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Z Gerontol Geriatr ; 2024 Jun 03.
Artigo em Alemão | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38831112


Digitalization is transforming social life and relationships. New cultural ideas of care, cooperation and reciprocity are emerging that can create challenges for older people. These are particularly poignant for older people living alone, who use digital devices less frequently and rely on support to manage the increasing number of digital tasks (appointments, bookings, financial matters). This article explores the relationship between digitalization and care relationships among older people living alone using a critical document analysis approach according to Bacchi. This approach makes it possible to look at the understanding behind the terms living alone, care relationships, and digitalization, each in relation to older people and in interaction as well as to render gaps visible. The analysis of laws and social policies as well as of political and civil society orientated documents leads to two key findings: Firstly, an individual responsibility to deal with needs arising from gaining access to and handling of digitalization is expected of older people and their social networks. This is striking as digitalization is presented as a means of dealing with the large-scale social challenges, such as demographic change and shortage of care staff. Secondly, the analysis shows that legal documents that set out the structure for policies do not focus on digitalization in later life. With older people not being a target group of policy of digitalization, fewer strategies are put into practice.

Perspect Public Health ; : 17579139231205491, 2023 Oct 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37889069


AIMS: By discussing the mental health challenges faced by left-behind children, this article recommends or comments on existing social protection policies that can affect left-behind children's mental health at the micro-, meso- and macro-levels to holistically understand how a range of parties can jointly socially include left-behind children, a process which is conducive to the latter's mental health development. METHODS: J.H. carried out a systematic review by searching through the English bibliographical databases Google Scholar, Web of Science and Scopus, in addition to Chinese bibliographic databases CNKI, Wanfang Data and VIP Chinese Science and Technology Periodicals. Here J.H. searched for the words ('social protection' OR 'socially protected') AND ('mental health' OR 'psychological wellbeing' OR 'mental problems' OR 'psychological problems') AND ('left-behind children' OR 'LBC' OR 'leftover children') AND ('China' OR 'Chinese'). Publication dates of the search results were limited to between 2010 and 2022. RESULTS: One of the primary problems encountered by left-behind children is their inadequate home supervision. A further study indicates that parental migration serves as a crucial risk factor for child depression. State-level provision of insurance programmes helps curtail these children's encounters of mental health challenges. Moreover, an improvement in family and school protection is essential when optimising the protection system for left-behind rural Chinese children from poor villages. It is necessary for upper-level government units to re-structure their lower-level counterparts to improve the local administration. This allows lower-level government units to exploit preferential policies, refine relevant regulations and policies on child protection, and facilitate the establishment of social organisations where local policies can be successfully implemented to socially include and protect left-behind children in villages. CONCLUSIONS: At the meso-level, community environment construction should be emphasised. At macro- and meso-levels, government authorities and social organisations should encourage the marketisation of hiring professional surrogate parents. At the micro-level, migrant parents should proactively take an initiative to contact their left-behind children via telecommunications.

J Aging Soc Policy ; : 1-22, 2023 Aug 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37622436


Social policies determine the distribution of factors (e.g. education, cardiovascular health) protecting against the development of dementia in Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, the association between social policies and the likelihood of AD without dementia (ADw/oD) has yet to be evaluated. We estimated this association in an ecological study using systematic review and meta-analysis. Four reference databases were consulted; 18 studies were included in the final analysis. ADw/oD was defined as death without dementia in people with clinically significant AD brain pathology. The indicators of social policy were extracted from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development database (OECD). The probability of ADw/oD with moderate AD brain pathology was inversely associated with the Gini index for disposable income, poverty rate, and certain public expenditures on healthcare. ADw/oD with advanced AD brain pathology was only associated with public expenditures for long-term care. Social policies may play a role in maintaining and sustaining cognitive health among older people with AD.

Rev. adm. pública (Online) ; 57(1): 0-0168, jan.-fev. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431417


Resumo O presente artigo compara os modelos e as desigualdades territoriais no financiamento de duas políticas sociais pilares do estado de bem-estar social e com alto grau de descentralização territorial na Espanha e no Brasil: educação e saúde. A análise utiliza bibliografia especializada, legislação nacional e documentos governamentais para descrever as políticas e seus mecanismos de financiamento. Dados fiscais são usados para apresentar os gastos e analisar as desigualdades dos governos subnacionais no financiamento da educação e da saúde nos dois países. A conclusão é que a experiência espanhola apresenta elevado nivelamento de gastos em saúde e educação nas comunidades autônomas do regime comum, com patamares menores de desigualdade que o observado nos estados e municípios brasileiros. O resultado espanhol é decorrente de um processo incremental de aperfeiçoamento do federalismo fiscal, que culminou em um modelo marcado pela priorização e solidariedade territorial no financiamento das políticas sociais. Esse modelo é uma referência para a análise e discussão do caso brasileiro, que configurou seu federalismo fiscal com pouca preocupação em conciliar eficiência e equidade na distribuição dos recursos entre os entes governamentais, mas apresentou avanços importantes em reformas no financiamento da educação e da saúde.

Resumen El artículo compara los modelos y las desigualdades territoriales en la financiación de dos políticas sociales que son pilares del estado de bienestar y con un alto grado de descentralización territorial en España y Brasil: la educación y la sanidad. El análisis utiliza literatura especializada, legislación nacional y documentos gubernamentales para describir las políticas y sus mecanismos de financiación. Los datos fiscales se utilizan para analizar las desigualdades de los gobiernos subnacionales en la financiación de la educación y la sanidad en ambos países. La conclusión es que la experiencia española muestra una alta nivelación del gasto en salud y educación en las comunidades autónomas de régimen común, con niveles de desigualdad inferiores a los observados en los estados y municipios brasileños. El resultado español es fruto de un proceso de mejora y perfeccionamiento del federalismo fiscal que culminó en un modelo marcado por la priorización y la solidaridad territorial en la financiación de las políticas sociales. Este modelo es una referencia para el análisis y la discusión del caso brasileño, que ha configurado su federalismo fiscal con poca preocupación por conciliar la eficiencia y la equidad en la distribución de los recursos entre las entidades gubernamentales, pero que ha presentado importantes avances en las reformas de la financiación de la educación y la sanidad.

Abstract The article compares the patterns and territorial inequalities in the funding of two social policies that are pillars of the welfare state and present a high degree of territorial decentralization in Spain and Brazil: education and health. The analysis uses specialist literature, national legislation and government documents to describe the policies and their financing mechanisms. Fiscal data are used to analyze subnational government inequalities in the funding of education and health in both countries. The conclusion is that the Spanish experience has significantly leveled spending on health and education between the autonomous communities of common regime, with lower levels of inequality than those observed in Brazilian states and municipalities. The Spanish result derives from an incremental process of improvement of the country's fiscal federalism, which culminated in a model marked by prioritization and territorial solidarity in the funding of social policies. This model is reference for the analysis and discussion of the Brazilian case, which has configured its fiscal federalism with little concern for reconciling efficiency and equity in the distribution of resources between subnational governments, but which has presented important advances in the reforms of education and health funding.

Política Pública , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Espanha , Brasil , Saúde , Educação
Qual Quant ; 57(2): 1561-1585, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35669164


In post-industrial and globalized economies, socio-economic risks have become ubiquitous for workers. Two segments of the labour force seem particularly exposed: namely, outsiders (atypical workers and unemployed individuals) and globalization losers (unskilled workers in offshorable employment sectors), with relevant consequences for party competition in Europe. The coexistence of these two segments of vulnerable workers has brought conceptual ambiguity. Using the original 2019 REScEU Mass Survey on ten European countries, we firstly clarify that outsiders and globalization losers do not constitute the same socio-economic group. Secondly, we look into the micro-foundations of outsiders' and globalization losers' redistributive preferences and political behaviours by showing that outsiderness, rather than exposure to international competition, constitutes a significant driver of income and employment insecurities, and of dependency on social protection and family financial aid. Supplementary Information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s11135-022-01414-9.

Soc Sci Med ; 317: 115624, 2023 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36566607


Recent research has documented the harmful health consequences of structural-level stigma that targets sexual and gender minority (SGM) individuals. In the case of sexual and gender minority youth (SGMY), life trajectories are shaped not only by targeted, SGM-focused policies, but also by social policies more broadly which may have unique impacts on SGMY given their social position. However, little work has explored the pathways that connect both targeted and universal social policies and the health and well-being of SGMY. In this study, we conducted 68 qualitative interviews with SGMY in New York City (n = 30) and community stakeholders across the US (n = 38) and used the constant comparative method to identify the pathways through which social policies affect SGMY health and well-being. We propose three pathways that are shaped by specific inter-related social policies in ways that contribute to health inequities among SGMY: 1) access to social inclusion in educational settings; 2) housing-related regulations and subsequent (in)stability; and 3) access to material resources through labor market participation. We also highlight ways that SGMY, and organizations that support them, engage in agency and resistance to promote inclusion and wellbeing. Drawing on ecosocial theory, we demonstrate how policies work across multiple domains and levels to influence cycles of vulnerability and risk for SGMY. We close by discussing the implications of our findings for future research and policy.

Acontecimentos que Mudam a Vida , Minorias Sexuais e de Gênero , Humanos , Adolescente , Comportamento Sexual , Identidade de Gênero , Política Pública
Sex., salud soc. (Rio J.) ; (39): e22313, 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530500


Resumen En este artículo exploro la dimensión afectiva implicada en procesos participativos orquestados por programas de inclusión social juvenil destinadas a jóvenes mujeres de sectores populares urbanos en Buenos Aires. A partir del análisis etnográfico repongo cómo aquellos procesos participativos, organizados en torno a repertorios afectivos vinculados principalmente al dolor, el malestar, la indignación y la solidaridad configuran un ejercicio de gobierno del género. Para ello, analizo las propuestas de trabajo institucionales centradas en que las destinatarias construyan "proyectos de vida" autónomos a partir de su participación. También las respuestas de las jóvenes a la producción afectiva orientada a la construcción de un futuro demandada por los programas como clave para su inclusión social.

Abstract In this paper I explore the affective dimension involved in the participatory processes orchestrated by youth social inclusion programs aimed at young poor women in urban Buenos Aires. Through an ethnographic analysis, I examine how those processes, organized around affective repertoires linked mainly to emotions like pain, discomfort, indignation, and solidarity, embody an exercise of gender government. For this purpose, on the one side I analyze the institutional proposal aimed at young women building autonomous "life projects" as a result of their participation in the programs. Also, I inquire into the young women's responses to the affective production that is aimed at building themselves a future, which is regarded as key by the programs in order to reach their social inclusion.

Resumo Neste artigo exploro a dimensão afetiva envolvida nos processos participativos orquestrados por programas de inclusão social juvenil dirigidos a mulheres jovens de setores populares urbanos de Buenos Aires. Com base na análise etnográfica, explico como esses processos participativos, organizados em torno de repertórios afetivos ligados principalmente à dor, ao desconforto, à indignação e à solidariedade, configuram um exercício de governo de género. Para isso, analiso as propostas de trabalho institucional focadas na construção de "projetos de vida" autônomos pelos destinatários a partir de sua participação nos programas. Também as respostas das jovens à produção afetiva orientada para a construção de um futuro e exigido pelos programas como chave para a sua inclusão social.

Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1510079


A inserção da Psicologia na Política Nacional de Assistência Social é recente e tem demandado novos saberes e fazeres. Assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar as peculiaridades da inserção da Psicologia no Centro de Referência da Assistência Social (CRAS). Para tanto, realizou-se um estudo exploratório com dez psicólogas vinculadas aos CRAS do Município de Natal/RN. Os resultados indicaram que o CRAS propiciou um novo escopo de práticas para o campo da Psicologia, por meio de um trabalho de caráter psicossocial, uma atuação interdisciplinar e uma maior aproximação comunitária, embora ainda permaneçam os desafios no que tange a demarcação da sua atuação no campo social. Portanto, se torna imprescindível propor uma prática que assegure os direitos sociais dos usuários e um olhar crítico no trabalho cotidiano, transformando os dilemas em pautas de lutas junto com trabalhadores e usuários do Sistema Único de Assistência Social (AU).

The insertion of Psychology in the National Policy of Social Work is recent and has demanded new knowledge and practices. Thus, this paper aims to analyze peculiarities of the insertion of Psychology in CRAS. Therefore, an exploratory study was carried outwith ten psychologists linked to the CRAS of the city of Natal/RN. Results indicated the CRAS provided a new scope of practices for the Psychology field, an interdisciplinary acting and a closer approach to the community, although still remain challenges regarding to the demarcation of CRAS' work in the social field. Therefore, it is essential to propose a kind of practice that ensures users' social rights and a critical look at psychologists' daily work, turning their dilemmas into an agenda with workers and users of the Unified Social Assistance System (SUAS) (AU).

La inserción de la Psicología en la Política Nacional de Asistencia Social es reciente y ha demandado nuevos saberes y quehaceres. Así, este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar las peculiaridades de la inserción de la Psicología en el CRAS. Para ello, se realizó un estudio exploratorio con diez psicólogas vinculadas a los CRAS de la ciudad de Natal/RN. Los resultados indicaron que el CRAS propició un nuevo escopo de prácticas para el campo de la Psicología, por medio de un trabajo de carácter psicosocial, una actuación interdisciplinaria y una mayor aproximación comunitaria, aunque permanezcan los desafíos en lo que se refiere a la demarcación de su actuación en el campo social. Por lo tanto, se torna imprescindible proponer una práctica que asegure los derechos sociales de los usuarios y una mirada crítica a su trabajo cotidiano, transformando sus dilemas en pauta de luchas junto con trabajadores y usuarios del Sistema Único de Asistencia Social (SUAS) (AU).

Humanos , Política Pública , Cuidadores , Direitos Socioeconômicos
Development (Rome) ; 65(2-4): 186-193, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36406476


The opportunity offered by the adoption of a Treaty on the Right to Development could relaunch aspirations of sovereignty, self-determination and cooperative solidarity, breaking with the structural inequalities among and within nations. The aim of this article is to mobilize political actors in favour of the Treaty as a stepping-stone to achieve universal social protection systems.

J Aging Soc Policy ; : 1-19, 2022 Sep 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36067363


Governments are obliged to ensure the healthy living, well-being, and life satisfaction of every citizen. This, however, has not been achieved in Nigeria, especially with regard to older adults. Despite the notable shift in the country's demographic stance, few studies have investigated the government's roles in addressing the support to Nigerian older adults given that inadequate support is a risk factor for general poor health conditions and high mortality rates. This study, therefore, sought to investigate views on available government support to older adults in Nnewi, South-East Nigeria. Focus Group Discussion and In-depth interviews were adopted to collect data from older adults. The generated data were subjected to a thematic method of analysis. Findings show that Nigerian older adults are usually remembered during political activities, such as electioneering and election. However, the support is not all-inclusive but reserved for those who could actively participate in these political activities. To achieve the African Union and the 2030 global agenda's commitment to "leave no one behind," the study recommends social policies that address all-inclusive support and care for Nigeria older adults. Social workers' intervention will also be crucial to facilitate the formulation and implementation of welfare policies and programmes for the support and well-being of older adults.

Serv. soc. soc ; (144): 17-32, maio-set. 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1377368


Resumo: Os sistemas algorítmicos são instrumentos utilizados nas políticas sociais para acesso aos serviços. Essa ferramenta tecnológica invade as instituições públicas, controlando os processos de trabalho e o acesso de usuários. O pressuposto é o de que a utilização dos sistemas algorítmicos modifica não apenas a rotina institucional, como também é instrumento de poder pela quantidade gigantesca de dados armazenados, contribuindo à lucratividade do capital. O artigo reflete sobre essa dinâmica com base no estudo bibliográfico.

Abstract: Algorithmic systems are instruments used in social policies to access services. This technological tool invades public institutions controlling work processes and user access. The assumption is that algorithmic management not only modifies institutional routine but is also an instrument of power due to the gigantic amount of stored data which contributes to the profitability of capital. The article reflects on this dynamic by means of bibliographical study.

Licere (Online) ; 25(2): 334-352, set.2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1399922


A Pandemia da COVID-19, doença infecciosa causada pelo vírus SARSCoV-2, ampliou desigualdades e assimetrias, agravando a "questão social", cujas expressões contemporâneas condensam as múltiplas desigualdades e expressões desta ordem capitalista. A luz deste contexto pandêmico, este ensaio apresenta como objeto a relação entre as políticas sociais e o direito ao lazer. O texto se propõe a refletir e compreender esta relação na América Latina e, mais profunda e especificamente, na realidade contemporânea brasileira. Conclui-se que, frente à omissão estatal, o lazer ocupa uma não-lugar na agenda governamental, cenário que, somado à ampliação das desigualdades, consubstancia o lazer como um não-direito.

The COVID-19 Pandemic, an infectious disease caused by the SARSCoV-2 virus, has increased inequalities and asymmetries, worsening "social issues" whose contemporary expressions compress multiple inequalities and expressions in the current capitalist order. In light of the pandemic context, this essay presents the relationship between social policies and the right to leisure as its research object. In this work, I propose to reflect on and understand the dynamics in Latin America and, more deeply and specifically, in the contemporary Brazilian scenario. I conclude that, in the face of state omission, leisure occupies a non-place in the governmental agenda ­ a scenario that, added to the expansion of inequalities, consubstantiate leisure as a nonright.

Política Pública , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Pandemias , Direito à Saúde/legislação & jurisprudência , COVID-19 , Atividades de Lazer
Eur Policy Anal ; 8(3): 297-311, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35942066


Our analysis asks whether the pandemic situation affects welfare state support in Germany. The pandemic has increased the health and income risks calling for welfare state intervention. While increased needs, more deservingness, and higher state responsibility during such a crisis would suggest augmented support generally and among those at risk, this might be a short-term effect and cost considerations could reverse this trend. We study public attitudes towards four key social policy areas based on the German Internet Panel (GIP). We use three waves prior and further three waves since the pandemic had been declared in March 2020. The analysis shows both continuity in the popularity of social policies, in particular health and pensions, and some short-term increase in support for unemployment and family policies. The results after nearly 2 years suggest rather continuation with some thermostatic short-term boosts in support instead of any long-lasting change.

Nuestro análisis investiga si la situación de la pandemia afecta al apoyo del estado de bienestar en Alemania. La pandemia ha aumentado los riesgos para la salud y los ingresos, lo que requiere una mayor intervención del estado de bienestar. Si bien una mayor necesidad, más merecimiento y una mayor responsabilidad del estado durante una crisis de este tipo sugerirían un mayor apoyo en general y entre aquellos en riesgo, esto podría ser un efecto a corto plazo y las consideraciones de costos podrían revertir esta tendencia. Estudiamos las actitudes públicas hacia cuatro áreas clave de política social basadas en el Panel de Internet alemán, utilizando tres encuestas GIP anteriores y tres oleadas posteriores desde que se declaró la pandemia en marzo de 2020. El análisis muestra tanto la continuidad en la popularidad de las políticas sociales, en en particular, salud y pensiones, y algún aumento a corto plazo en el apoyo al desempleo y las políticas familiares. Nuestros resultados después de casi dos años sugieren más bien una continuación con algunos aumentos termostáticos a corto plazo en el soporte en lugar de un cambio duradero.

Midwifery ; 107: 103282, 2022 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35172266


OBJECTIVES: Parenting support policies increase the period that the mother and child spend together after childbirth, which is expected to facilitate breastfeeding. Additionally, the mother's attitudes towards parenting may influence her willingness to breastfeed. The objective of this study was to identify the association of breastfeeding duration with parenting support policies and mothers' attitudes towards parenting. DESIGN: This study employed a cross-sectional design. SETTING: The study was conducted using data from South Korea's 2018 National Survey on Fertility and Family Health and Welfare. PARTICIPANTS: Data of women with children born on or after January 2016 to September 2018 (N = 1,861) were analysed using Cox's proportional hazard regression model with the duration of breastfeeding as the outcome variable. MEASUREMENTS AND FINDINGS: The main predictors comprised social policy factors (hospital environment and parenting support) and individual factors (mothers' attitudes towards parenting). The median duration of breastfeeding was 5 months. Not initiating breastfeeding within 1 h of birth (hazard ratio = 1.215, 95% confidence interval 1.07-1.37, p = .002) and a negative attitude towards the necessity of having children (hazard ratio = 1.153, 95% confidence interval 1.02-1.30, p = .021) were associated with a shorter breastfeeding duration after controlling for age, occupation, number of pregnancies, number of births, and the infant's birth weight. However, social policy factors were not associated with breastfeeding duration. KEY CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: This study shows that breastfeeding within 1 h of birth as well as a positive attitude regarding the necessity of having children may increase the duration of breastfeeding. Therefore, the midwives and nurses in hospitals should encourage mothers to initiate breastfeeding within 1 h of birth. In addition, the government should improve positive attitudes towards parenthood amongst young adults.

Aleitamento Materno , Mães , Criança , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Humanos , Lactente , Gravidez , Política Pública , República da Coreia , Análise de Sobrevida
J Health Polit Policy Law ; 47(2): 225-258, 2022 04 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34522974


Low birth weight and preterm births vary by state, and Black mothers typically face twice the risk that their white counterparts do. This gap reflects an accumulation of psychosocial and material exposures that include interpersonal racism, differential experience with area-level deprivation such as residential segregation, and other harmful exposures that the authors refer to as "institutional" or "structural" racism. The authors use logistic regression models and a dataset that includes all births from 1994 to 2017 as well as five state policies from this period-Aid to Families with Dependent Children/Temporary Aid for Needy Families, housing assistance, Medicaid, minimum wage, and the earned income tax credit (EITC)-to examine whether these state social policies, designed to provide a financial safety net, are associated with risk reduction of low birth weight and preterm birth to Black and white mothers, and whether variations in state generosity attenuate the racial inequalities in birth outcomes. The authors also examine whether the relationship between state policies and racial inequalities in birth outcomes is moderated by the education level of the mother. We find that the EITC reduces the risk of low birth weight and preterm birth for Black mothers. The impact is much less consistent for white mothers. For both Black and white mothers, the benefits to birth outcomes are larger for mothers with less education.

Nascimento Prematuro , População Negra , Criança , Feminino , Humanos , Renda , Lactente , Recém-Nascido , Políticas , Gravidez , Nascimento Prematuro/epidemiologia , Grupos Raciais , Estados Unidos
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387018


Resumo: O artigo em questão tem como objetivo discutir sobre como tem se efetivado a intersetorialidade no atendimento à crianças e adolescentes em situação de violência intrafamiliar no Brasil, tendo como recorte um município na região noroeste do Paraná. Por meio de uma pesquisa de caráter documental, analisamos as atas das reuniões da rede de serviços públicos do município em pauta ocorridas entre os anos de 2013 a 2017. As atas revelaram que apesar da roupagem intersetorial, as ações na rede se dão de modo fragmentado por meio da divisão de tarefas ou competências, responsabilizando ainda, alguns serviços específicos pelo êxito ou não dos encaminhamentos previamente dados nas reuniões. Por ora, vemos que as práticas intersetoriais tem se efetivado, via políticas sociais, distantes daquilo que é proposto e que apesar das contradições estruturais da lógica dos direitos sociais, o desenvolvimento de um trabalho que cumpra o previsto pelas diretrizes, princípios e objetivos dessas políticas deve ser o foco do Estado.

Abstract: The present article aim to discuss about how intersectoriality has been implemented in the care of children and adolescents in situations of interfamily violence in Brazil, focused in a municipality in the northwest of Parana. Through a documental research, we analyzed the minutes of the municipality's public service network meetings that occurred between 2013 and 2017. The minutes showed that despite the intersectoral outlook, the network actions are fragmented through the division of tasks or skills, also holding responsible some specific services for the success or not of the referrals previously given in the meetings. For now, we see that intersectoral practices has been effected, through social policies, distant from what is proposed by them, and, despite the structural contradictions of the social rights logic, the development of a work that achieves what is predicted by guidelines, principles and objectives of these policies must be the focus of the State.

Resumen: El articulo presentado tiene como objetivo plantear una discusión sobre como se ha efectivado la intersectorialidad hacia la asistencia a niños, niñas y adolescentes en situación de violencia intrafamiliar en Brasil, centrándose en una ciudad del noroeste del estado de Paraná. Bajo una investigación documental, analizamos las actas de las reuniones de la red de servicios públicos que se desarrollaron entre los años 2013 hasta 2017. El análisis de las actas ha demostrado que, aunque exista una perspectiva intersectorial, las acciones en la red se desarrollan de una manera fragmentada por medio de la división de tareas o competencias y se otorgan determinados servicios específicos según el éxito, o no, de las referencias dadas previamente en las reuniones. Mientras tanto, vemos que se han implementado prácticas intersectoriales, por medio de políticas sociales, lejanas de lo que se propone. Reconocemos que - aunque haya contradicciones estructurales en la lógica de los derechos sociales - el desarrollo de un trabajo que cumpla con los lineamientos, principios y objetivos de estas políticas debe ser el foco del Estado.

Physis (Rio J.) ; 32(4): e320406, 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1422320


Resumo Pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa, que procurou compreender os sentidos atribuídos por formadores de opinião - trabalhadores da saúde coletiva, representantes de movimentos sociais, docentes universitários e jornalistas - acerca da cidadania, no âmbito da saúde, e de seu exercício na fronteira entre Brasil, Argentina e Paraguai. A coleta de dados se deu por meio de entrevista aberta a partir de duas perguntas norteadoras: O que é cidadania para você? O que ela representa em territórios de fronteira? Os resultados indicam que o exercício dos direitos fundamentais e sociais apresentam contradições próprias para quem vive em territórios fronteiriços, coexistem distintas concepções de cidadania e do seu exercício na fronteira e a noção de cidadania como atributo dos nacionais não é suficiente para a dinâmica que se estabelece nestes territórios. Conclui-se que a compreensão da fronteira como espaço de integração, e não de divisão, pode romper com a realidade edificada por uma subcidadania local, estreitando os laços humanitários e de solidariedade entre as comunidades fronteiriças, o que pode contribuir para a fruição dos direitos sociais nesta territorialidade, como o direito à saúde. Entende-se que formadores de opinião devem ser convocados ao debate visando à construção de uma agenda pública que discuta a edificação de uma cidadania internacional.

Abstract Research with a qualitative approach, which sought to understand the meanings attributed by opinion leaders - collective health workers, representatives of social movements, university professors and journalists - about citizenship, in the field of health, and its exercise on the border between Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. Data collection took place through an open interview based on two guiding questions: What is citizenship for you? What does it represent in border territories? The results indicate that the exercise of fundamental and social rights has its own contradictions for those who live in border territories, different conceptions of citizenship and its exercise at the border coexist and the notion of citizenship as an attribute of nationals is not enough for the dynamics that are established in these territories. It is concluded that the understanding of the border as a space of integration, and not of division, can break with the reality built by a local sub-citizenship, strengthening humanitarian and solidarity ties between border communities, which can contribute to the enjoyment of rights in this territoriality, as the right to health. We understand that opinion leaders should be summoned to the debate with a view to building a public agenda that discusses the construction of international citizenship.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Opinião Pública , Áreas de Fronteira , Direito à Saúde , Cidadania , Direitos Humanos , Paraguai , Argentina , Brasil
Health Policy Plan ; 36(10): 1613-1624, 2021 Nov 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34536271


The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has triggered an unprecedented number of policy responses around the world across multiple policy domains. While governments have combined containment and health policies with social policies (CHSPs) during the initial phase of the pandemic in various ways, the current literature offers little knowledge of the patterns of these combinations and their determinants and outcomes. This paper fills this gap by investigating CHSP combinations across ≥120 countries. We further examined whether the CHSP response was determined by political regimes or compensation hypotheses-serving the purposes of responding to pre-existing economic downturns, inequality or social unrest. We also investigated the associations between CHSP responses and mobility, virus infection and unemployment. Using policy data from the Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker, results from sequence analysis indicated that governments' CHSP responses could be clustered into five categories: high social policies (SPs), middle SPs, containment and health (CH) leading SPs, low SPs and gradual high SPs. We used multinomial regression models to investigate determinants of CHSP responses. We found that CHSP responses did not differ by political regimes, and CHSP combinations were not driven by compensation hypotheses. Instead, gross domestic product per capita and government effectiveness were the key drivers for high levels of policy responses. We also found that low SP responses were associated with fewer mobility changes. Taken together, our findings suggest that lower-income countries required more support and resources in order for them to adopt necessary CH and SP responses.

COVID-19 , Governo , Política de Saúde , Humanos , Política Pública , SARS-CoV-2