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J Anal Psychol ; 67(5): 1232-1256, 2022 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36440734


This article identifies a remarkable degree of consilience between aspects of classical Jungian theory, dual-aspect monism, Earth System science and deep ecology, despite their mostly independent formulation. The resulting synergy offers a radically different and urgently needed worldview based on respectful relationship with, rather than hubristic domination of, the other-than-human world. This metanoia, rooted in psychology, science and metaphysics, informs practical change without being conventionally political or moralistic. Circumscribing the Pauli-Jung conjecture to our inner and outer worlds - the human psyche and this planet respectively - reveals qualitative correlations between their dynamics, structure and pathologies. In particular, the comparable roles of ego in the psyche and of humankind in the Earth System link our modern monotheism of consciousness, that Jung decried, with the advent of the Anthropocene epoch. This connection is explored over time by applying Jung's stages of life developmental theory, with its crucial mid-life enantiodromia, to our civilization. It contrasts our heroic development to date with future adaptation through what I call frugal individuation, and attributes our persistent failure to address dangers such as the climate emergency to a combination of inertia, nostalgia and hubris. Finally, parallels are drawn between Jungian individuation and the philosophy of the long-range deep ecology movement.

Cet article identifie un degré important de consilience entre certains aspects de la théorie Jungienne classique, le monisme à double aspect, la science du Système Terre et l'écologie profonde, malgré leur formulation essentiellement indépendante. La synergie qui en résulte offre une vision du monde radicalement différente, et dont nous avons considérablement besoin. Cette vision du monde est fondée sur la relation respectueuse avec le monde autre qu'humain, plutôt que la domination orgueilleuse. Cette métanoïa, enracinée dans la psychologie, la science et la métaphysique, façonne une transformation utile sans être conventionnellement politique ou moraliste. Appliquer la conjecture Pauli-Jung à nos mondes intérieurs et extérieurs - respectivement la psyché humaine et cette planète - révèle des corrélations qualitatives entre leurs dynamiques, leur structure et leurs pathologies. En particulier les rôles comparables du moi dans la psyché et du genre humain dans le Système Terre mettent en rapport notre monothéisme moderne de conscience, décrié par Jung, avec l'avènement de l'âge de l'Anthropocène. Cette connexion est étudiée sur la durée en appliquant la théorie développementale de Jung sur les étapes de la vie, avec son importante énantiodromie de milieu de vie, à notre civilisation. Notre développement héroïque jusqu'à notre époque est contrasté avec l'adaptation future et ce que j'appelle l'individuation frugale. Notre échec persistent à faire face aux dangers tels l'urgence du climat est attribué à une combinaison d'inertie, de nostalgie et d'orgueil. Finalement, des parallèles sont établis entre l'individuation Jungienne et la philosophie du mouvement d'écologie profonde et à perspective long terme.

Este artículo identifica un grado notable de consiliencia, a pesar de sus formulaciones independientes, entre aspectos de la teoría clásica Junguiana, monismo de doble aspecto, ciencia del Sistema Terrestre y la ecología profunda. La sinergia resultante ofrece una cosmovisión radicalmente diferente, la cual necesitamos con urgencia, basada en la relación respetuosa con, en vez de en, la dominación arrogante del mundo más que humano. Esta metanoia, enraizada en la psicología, la ciencia y la metafísica, comunica acerca del cambio práctico sin ser convencionalmente política, ni moralista. Circunscribir la especulación Pauli-Jung a nuestros mundos interno-externo - la psique humana y este planeta respectivamente - revela correlaciones cualitativas entre sus dinámicas, estructura y patologías. En particular, los roles comparables del ego en la psique humana, y de la humanidad en el Sistema Terrestre vinculan nuestra consciencia moderna monoteísta, que Jung denunció, con el advenimiento de la época Antropocénica. Esta conexión es explorada aplicando las etapas de la teoría de la individuación de Jung - con su enantiodromía de la mitad de la vida - a nuestra civilización. Se contrasta nuestro desarrollo heroico hasta nuestros días con adaptaciones futuras a través de lo que denomino individuación frugal y se atribuye nuestro persistente fracaso a abordar peligros como la emergencia climática a una combinación de inercia, nostalgia y arrogancia. Finalmente, se trazan paralelismos entre la individuación de Jung y la filosofía del movimiento de largo alcance de ecología profunda.

Teoria Junguiana , Humanos , Individuação , Filosofia , Estado de Consciência
Conserv Biol ; 36(2): e13822, 2022 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34490662


Protected areas (PAs) are often implemented without consideration of already existing PAs, which is likely to cause an overrepresentation of certain biophysical conditions. We assessed the representativeness of the current PA network with regard to the world's biophysical conditions to highlight which conditions are underprotected and where these conditions are located. We overlaid terrestrial and marine PAs with information on biophysical conditions (e.g., temperature, precipitation, and elevation) and then quantified the percentage of area covered by the PA network. For 1 variable at a time in the terrestrial realm, high temperature, low precipitation, and medium and very high elevation were underrepresented. For the marine realm, low and medium sea surface temperature (SST), medium and high sea surface salinity (SSS), and the deep sea were underrepresented. Overall, protection was evenly distributed for elevation across the terrestrial realm and SST across the marine realm. For 2 variables at a time, cold and very dry terrestrial environments had mostly low protection, which was also the case for low SST and low and medium SSS across most depths for marine environments. Low protection occurred mostly in the Sahara and the Arabian Peninsula for the terrestrial realm and along the Tropic of Capricorn and toward the poles for the marine realm. Although biodiversity measures are of prime importance for the design of PA networks, highlighting biophysical gaps in current PAs adds a frequently overlooked perspective. These gaps may weaken the potential of PAs to conserve biodiversity. Thus, our results may provide useful insights for researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to establish a more comprehensive global PA network.

Las áreas protegidas (AP) son frecuentemente implementadas sin considerar las ya existentes, lo que probablemente ocasiona una sobrerrepresentación de ciertas condiciones biofísicas. Analizamos la representatividad de la red actual de AP con respecto a las condiciones biofísicas del mundo para resaltar que condiciones están subprotegidas y en dónde se encuentran localizadas. Superpusimos las AP terrestres y marinas con la información sobre las condiciones biofísicas (p. ej.: temperatura, precipitación y elevación) y luego cuantificamos el porcentaje de área cubierta por la red de AP. Para el análisis de una variable a la vez, en el ambito terrestre, la alta temperatura, baja precipitación y las elevaciones media y muy alta estuvieron subrepresentadas. Para el ambito marino, la baja y media temperatura de la superficie marina (TSM), la media y alta salinidad de la superficie marina (SSM) y el mar profundo estuvieron subrepresentados. En general, la protección para la elevación en el ambito terrestre y para la TSM en el ambito marino se distribuyó uniformemente. Para el análisis de dos variables a la vez, los ambientes terrestres fríos y muy secos tuvieron en su mayoría una baja protección, lo que también ocurrió para la baia TSM y la baja y media SSM en casi todas las profundidades de los entornos marinos. La baja protección para el ambito terrestre estuvo presente en su mayoría en el Sahara y en la Península Arábiga, y en el ambito marino, a lo largo del Trópico de Cáncer y hacia los polos. Aunque las medidas de biodiversidad son de suma importancia para el diseño de las redes de AP, resaltar los vacíos de información biofísica en las actuales AP añade una perspectiva que con frecuencia se ignora. Estos vacíos pueden debilitar el potencial que tienen las AP para conservar la biodiversidad. Por lo tanto, nuestros resultados pueden proporcionar información útil para que investigadores, profesionales y tomadores de decisiones establezcan una red mundial de AP más completa.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Biodiversidade
Conserv Biol ; 35(6): 1787-1796, 2021 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34219272


A systematic understanding of dynamic animal extinction trajectories for different regions in a nation like China is critically important to developing practical conservation strategies. We explored historical and contemporary changes in terrestrial mammalian diversity to determine how diversity in each of the 5 regions in China has changed over time and to examine the conservation potential of these regions. We used records from databases on Pleistocene mammalian fossils and historical distribution records (1175-2020) for Primates (as a case study) to reconstruct evolutionary and historical distribution trajectories of the 11 orders of terrestrial mammals and to predict their prospective survival based on the national conservation strategy applied. The results indicated that since the Pleistocene, 4-5 mammalian orders have been lost in the northeast, 3 in central China, 2 along the coast, and 1 in the northwest. In the southwest, all 11 orders were maintained. Contemporarily, the coast and southwest had the highest and second-highest species densities. The southwest region and southeastern sections of the northwest region were the most historically and contemporarily diverse areas, which suggests that they should be the first priority for protected area (PA) designation. The central and coastal areas should be secondarily prioritized. In these 2 regions, conservation should focus on human coexistence with nature. Less attention should be paid to the PA in the northeast and western northwest because in these areas ecosystems are depauperate and the climate is harsh. Conservation in these areas should focus principally on avoiding further human encroachment on natural areas. Article impact statement: Historical and contemporary patterns of extinction can be a basis for mammalian conservation strategies.

Uso de la Distribución Histórica y Contemporánea de los Mamíferos en China para Orientar a la Conservación Resumen El entendimiento sistemático de las trayectorias de extinción dinámica de los animales para diferentes regiones en un país como en China es de importancia crítica para poder desarrollar estrategias de conservación prácticas. Exploramos los cambios históricos y contemporáneos en la diversidad de mamíferos terrestres para determinar cómo ha cambiado con el tiempo la diversidad en cada una de las cinco regiones de China y para examinar el potencial de conservación de aquellas regiones. Usamos registros tomados de bases de datos con información sobre los fósiles de mamíferos del Pleistoceno y registros de la distribución histórica (1175 - 2020) de los primates (como estudio de caso) para reconstruir las trayectorias de distribución históricas y contemporáneas de los once órdenes de mamíferos terrestres presentes en China. También utilizamos esta información para predecir la supervivencia potencial de estos órdenes con base en la estrategia nacional de conservación aplicada. Los resultados indicaron que, desde el Pleistoceno, entre cuatro y cinco órdenes de mamíferos se han perdido en el noreste de China, tres en la zona central, dos a lo largo de la costa y uno en el noroeste. En el suroeste del país se han mantenido los once órdenes. Actualmente, la costa y el suroeste tienen la primera y segunda densidad más alta de especies. La región del suroeste y las secciones al sureste de la región del noroeste son las áreas con la mayor diversidad histórica y contemporánea, lo que sugiere que deberían ser de primera prioridad para la designación de áreas protegidas (AP). Las áreas de la costa y el centro deberían ser las de segunda prioridad por la misma razón. En estas dos últimas regiones, la conservación debería enfocarse en la coexistencia entre los humanos y la naturaleza. Se les debería prestar una menor atención a las AP en el noreste y en la zona oeste del noroeste porque en estas áreas los ecosistemas son paupérrimos y el clima es hostil. La conservación en estas áreas debería enfocarse principalmente en evitar más invasiones humanas dentro de las áreas naturales.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Animais , Biodiversidade , China , Mamíferos , Estudos Prospectivos
Conserv Biol ; 35(4): 1186-1197, 2021 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33124717


For the first time in history, more people live in urban areas than in rural areas. This trend is likely to continue, driven largely by rural-to-urban migration. We investigated how rural-to-urban migration, urbanization, and generational change affect the consumption of wild animals. We used chelonian (tortoises and freshwater turtles), one of the most hunted taxa in the Amazon, as a model. We surveyed 1356 households and 2776 school children across 10 urban areas of the Brazilian Amazon (6 small towns, 3 large towns, and Manaus, the largest city in the Amazon Basin) with a randomized response technique and anonymous questionnaires. Urban demand for wild meat (i.e., meat from wild animals) was alarmingly high. Approximately 1.7 million turtles and tortoises were consumed in urban areas of Amazonas during 2018. Consumption rates declined as size of the urban area increased and were greater for adults than children. Furthermore, the longer rural-to-urban migrants lived in urban areas, the lower their consumption rates. These results suggest that wild meat consumption is a rural-related tradition that decreases as urbanization increases and over time after people move to urban areas. However, it is unclear whether the observed decline will be fast enough to conserve hunted species, or whether children's consumption rate will remain the same as they become adults. Thus, conservation actions in urban areas are still needed. Current conservation efforts in the Amazon do not address urban demand for wildlife and may be insufficient to ensure the survival of traded species in the face of urbanization and human population growth. Our results suggest that conservation interventions must target the urban demand for wildlife, especially by focusing on young people and recent rural to urban migrants. Article impact statement: Amazon urbanite consumption of wildlife is high but decreases with urbanization, over time for rural to urban migrants, and between generations. Impactos de la Migración del Campo a la Ciudad, la Urbanización y del Cambio Generacional sobre el Consumo de Animales Silvestres en el Amazonas.

Por primera vez en la historia, la población urbana es mayor que la rural. Es muy probable que esta tendencia continúe debido a la migración del campo a la ciudad. Investigamos el efecto de la migración del campo a la ciudad, la urbanización y el cambio generacional sobre el consumo de animales silvestres. Utilizamos como modelo a los quelonios (tortugas acuáticas y terrestres), uno de los taxa más cazados en el Amazonas. Aplicamos encuestas en 1,356 casas y a 2,776 niños en edad escolar en 10 áreas urbanas de la Amazonía brasileña (6 poblados pequeños, 3 poblados grandes y Manaos, la mayor ciudad en la Cuenca del Amazonas) mediante una técnica de respuesta aleatoria y cuestionarios anónimos. La demanda urbana de carne silvestre (i.e., carne de animales silvestres) fue alarmantemente alta. Aproximadamente 1.7 millones de tortugas acuáticas y terrestres fueron consumidas en áreas urbanas del Amazonas durante 2018. Las tasas de consumo declinaron a medida que incrementó la superficie urbana y fueron mayores en adultos que en niños. Más aun, entre más tiempo viviendo en áreas urbanas, las tasas de consumo fueron menores en los migrantes del campo a la ciudad. Estos resultados sugieren que el consumo de carne silvestre es una tradición rural que disminuye a medida que aumenta la urbanización y el tiempo desde que los habitantes se mueven a la ciudad. Sin embargo, no es claro si la declinación observada será lo suficientemente rápida para conservar a las especies cazadas, o si la tasa de consumo de los niños permanecerá igual cuando sean adultos. Por lo tanto, aun se requieren acciones de conservación en áreas urbanas. Los actuales esfuerzos de conservación en el Amazonas no abordan la demanda urbana de carne de monte y pueden ser insuficientes para asegurar la supervivencia de especies comercializadas ante la urbanización y el crecimiento de la población humana. Nuestros resultados sugieren que las intervenciones de conservación deben atender la demanda de fauna silvestre, con énfasis en los jóvenes y los migrantes recientes.

Animais Selvagens , Urbanização , Adolescente , Animais , Criança , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Países em Desenvolvimento , Humanos , Dinâmica Populacional , População Rural
Med Mycol ; 59(4): 355-365, 2021 Apr 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32640011


Arthroderma is the most diverse genus among dermatophytes encompassing species occurring in soil, caves, animal burrows, clinical material and other environments. In this study, we collected ex-type, reference and authentic strains of all currently accepted Arthroderma species and generated sequences of three highly variable loci (ITS rDNA, ß-tubulin, and translation elongation factor 1-α). The number of accepted species was expanded to 27. One novel species, A. melbournense (ex-type strain CCF 6162T = CBS 145858T), is described. This species was isolated from toenail dust collected by a podiatrist in Melbourne, during an epidemiological study of four geographical regions of Eastern Australia. Trichophyton terrestre, Chrysosporium magnisporum, and Chrysosporium oceanitis are transferred to Arthroderma. Typification is provided for T. terrestre that is not conspecific with any of the supposed biological species from the former T. terrestre complex, that is, A. insingulare, A. lenticulare and A. quadrifidum. A multi-gene phylogeny and reference sequences provided in this study should serve as a basis for future phylogenetic studies and facilitate species identification in practice. LAY ABSTRACT: The genus Arthroderma encompasses geophilic dermatophyte species that infrequently cause human and animal superficial infections. Reference sequences from three genetic loci were generated for all currently accepted Arthroderma species and phylogeny was constructed. Several taxonomic novelties are introduced. The newly provided data will facilitate species identification and future taxonomic studies.

Arthrodermataceae/classificação , Arthrodermataceae/genética , DNA Fúngico/genética , Genes Fúngicos/genética , Filogenia , Austrália , DNA Espaçador Ribossômico/genética , Humanos , Microsporum/classificação , Microsporum/genética , Fator 1 de Elongação de Peptídeos/genética , Trichophyton/classificação , Trichophyton/genética , Tubulina (Proteína)/genética
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 36(3): 976-991, 01-05-2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1147185


The objective of this study was to measure the impact on part of soil fauna of application of non-stabilized (fresh) manure from post-weaning pigs fed diets, formulated with or without the use of dual-purpose wheat (15% inclusion), and with or without the use of antimicrobial growth-promoting additives (100 mg kg-1 doxycycline + 50 mg kg-1 colistin + 250 mg kg-1 Zn oxide). Two species of edaphic organisms were evaluated, the springtails Folsomia candida and the earthworms Eisenia andrei, using ecotoxicological avoidance behavior tests. The treatments were swine manure from: RR: Reference Ration; WR: Wheat Reference; RA: Reference Ration + Antimicrobial Additives; WA: Wheat Reference + Antimicrobial Additives. The doses of waste used for treatments were as follows: 0 (control), 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 65 and 100 m³ ha-1 for the springtails, and 0 (control), 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 65 m³ ha-1 for the earthworms, applied in the Oxisol. The experimental design was completely randomized with four replicates. The use of non-stabilized swine manure did not affect the avoidance behavior of F. candida at any dose, regardless of the use of antimicrobial additives or wheat. For E. andrei, there was avoidance behavior at all treatments and doses used. These avoidance behaviors were related to the sensitivity of each species of soil organism. The avoidance behavior for earthworms was related to the doses of non-stabilized swine manure in soil and not to the various diets and/or the use of growth-promoting additives

O estudo foi realizado com objetivo de mensurar o impacto sobre parte da fauna do solo de aplicações de dejetos sem estabilização (frescos), provenientes de suínos na fase de creche arraçoados com diferentes dietas, formuladas com ou sem o uso do trigo de duplo propósito (15% de inclusão), e com ou sem o uso de aditivos antimicrobianos promotores de crescimento (100 mg kg-1 de doxiciclina + 50 mg kg-1de colistina + 250 mg kg-1 de óxido de Zn). Foram avaliadas duas espécies de organismos edáficos, colêmbolos Folsomia candida e minhocas Eisenia andrei, com o uso de ensaios ecotoxicológicos de comportamento de fuga. Os tratamentos foram dejetos de suínos provenientes de: RR: Ração Referência; WR: Trigo Referência; RA: Ração Referência + Aditivos Antimicrobianos; WA: Trigo Referência + Aditivos Antimicrobianos. As doses de dejetos utilizadas para os tratamentos foram: 0 (controle), 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 65 e 100 m³ ha-1 para os colêmbolos, e 0 (controle), 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 e 65 m³ ha-1 para as minhocas, aplicadas em Latossolo Vermelho distrófico. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado com quatro réplicas. A utilização de dejetos de suínos não estabilizados não afetou a fuga de F. candida em nenhuma das doses, independente do uso ou não de aditivos antimicrobianos ou de trigo. Já para E. andrei o comportamento foi inverso e houve fuga em todos os tratamentos e doses utilizados. Os comportamentos de fuga foram relacionados à sensibilidade de cada espécie de organismo edáfico. O comportamento de fuga para minhocas foi relacionado com as doses dos dejetos de suínos não estabilizados no solo e não às várias dietas e/ou ao uso dos aditivos promotores de crescimento

Suínos , Ecotoxicologia
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 50(6): 20180961, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1133256


ABSTRACT: The process of identifying a contaminated area involves a preliminary assessment consisting of chemical analysis and comparison with guideline values. In Brazil, these values are included in the CONAMA Resolution no. 420/2009, based on chemical analysis and phytotoxicity. The objective of this research was to evaluate the ecotoxicity of copper in two natural soils in the state of Rio de Janeiro, a Haplic Planosol (sandy) and a Red-Yellow Argisol (medium texture), to verify if the values established by the legislation offer protection to the soil fauna. Lethality and reproduction tests were performed with Eisenia andrei worms and Folsomia candida springtails. Results indicated copper values in Planosol as LC50 435 mg kg 1 and EC50 29 mg kg 1 for E. Andrei and LC10 137 mg kg 1 and EC50 117 mg kg 1 for F. candida. In Argisol, these results were LC50 690 mg kg 1 and EC50 61 mg kg 1 for E. andrei, and LC10 42 mg kg 1 and EC50 138 mg kg 1 for F. candida. Values reported are lower than the research value (200 mg kg-1) established by the CONAMA resolution 420/09, indicating that concentrations lower than the limit values may affect these organisms, depending on the type of soil. Worms were more sensitive than springtails to copper contamination, and sandy soil was more susceptible to ecotoxicity due to copper contamination, probably due to the greater bioavailability of the metal. Results of such ecotoxicity tests should be considered in the development of soil guideline values.

RESUMO: O processo de identificação de uma área contaminada envolve uma avaliação preliminar que consiste em análise química e comparação com valores orientadores. No Brasil, esses valores constam na Resolução CONAMA no 420/2009, baseados em análises químicas e fitotoxicidade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a ecotoxicidade do cobre em dois solos naturais do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, um Planossolo Háplico (arenoso) e um Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo (textura média), para verificar se os valores estabelecidos pela legislação oferecem proteção à fauna do solo. Foram realizados ensaios de letalidade e de reprodução com minhocas da espécie Eisenia andrei e com colêmbolos da espécie Folsomia candida. Os resultados indicaram no Planossolo valores de cobre para E. andrei de CL50 435 mg kg-1 e CE50 29 mg kg-1 e para F. candida CL10 137 mg kg-1 e EC50 117 mg kg-1. No Argissolo esse resultado foi para E. andrei CL50 690 mg kg-1 e CE50 61 mg kg-1, e para F. candida CL10 42 mg kg-1 e CE50 138 mg kg-1. Os valores encontrados são menores que o valor de investigação (200 mg kg-1) estabelecidos pela resolução 420/09 do CONAMA, indicando que concentrações menores do que os valores-limite podem afetar esses organismos, a depender do tipo de solo. As minhocas mostraram-se mais sensíveis que os colêmbolos à contaminação por cobre, e o solo arenoso mostrou-se mais suscetível a apresentar ecotoxicidade diante de uma contaminação por cobre, devida, provavelmente, à maior biodisponibilidade do metal. Os ensaios de ecotoxicidade devem ser considerados no desenvolvimento de valores orientadores para solos.

Rev. biol. trop ; 67(4)sept. 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507561


The densities of the land crab Cardisoma guanhumi has been declining due to overfishing, habitat degradation and loss, and continued capture in Natural Protected Areas (NPA). Numerous management strategies and regulations have been developed to monitor and reduce population declines. In Puerto Rico, an administrative order of 1999, regulates a closed season, prohibited the capture of crabs through the year from NPA's and below a minimum size for capture (64 mm). The goal of this research was to monitor spatial-temporal dynamics of crab captures after the implementation of the administrative order. Crabs captured in the Jobos Bay Estuary (JBE) were studied over a 15-year period. The size (carapace width) (CW), sex, and color were documented for 1 531 crabs from 31 crab hunters. Significant temporal difference in crab size was observed (Kruskal Wallis = 46.82, P < 6.187e-9), the smallest crabs were captured in 2004 and the largest crabs were captured in 2013. Crab size varied by color (Kruskal Wallis = 86.54, P < 2.2e-16), larger crabs were blue, medium sized crabs were brown and smallest crabs were orange. Since color is related to development stage and market value, color can be used as an educational and enforcement tool. There was significant spatial difference in the size of crabs captured (Kruskal Wallis = 252.54, P < 2.2 e-16), smaller crabs were captured in smaller hunting areas. Only three percent of crabs captured from 2009 to 2018 were below the legal-size limit. Temperature had a weak significant positive relationship with crab size and in years when rainfall was lower smaller crabs were captured. Increases in crab size from 2004 to 2013 coincided with mangrove recovery and the current decrease of crab size coincides with droughts of 2015. Management plans in the Caribbean must include local actions to reduce hunting and climate variability impacts on crab habitat and food availability.

Las densidades del cangrejo terrestre Cardisoma guanhumi ha disminuido debido a la sobrepesca, la degradación y pérdida de hábitat y la captura continua en áreas naturales protegidas (ANP). Se han desarrollado numerosas estrategias y regulaciones de gestión para monitorear y reducir el declive de la población. En Puerto Rico, una orden administrativa de 1999 regula una temporada cerrada, prohibió la captura de cangrejos durante todo el año en las ANP y por debajo de un tamaño mínimo para la captura (64 mm). El objetivo de esta investigación fue monitorear la dinámica espacio-temporal de las capturas de cangrejo después de la implementación de la orden administrativa. Los cangrejos capturados en el estuario de la Bahía de Jobos (JBE) se estudiaron durante un período de 15 años. El tamaño (ancho del caparazón) (CW), el sexo y el color se documentaron para 1 531 cangrejos de 31 cazadores de cangrejos. Se observó una diferencia temporal significativa en el tamaño del cangrejo (Kruskal Wallis = 46.82, P < 6.187e-9), los cangrejos más pequeños se capturaron en 2004 y los cangrejos más grandes en 2013. El tamaño del cangrejo varió según el color (Kruskal Wallis = 86.54, P < 2.2e-16), los cangrejos más grandes eran azules, los cangrejos medianos eran marrones y los cangrejos más pequeños eran anaranjados. Dado que el color está relacionado con la etapa de desarrollo y el valor de mercado, el color se puede utilizar como herramienta educativa y de cumplimiento. Hubo una diferencia espacial en el tamaño de los cangrejos capturados (Kruskal Wallis = 252.54, P < 2.2e-16), se capturaron cangrejos más pequeños en áreas de caza pequeñas. Solo el tres por ciento de los cangrejos capturados de 2009 a 2018 estaban por debajo del límite de tamaño legal. La temperatura tuvo una relación positiva significativa con el tamaño del cangrejo, cuando la lluvia fue menor, se capturaron cangrejos pequeños. Los aumentos en el tamaño de los cangrejos de 2004 a 2013 coincidieron con la recuperación de los manglares y la disminución actual del tamaño de los cangrejos coincide con las sequías de 2015. Los planes de manejo en el Caribe deben incluir acciones locales para reducir la caza y los impactos de la variabilidad del clima en el hábitat del cangrejo y la disponibilidad de alimentos.

ACM arq. catarin. med ; 48(1): 144-154, jan.-mar. 2019.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1023426


Os Acidentes de Transporte Terrestre (ATT) têm significativo impacto na sociedade. Suas consequências implicam em número elevado de internações hospitalares, gastos em saúde pública e perda da produtividade. Analisar a tendência temporal de internações por ATT em Santa Catarina, no período entre 2008 a 2016. Trata-se de um estudo ecológico de séries temporais, com dados de 61.412 mil internações por ATT, em população residente em Santa Catarina, segundo sexo e faixa etária. Foram analisados os registros referentes às internações por ATT segundo ano, sendo esta a variável independente (2008 a 2016) e as variáveis dependentes, a taxa geral, a taxa de internação segundo sexo e faixa etária. Para a análise da tendência temporal pelo método de regressão linear simples foram utilizadas as taxas de internação.A taxa geral de internação por ATT aumentou em 91,01%, passando de 65,99 (2008) para 126,03/100.000 habitantes (2016). O aumento foi mais elevado no sexo masculino (94,25%), com tendência linear crescente, passando de 50,59 (2008) para 98,26/100.000 habitantes (2016). Entre as mulheres o aumento no período foi de 80,44%. A maior incidência de internações ocorreu na faixa etária dos 20 aos 39 anos (89.54%), seguida da faixa entre 40 a 59 anos, com 128.41%. Pode-se concluir que a tendência das internações por ATT no Estado de Santa Catarina foi crescente entre 2008 e 2016, em maiores proporções no sexo masculino e na faixa etária 20-39 anos.

Road traffic accidents (RTA) have a significant impact on society. Its consequences imply high numbers of hospital admissions, public health expenditures, and lost productivity. To analyze the temporal tendency of hospitalizations by RTA in Santa Catarina, between 2008 and 2016. This is an ecological time-trend study, with data of 61,412 thousand hospitalizations per RTA in a resident population in Santa Catarina, according to gender and age group. The records referring to hospitalizations for RTA according to year were analyzed, being this the independent variable (2008 to 2016) and the dependent variables were the general rate, the hospitalization rate according to sex and age group. For the time trend analysis through simple linear regression method, hospitalization rates were used. The general rate RTA increased by 91.01%, from 65.99 (2008) to 126.03 / 100,000 (2016). The increase was higher in males (94.25%), with a linear trend increasing, from 50.59 (2008) to 98.26 / 100.000 inhabitants (2016). Among women, the increase in the period was 80.44%. The highest incidence of hospitalizations occurred in the age group 20 to 39 years (89.54%), followed by the age range of 40 to 59 years, with 128.41%. It can be concluded that the tendency of hospitalizations for RTA in the State of Santa Catarina was increasing between 2008 and 2016, in greater proportions in males and in the age group 20-39 years.

Braz. j. biol ; 79(1): 38-44, Jan.-Mar 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-983998


Abstract This work aimed to assessing Strongyluris sp. cysts distribution pattern in the several inner organs from pallial system of Achatina fulica Bowdich, 1822. Also we verified if there is a relationship between the mollusk size and the number of specimens from parasites collected from two touristic villages in Ilha Grande (Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro state): Vila Dois Rios (VDR) and Vila do Abraão (ABR). The samples were obtained through a field work conducted bimonthly during 2007, 2008, 2010, and 2011, at both locations. Height and width were measured from shells collected, and the all specimens were classified in different classes: class 1 - <4.0 cm, class 2 - 4.1-9.0 cm and class 3 - < 9.0 cm. After the specimens were dissected in order to find and count the number cysts in the pallial system. In specimens from both locations, the pulmonary and secondary veins showed a high number of cysts. No significance difference was found both in the abundance of cysts among the specimens in ABR (p=0.138) and VDR (p=0.181). Achatina fulica showed different intensities of cyst infection based on the size classes: the class-3 specimens, at both locations, showed the greatest cyst average (ABR Anova F= 3.8; p=0.02); (VDR T of Student T= -2.04; p=0.04). The results suggested that the highest number of cysts in the vascularized area in pallial system of A. fulica was a consequence of a greater hemolymph circulation in that area, delivering more nutrients for larvae development. We think that bigger individuals host a higher number of cysts, as they usually present a larger biomass and a larger area of the pallial system, allowing an efficient parasite colonization. Other possible explanation could be the long exposure of the molluscs of class 3 to the parasites, which allowed a longer time to the larvae to allocate themselves.

Resumo O objetivo do estudo foi analisar o padrão de distribuição dos cistos de Strongyluris sp. nos diversos órgãos do complexo pallial de Achatina fulica Bowdich, 1822 e verificar se existe relação entre o tamanho do molusco e o número de parasitos em espécimes procedentes de dois vilarejos da Ilha Grande, Vila Dois Rios (VDR) e Vila do Abraão (ABR), município de Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro. As coletas foram realizadas bimestralmente nos anos de 2007, 2008, 2010 e 2011 nas duas localidades. A altura e largura das conchas foram medidas, os espécimes classificados em classe 1 - <4,0 cm; classe 2 - 4,1-9,0 cm e classe 3 - < 9,0 cm e posteriormente dissecados sob estereomicroscópio para a busca e contagem dos cistos no complexo pallial. Em ambas localidades, VDR e ABR, as veias pulmonares e secundárias apresentaram predominância de alocação dos cistos. Não foi encontrada diferença na abundância de cistos entre os espécimes de ABR (p=0,138) e VDR (p=0,181). Achatina fulica apresentou intensidades diferentes de infecção de acordo com as classes de tamanho: os espécimes pertencentes a classe 3, nas duas localidades, apresentaram a maior média de cistos visíveis (ABR Anova F= 3,8; p=0,02); (VDR T de Student T= -2,04; p=0,04). Os resultados sugerem que o maior número de cistos na região vascularizada de A. fulica foi decorrente do maior aporte de hemolinfa nesta área, proporcionando mais nutrientes para o desenvolvimento das larvas. Acreditamos que indivíduos maiores albergam um elevado número de cistos, pois, geralmente, apresentam maior biomassa e maior área da cavidade pallial, possibilitando uma eficiente colonização dos parasitos, outra causa pode ser explicada pelo maior tempo de exposição dos moluscos da classe 3 aos parasitas, que possibilitou um período maior para as larvas se alocarem.

Animais , Caramujos/parasitologia , Ascaridídios/fisiologia , Interações Hospedeiro-Parasita , Brasil , Spirurina/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Spirurina/fisiologia , Ascaridídios/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Espécies Introduzidas , Larva/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Larva/fisiologia
Stud Mycol ; 92: 227-286, 2019 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30518989


The family Plectosphaerellaceae (Glomerellales, Sordariomycetes) includes numerous plant pathogenic genera and soil-borne fungal species. Ten genera are currently accepted, including several taxa that occupy an unresolved position within the family. To address this issue, a multilocus sequence analysis was carried out using partial gene sequences from the 28S large subunit nrRNA gene (LSU), the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of the nrDNA region, including the 5.8S nrRNA gene, the translation elongation factor 1-alpha (TEF1-α), tryptophan synthase (TS), actin (ACT) and the RNA polymerase II second largest subunit (RPB2), based on a large set of isolates mainly from the CBS collection. Results of the molecular data combined with a detailed morphological study resolved 22 genera in the family, of which 12 are newly described. Additionally, 15 new species and 10 new combinations are proposed. An epitype and neotype are also introduced for Stachylidium bicolor and Plectosphaerella cucumerina, respectively.

Biochem Cell Biol ; 97(2): 148-157, 2019 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30253108


Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (G3PDH) bridges carbohydrate and lipid metabolism by interconverting glycerol-3-phosphate (G3P) and dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP). This reversible reaction converts G3P derived from triglyceride hydrolysis to DHAP that can then enter glycolysis or gluconeogenesis and, in the reverse reaction, makes G3P for use in triglyceride biosynthesis. Small hibernating mammals rely almost exclusively on triglyceride reserves as their fuel for energy production during torpor and the recovery of glycerol after lipolysis is an important source of carbohydrate over the nonfeeding winter months. G3PDH (∼37 kDa) was purified from skeletal muscle of euthermic and hibernating Richardson's ground squirrels (Urocitellus richardsonii) using three column chromatography steps. Analysis of enzyme kinetic properties revealed that G3PDH from hibernator muscle had higher affinities for G3P and NAD at low (5 °C) assay temperature compared with high (21 or 37 °C) and a greater stability in the presence of denaturing agents (urea, guanidine hydrochloride) or high temperature (50 °C). Immunoblotting showed that hibernator muscle G3PDH had a higher phosphoserine content than the enzyme from euthermic controls and incubation studies showed that enzyme affinity for G3P changed significantly by stimulating endogenous protein kinases or phosphatases. Overall, this study suggests that the properties of ground squirrel muscle G3PDH are modulated by temperature and post-translational phosphorylation to alter enzyme function under euthermic versus hibernating states.

Temperatura Baixa , Glicerolfosfato Desidrogenase/metabolismo , Hibernação/fisiologia , Temperatura Alta , Músculo Esquelético/metabolismo , Sciuridae/metabolismo , Animais , Fosforilação/fisiologia
Genome ; 61(8): 615-624, 2018 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29916730


Compared to traditional morphological identification, DNA barcoding-molecular identification based on sequencing of a segment of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI)-provides a shortcut to authenticating chelonian identifications. Here, we selected 63 government-seized chelonian specimens deposited at Taipei Zoo for DNA barcoding analysis. DNA barcoding and subsequent phylogenetic analysis successfully authenticated 36 chelonian species, including five that are listed in CITES Appendix I. Approximately 90% (57/63) of the specimens were successfully authenticated by our molecular approach, but lack or error of BOLD reference sequences, biological processes such as hybridization, and uncertain species delimitation all reduced the accuracy of DNA barcoding. To increase the accuracy of DNA barcoding, Taipei Zoo will continue to enrich the BOLD database and also establish a genetic database, to include additional genetic markers, by using government-seized chelonian specimens. A fast and accurate method to authenticate seized samples could assist law enforcement agencies to prosecute criminals and restrict illegal exploitation of wild chelonian resources.

Código de Barras de DNA Taxonômico , Complexo IV da Cadeia de Transporte de Elétrons/genética , Mitocôndrias/genética , Tartarugas/genética , Animais , Marcadores Genéticos , Governo , Filogenia , Especificidade da Espécie , Taiwan , Tartarugas/classificação
Ann Cardiol Angeiol (Paris) ; 66(3): 140-148, 2017 Jun.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28576282


The antihypertensive potential of a land snail by-product hydrolysate, obtained after an agri-food processing of the raw material, was studied in vitro and in vivo. First, the ACE inhibitory activity of hydrolysates obtained before and after an ultrafiltration step with a 10kDa membrane cutoff was assayed. The IC50 obtained were of 98.3µg·mL-1 and 23µg·mL-1, respectively, showing a 4.2 fold increase in ACE inhibitory capacity after the ultrafiltration step. Then, ACE inhibitory capacity of the hydrolysate was followed. No significant modification of the ACE inhibition rate was observed during an in vitro simulated human gastro-intestinal digestion. Moreover, the hydrolysate was not only safe for human intestinal cells but besides that it stimulated their metabolic activity. No toxicity of the hydrolysate was observed in vivo in Wistar rats regarding to the results of the acute toxicity study. The partial purification of the hydrolysate led to the obtention of an active fraction characterized by an IC50 of 0.007µg·mL-1. The sequences of the 17 most abundant peptides of the fraction were identified by LC/MS/MS analysis. Seven of these peptides (YG, YA, VY, FG/GF, DF, SF and VW) are known ACE inhibitory peptides. Finally, in vivo study on SHR rats showed that the hydrolysate reduced systolic blood pressure by 20mmHg after a single oral administration at both doses of 400 and 800mg·kg-1.

Inibidores da Enzima Conversora de Angiotensina/farmacologia , Anti-Hipertensivos/farmacologia , Pressão Sanguínea/efeitos dos fármacos , Hidrolisados de Proteína/farmacologia , Animais , Humanos , Concentração Inibidora 50 , Ratos Endogâmicos SHR , Caramujos
Conserv Biol ; 31(5): 1163-1172, 2017 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27859602


The intentional and unintentional movement of plants and animals by humans has transformed ecosystems and landscapes globally. Assessing when and how a species was introduced are central to managing these transformed landscapes, particularly in island environments. In the Gulf of Alaska, there is considerable interest in the history of mammal introductions and rehabilitating Gulf of Alaska island environments by eradicating mammals classified as invasive species. The Arctic ground squirrel (Urocitellus parryii) is of concern because it affects vegetation and seabirds on Gulf of Alaska islands. This animal is assumed to have been introduced by historic settlers; however, ground squirrel remains in the prehistoric archaeological record of Chirikof Island, Alaska, challenge this timeline and suggest they colonized the islands long ago. We used 3 lines of evidence to address this problem: direct radiocarbon dating of archaeological squirrel remains; evidence of prehistoric human use of squirrels; and ancient DNA analysis of dated squirrel remains. Chirikof squirrels dated to at least 2000 years ago, and cut marks on squirrel bones suggested prehistoric use by people. Ancient squirrels also shared a mitochondrial haplotype with modern Chirikof squirrels. These results suggest that squirrels have been on Chirikof longer than previously assumed and that the current population of squirrels is closely related to the ancient population. Thus, it appears ground squirrels are not a recent, human-mediated introduction and may have colonized the island via a natural dispersal event or an ancient human translocation.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , DNA Antigo , Espécies Introduzidas , Sciuridae , Alaska , Animais , Arqueologia , Humanos , Ilhas
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1467162


Abstract This work aimed to assessing Strongyluris sp. cysts distribution pattern in the several inner organs from pallial system of Achatina fulica Bowdich, 1822. Also we verified if there is a relationship between the mollusk size and the number of specimens from parasites collected from two touristic villages in Ilha Grande (Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro state): Vila Dois Rios (VDR) and Vila do Abraão (ABR). The samples were obtained through a field work conducted bimonthly during 2007, 2008, 2010, and 2011, at both locations. Height and width were measured from shells collected, and the all specimens were classified in different classes: class 1 - 4.0 cm, class 2 - 4.1-9.0 cm and class 3 - 9.0 cm. After the specimens were dissected in order to find and count the number cysts in the pallial system. In specimens from both locations, the pulmonary and secondary veins showed a high number of cysts. No significance difference was found both in the abundance of cysts among the specimens in ABR (p=0.138) and VDR (p=0.181). Achatina fulica showed different intensities of cyst infection based on the size classes: the class-3 specimens, at both locations, showed the greatest cyst average (ABR Anova F= 3.8; p=0.02); (VDR T of Student T= -2.04; p=0.04). The results suggested that the highest number of cysts in the vascularized area in pallial system of A. fulica was a consequence of a greater hemolymph circulation in that area, delivering more nutrients for larvae development. We think that bigger individuals host a higher number of cysts, as they usually present a larger biomass and a larger area of the pallial system, allowing an efficient parasite colonization. Other possible explanation could be the long exposure of the molluscs of class 3 to the parasites, which allowed a longer time to the larvae to allocate themselves.

Resumo O objetivo do estudo foi analisar o padrão de distribuição dos cistos de Strongyluris sp. nos diversos órgãos do complexo pallial de Achatina fulica Bowdich, 1822 e verificar se existe relação entre o tamanho do molusco e o número de parasitos em espécimes procedentes de dois vilarejos da Ilha Grande, Vila Dois Rios (VDR) e Vila do Abraão (ABR), município de Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro. As coletas foram realizadas bimestralmente nos anos de 2007, 2008, 2010 e 2011 nas duas localidades. A altura e largura das conchas foram medidas, os espécimes classificados em classe 1 - 4,0 cm; classe 2 - 4,1-9,0 cm e classe 3 - 9,0 cm e posteriormente dissecados sob estereomicroscópio para a busca e contagem dos cistos no complexo pallial. Em ambas localidades, VDR e ABR, as veias pulmonares e secundárias apresentaram predominância de alocação dos cistos. Não foi encontrada diferença na abundância de cistos entre os espécimes de ABR (p=0,138) e VDR (p=0,181). Achatina fulica apresentou intensidades diferentes de infecção de acordo com as classes de tamanho: os espécimes pertencentes a classe 3, nas duas localidades, apresentaram a maior média de cistos visíveis (ABR Anova F= 3,8; p=0,02); (VDR T de Student T= -2,04; p=0,04). Os resultados sugerem que o maior número de cistos na região vascularizada de A. fulica foi decorrente do maior aporte de hemolinfa nesta área, proporcionando mais nutrientes para o desenvolvimento das larvas. Acreditamos que indivíduos maiores albergam um elevado número de cistos, pois, geralmente, apresentam maior biomassa e maior área da cavidade pallial, possibilitando uma eficiente colonização dos parasitos, outra causa pode ser explicada pelo maior tempo de exposição dos moluscos da classe 3 aos parasitas, que possibilitou um período maior para as larvas se alocarem.

J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 92(3): 276-282, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-785072


Abstract Objective: To evaluate the differences in hospital survival between modes of transport to a tertiary center in Colombia for critically ill neonates. Methods: Observational study of seriously ill neonates transported via air or ground, who required medical care at a center providing highly complex services. Data on sociodemographic, clinical, the Transport Risk Index of Physiologic Stability (TRIPS), and mode of transport were collected. Patients were described, followed by a bivariate analysis with condition (live or dead) at time of discharge as the dependent variable. A multiple Poisson regression with robust variance model was used to adjust associations. Results: A total of 176 neonates were transported by ambulance (10.22% by air) over six months. The transport distances were longer by air (median: 237.5 km) than by ground (median: 11.3 km). Mortality was higher among neonates transported by air (33.33%) than by ground (7.79%). No differences in survival were found between the two groups when adjusted by the multiple model. An interaction between mode of transport and distance was observed. Live hospital discharge was found to be associated with clinical severity upon admittance, birth weight, hemorrhaging during the third trimester, and serum potassium levels when admitted. Conclusions: Mode of transport was not associated with the outcome. In Colombia, access to medical services through air transport is a good option for neonates in critical condition. Further studies would determine the optimum distance (time of transportation) to obtain good clinical outcomes according type of ambulance.

Resumo Objetivo: Avaliar as diferenças na sobrevida hospitalar entre os modos de transporte para um centro terciário na Colômbia para neonatos gravemente doentes. Métodos: Estudo observacional de neonatos gravemente doentes transportados por ar ou terra que precisam de cuidados médicos em um centro que oferece serviços altamente complexos. Foram coletados dados sociodemográficos, clínicos, sobre o Índice de Risco da Estabilidade Fisiológica no Transporte (TRIPS) e o meio de transporte. Os pacientes foram descritos e submetidos a uma análise bivariada e a variável dependente foi a condição (vivo ou morto) no momento da alta. Uma regressão múltipla de Poisson com modelo de variância robusta foi usada para ajustar as associações. Resultados: Foram transportados 176 neonatos por ambulância (10,22% pelo ar) ao longo de seis meses. As distâncias foram maiores pelo ar (mediana: 237,5 km) do que por terra (mediana: 11,3 km). A mortalidade foi mais alta entre neonatos transportados pelo ar (33,33%) do que por terra (7,79%). Não foram encontradas diferenças na sobrevida entre os dois grupos após o ajuste com o modelo múltiplo. Foi observada uma interação entre o meio de transporte e a distância. A alta hospitalar com vida foi associada à gravidade clínica na internação, ao peso ao nascer, à hemorragia durante o terceiro trimestre e aos níveis de potássio sérico na internação. Conclusões: O meio de transporte não foi associado ao resultado. Na Colômbia, o acesso a serviços médicos por transporte aéreo é uma boa opção para neonatos em condições críticas. Estudos adicionais determinariam a distância ideal (tempo de transporte) para obter bons resultados clínicos de acordo com o tipo de ambulância.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Recém-Nascido , Transporte de Pacientes/métodos , Estado Terminal/mortalidade , Doenças do Recém-Nascido/mortalidade , Fatores de Risco , Ambulâncias , Idade Gestacional , Mortalidade Hospitalar , Colômbia/epidemiologia , Resgate Aéreo
J Pediatr (Rio J) ; 92(3): 276-82, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26946965


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the differences in hospital survival between modes of transport to a tertiary center in Colombia for critically ill neonates. METHODS: Observational study of seriously ill neonates transported via air or ground, who required medical care at a center providing highly complex services. Data on sociodemographic, clinical, the Transport Risk Index of Physiologic Stability (TRIPS), and mode of transport were collected. Patients were described, followed by a bivariate analysis with condition (live or dead) at time of discharge as the dependent variable. A multiple Poisson regression with robust variance model was used to adjust associations. RESULTS: A total of 176 neonates were transported by ambulance (10.22% by air) over six months. The transport distances were longer by air (median: 237.5km) than by ground (median: 11.3km). Mortality was higher among neonates transported by air (33.33%) than by ground (7.79%). No differences in survival were found between the two groups when adjusted by the multiple model. An interaction between mode of transport and distance was observed. Live hospital discharge was found to be associated with clinical severity upon admittance, birth weight, hemorrhaging during the third trimester, and serum potassium levels when admitted. CONCLUSIONS: Mode of transport was not associated with the outcome. In Colombia, access to medical services through air transport is a good option for neonates in critical condition. Further studies would determine the optimum distance (time of transportation) to obtain good clinical outcomes according type of ambulance.

Estado Terminal/mortalidade , Doenças do Recém-Nascido/mortalidade , Transporte de Pacientes/métodos , Resgate Aéreo , Ambulâncias , Colômbia/epidemiologia , Feminino , Idade Gestacional , Mortalidade Hospitalar , Humanos , Recém-Nascido , Masculino , Fatores de Risco
Rev. biol. trop ; 64(1): 55-68, ene.-mar. 2016. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-843260


Abstract Very little is known about the ecology and biology of Drymaeus tripictus, an extremely rare and endemic land snail species from Costa Rican highlands. I studied the ecology and reproductive biology of D. tripictus from April 2009 through June 2010 in an old forest, a young forest and a Cupressuslusitanica plantation in central Costa Rica. Every three months I visited each habitat and collected specimens in 20 random sampling plots (3x3 m2 each). I observed the snail's activity and microhabitat preference in the field, and in the laboratory I recorded high definition videos of its mating behavior and analyzed reproductive morphology with light microscopy. The snail is more abundant in the old forest (0.017 ind./m2) and prefers leaves with little epiphyllous cover (0-25 % cover, chi-square test, p <0.0001). During the dry season the snails become active between 20:00 pm and 8:00 am (chi-square = 22.65, df=3, p < 0.0001); they are inactive mainly during the afternoon (11:00 am to 16:59 pm). I found active individuals mostly on the upper side of leaves, where they feed (Chi-square =6.76, df=1, p = 0.0093). Mating is unilateral, by shell mounting, with cryptic phallus intromission and without role switching or multiple mating. Its reproductive system is morphologically similar to that of Drymaeus costaricensis. Mating behavior is as expected for snails with high-spired shells, except for the lack of role switching. The density of D. tripictus is low even when compared with other endangered bulimulids. Rev. Biol. Trop. 64 (1): 55-68. Epub 2016 March 01.

ResumenSe conoce muy poco sobre la ecología y biología del caracol terrestre Drymaeus tripictus. Se trata de una especie extremadamente escasa y endémica de las zonas altas de Costa Rica. Estudié la ecología y biología reproductiva de D. tripictus de abril 2009 a junio 2010 en un bosque maduro, un bosque jóven y una plantación de Cupressus lusitanica en Costa Rica. Cada tres meses visité esos hábitats y recolecté especímenes en 20 puntos de muestreo (cada uno de 3x3 m2). Estudié actividad y preferencias de hábitat en la naturaleza. En el laboratorio grabé en alta definición el comportamiento de apareamiento y analicé la morfología reproductiva con un microscopio estereoscópico de luz. El caracol es mas abundante en el bosque maduro (0.017 ind/m2) y prefiere hojas con poca cobertura de epífilos (25% o menos de cobertura, chicuadrado, p < 0.0001). En la época seca, se activan entre las 8:00 pm y las 8:00 am principalmente (chi-cuadrado = 22.65, p <0.0001). En la tarde se inactivan (11:00 am to 16:59 pm). Los individuos activos se encuentran principalmente en el haz de las hojas (Chi-square =6.76, df =1, p = 0.0093), que es donde se alimentan. El apareamiento es unilateral por "montaje de concha", no hacen cambio de roles sexuales y la intromisión fálica es críptica. Su sistema reproductivo es morfológicamente similar al de Drymaeus costarricensis. El comportamiento de apareamiento es como se espera de un caracol de concha con espira alta, excepto por la ausencia de cambio de roles. La densidad de D. tripictus es mas baja que la de otros bulimulidos considerados en peligro.

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Comportamento Sexual Animal/fisiologia , Caramujos/fisiologia , Reprodução/fisiologia , Caramujos/classificação , Clima Tropical , Costa Rica
Acta sci., Health sci ; 38(1): 19-22, jan.-jun. 2016. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-831599


This study aimed to measure irreversible DNA damage in the offspring of rats exposed to contaminated soil. Bone marrow cells were removed from the femurs of the offspring of rats that were exposed to contaminated soil via gavage during three different periods: 21 days prior to detection of pregnancy, during pregnancy and 21 days after birth, during the lactation period. For each group, we also had a control group under the same experimental conditions but exposed to uncontaminated soil. The results showed that pups borne of rats exposed to contaminated soil had an increase in the number of micronuclei in the different exposure groups compared with their respective control groups. This suggests a potential risk of mutagenic damage to the offspring of pregnant women who live at the sampling site.

Este estudo objetivou medir os danos irreversíveis de DNA na prole de ratas expostas a um solo contaminado, através do teste do micronúcleo. O mesmo foi realizado na medula óssea retirada do fêmur de filhotes de ratas expostas, via gavagem, em três diferentes períodos, ratas expostas durante 21 dias antes da detecção da prenhez, durante a prenhez e 21 dias após o nascimento, durante o período de aleitamento. Para cada grupo foi utilizado um grupo controle, mantido nas mesmas condições experimentais e expostos a um solo não contaminado. Os resultados obtidos nos filhotes expostos ao solo contaminado mostraram um aumento no número de micronúcleos nos três diferentes grupos expostos quando comparados aos seus respectivos grupos controle. Assim, os dados sugerem um potencial risco de dano mutagênico aos descendentes das gestantes residentes no local de amostragem.

Ratos , Reprodução , Poluição Ambiental , Testes para Micronúcleos