domestic services (48%), agriculture (27%), livestock agriculture (20%), and timber production (5%). The highest water availability areas were not the same as those with the highest demand and vice versa. However, 39% of municipalities had a higher water demand than its availability. A significant reduction in water availability was identified, considering an interval of -15% to 40%. This variation depends on climate models, scenarios, and period of time. Areas with overpopulated cities in the region would have higher pressure on water availability. These results could be used in the implementation of public policies by focusing on adaptation strategies to reduce water deficit in the immediate future.

Agricultura , Mudança Climática , Previsões , México , Água
PeerJ ; 7: e6390, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30783569


Habitat loss or degradation due to land cover change is regarded as one of the main drivers of amphibian decline; therefore, it is imperative to assess the effects of land-cover change on this group of vertebrates. In this study, we analyze changes in alpha and beta diversity of amphibian communities found in five land-cover types: mountain cloud forest, tropical evergreen forest, shade coffee, milpa huasteca, and grazing areas; six samples sites were established for each land-cover type, separated at least one km away. The study was conducted in the northwest part of the state of Hidalgo, in a transition zone between the Sierra Madre Oriental and the Gulf of Mexico, which is a region rich in amphibian species. The results indicate that alpha diversity decreases with loss of canopy cover, this being high in mountain cloud forest, tropical evergreen forest, and Shade coffee, and low in milpa huasteca and grazing areas. The land-cover type with the highest species evenness was found in milpa huasteca and the lowest in. The highest beta diversity was observed among tropical evergreen forest and grazing areas. Mountain cloud forest contains both exclusive species and the highest number of species currently regarded as threatened by national and international conservation assessment systems. In order to preserve amphibian diversity in the study area it is vital to protect the last remnants of native vegetation, especially mountain cloud forest, but also including Shade coffee, since the latter habitat harbors amphibian diversity similar to that found in native forests. Finally, implementation of policies that both reduce Grazing areas and increase their productivity is also necessary, since these highly modified areas turn out to be the ones that affect amphibian diversity the most.

Zookeys ; (788): 183-199, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30337829


The genus Rhabdorthodes gen. n. is described for three previously unnamed noctuid moths from the mountains of south-western United States and Mexico. It is assigned to subfamily Noctuinae, tribe Eriopygini. Rhabdorthodespattersoni sp. n. from the United States and Rhabdorthodesdurango sp. n. and Rhabdorthodespetersoni sp. n. from Mexico are described. These moths are small, dull gray brown, and lack highly diagnostic wing markings, but are distinctive structurally. The adults and genitalia of both sexes are illustrated and distribution maps are presented. Two species eponyms honor persons who have facilitated the study and enjoyment of moths in North America by creating moth-specific websites.

CienciaUAT ; 12(2): 6-21, ene.-jun. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001722


Resumen Los cambios en el uso de suelo y la cubierta vegetal, derivados de la expansión y extensión de асtividades antrópicas, generan impactos negativos en la biodiversidad y la provisión de servicios ecosistémicos, y contribuyen significativamente en los procesos de cambio climatico a nivel regional. Las Áreas Naturales Protegidas (ANP) representan un instrumento de política pública para hacer frente a las tendencias de cambio y transformación de los ecosistemas, además de permitir la conservación de los recursos. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el impacto potencial del cambio en el uso de suelo y la cobertura vegetal de las ANP de la región сеntral de la Sierra Madre Orientai (SMO), en México, a través del análisis espacial y la simulación de escenarios de cambio potencial. Se usaron imágenes satelitales para elaborar mapas de cambio en coberturas vegetales, entre los años 1989, 2000 y 2005, y con base en un conjunto de variables biofísicas y socioeconómicas, se simuló un escenario de cambio al 2025. Se determinó que la tasa de cambio de las cubiertas vegetales de la SMO en el periodo estudiado fue de 0.54 % en selvas, 0.22 % en bosques y 0.23 % en matorrales; y en las ANP fue de 0.34 % y 0.60 % para selvas y bosques, respectivamente. En este lapso se perdieron 1 578.26 ha de selvas, bosques y matorrales, al interior de las ANP. De mantenerse las tendencias actuales de cambio en el uso de la tierra, otras 4 542.17 ha estarán en riesgo de perderse en un futuro cercano. Los resultados indican que las ANP estudiadas están sometidas a presiones de cambio en el uso de la tierra, que amenazan la conservación del patrimonio natural que resguardan, por 10 que deberían rediseñarse las estrategias de manejo y monito reo a corto y mediano plazo.

Abstract Land use cover change, resulting from the expansion and extension of human activities, generates negative impact on biodiversity and the provision of ecosystem services, as well as contributing significantly to climate change processes at a regional level. Natural Protected Areas (NPA) represent a public policy instrument to address the trends of change and ecosystem transformation, while allowing the conservation of resources. The objective of this study was to determine the potential impact of the processes involved in land use cover change on the NPA as part of the central region at the Sierra Madre Oriental (SMO) in Mexico by using the special analysis and the scenery simulation of potential change. Satellite imagery was used to determine the changes in natural vegetation cover between 1989, 2000 and 2005 and, using a set of biophysical and socioeconomic variables, a change scenario was simulated for 2025. This study found that the rate of change of vegetation cover at the SMO over the research period was 0.54 % in tropical forests, 0.22 % in forests and 0.23 % in scrublands, while those in NPA were 0.34 % and 0.60 % in tropical forests and forests respectively; 1 578.26 ha of tropical semi-deciduous temperate forest and scrublands were lost from the NPA. If the current land use trends change continues, another 4 542.17 ha are likely to be modified in the future. These results indicate that NPA under study are subject to the pressures of land use change that threaten the natural heritage under protection and that, therefore, management strategies and monitoring need to be redesigned in the short and medium term.

Zookeys ; (753): 83-106, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29731682


A summary of the species of amphibians and reptiles of the state has been compiled, including their geographic distributions, habitats, and conservation statuses. The herpetofauna of San Luis Potosí consists of 41 species of amphibians and 141 species of reptiles. San Luis Potosí shares the highest number of species with Hidalgo and Tamaulipas, and the least number of species with Nuevo León. In San Luis Potosí, there are several taxa of particular conservation concern including salamanders, emydid and trionychid turtles, anguid and xenosaurid lizards, and natricid and colubrid snakes.

Zookeys ; (737): 141-160, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29674877


A new species of Xenosaurus in the X. tzacualtipantecus clade is described from the Sierra Madre Oriental of northern Puebla, Mexico. The new species differs from all of its congeners in possessing a unique combination of characters. The new species appears to be allopatric and fills in the geographic gap between the geographic distributions of X. tzacualtipantecus and the species in the newmanorum clade to the north and northwest and those of the species in the grandis and rackhami clades to the south and southeast. The new species occurs between approximately 880 m and 1470 m of elevation, and appears to be restricted to cloud forest, which has been replaced by coffee plantations in many areas. An updated key to the species of Xenosaurus is provided.

ResumenSe describe una nueva especie de Xenosaurus del clado X. tzacualtipantecus de la Sierra Madre Oriental del norte de Puebla, México. La nueva especie difiere de todos sus congéneres por poseer una combinación única de caracteres. La nueva especie parece ser alopátrica y llena el hueco geográfico entre las distribuciones geográficas de X. tzacualtipantecus y las especies del clado newmanorum hacia el norte y noroeste, y aquellas de las especies de los clados grandis y rackhami hacia el sur y sureste. La nueva especie se ha encontrado en elevaciones entre aproximadamente 880 m y 1470 m y parece estar restringida al bosque mesófilo de montaña, el cual ha sido reemplazado por cafetales en muchas áreas. También se ofrece una clave actualizada para las especies de Xenosaurus.

Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;61(3): 1119-1131, sep. 2013. ilus, graf, mapas, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-688464


Mexico has the second largest cycad diversity in the world, and the Sierra Madre Oriental (SMO) is one of the richest biogeographic regions for these plants. Despite there is a general Cycad National Program in the country, there are no state-level cycad conservation strategies or programs. Thus the aim of this study was to propose a cycad conservation strategy for the state of Hidalgo, which is located in the Southern part of the SMO. For this, a cycad species inventory was made in the state, for which three methods were used: review of published literature; consultation in the main Mexican herbaria to verify botanical specimens; and exhaustive field research to compare findings with previously reported species and to recognize new records at the county and state level. The proposed research work strategy combined the following elements: prioritize the county and local areas with greatest cycad species richness; prioritize the species least resistant to environmental change and/or having restricted geographic distribution; and to consider the main uses of these plants by local residents. The results showed that Hidalgo has three genera and eight species of cycads: Ceratozamia fuscoviridis, C. latifolia, C. mexicana, C. sabatoi, Dioon edule, Zamia fischeri, Z. loddigesii and Z. vazquezii, all of which are considered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). This study added two new species records for Hidalgo and 21 at the county level. The species are distributed in 26 counties, of which Chapulhuacán and Pisaflores are notable for their high species richness. Hidalgo has the fourth-greatest cycad species richness among Mexican states, although its area accounts for only 1.07% of the country. The state’s diversity is greater than in other states with larger area, and even than in some other entire countries in Mesoamerica. The presented state cycad conservation strategy proposes that a total of some 11 325ha to be conserved in nine zones, including different vegetation types, distributed in seven counties. The strategy involves a mixed scheme that incorporates conservation in Protected Natural Areas (ANP), Small Farmer Reserves (Reservas Campesinas) and Environmental Management Units (UMA in Spanish). This proposal will be useful for government agencies to take into account in the process of designating land use for the Cloud Forest Biological Corridor (CBBMM in Spanish), a ANP in creation. The state of Hidalgo urgently needs a detailed analysis of trends in changes in vegetation cover and land use, and demographic studies of the cycads. It is recommended that the implementation phase of this state strategy be carried out jointly with local communities, academia, and state and federal agencies responsible for biodiversity conservation.

México es el segundo país con mayor diversidad de cícadas en el mundo. En él, la Sierra Madre Oriental (SMO) es una de las regiones biogeográficas con mayor riqueza de estas plantas. El objetivo de este estudio fue plantear la estrategia de conservación de cícadas para el estado de Hidalgo, ubicado en la parte sur de la SMO; para esto se revisó la literatura científica, se consultaron los principales herbarios de México y se hicieron recorridos de campo. Los resultados muestran que Hidalgo alberga tres géneros y ocho especies: Ceratozamia fuscoviridis, C. latifolia, C. mexicana, C. sabatoi, Dioon edule, Zamia fischeri, Z. loddigesii, Z. vazquezii, posicionándose en el cuarto lugar nacional en riqueza de cícadas. Las especies se distribuyen en 26 municipios. Se encontró que la diversidad de cícadas es mayor a la de otras entidades con mayor superficie e incluso a la de algunos países de Centroamérica. La estrategia estatal de conservación de cícadas aquí desarrollada propone conservar cerca de 11 325ha, distribuidas en siete municipios, bajo un esquema mixto de conservación. Esta propuesta será útil para que las instancias gubernamentales establezcan nuevas ANP’s en la región biogeográfica de la SMO.

Biodiversidade , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Cycas/classificação , México
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;61(2): 897-925, Jun. 2013. ilus, mapas, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-675476


The Sierra Madre Oriental region in the mexican state of San Luis Potosí is a relevant place for bird conservation at a country level. Therefore the main goal of this study was to analyze the geographic patterns of distribution and the conservation current state of the birds, to support the needs to expand the conservation areas in the future. Data was collected from various databases of zoological museums and collections, and field sampling methods conducted from January 2009 to May 2011. Potential distributions were modeled for 284 species using GARP software and then a map was developed to determine areas with favorable environmental characteristics for the distribution of species richness. Finally, the importance of conservation areas for the potential distribution of birds in the region was evaluated. A total of 359 species were recorded of which 71.4% are permanent residents, 19% are winter migrants and 4% are summer residents. From this total, 41 species were endemic, 47 were species at risk and 149 were neotropical migrants. The largest species richness correspond to oak forests, cloud forests, and tropical moist forests located at altitudes from 100m to 1 500m. Their potential distribution was concentrated towards the center and Southeast of the study area. Only 10% of areas with a high potential conservation was included in areas of priority for bird conservation (AICA) and just 3% of all potential areas were under some governmental category of protection. However, no conservation area has a management plan currently applied and monitored. The information generated is important for the development of management proposals for birds conservation in the region.

La región de la Sierra Madre Oriental (SMO) en el estado de San Luis Potosí en México es considerada un sitio de relevancia para la conservación de la avifauna a nivel nacional. Por lo anterior, el objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la distribución geográfica de las aves en la zona para identificar las áreas con mayor concentración de la riqueza y evaluar su estado actual de conservación para fundamentar la necesidad de incrementar la superficie dedicada a las áreas naturales protegidas en el futuro. Se recolectó información proveniente de diversas bases de datos de colecciones y museos, además de realizar trabajo de campo en el periodo de enero 2009 a Mayo 2011. Se modelaron las distribuciones potenciales para 284 especies con el programa GARP y se elaboró un mapa de consenso para determinar la ubicación espacial de las áreas con condiciones ambientales para soportar el mayor número de especies. Finalmente, se evaluó la representatividad de las zonas dedicadas a la conservación para las aves. Se registraron 357 especies, de las cuales el 71.4% son residentes permanentes, 19% son migratorias de invierno y 3.9% residentes de verano. Del total, 41 especies son endémicas y 48 se encuentran en alguna categoría de riesgo; la mayor concentración de especies se presentó en las coberturas de bosques de encino, bosques mesófilos y selvas medianas y bajas caducifolias, en un intervalo altitudinal entre 100-1 500m con una más alta cantidad de nichos en la parte centro y hacia el sur y este de la región. Sólo el 10% de las zonas con alto potencial de número de especies está incluido como área de importancia para la conservación de las aves y el 3% del total de áreas potenciales está bajo alguna categoría estatal de protección; sin embargo, ninguna de las áreas tiene un plan de manejo que esté siendo aplicado y monitoreado. La información generada es importante para el desarrollo de propuestas de conservación para las aves en la región.

Animais , Biodiversidade , Aves/classificação , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , México , Densidade Demográfica , Dinâmica Populacional , Estações do Ano